mirror of
synced 2023-12-21 10:23:01 +01:00
Add support for ILIAS mediacast listings
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ ambiguous situations.
- `show_not_deleted` option to stop printing the "Not Deleted" status or report
message. This combines nicely with the `no-delete-prompt-override` strategy,
causing PFERD to mostly ignore local-only files.
- support for mediacast video listings
## 3.4.3 - 2022-11-29
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag
@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ class IliasElementType(Enum):
BOOKING = "booking"
MEETING = "meeting"
SURVEY = "survey"
VIDEO = "video"
VIDEO_PLAYER = "video_player"
VIDEO_FOLDER = "video_folder"
VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED = "video_folder_maybe_paginated"
MEDIACAST_VIDEO_FOLDER = "mediacast_video_folder"
MEDIACAST_VIDEO = "mediacast_video"
OPENCAST_VIDEO = "opencast_video"
OPENCAST_VIDEO_PLAYER = "opencast_video_player"
OPENCAST_VIDEO_FOLDER = "opencast_video_folder"
OPENCAST_VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED = "opencast_video_folder_maybe_paginated"
@ -45,7 +47,8 @@ class IliasPageElement:
for regex in regexes:
@ -105,9 +108,9 @@ class IliasPage:
if self._is_video_player():
log.explain("Page is a video player, extracting URL")
return self._player_to_video()
if self._is_video_listing():
log.explain("Page is a video listing, searching for elements")
return self._find_video_entries()
if self._is_opencast_video_listing():
log.explain("Page is an opencast video listing, searching for elements")
return self._find_opencast_video_entries()
if self._is_exercise_file():
log.explain("Page is an exercise, searching for elements")
return self._find_exercise_entries()
@ -199,9 +202,9 @@ class IliasPage:
if self._is_ilias_opencast_embedding():
log.explain("Unwrapping opencast embedding")
return self.get_child_elements()[0]
if self._page_type == IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED:
if self._page_type == IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED:
log.explain("Unwrapping video pagination")
return self._find_video_entries_paginated()[0]
return self._find_opencast_video_entries_paginated()[0]
if self._contains_collapsed_future_meetings():
log.explain("Requesting *all* future meetings")
return self._uncollapse_future_meetings_url()
@ -219,7 +222,7 @@ class IliasPage:
def _is_video_player(self) -> bool:
return "paella_config_file" in str(self._soup)
def _is_video_listing(self) -> bool:
def _is_opencast_video_listing(self) -> bool:
if self._is_ilias_opencast_embedding():
return True
@ -319,14 +322,14 @@ class IliasPage:
# and just fetch the lone video url!
if len(streams) == 1:
video_url = streams[0]["sources"]["mp4"][0]["src"]
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.VIDEO, video_url, self._source_name)]
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO, video_url, self._source_name)]
log.explain(f"Found multiple videos for stream at {self._source_name}")
items = []
for stream in sorted(streams, key=lambda stream: stream["content"]):
full_name = f"{self._source_name.replace('.mp4', '')} ({stream['content']}).mp4"
video_url = stream["sources"]["mp4"][0]["src"]
items.append(IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.VIDEO, video_url, full_name))
items.append(IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO, video_url, full_name))
return items
@ -385,7 +388,7 @@ class IliasPage:
return items
def _find_video_entries(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
def _find_opencast_video_entries(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
# ILIAS has three stages for video pages
# 1. The initial dummy page without any videos. This page contains the link to the listing
# 2. The video listing which might be paginated
@ -405,27 +408,27 @@ class IliasPage:
query_params = {"limit": "800", "cmd": "asyncGetTableGUI", "cmdMode": "asynch"}
url = url_set_query_params(url, query_params)
log.explain("Found ILIAS video frame page, fetching actual content next")
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED, url, "")]
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO_FOLDER_MAYBE_PAGINATED, url, "")]
is_paginated = self._soup.find(id=re.compile(r"tab_page_sel.+")) is not None
if is_paginated and not self._page_type == IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER:
if is_paginated and not self._page_type == IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO_FOLDER:
# We are in stage 2 - try to break pagination
return self._find_video_entries_paginated()
return self._find_opencast_video_entries_paginated()
return self._find_video_entries_no_paging()
return self._find_opencast_video_entries_no_paging()
def _find_video_entries_paginated(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
def _find_opencast_video_entries_paginated(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
table_element: Tag = self._soup.find(name="table", id=re.compile(r"tbl_xoct_.+"))
if table_element is None:
log.warn("Couldn't increase elements per page (table not found). I might miss elements.")
return self._find_video_entries_no_paging()
return self._find_opencast_video_entries_no_paging()
id_match = re.match(r"tbl_xoct_(.+)", table_element.attrs["id"])
if id_match is None:
log.warn("Couldn't increase elements per page (table id not found). I might miss elements.")
return self._find_video_entries_no_paging()
return self._find_opencast_video_entries_no_paging()
table_id = id_match.group(1)
@ -434,9 +437,9 @@ class IliasPage:
url = url_set_query_params(self._page_url, query_params)
log.explain("Disabled pagination, retrying folder as a new entry")
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.VIDEO_FOLDER, url, "")]
return [IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO_FOLDER, url, "")]
def _find_video_entries_no_paging(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
def _find_opencast_video_entries_no_paging(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
Crawls the "second stage" video page. This page contains the actual video urls.
@ -448,11 +451,11 @@ class IliasPage:
results: List[IliasPageElement] = []
for link in video_links:
return results
def _listed_video_to_element(self, link: Tag) -> IliasPageElement:
def _listed_opencast_video_to_element(self, link: Tag) -> IliasPageElement:
# The link is part of a table with multiple columns, describing metadata.
# 6th or 7th child (1 indexed) is the modification time string. Try to find it
# by parsing backwards from the end and finding something that looks like a date
@ -479,7 +482,9 @@ class IliasPage:
video_url = self._abs_url_from_link(link)
log.explain(f"Found video {video_name!r} at {video_url}")
return IliasPageElement(IliasElementType.VIDEO_PLAYER, video_url, video_name, modification_time)
return IliasPageElement(
IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO_PLAYER, video_url, video_name, modification_time
def _find_exercise_entries(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
if self._soup.find(id="tab_submission"):
@ -622,9 +627,48 @@ class IliasPage:
result.append(IliasPageElement(element_type, abs_url, element_name, description=description))
result += self._find_cards()
result += self._find_mediacast_videos()
return result
def _find_mediacast_videos(self) -> List[IliasPageElement]:
videos: List[IliasPageElement] = []
for elem in cast(List[Tag], self._soup.select(".ilPlayerPreviewOverlayOuter")):
element_name = _sanitize_path_name(
if not element_name.endswith(".mp4"):
# just to make sure it has some kinda-alrightish ending
element_name = element_name + ".mp4"
video_element = elem.find(name="video")
if not video_element:
log.warn_contd(f"No <video> element found for mediacast video '{element_name}'")
return videos
def _find_mediacast_video_mtime(self, enclosing_td: Tag) -> Optional[datetime]:
description_td: Tag = enclosing_td.findPreviousSibling("td")
if not description_td:
return None
meta_tag: Tag = description_td.find_all("p")[-1]
if not meta_tag:
return None
updated_str = meta_tag.getText().strip().replace("\n", " ")
updated_str = re.sub(".+?: ", "", updated_str)
return demangle_date(updated_str)
def _is_in_expanded_meeting(self, tag: Tag) -> bool:
Returns whether a file is part of an expanded meeting.
@ -796,7 +840,7 @@ class IliasPage:
icon: Tag = card_root.select_one(".il-card-repository-head .icon")
if "opencast" in icon["class"] or "xoct" in icon["class"]:
if "exc" in icon["class"]:
return IliasElementType.EXERCISE
if "webr" in icon["class"]:
@ -817,6 +861,8 @@ class IliasPage:
return IliasElementType.SURVEY
if "file" in icon["class"]:
return IliasElementType.FILE
if "mcst" in icon["class"]:
return IliasElementType.MEDIACAST_VIDEO_FOLDER
log.warn_contd(f"Could not extract type from {icon} for card title {card_title}")
@ -858,6 +904,9 @@ class IliasPage:
if "baseClass=ilLMPresentationGUI" in parsed_url.query:
return IliasElementType.LEARNING_MODULE
if "baseClass=ilMediaCastHandlerGUI" in parsed_url.query:
return IliasElementType.MEDIACAST_VIDEO_FOLDER
# Booking and Meeting can not be detected based on the link. They do have a ref_id though, so
# try to guess it from the image.
@ -909,7 +958,7 @@ class IliasPage:
return None
if "opencast" in str(img_tag["alt"]).lower():
if str(img_tag["src"]).endswith("icon_exc.svg"):
return IliasElementType.EXERCISE
@ -929,6 +978,9 @@ class IliasPage:
if str(img_tag["src"]).endswith("icon_tst.svg"):
return IliasElementType.TEST
if str(img_tag["src"]).endswith("icon_mcst.svg"):
return IliasElementType.MEDIACAST_VIDEO_FOLDER
return IliasElementType.FOLDER
@ -86,15 +86,18 @@ _DIRECTORY_PAGES: Set[IliasElementType] = set([
_VIDEO_ELEMENTS: Set[IliasElementType] = set([
@ -403,10 +406,12 @@ instance's greatest bottleneck.
return await self._handle_link(element, element_path)
elif element.type == IliasElementType.BOOKING:
return await self._handle_booking(element, element_path)
elif element.type == IliasElementType.VIDEO:
elif element.type == IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO:
return await self._handle_file(element, element_path)
elif element.type == IliasElementType.OPENCAST_VIDEO_PLAYER:
return await self._handle_opencast_video(element, element_path)
elif element.type == IliasElementType.MEDIACAST_VIDEO:
return await self._handle_file(element, element_path)
elif element.type == IliasElementType.VIDEO_PLAYER:
return await self._handle_video(element, element_path)
elif element.type in _DIRECTORY_PAGES:
return await self._handle_ilias_page(element.url, element, element_path)
@ -523,7 +528,7 @@ instance's greatest bottleneck.
raise CrawlError("resolve_link_target failed even after authenticating")
async def _handle_video(
async def _handle_opencast_video(
element: IliasPageElement,
element_path: PurePath,
@ -544,18 +549,18 @@ instance's greatest bottleneck.
# If we do not want to crawl it (user filter) or we have every file
# from the cached mapping already, we can ignore this and bail
if not maybe_dl or self._all_videos_locally_present(element_path):
if not maybe_dl or self._all_opencast_videos_locally_present(element_path):
# Mark all existing cideos as known so they do not get deleted
# during dleanup. We "downloaded" them, just without actually making
# a network request as we assumed they did not change.
for video in self._previous_contained_videos(element_path):
for video in self._previous_contained_opencast_videos(element_path):
await self.download(video)
return None
return self._download_video(element_path, element, maybe_dl)
return self._download_opencast_video(element_path, element, maybe_dl)
def _previous_contained_videos(self, video_path: PurePath) -> List[PurePath]:
def _previous_contained_opencast_videos(self, video_path: PurePath) -> List[PurePath]:
if not self.prev_report:
return []
custom_value = self.prev_report.get_custom_value(str(video_path))
@ -565,12 +570,12 @@ instance's greatest bottleneck.
folder = video_path.parent
return [PurePath(folder, name) for name in names]
def _all_videos_locally_present(self, video_path: PurePath) -> bool:
if contained_videos := self._previous_contained_videos(video_path):
def _all_opencast_videos_locally_present(self, video_path: PurePath) -> bool:
if contained_videos := self._previous_contained_opencast_videos(video_path):
log.explain_topic(f"Checking local cache for video {video_path.name}")
all_found_locally = True
for video in contained_videos:
transformed_path = self._to_local_video_path(video)
transformed_path = self._to_local_opencast_video_path(video)
if transformed_path:
exists_locally = self._output_dir.resolve(transformed_path).exists()
all_found_locally = all_found_locally and exists_locally
@ -580,14 +585,14 @@ instance's greatest bottleneck.
log.explain("Missing at least one video, continuing with requests!")
return False
def _to_local_video_path(self, path: PurePath) -> Optional[PurePath]:
def _to_local_opencast_video_path(self, path: PurePath) -> Optional[PurePath]:
if transformed := self._transformer.transform(path):
return self._deduplicator.fixup_path(transformed)
return None
@_iorepeat(3, "downloading video")
async def _download_video(
async def _download_opencast_video(
original_path: PurePath,
element: IliasPageElement,
@ -604,7 +609,7 @@ instance's greatest bottleneck.
log.explain(f"Using single video mode for {element.name}")
stream_element = stream_elements[0]
transformed_path = self._to_local_video_path(original_path)
transformed_path = self._to_local_opencast_video_path(original_path)
if not transformed_path:
raise CrawlError(f"Download returned a path but transform did not for {original_path}")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user