1. When using maxage, local and remote messagelists are supposed to only contain messages from at most maxage days ago. But local and remote used different timezones to calculate what "maxage days ago" means, resulting in removals on one side. Now, we ask the local folder for maxage days' worth of mail, find the lowest UID, and then ask the remote folder for all UID's starting with that lowest one. 2. maxage was fundamentally wrong in the IMAP-IMAP case: it assumed that remote messages have UIDs in the same order as their local counterparts, which could be false, e.g. when messages are copied in quick succession. So, remove support for maxage in the IMAP-IMAP case. 3. Add startdate option for IMAP-IMAP syncs: use messages from the given repository starting at startdate, and all messages from the other repository. In the first sync, the other repository must be empty. 4. Allow maxage to be specified either as number of days to sync (as previously) or as a fixed date. Signed-off-by: Janna Martl <janna.martl109@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev@laposte.net>
OfflineIMAP is a software to dispose your e-mail mailbox(es) as a local Maildir. OfflineIMAP will synchronize both sides via IMAP.
The main downside about IMAP is that you have to trust your MAIL provider to not loose your mails. This is not something impossible while not very common. With OfflineIMAP, you can download your Mailboxes and make you own backups of the Maildir.
This allows reading your mails while offline without the need for the mail reader (MUA) to support IMAP disconnected operations. Need an attachement from a message without internet? It's fine, the message is still there.
GNU General Public License v2.
Why should I use OfflineIMAP?
- It is fast.
- It is reliable.
- It is flexible.
- It is safe.
You should first check if your distribution already package OfflineIMAP for you. Downloads releases as tarball or zipball.
Feedbacks and contributions
The user discussions, development, announces and all the exciting stuff take place in the mailing list. While not mandatory to send emails, you can subscribe here.
Bugs, issues and contributions can be requested to both the mailing list or the official Github project.
The community
- OfflineIMAP's main site is the project page at Github.
- There is the OfflineIMAP community's website.
- And finally, the wiki.
- Python v2.7
- Python SQlite (optional while recommended)
All the current and updated documentation is at the community's website.
Dispose locally
You might want to dispose the documentation locally. Get the sources of the website. For the other documentations, run the approppriate make target:
$ ./scripts/get-repository.sh website
$ cd docs
$ make html # Require rst2html
$ make man # Require a2x
$ make api # Require sphinx