Joseph Benden 8f961ac397
mpd: revamped to event-driven, single-threaded
Fix MPD connection issues by converting/rewriting module into a
state-machine driven system. It is fully single-threaded and uses
events for transitioning between states. It supports all features
and functionality of the previous MPD module.

Signed-off-by: Joseph Benden <joe@benden.us>
2020-10-18 10:37:57 -07:00

67 lines
1.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <mpd/client.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
#include "ALabel.hpp"
#include "modules/mpd/state.hpp"
namespace waybar::modules {
class MPD : public ALabel {
friend class detail::Context;
// State machine
detail::Context context_{this};
const std::string module_name_;
// Not using unique_ptr since we don't manage the pointer
// (It's either nullptr, or from the config)
const char* server_;
const unsigned port_;
unsigned timeout_;
detail::unique_connection connection_;
detail::unique_status status_;
mpd_state state_;
detail::unique_song song_;
MPD(const std::string&, const Json::Value&);
virtual ~MPD() noexcept = default;
auto update() -> void;
std::string getTag(mpd_tag_type type, unsigned idx = 0) const;
void setLabel();
std::string getStateIcon() const;
std::string getOptionIcon(std::string optionName, bool activated) const;
// GUI-side methods
bool handlePlayPause(GdkEventButton* const&);
void emit() { dp.emit(); }
// MPD-side, Non-GUI methods.
void tryConnect();
void checkErrors(mpd_connection* conn);
void fetchState();
void queryMPD();
inline bool stopped() const { return connection_ && state_ == MPD_STATE_STOP; }
inline bool playing() const { return connection_ && state_ == MPD_STATE_PLAY; }
inline bool paused() const { return connection_ && state_ == MPD_STATE_PAUSE; }
#if !defined(MPD_NOINLINE)
#include "modules/mpd/state.inl.hpp"
} // namespace waybar::modules