#include "modules/keyboard_state.hpp" #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include } class errno_error : public std::runtime_error { public: int code; errno_error(int code, const std::string& msg) : std::runtime_error(getErrorMsg(code, msg.c_str())), code(code) {} errno_error(int code, const char* msg) : std::runtime_error(getErrorMsg(code, msg)), code(code) {} private: static auto getErrorMsg(int err, const char* msg) -> std::string { const auto errno_name = strerrorname_np(err); const auto errno_str = strerror(err); std::string error_msg{msg}; error_msg += ": "; error_msg += errno_name; error_msg += " "; error_msg += errno_str; return error_msg; } }; auto openFile(const std::string& path, int flags) -> int { int fd = open(path.c_str(), flags); if (fd < 0) { if (errno == EACCES) { throw errno_error(errno, "Can't open " + path + " (are you in the input group?)"); } else { throw errno_error(errno, "Can't open " + path); } } return fd; } auto closeFile(int fd) -> void { int res = close(fd); if (res < 0) { throw errno_error(errno, "Can't close file"); } } auto openDevice(int fd) -> libevdev* { libevdev* dev; int err = libevdev_new_from_fd(fd, &dev); if (err < 0) { throw errno_error(-err, "Can't create libevdev device"); } return dev; } auto supportsLockStates(const libevdev* dev) -> bool { return libevdev_has_event_type(dev, EV_LED) && libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_LED, LED_NUML) && libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_LED, LED_CAPSL) && libevdev_has_event_code(dev, EV_LED, LED_SCROLLL); } waybar::modules::KeyboardState::KeyboardState(const std::string& id, const Bar& bar, const Json::Value& config) : AModule(config, "keyboard-state", id, false, !config["disable-scroll"].asBool()), box_(bar.vertical ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0), numlock_label_(""), capslock_label_(""), numlock_format_(config_["format"].isString() ? config_["format"].asString() : config_["format"]["numlock"].isString() ? config_["format"]["numlock"].asString() : "{name} {icon}"), capslock_format_(config_["format"].isString() ? config_["format"].asString() : config_["format"]["capslock"].isString() ? config_["format"]["capslock"].asString() : "{name} {icon}"), scrolllock_format_(config_["format"].isString() ? config_["format"].asString() : config_["format"]["scrolllock"].isString() ? config_["format"]["scrolllock"].asString() : "{name} {icon}"), interval_(std::chrono::seconds(config_["interval"].isUInt() ? config_["interval"].asUInt() : 1)), icon_locked_(config_["format-icons"]["locked"].isString() ? config_["format-icons"]["locked"].asString() : "locked"), icon_unlocked_(config_["format-icons"]["unlocked"].isString() ? config_["format-icons"]["unlocked"].asString() : "unlocked"), fd_(0), dev_(nullptr) { box_.set_name("keyboard-state"); if (config_["numlock"].asBool()) { box_.pack_end(numlock_label_, false, false, 0); } if (config_["capslock"].asBool()) { box_.pack_end(capslock_label_, false, false, 0); } if (config_["scrolllock"].asBool()) { box_.pack_end(scrolllock_label_, false, false, 0); } if (!id.empty()) { box_.get_style_context()->add_class(id); } event_box_.add(box_); if (config_["device-path"].isString()) { std::string dev_path = config_["device-path"].asString(); fd_ = openFile(dev_path, O_NONBLOCK | O_CLOEXEC | O_RDONLY); dev_ = openDevice(fd_); } else { DIR* dev_dir = opendir("/dev/input"); if (dev_dir == nullptr) { throw errno_error(errno, "Failed to open /dev/input"); } dirent *ep; while ((ep = readdir(dev_dir))) { if (ep->d_type != DT_CHR) continue; std::string dev_path = std::string("/dev/input/") + ep->d_name; int fd = openFile(dev_path.c_str(), O_NONBLOCK | O_CLOEXEC | O_RDONLY); try { auto dev = openDevice(fd); if (supportsLockStates(dev)) { spdlog::info("Found device {} at '{}'", libevdev_get_name(dev), dev_path); fd_ = fd; dev_ = dev; break; } } catch (const errno_error& e) { // ENOTTY just means the device isn't an evdev device, skip it if (e.code != ENOTTY) { spdlog::warn(e.what()); } } closeFile(fd); } if (dev_ == nullptr) { throw errno_error(errno, "Failed to find keyboard device"); } } thread_ = [this] { dp.emit(); thread_.sleep_for(interval_); }; } waybar::modules::KeyboardState::~KeyboardState() { libevdev_free(dev_); try { closeFile(fd_); } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { spdlog::warn(e.what()); } } auto waybar::modules::KeyboardState::update() -> void { int err = LIBEVDEV_READ_STATUS_SUCCESS; while (err == LIBEVDEV_READ_STATUS_SUCCESS) { input_event ev; err = libevdev_next_event(dev_, LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_NORMAL, &ev); while (err == LIBEVDEV_READ_STATUS_SYNC) { err = libevdev_next_event(dev_, LIBEVDEV_READ_FLAG_SYNC, &ev); } } if (-err != EAGAIN) { throw errno_error(-err, "Failed to sync evdev device"); } int numl = libevdev_get_event_value(dev_, EV_LED, LED_NUML); int capsl = libevdev_get_event_value(dev_, EV_LED, LED_CAPSL); int scrolll = libevdev_get_event_value(dev_, EV_LED, LED_SCROLLL); struct { bool state; Gtk::Label& label; const std::string& format; const char* name; } label_states[] = { {(bool) numl, numlock_label_, numlock_format_, "Num"}, {(bool) capsl, capslock_label_, capslock_format_, "Caps"}, {(bool) scrolll, scrolllock_label_, scrolllock_format_, "Scroll"}, }; for (auto& label_state : label_states) { std::string text; text = fmt::format(label_state.format, fmt::arg("icon", label_state.state ? icon_locked_ : icon_unlocked_), fmt::arg("name", label_state.name)); label_state.label.set_markup(text); if (label_state.state) { label_state.label.get_style_context()->add_class("locked"); } else { label_state.label.get_style_context()->remove_class("locked"); } } AModule::update(); }