mirror of
synced 2023-12-21 10:22:59 +01:00
Merge pull request #1971 from LukashonakV/YearCalendar
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,17 @@ namespace waybar::modules {
const std::string kCalendarPlaceholder = "calendar";
const std::string KTimezonedTimeListPlaceholder = "timezoned_time_list";
enum class WeeksSide {
enum class CldMode {
class Clock : public ALabel {
Clock(const std::string&, const Json::Value&);
@ -17,25 +28,37 @@ class Clock : public ALabel {
util::SleeperThread thread_;
std::map<std::pair<uint, GdkEventType>, void (waybar::modules::Clock::*)()> eventMap_;
std::locale locale_;
std::vector<const date::time_zone*> time_zones_;
int current_time_zone_idx_;
date::year_month_day calendar_cached_ymd_{date::January / 1 / 0};
date::months calendar_shift_{0}, calendar_shift_init_{0};
std::string calendar_cached_text_;
bool is_calendar_in_tooltip_;
bool is_timezoned_list_in_tooltip_;
bool handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e);
bool handleToggle(GdkEventButton* const& e);
std::string fmt_str_weeks_;
std::string fmt_str_calendar_;
int fmt_weeks_left_pad_{0};
auto calendar_text(const date::zoned_seconds& ztime) -> std::string;
auto weekdays_header(const date::weekday& first_dow, std::ostream& os) -> void;
auto first_day_of_week() -> date::weekday;
const date::time_zone* current_timezone();
bool is_timezone_fixed();
auto timezones_text(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point* now) -> std::string;
/*Calendar properties*/
WeeksSide cldWPos_{WeeksSide::HIDDEN};
std::map<int, std::string const> fmtMap_;
CldMode cldMode_{CldMode::MONTH};
uint cldMonCols_{3}; // Count of the month in the row
int cldMonColLen_{20}; // Length of the month column
int cldWnLen_{2}; // Length of the week number
date::year_month_day cldYearShift_;
date::year_month cldMonShift_;
date::months cldCurrShift_{0};
date::months cldShift_{0};
std::string cldYearCached_{};
std::string cldMonCached_{};
/*Calendar functions*/
auto get_calendar(const date::zoned_seconds& now,
const date::zoned_seconds& wtime) -> std::string;
void cldModeSwitch();
} // namespace waybar::modules
@ -53,39 +53,98 @@ waybar::modules::Clock::Clock(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
// Calendar configuration
if (is_calendar_in_tooltip_) {
if (config_["on-scroll"][kCalendarPlaceholder].isInt()) {
calendar_shift_init_ =
date::months{config_["on-scroll"].get(kCalendarPlaceholder, 0).asInt()};
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].isString()) {
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].asString() == "left") {
cldWPos_ = WeeksSide::LEFT;
} else if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].asString() == "right") {
cldWPos_ = WeeksSide::RIGHT;
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["months"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({0, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["months"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({0, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["days"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({2, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["days"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({2, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weeks"].isString()) {
{4, std::regex_replace(config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weeks"].asString(),
(first_day_of_week() == date::Monday) ? "{:%W}" : "{:%U}")});
if (cldWPos_ == WeeksSide::HIDDEN)
cldWnLen_ = 0;
else {
// tmp contains full length of the weeks including user characters
Glib::ustring tmp{std::regex_replace(fmtMap_[4], std::regex("</?[^>]+>|\\{.*\\}"), "")};
cldWnLen_ += (tmp.size() + 1);
cldMonColLen_ += cldWnLen_;
} else {
if (cldWPos_ != WeeksSide::HIDDEN)
fmtMap_.insert({4, (first_day_of_week() == date::Monday) ? "{:%W}" : "{:%U}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weekdays"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({1, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weekdays"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({1, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["today"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({3, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["today"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({3, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode"].isString()) {
const std::string cfgMode{(config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode"].isString())
? config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode"].asString()
: "month"};
const std::map<std::string, const CldMode&> monthModes{{"month", CldMode::MONTH},
{"year", CldMode::YEAR}};
if (monthModes.find(cfgMode) != monthModes.end())
cldMode_ = monthModes.at(cfgMode);
"Clock calendar configuration \"mode\"\"\" \"{0}\" is not recognized. Mode = \"month\" "
"is using instead",
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode-mon-col"].isInt()) {
cldMonCols_ = config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode-mon-col"].asInt();
if (cldMonCols_ == 0u || 12 % cldMonCols_ != 0u) {
cldMonCols_ = 3u;
"Clock calendar configuration \"mode-mon-col\" = {0} must be one of [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, "
"12]. Value 3 is using instead",
} else
cldMonCols_ = 1;
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-scroll"].isInt()) {
cldShift_ = date::months{config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-scroll"].asInt()};
event_box_.signal_leave_notify_event().connect([this](GdkEventCrossing*) {
calendar_shift_ = date::months{0};
cldCurrShift_ = date::months{0};
return false;
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-left"].isString()) {
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-left"].asString() == "mode")
eventMap_.insert({std::make_pair(1, GdkEventType::GDK_BUTTON_PRESS),
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-right"].isString()) {
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-right"].asString() == "mode")
eventMap_.insert({std::make_pair(3, GdkEventType::GDK_BUTTON_PRESS),
if (config_["locale"].isString()) {
if (config_["locale"].isString())
locale_ = std::locale(config_["locale"].asString());
} else {
locale_ = std::locale("");
if (config_["format-calendar-weeks"].isString()) {
fmt_str_weeks_ =
std::regex_replace(config_["format-calendar-weeks"].asString(), std::regex("\\{\\}"),
(first_day_of_week() == date::Monday) ? "{:%V}" : "{:%U}");
fmt_weeks_left_pad_ =
std::regex_replace(fmt_str_weeks_, std::regex("</?[^>]+>|\\{.*\\}"), "").length();
} else {
fmt_str_weeks_ = "";
if (config_["format-calendar"].isString()) {
fmt_str_calendar_ = config_["format-calendar"].asString();
} else {
fmt_str_calendar_ = "{}";
thread_ = [this] {
@ -111,11 +170,11 @@ auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void {
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto ztime = date::zoned_time{time_zone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(now)};
auto shifted_date = date::year_month_day{date::floor<date::days>(now)} + calendar_shift_;
auto shifted_date = date::year_month_day{date::floor<date::days>(now)} + cldCurrShift_;
auto now_shifted = date::sys_days{shifted_date} + (now - date::floor<date::days>(now));
auto shifted_ztime = date::zoned_time{time_zone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(now_shifted)};
std::string text = "";
std::string text{""};
if (!is_timezone_fixed()) {
// As date dep is not fully compatible, prefer fmt
@ -131,7 +190,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void {
std::string calendar_lines{""};
std::string timezoned_time_lines{""};
if (is_calendar_in_tooltip_) {
calendar_lines = calendar_text(shifted_ztime);
calendar_lines = get_calendar(ztime, shifted_ztime);
if (is_timezoned_list_in_tooltip_) {
timezoned_time_lines = timezones_text(&now);
@ -148,6 +207,21 @@ auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void {
bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleToggle(GdkEventButton* const& e) {
const std::map<std::pair<uint, GdkEventType>, void (waybar::modules::Clock::*)()>::const_iterator&
rec{eventMap_.find(std::pair(e->button, e->type))};
const auto callMethod{(rec != eventMap_.cend()) ? rec->second : nullptr};
if (callMethod) {
} else
return AModule::handleToggle(e);
return true;
bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e) {
// defer to user commands if set
if (config_["on-scroll-up"].isString() || config_["on-scroll-down"].isString()) {
@ -157,11 +231,11 @@ bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e) {
auto dir = AModule::getScrollDir(e);
// Shift calendar date
if (calendar_shift_init_.count() != 0) {
if (cldShift_.count() != 0) {
if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::UP)
calendar_shift_ += calendar_shift_init_;
cldCurrShift_ += ((cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? 12 : 1) * cldShift_;
calendar_shift_ -= calendar_shift_init_;
cldCurrShift_ -= ((cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? 12 : 1) * cldShift_;
} else {
// Change time zone
if (dir != SCROLL_DIR::UP && dir != SCROLL_DIR::DOWN) {
@ -185,127 +259,212 @@ bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e) {
return true;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::calendar_text(const date::zoned_seconds& ztime) -> std::string {
const auto daypoint = date::floor<date::days>(ztime.get_local_time());
const auto ymd{date::year_month_day{daypoint}};
if (calendar_cached_ymd_ == ymd) {
return calendar_cached_text_;
const auto curr_day{(calendar_shift_init_.count() != 0 && calendar_shift_.count() != 0)
? date::day{0}
: ymd.day()};
const date::year_month ym{ymd.year(), ymd.month()};
const auto first_dow = first_day_of_week();
std::stringstream os;
enum class WeeksSide {
WeeksSide weeks_pos = WeeksSide::HIDDEN;
if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].isString()) {
if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].asString() == "left") {
weeks_pos = WeeksSide::LEFT;
// Add paddings before the header
os << std::string(3 + fmt_weeks_left_pad_, ' ');
} else if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].asString() == "right") {
weeks_pos = WeeksSide::RIGHT;
weekdays_header(first_dow, os);
// First week day prefixed with spaces if needed.
date::sys_days print_wd{ym / 1};
auto wd{date::weekday{print_wd}};
auto empty_days = (wd - first_dow).count();
/* Print weeknumber on the left for the first row*/
if (weeks_pos == WeeksSide::LEFT) {
os << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmt_str_weeks_), print_wd) << ' ';
if (empty_days > 0) {
os << std::string(empty_days * 3 - 1, ' ');
const auto last_day = (ym / date::literals::last).day();
for (auto d{date::day{1}}; d <= last_day; ++d, ++wd) {
if (wd != first_dow) {
os << ' ';
} else if (unsigned(d) != 1) {
if (weeks_pos == WeeksSide::RIGHT) {
os << ' ' << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmt_str_weeks_), print_wd);
os << '\n';
print_wd = (ym / d);
if (weeks_pos == WeeksSide::LEFT) {
os << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmt_str_weeks_), print_wd) << ' ';
if (d == curr_day) {
if (config_["today-format"].isString()) {
auto today_format = config_["today-format"].asString();
os << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(today_format), date::format("%e", d));
} else {
os << "<b><u>" << date::format("%e", d) << "</u></b>";
} else {
os << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmt_str_calendar_), date::format("%e", d));
/*Print weeks on the right when the endings with spaces*/
if (weeks_pos == WeeksSide::RIGHT && d == last_day) {
empty_days = 6 - (wd.c_encoding() - first_dow.c_encoding());
if (empty_days > 0 && empty_days < 7) {
os << std::string(empty_days * 3, ' ');
os << ' ' << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmt_str_weeks_), print_wd);
auto result = os.str();
calendar_cached_ymd_ = ymd;
calendar_cached_text_ = result;
return result;
// The number of weeks in calendar month layout plus 1 more for calendar titles
unsigned cldRowsInMonth(date::year_month const ym, date::weekday const firstdow) {
using namespace date;
return static_cast<unsigned>(
ceil<weeks>((weekday{ym / 1} - firstdow) + ((ym / last).day() - day{0})).count()) +
auto waybar::modules::Clock::weekdays_header(const date::weekday& first_week_day, std::ostream& os)
-> void {
std::stringstream res;
auto wd = first_week_day;
do {
if (wd != first_week_day) {
res << ' ';
Glib::ustring wd_ustring(date::format(locale_, "%a", wd));
auto clen = ustring_clen(wd_ustring);
auto wd_len = wd_ustring.length();
while (clen > 2) {
wd_ustring = wd_ustring.substr(0, wd_len - 1);
clen = ustring_clen(wd_ustring);
const std::string pad(2 - clen, ' ');
res << pad << wd_ustring;
} while (++wd != first_week_day);
res << '\n';
auto cldGetWeekForLine(date::year_month const ym, date::weekday const firstdow, unsigned const line)
-> const date::year_month_weekday {
unsigned index = line - 2;
auto sd = date::sys_days{ym / 1};
if (date::weekday{sd} == firstdow) ++index;
auto ymdw = ym / firstdow[index];
return ymdw;
if (config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].isString()) {
auto weekdays_format = config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].asString();
os << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(weekdays_format), res.str());
} else
os << res.str();
auto getCalendarLine(date::year_month_day const currDate, date::year_month const ym,
unsigned const line, date::weekday const firstdow, int rowLen,
const std::locale* const locale_) -> std::string {
using namespace date::literals;
std::ostringstream res;
switch (line) {
case 0: {
// Output month and year title
Glib::ustring wd_ustring{Glib::ustring::format(
std::left, std::setw(rowLen), date::format(*locale_, "%B %Y", ym), std::right)};
res << wd_ustring;
case 1: {
// Output weekday names title
auto wd{firstdow};
do {
Glib::ustring wd_ustring{date::format(*locale_, "%a", wd)};
auto clen{ustring_clen(wd_ustring)};
auto wd_len{wd_ustring.length()};
while (clen > 2) {
wd_ustring = wd_ustring.substr(0, wd_len - 1);
clen = ustring_clen(wd_ustring);
const std::string pad(2 - clen, ' ');
if (wd != firstdow) res << ' ';
res << pad << wd_ustring;
} while (++wd != firstdow);
case 2: {
// Output first week prefixed with spaces if necessary
auto wd = date::weekday{ym / 1};
res << std::string(static_cast<unsigned>((wd - firstdow).count()) * 3, ' ');
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / 1_d)
res << date::format("%e", 1_d);
res << "{today}";
auto d = 2_d;
while (++wd != firstdow) {
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / d)
res << date::format(" %e", d);
res << " {today}";
default: {
// Output a non-first week:
auto ymdw{cldGetWeekForLine(ym, firstdow, line)};
if (ymdw.ok()) {
auto d = date::year_month_day{ymdw}.day();
auto const e = (ym / last).day();
auto wd = firstdow;
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / d)
res << date::format("%e", d);
res << "{today}";
while (++wd != firstdow && ++d <= e) {
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / d)
res << date::format(" %e", d);
res << " {today}";
// Append row with spaces if the week did not complete
res << std::string(static_cast<unsigned>((firstdow - wd).count()) * 3, ' ');
} else // Otherwise not a valid week, output a blank row
res << std::string(rowLen, ' ');
return res.str();
auto waybar::modules::Clock::get_calendar(const date::zoned_seconds& now,
const date::zoned_seconds& wtime) -> std::string {
auto daypoint = date::floor<date::days>(wtime.get_local_time());
const auto ymd{date::year_month_day{daypoint}};
const auto ym{ymd.year() / ymd.month()};
const auto y{ymd.year()};
const auto firstdow = first_day_of_week();
const auto maxRows{12 / cldMonCols_};
std::ostringstream os;
std::ostringstream tmp;
// get currdate
daypoint = date::floor<date::days>(now.get_local_time());
const auto currDate{date::year_month_day{daypoint}};
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) {
if (y / date::month{1} / 1 == cldYearShift_)
return cldYearCached_;
cldYearShift_ = y / date::month{1} / 1;
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::MONTH) {
if (ym == cldMonShift_)
return cldMonCached_;
cldMonShift_ = ym;
// Compute number of lines needed for each calendar month
unsigned ml[12]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
for (auto& m : ml) {
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR || m == static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()))
m = cldRowsInMonth(y / date::month{m}, firstdow);
m = 0u;
for (auto row{0u}; row < maxRows; ++row) {
const auto lines = *std::max_element(std::begin(ml) + (row * cldMonCols_),
std::begin(ml) + ((row + 1) * cldMonCols_));
for (auto line{0u}; line < lines; ++line) {
for (auto col{0u}; col < cldMonCols_; ++col) {
const auto mon{date::month{row * cldMonCols_ + col + 1}};
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR || y / mon == ym) {
date::year_month ymTmp{y / mon};
if (col != 0 && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) os << " ";
// Week numbers on the left
if (cldWPos_ == WeeksSide::LEFT && line > 0) {
if (line == 1 && cldWnLen_ > 0) os << std::string(cldWnLen_, ' ');
if (line > 1 && line < ml[static_cast<unsigned>(ymTmp.month()) - 1u])
os << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[4]),
(line == 2)
? date::sys_days{ymTmp / 1}
: date::sys_days{cldGetWeekForLine(ymTmp, firstdow, line)})
<< ' ';
os << getCalendarLine(currDate, ymTmp, line, firstdow, cldMonColLen_, &locale_);
// Week numbers on the right
if (cldWPos_ == WeeksSide ::RIGHT && line > 0) {
if (line == 1 && cldWnLen_ > 0) os << std::string(cldWnLen_, ' ');
if (line > 1 && line < ml[static_cast<unsigned>(ymTmp.month()) - 1u])
os << ' '
<< fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[4]),
(line == 2)
? date::sys_days{ymTmp / 1}
: date::sys_days{cldGetWeekForLine(ymTmp, firstdow, line)});
// Apply user formats to calendar
if (line < 2)
tmp << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[line]), os.str());
tmp << os.str();
// Clear ostringstream
if (line + 1u != lines || (row + 1u != maxRows && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR)) tmp << '\n';
if (row + 1u != maxRows && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) tmp << '\n';
os << fmt::format( // Apply days format
fmt::runtime(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[2]), tmp.str())),
// Apply today format
fmt::arg("today", fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[3]), date::format("%e", ymd.day()))));
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR)
cldYearCached_ = os.str();
cldMonCached_ = os.str();
return os.str();
void waybar::modules::Clock::cldModeSwitch() {
cldMode_ = (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? CldMode::MONTH : CldMode::YEAR;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::timezones_text(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point* now)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user