mirror of
synced 2023-12-21 10:23:01 +01:00
Remove unnecessary files
Also document some plans for the new program structure in REWRITE.md
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# Fakultät für Mathematik (FfM)
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import bs4
import requests
from .organizer import Organizer
from .utils import stream_to_path, PrettyLogger
__all__ = ["FfM"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pretty = PrettyLogger(logger)
class FfM:
BASE_URL = "http://www.math.kit.edu/"
LINK_RE = re.compile(r"^https?://www.math.kit.edu/.*/(.*\.pdf)$")
def __init__(self, base_path):
self.base_path = base_path
self._session = requests.Session()
def synchronize(self, urlpart, to_dir, transform=lambda x: x):
pretty.starting_synchronizer(to_dir, "FfM", urlpart)
sync_path = pathlib.Path(self.base_path, to_dir)
orga = Organizer(self.base_path, sync_path)
self._crawl(orga, urlpart, transform)
def _crawl(self, orga, urlpart, transform):
url = self.BASE_URL + urlpart
r = self._session.get(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
for found in soup.find_all("a", href=self.LINK_RE):
url = found["href"]
filename = re.match(self.LINK_RE, url).group(1).replace("/", ".")
logger.debug(f"Found file {filename} at {url}")
old_path = pathlib.PurePath(filename)
new_path = transform(old_path)
if new_path is None:
logger.debug(f"Transformed from {old_path} to {new_path}")
temp_path = orga.temp_file()
self._download(url, temp_path)
orga.add_file(temp_path, new_path)
def _download(self, url, to_path):
with self._session.get(url, stream=True) as r:
stream_to_path(r, to_path)
@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
# Norberts Prog-Tuts
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import zipfile
import bs4
import requests
from .organizer import Organizer
from .utils import rename, stream_to_path, PrettyLogger
__all__ = ["Norbert"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pretty = PrettyLogger(logger)
class Norbert:
BASE_URL = "https://studwww.informatik.kit.edu/~s_blueml/"
LINK_RE = re.compile(r"^progtut/.*/(.*\.zip)$")
def __init__(self, base_path):
self.base_path = base_path
self._session = requests.Session()
def synchronize(self, to_dir, transform=lambda x: x, unzip=lambda _: True):
pretty.starting_synchronizer(to_dir, "Norbert")
sync_path = pathlib.Path(self.base_path, to_dir)
orga = Organizer(self.base_path, sync_path)
files = self._crawl()
self._download(orga, files, transform, unzip)
def _crawl(self):
url = self.BASE_URL
r = self._session.get(url)
# replace undecodeable characters with a placeholder
#text = r.raw.decode("utf-8", "replace")
text = r.text
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser")
files = []
for found in soup.find_all("a", href=self.LINK_RE):
url = found["href"]
full_url = self.BASE_URL + url
filename = re.search(self.LINK_RE, url).group(1)
path = pathlib.PurePath(filename)
logger.debug(f"Found zip file {filename} at {full_url}")
files.append((path, full_url))
return files
def _download(self, orga, files, transform, unzip):
for path, url in sorted(files):
# Yes, we want the zip file contents
if unzip(path):
logger.debug(f"Downloading and unzipping {path}")
zip_path = rename(path, path.stem)
# Download zip file
temp_file = orga.temp_file()
self._download_zip(url, temp_file)
# Search the zip file for files to extract
temp_dir = orga.temp_dir()
with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_file, "r") as zf:
for info in zf.infolist():
# Only interested in the files themselves, the directory
# structure is created automatically by orga.add_file()
if info.is_dir():
file_path = zip_path / pathlib.PurePath(info.filename)
logger.debug(f"Found {info.filename} at path {file_path}")
new_path = transform(file_path)
if new_path is not None:
# Extract to temp file and add, the usual deal
temp_file = orga.temp_file()
extracted_path = zf.extract(info, temp_dir)
extracted_path = pathlib.Path(extracted_path)
orga.add_file(extracted_path, new_path)
# No, we only want the zip file itself
logger.debug(f"Only downloading {path}")
new_path = transform(path)
if new_path is not None:
temp_file = orga.temp_file()
self._download_zip(url, temp_file)
orga.add_file(temp_file, new_path)
def _download_zip(self, url, to_path):
with self._session.get(url, stream=True) as r:
stream_to_path(r, to_path)
@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
# Operating systems Exams
import getpass
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import bs4
import requests
from .organizer import Organizer
from .utils import stream_to_path, PrettyLogger
__all__ = ["OsExams"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pretty = PrettyLogger(logger)
class OsExams:
BASE_URL = "https://os.itec.kit.edu/deutsch/1556.php"
LINK_RE = re.compile(
_credentials = None
def __init__(self, base_path):
self.base_path = base_path
self._session = requests.Session()
def synchronize(self, to_dir, transform=lambda x: x):
pretty.starting_synchronizer(to_dir, "OsExams")
sync_path = pathlib.Path(self.base_path, to_dir)
orga = Organizer(self.base_path, sync_path)
self._crawl(orga, transform)
def _crawl(self, orga, transform):
url = self.BASE_URL
r = self._session.get(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
for found in soup.find_all("a", href=self.LINK_RE):
url = found["href"]
filename = re.match(self.LINK_RE, url).group(1).replace("/", ".")
logger.debug(f"Found file {filename} at {url}")
old_path = pathlib.PurePath(filename)
new_path = transform(old_path)
if new_path is None:
logger.debug(f"Transformed from {old_path} to {new_path}")
temp_path = orga.temp_file()
self._download(url, temp_path)
orga.add_file(temp_path, new_path)
def _download(self, url, to_path):
while True:
username, password = self._get_credentials()
with self._session.get(url, stream=True, auth=(username, password)) as r:
if r.ok:
stream_to_path(r, to_path)
print("Incorrect credentials.")
def _get_credentials(self):
if self._credentials is None:
print("Please enter OS credentials.")
username = getpass.getpass(prompt="Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ")
self._credentials = (username, password)
return self._credentials
def _reset_credentials(self):
self._credentials = None
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
# TGI Lecture slides
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import zipfile
import bs4
import requests
from .organizer import Organizer
from .utils import rename, stream_to_path, PrettyLogger
__all__ = ["TGI"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pretty = PrettyLogger(logger)
class TGI:
CRAWL_URL = "https://i11www.iti.kit.edu/teaching/{year}/tgi/index"
BASE_URL = "https://i11www.iti.kit.edu"
def __init__(self, base_path, year="winter2019"):
self.base_path = base_path
self._session = requests.Session()
self.year = year
def synchronize(self, to_dir, transform=lambda x: x):
pretty.starting_synchronizer(to_dir, "TGI")
sync_path = pathlib.Path(self.base_path, to_dir)
orga = Organizer(self.base_path, sync_path)
files = self._crawl()
self._download(orga, files, transform)
def _crawl(self):
url = self.CRAWL_URL.replace("{year}", self.year)
r = self._session.get(url)
text = r.text
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser")
files = []
for found in soup.select("a.mediafile.mf_pdf"):
url = found["href"]
full_url = self.BASE_URL + url
filename = re.search(r"\d+(/tgi)?/(.+.pdf)", url).group(2)
path = pathlib.PurePath(filename)
logger.debug(f"Found file {filename} at {full_url}")
files.append((path, full_url))
return files
def _download(self, orga, files, transform):
for path, url in sorted(files):
logger.debug(f"Downloading {path}")
new_path = transform(path)
if new_path is not None:
temp_file = orga.temp_file()
self._download_file(url, temp_file)
orga.add_file(temp_file, new_path)
def _download_file(self, url, to_path):
with self._session.get(url, stream=True) as r:
stream_to_path(r, to_path)
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
# TGI Tutorial slides
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import zipfile
import bs4
import requests
from .organizer import Organizer
from .utils import rename, stream_to_path, PrettyLogger
__all__ = ["TGI_Tut"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pretty = PrettyLogger(logger)
class TGI_Tut:
CRAWL_URL = "https://tgitut.jimdofree.com/"
def __init__(self, base_path, year="winter2019"):
self.base_path = base_path
self._session = requests.Session()
def _login(self):
post = self._session.post(self.CRAWL_URL, data={
"password": "Lebkuchen", "do_login": "yes", "Submit": "Anmelden"
def synchronize(self, to_dir, transform=lambda x: x):
pretty.starting_synchronizer(to_dir, "TGI_Tut")
sync_path = pathlib.Path(self.base_path, to_dir)
orga = Organizer(self.base_path, sync_path)
files = self._crawl()
self._download(orga, files, transform)
def _crawl(self):
url = self.CRAWL_URL
r = self._session.get(url)
text = r.text
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, "html.parser")
files = []
for found in soup.select("a.cc-m-download-link"):
url = found["href"]
full_url = self.CRAWL_URL + url
filename = re.search(r"/app/download/\d+/(.*.pdf)", url).group(1)
path = pathlib.PurePath(filename)
logger.debug(f"Found file {filename} at {full_url}")
files.append((path, full_url))
return files
def _download(self, orga, files, transform):
for path, url in sorted(files):
logger.debug(f"Downloading {path}")
new_path = transform(path)
if new_path is not None:
temp_file = orga.temp_file()
self._download_file(url, temp_file)
orga.add_file(temp_file, new_path)
def _download_file(self, url, to_path):
with self._session.get(url, stream=True) as r:
stream_to_path(r, to_path)
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
# Fakultät für Mathematik (FfM)
import getpass
import logging
import pathlib
import re
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import bs4
import requests
from .organizer import Organizer
from .utils import stream_to_path, PrettyLogger
__all__ = ["Ti"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
pretty = PrettyLogger(logger)
class Ti:
BASE_URL = "http://ti.ira.uka.de/"
FILE_RE = re.compile(r"^.+\.pdf$")
def __init__(self, base_path):
self.base_path = base_path
self._session = requests.Session()
self._credentials = None
def synchronize(self, urlpart, to_dir, transform=lambda x: x,
filter=lambda x: True):
pretty.starting_synchronizer(to_dir, "Ti", urlpart)
sync_path = pathlib.Path(self.base_path, to_dir)
orga = Organizer(self.base_path, sync_path)
available = self._find_available(urlpart)
for name, address in sorted(available.items()):
path = pathlib.PurePath(name)
if filter(path):
self._crawl(urlpart + address, path, orga, transform)
logger.info(f"Skipping {name}/")
def _find_available(self, urlpart):
url = self.BASE_URL + urlpart
r = self._session.get(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
available = {}
if soup.find(href="./Vorlesung/Vorlesung.php"):
logger.info("Found Folien/")
available["Folien"] = "/Vorlesung/"
if soup.find(href="./Uebungen/Uebungen.php"):
logger.info("Found Blätter/")
available["Blätter"] = "/Uebungen/"
if soup.find(href="./Tutorien/Tutorien.php"):
logger.info("Found Tutorien/")
available["Tutorien"] = "/Tutorien/"
if soup.find(href="./AlteKlausuren/AlteKlausuren.php"):
logger.info("Found AlteKlausuren/")
available["AltKlausuren"] = "/AlteKlausuren/"
return available
def _crawl(self, urlpart, path, orga, transform):
url = self.BASE_URL + urlpart
r = self._session.get(url)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
for filelink in soup.find_all("a", href=self.FILE_RE):
filepath = path / filelink["href"]
fileurl = urljoin(url, filelink["href"])
new_path = transform(filepath)
if new_path is None:
logger.debug(f"Transformed from {filepath} to {new_path}")
temp_path = orga.temp_file()
self._download(fileurl, temp_path)
orga.add_file(temp_path, new_path)
def _get_credentials(self):
if self._credentials is None:
print("Please enter Ti credentials.")
username = getpass.getpass(prompt="Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ")
self._credentials = (username, password)
return self._credentials
def _reset_credentials(self):
self._credentials = None
def _download(self, url, to_path):
while True:
username, password = self._get_credentials()
with self._session.get(url, stream=True, auth=(username, password)) as r:
if r.ok:
stream_to_path(r, to_path)
print("Incorrect credentials.")
@ -4,19 +4,6 @@ import pathlib
from colorama import Style
from colorama import Fore
__all__ = [
def get_base_dir(script_file):
return pathlib.Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(script_file)))
def move(path, from_folders, to_folders):
l = len(from_folders)
if path.parts[:l] == from_folders:
@ -30,17 +17,6 @@ def stream_to_path(response, to_path, chunk_size=1024**2):
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
def isOutputPipe():
"""Returns whether this program's output is attached to a pipe.
return sys.stdout.isatty
class ContentTypeException(Exception):
class FileNotFoundException(Exception):
class PrettyLogger:
def __init__(self, logger):
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# A document detailing the rewrite plan for PFERD
## Project structure
- TmpDir
- Organizer
- CookieJar
- Common
- HttpDownloader
- UserPassAuthenticator
- Ilias
- IliasSynchronizer
- IliasCrawler
- IliasDownloader
- IliasShibbolethAuthenticator
- utils.py
@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
#!/bin/env python3
import re
import sys
import PFERD
from PFERD.utils import get_base_dir, move, rename
base_dir = get_base_dir(__file__)
# Semester 1
def gbi_filter(path):
# Tutorien rausfiltern
if path.parts[:1] == ("Tutoriumsfolien",):
if path.parts[1:] == (): return True
if path.parts[1:2] == ("Tutorium 15",): return True
return False
return True
def gbi_transform(path):
# Übungsblätter in Blätter/blatt_xx.pdf
new_path = move(path, ("Übungsblätter",), ("Blätter",))
if new_path is not None:
match = re.match(r"(\d+).aufgaben.pdf", new_path.name)
if match:
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"blatt_{number:02}.pdf")
match = re.match(r"(\d+).loesungen.pdf", new_path.name)
if match:
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"loesung_{number:02}.pdf")
return new_path
# Folien in Folien/*
new_path = move(path, ("Vorlesung: Folien",), ("Folien",))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
# Skripte in Skripte/*
new_path = move(path, ("Vorlesung: Skript",), ("Skripte",))
if new_path is not None:
if new_path.name == "k-21-relationen-skript.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "21-relationen-skript.pdf")
return new_path
# Übungsfolien in Übung/*
new_path = move(path, ("große Übung: Folien",), ("Übung",))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
# Tutoriumsfolien in Tutorium/*
new_path = move(path, ("Tutoriumsfolien","Tutorium 15"), ("Tutorium",))
if new_path is not None:
if new_path.name == "GBI_Tut_2 (1).pdf":
return rename(new_path, "GBI_Tut_2.pdf")
if new_path.name == "GBI_Tut_7 (1).pdf":
return rename(new_path, "GBI_Tut_7.pdf")
return new_path
return path
def hm1_transform(path):
match = re.match(r"blatt(\d+).pdf", path.name)
if match:
new_path = move(path, (), ("Blätter",))
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"blatt_{number:02}.pdf")
match = re.match(r"blatt(\d+).loesungen.pdf", path.name)
if match:
new_path = move(path, (), ("Blätter",))
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"loesung_{number:02}.pdf")
return path
def la1_filter(path):
# Tutorien rausfitern
if path.parts[:1] == ("Tutorien",):
if path.parts[1:] == (): return True
if path.parts[1:2] == ("Tutorium 03 - Philipp Faller",): return True
if path.parts[1:2] == ("Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller",): return True
return False
return True
def la1_transform(path):
# Alle Übungsblätter in Blätter/blatt_xx.pdf
# Alles andere Übungsmaterial in Blätter/*
new_path = move(path, ("Übungen",), ("Blätter",))
if new_path is not None:
match = re.match(r"Blatt(\d+).pdf", new_path.name)
if match:
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"blatt_{number:02}.pdf")
if new_path.name == "Lösungen zu Blatt 1, Aufgabe 1 und Blatt 2, Aufgabe 4..pdf":
return rename(new_path, "Lösungen zu Blatt 1, Aufgabe 1 und Blatt 2, Aufgabe 4.pdf")
return new_path
# Alles Tutoriengedöns von Philipp in Tutorium/Philipp/*
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 03 - Philipp Faller"), ("Tutorium","Philipp"))
if new_path is not None:
if new_path.name == "tut2.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "Tut2.pdf")
return new_path
# Alles Tutoriengedöns von Sebastian in Tutorium/Sebastian/*
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 1"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut01"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 2", "aufgaben.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut02.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 3", "aufgaben.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut03.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 4", "aufgaben.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut04.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 5", "aufgaben.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut05.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 6", "aufgaben.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut06.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 7", "tut7.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut07.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 8", "tut8.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut08.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 9", "tut9.pdf"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian", "tut09.pdf"))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
if path.parts == ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller", "Tutorium 10", "tut10.pdf"): return None
new_path = move(path, ("Tutorien","Tutorium 23 - Sebastian Faller"), ("Tutorium","Sebastian"))
if new_path is not None:
return new_path
# Übungs-Gedöns in Übung/*
new_path = move(path, ("Informatikervorlesung", "Übungsfolien"), ("Übung",))
if new_path is not None:
if new_path.name == "Übung_06_ausgewählte Folien.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "Übung_06_ausgewählte_Folien.pdf")
return new_path
# Vorlesungsfolien-Gedöns in Folien/*
new_path = move(path, ("Informatikervorlesung", "Folien.Notizen"), ("Folien",))
if new_path is not None:
return new_path
# Rest in Hauptverzeichnis
new_path = move(path, ("Informatikervorlesung",), ())
if new_path is not None:
# Rename filenames that are invalid on FAT systems
if new_path.name == "Evaluationsergebnisse: Übung.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "Evaluationsergebnisse_Übung.pdf")
if new_path.name == "Skript \"Lineare Algebra\" von Stefan Kühnlein.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "Skript Lineare Algebra von Stefan kühnlein.pdf")
return new_path
return path
def prog_filter(path):
# Tutorien rausfiltern
if path.parts[:1] == ("Tutorien",): return False
return True
def prog_transform(path):
# Übungsblätter in Blätter/*
new_path = move(path, ("Übungen",), ("Blätter",))
if new_path is not None:
if new_path.name == "assignmen04.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "assignment04.pdf")
return new_path
# Folien in Folien/*
new_path = move(path, ("Vorlesungsmaterial",), ("Folien",))
if new_path is not None:
if new_path.name == "00.1_Begruessung.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "00-01_Begruessung.pdf")
if new_path.name == "00.2_Organisatorisches.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "00-02_Organisatorisches.pdf")
if new_path.name == "01-01_ Einfache-Programme.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "01-01_Einfache_Programme.pdf")
if new_path.name == "13_Finden_und_ Beheben_von_Fehlern.pdf":
return rename(new_path, "13_Finden_und_Beheben_von_Fehlern.pdf")
return new_path
return path
# Semester 2
def algo1_filter(path):
# Tutorien rausfiltern
if path.parts[:1] == ("Tutorien",):
if path.parts[1:] == (): return True
#if path.parts[1:2] == ("Tutorium 15",): return True
return False
return True
def algo1_transform(path):
# Folien in Folien/*
new_path = move(path, ("Vorlesungsfolien",), ("Folien",))
if new_path is not None:
return new_path
return path
def hm2_transform(path):
match = re.match(r"blatt(\d+).pdf", path.name)
if match:
new_path = move(path, (), ("Blätter",))
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"blatt_{number:02}.pdf")
match = re.match(r"blatt(\d+).loesungen.pdf", path.name)
if match:
new_path = move(path, (), ("Blätter",))
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"loesung_{number:02}.pdf")
return path
def la2_filter(path):
# Tutorien rausfiltern
if path.parts[:1] == ("Tutorien",):
if path.parts[1:] == (): return True
#if path.parts[1:2] == ("Tutorium 15",): return True
return False
return True
def la2_transform(path):
# Folien in Folien/*
new_path = move(path, ("Vorlesungsmaterial",), ("Folien",))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
# Alle Übungsblätter in Blätter/blatt_xx.pdf
# Alles andere Übungsmaterial in Blätter/*
new_path = move(path, ("Übungen",), ("Blätter",))
if new_path is not None:
match = re.match(r"Blatt(\d+).pdf", new_path.name)
if match:
number = int(match.group(1))
return rename(new_path, f"blatt_{number:02}.pdf")
return new_path
return path
def swt1_filter(path):
# Tutorien rausfiltern
if path.parts[:1] == ("Tutorien",):
if path.parts[1:] == (): return True
#if path.parts[1:2] == ("Tutorium 15",): return True
return False
return True
def swt1_transform(path):
# Folien in Folien/*
new_path = move(path, ("Vorlesungsmaterial",), ("Folien",))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
# Übungsblätter in Blätter/*
new_path = move(path, ("Übungen",), ("Blätter",))
if new_path is not None: return new_path
return path
# Main part of the config
def main(args):
args = [arg.lower() for arg in args]
ffm = PFERD.FfM(base_dir)
ilias = PFERD.Ilias(base_dir, "cookie_jar")
norbert = PFERD.Norbert(base_dir)
# Semester 1
if not args or "gbi" in args:
ilias.synchronize("855240", "GBI",
transform=gbi_transform, filter=gbi_filter)
if not args or "hm1" in args:
ffm.synchronize("iana2/lehre/hm1info2018w", "HM1",
if not args or "la1" in args:
ilias.synchronize("874938", "LA1",
transform=la1_transform, filter=la1_filter)
if not args or "prog" in args:
ilias.synchronize("851237", "Prog",
transform=prog_transform, filter=prog_filter)
if not args or "norbert" in args:
# Semester 2
if not args or "algo1" in args:
ilias.synchronize("959260", "Algo1",
transform=algo1_transform, filter=algo1_filter)
if not args or "hm2" in args:
ffm.synchronize("iana2/lehre/hm2info2019s", "HM2",
if not args or "la2" in args:
ilias.synchronize("950588", "LA2",
transform=la2_transform, filter=la2_filter)
if not args or "swt1" in args:
ilias.synchronize("945596", "SWT1",
transform=swt1_transform, filter=swt1_filter)
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv[1:]
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