mirror of
synced 2023-12-21 10:22:59 +01:00

Mouse-over tooltips set on the label only appear once the mouse hovers over exactly the label. Other apps (e.g. firefox) show the tooltip once the pointer hovers the button. Not solely its label. With this commit we get the same behaviour.
334 lines
11 KiB
334 lines
11 KiB
#include "modules/clock.hpp"
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include "util/ustring_clen.hpp"
#include "util/waybar_time.hpp"
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <locale.h>
using waybar::waybar_time;
waybar::modules::Clock::Clock(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
: AButton(config, "clock", id, "{:%H:%M}", 60, false, false, true),
is_timezoned_list_in_tooltip_(false) {
if (config_["timezones"].isArray() && !config_["timezones"].empty()) {
for (const auto& zone_name : config_["timezones"]) {
if (!zone_name.isString() || zone_name.asString().empty()) {
} else if (config_["timezone"].isString() && !config_["timezone"].asString().empty()) {
// If all timezones are parsed and no one is good, add nullptr to the timezones vector, to mark
// that local time should be shown.
if (!time_zones_.size()) {
if (!is_timezone_fixed()) {
"As using a timezone, some format args may be missing as the date library haven't got a "
"release since 2018.");
// Check if a particular placeholder is present in the tooltip format, to know what to calculate
// on update.
if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) {
std::string trimmed_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
trimmed_format.erase(std::remove_if(trimmed_format.begin(), trimmed_format.end(),
[](unsigned char x) { return std::isspace(x); }),
if (trimmed_format.find("{" + kCalendarPlaceholder + "}") != std::string::npos) {
is_calendar_in_tooltip_ = true;
if (trimmed_format.find("{" + KTimezonedTimeListPlaceholder + "}") != std::string::npos) {
is_timezoned_list_in_tooltip_ = true;
if (is_calendar_in_tooltip_) {
if (config_["on-scroll"][kCalendarPlaceholder].isInt()) {
calendar_shift_init_ =
date::months{config_["on-scroll"].get(kCalendarPlaceholder, 0).asInt()};
if (config_["locale"].isString()) {
locale_ = std::locale(config_["locale"].asString());
} else {
locale_ = std::locale("");
thread_ = [this] {
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/* difference with projected wakeup time */
auto diff = now.time_since_epoch() % interval_;
/* sleep until the next projected time */
thread_.sleep_for(interval_ - diff);
const date::time_zone* waybar::modules::Clock::current_timezone() {
return time_zones_[current_time_zone_idx_] ? time_zones_[current_time_zone_idx_]
: date::current_zone();
bool waybar::modules::Clock::is_timezone_fixed() {
return time_zones_[current_time_zone_idx_] != nullptr;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void {
auto time_zone = current_timezone();
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
waybar_time wtime = {locale_, date::make_zoned(time_zone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(now) +
std::string text = "";
if (!is_timezone_fixed()) {
// As date dep is not fully compatible, prefer fmt
auto localtime = fmt::localtime(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now));
text = fmt::format(locale_, format_, localtime);
} else {
text = fmt::format(format_, wtime);
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) {
std::string calendar_lines{""};
std::string timezoned_time_lines{""};
if (is_calendar_in_tooltip_) calendar_lines = calendar_text(wtime);
if (is_timezoned_list_in_tooltip_) timezoned_time_lines = timezones_text(&now);
auto tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
text =
fmt::format(tooltip_format, wtime, fmt::arg(kCalendarPlaceholder.c_str(), calendar_lines),
fmt::arg(KTimezonedTimeListPlaceholder.c_str(), timezoned_time_lines));
// Call parent update
bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e) {
// defer to user commands if set
if (config_["on-scroll-up"].isString() || config_["on-scroll-down"].isString()) {
return AModule::handleScroll(e);
auto dir = AModule::getScrollDir(e);
// Shift calendar date
if (calendar_shift_init_.count() > 0) {
if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::UP)
calendar_shift_ += calendar_shift_init_;
calendar_shift_ -= calendar_shift_init_;
} else {
// Change time zone
if (dir != SCROLL_DIR::UP && dir != SCROLL_DIR::DOWN) {
return true;
if (time_zones_.size() == 1) {
return true;
auto nr_zones = time_zones_.size();
if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::UP) {
size_t new_idx = current_time_zone_idx_ + 1;
current_time_zone_idx_ = new_idx == nr_zones ? 0 : new_idx;
} else {
current_time_zone_idx_ =
current_time_zone_idx_ == 0 ? nr_zones - 1 : current_time_zone_idx_ - 1;
return true;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::calendar_text(const waybar_time& wtime) -> std::string {
const auto daypoint = date::floor<date::days>(wtime.ztime.get_local_time());
const auto ymd{date::year_month_day{daypoint}};
if (calendar_cached_ymd_ == ymd) return calendar_cached_text_;
const auto curr_day{(calendar_shift_init_.count() > 0 && calendar_shift_.count() != 0)
? date::day{0}
: ymd.day()};
const date::year_month ym{ymd.year(), ymd.month()};
const auto week_format{config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].isString()
? config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].asString()
: ""};
const auto wn_format{config_["format-calendar-weeks"].isString()
? config_["format-calendar-weeks"].asString()
: ""};
std::stringstream os;
const auto first_dow = first_day_of_week();
int ws{0}; // weeks-pos: side(1 - left, 2 - right)
if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].isString()) {
if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].asString() == "left") {
ws = 1;
// Add paddings before the header
os << std::string(4, ' ');
} else if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].asString() == "right") {
ws = 2;
weekdays_header(first_dow, os);
// First week prefixed with spaces if needed.
auto wd = date::weekday(ym / 1);
auto empty_days = (wd - first_dow).count();
date::sys_days lwd{static_cast<date::sys_days>(ym / 1) + date::days{7 - empty_days}};
if (first_dow == date::Monday) {
lwd -= date::days{1};
/* Print weeknumber on the left for the first row*/
if (ws == 1) {
os << fmt::format(wn_format, lwd);
os << ' ';
lwd += date::weeks{1};
if (empty_days > 0) {
os << std::string(empty_days * 3 - 1, ' ');
auto last_day = (ym / date::literals::last).day();
for (auto d = date::day(1); d <= last_day; ++d, ++wd) {
if (wd != first_dow) {
os << ' ';
} else if (unsigned(d) != 1) {
if (ws == 2) {
os << ' ';
os << fmt::format(wn_format, lwd);
lwd += date::weeks{1};
os << '\n';
if (ws == 1) {
os << fmt::format(wn_format, lwd);
os << ' ';
lwd += date::weeks{1};
if (d == curr_day) {
if (config_["today-format"].isString()) {
auto today_format = config_["today-format"].asString();
os << fmt::format(today_format, date::format("%e", d));
} else {
os << "<b><u>" << date::format("%e", d) << "</u></b>";
} else if (config_["format-calendar"].isString()) {
os << fmt::format(config_["format-calendar"].asString(), date::format("%e", d));
} else
os << date::format("%e", d);
/*Print weeks on the right when the endings with spaces*/
if (ws == 2 && d == last_day) {
empty_days = 6 - (wd.c_encoding() - first_dow.c_encoding());
if (empty_days > 0) {
os << std::string(empty_days * 3 + 1, ' ');
os << fmt::format(wn_format, lwd);
auto result = os.str();
calendar_cached_ymd_ = ymd;
calendar_cached_text_ = result;
return result;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::weekdays_header(const date::weekday& first_dow, std::ostream& os)
-> void {
std::stringstream res;
auto wd = first_dow;
do {
if (wd != first_dow) res << ' ';
Glib::ustring wd_ustring(date::format(locale_, "%a", wd));
auto clen = ustring_clen(wd_ustring);
auto wd_len = wd_ustring.length();
while (clen > 2) {
wd_ustring = wd_ustring.substr(0, wd_len - 1);
clen = ustring_clen(wd_ustring);
const std::string pad(2 - clen, ' ');
res << pad << wd_ustring;
} while (++wd != first_dow);
res << "\n";
if (config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].isString()) {
os << fmt::format(config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].asString(), res.str());
} else
os << res.str();
auto waybar::modules::Clock::timezones_text(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point* now)
-> std::string {
if (time_zones_.size() == 1) {
return "";
std::stringstream os;
waybar_time wtime;
for (size_t time_zone_idx = 0; time_zone_idx < time_zones_.size(); ++time_zone_idx) {
if (static_cast<int>(time_zone_idx) == current_time_zone_idx_) {
const date::time_zone* timezone = time_zones_[time_zone_idx];
if (!timezone) {
timezone = date::current_zone();
wtime = {locale_, date::make_zoned(timezone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(*now))};
os << fmt::format(format_, wtime) << "\n";
return os.str();
template <auto fn>
using deleter_from_fn = std::integral_constant<decltype(fn), fn>;
template <typename T, auto fn>
using deleting_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_from_fn<fn>>;
// Computations done similarly to Linux cal utility.
auto waybar::modules::Clock::first_day_of_week() -> date::weekday {
deleting_unique_ptr<std::remove_pointer<locale_t>::type, freelocale> posix_locale{
newlocale(LC_ALL, locale_.name().c_str(), nullptr)};
if (posix_locale) {
const int i = (std::intptr_t)nl_langinfo_l(_NL_TIME_WEEK_1STDAY, posix_locale.get());
auto ymd = date::year(i / 10000) / (i / 100 % 100) / (i % 100);
auto wd = date::weekday(ymd);
uint8_t j = *nl_langinfo_l(_NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY, posix_locale.get());
return wd + date::days(j - 1);
return date::Sunday;