#include "config.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util/json.hpp" namespace fs = std::filesystem; namespace waybar { const std::vector Config::CONFIG_DIRS = { "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/waybar/", "$HOME/.config/waybar/", "$HOME/waybar/", "/etc/xdg/waybar/", SYSCONFDIR "/xdg/waybar/", "./resources/", }; const char *Config::CONFIG_PATH_ENV = "WAYBAR_CONFIG_DIR"; std::optional tryExpandPath(const std::string base, const std::string filename) { fs::path path; if (filename != "") { path = fs::path(base) / fs::path(filename); } else { path = fs::path(base); } spdlog::debug("Try expanding: {}", path); wordexp_t p; if (wordexp(path.c_str(), &p, 0) == 0) { if (access(*p.we_wordv, F_OK) == 0) { std::string result = *p.we_wordv; wordfree(&p); spdlog::debug("Found config file: {}", path); return result; } wordfree(&p); } return std::nullopt; } std::optional Config::findConfigPath(const std::vector &names, const std::vector &dirs) { if (const char *dir = std::getenv(Config::CONFIG_PATH_ENV)) { for (const auto &name : names) { if (auto res = tryExpandPath(dir, name); res) { return res; } } } for (const auto &dir : dirs) { for (const auto &name : names) { if (auto res = tryExpandPath(dir, name); res) { return res; } } } return std::nullopt; } void Config::setupConfig(Json::Value &dst, const std::string &config_file, int depth) { if (depth > 100) { throw std::runtime_error("Aborting due to likely recursive include in config files"); } std::ifstream file(config_file); if (!file.is_open()) { throw std::runtime_error("Can't open config file"); } std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator(file)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); util::JsonParser parser; Json::Value tmp_config = parser.parse(str); if (tmp_config.isArray()) { for (auto &config_part : tmp_config) { resolveConfigIncludes(config_part, depth); } } else { resolveConfigIncludes(tmp_config, depth); } mergeConfig(dst, tmp_config); } void Config::resolveConfigIncludes(Json::Value &config, int depth) { Json::Value includes = config["include"]; if (includes.isArray()) { for (const auto &include : includes) { spdlog::info("Including resource file: {}", include.asString()); setupConfig(config, tryExpandPath(include.asString(), "").value_or(""), ++depth); } } else if (includes.isString()) { spdlog::info("Including resource file: {}", includes.asString()); setupConfig(config, tryExpandPath(includes.asString(), "").value_or(""), ++depth); } } void Config::mergeConfig(Json::Value &a_config_, Json::Value &b_config_) { if (!a_config_) { // For the first config a_config_ = b_config_; } else if (a_config_.isObject() && b_config_.isObject()) { for (const auto &key : b_config_.getMemberNames()) { // [] creates key with default value. Use `get` to avoid that. if (a_config_.get(key, Json::Value::nullSingleton()).isObject() && b_config_[key].isObject()) { mergeConfig(a_config_[key], b_config_[key]); } else if (!a_config_.isMember(key)) { // do not allow overriding value set by top or previously included config a_config_[key] = b_config_[key]; } else { spdlog::trace("Option {} is already set; ignoring value {}", key, b_config_[key]); } } } else { spdlog::error("Cannot merge config, conflicting or invalid JSON types"); } } bool isValidOutput(const Json::Value &config, const std::string &name, const std::string &identifier) { if (config["output"].isArray()) { for (auto const &output_conf : config["output"]) { if (output_conf.isString() && (output_conf.asString() == name || output_conf.asString() == identifier)) { return true; } } return false; } else if (config["output"].isString()) { auto config_output = config["output"].asString(); if (!config_output.empty()) { if (config_output.substr(0, 1) == "!") { return config_output.substr(1) != name && config_output.substr(1) != identifier; } return config_output == name || config_output == identifier; } } return true; } void Config::load(const std::string &config) { auto file = config.empty() ? findConfigPath({"config", "config.jsonc"}) : config; if (!file) { throw std::runtime_error("Missing required resource files"); } config_file_ = file.value(); spdlog::info("Using configuration file {}", config_file_); setupConfig(config_, config_file_, 0); } std::vector Config::getOutputConfigs(const std::string &name, const std::string &identifier) { std::vector configs; if (config_.isArray()) { for (auto const &config : config_) { if (config.isObject() && isValidOutput(config, name, identifier)) { configs.push_back(config); } } } else if (isValidOutput(config_, name, identifier)) { configs.push_back(config_); } return configs; } } // namespace waybar