#include "modules/battery.hpp" #include waybar::modules::Battery::Battery(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config) : ALabel(config, "battery", id, "{capacity}%", 60) { battery_watch_fd_ = inotify_init1(IN_CLOEXEC); if (battery_watch_fd_ == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to listen batteries."); } global_watch_fd_ = inotify_init1(IN_CLOEXEC); if (global_watch_fd_ == -1) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to listen batteries."); } // Watch the directory for any added or removed batteries global_watch = inotify_add_watch(global_watch_fd_, data_dir_.c_str(), IN_CREATE | IN_DELETE); if (global_watch < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not watch for battery plug/unplug"); } refreshBatteries(); worker(); } waybar::modules::Battery::~Battery() { std::lock_guard guard(battery_list_mutex_); if (global_watch >= 0) { inotify_rm_watch(global_watch_fd_, global_watch); } close(global_watch_fd_); for (auto it = batteries_.cbegin(); it != batteries_.cend(); it++) { auto watch_id = (*it).second; if (watch_id >= 0) { inotify_rm_watch(battery_watch_fd_, watch_id); } batteries_.erase(it); } close(battery_watch_fd_); } void waybar::modules::Battery::worker() { thread_timer_ = [this] { // Make sure we eventually update the list of batteries even if we miss an // inotify event for some reason refreshBatteries(); dp.emit(); thread_timer_.sleep_for(interval_); }; thread_ = [this] { struct inotify_event event = {0}; int nbytes = read(battery_watch_fd_, &event, sizeof(event)); if (nbytes != sizeof(event) || event.mask & IN_IGNORED) { thread_.stop(); return; } dp.emit(); }; thread_battery_update_ = [this] { struct inotify_event event = {0}; int nbytes = read(global_watch_fd_, &event, sizeof(event)); if (nbytes != sizeof(event) || event.mask & IN_IGNORED) { thread_.stop(); return; } refreshBatteries(); dp.emit(); }; } void waybar::modules::Battery::refreshBatteries() { std::lock_guard guard(battery_list_mutex_); // Mark existing list of batteries as not necessarily found std::map check_map; for (auto const& bat : batteries_) { check_map[bat.first] = false; } try { for (auto& node : fs::directory_iterator(data_dir_)) { if (!fs::is_directory(node)) { continue; } auto dir_name = node.path().filename(); auto bat_defined = config_["bat"].isString(); if (((bat_defined && dir_name == config_["bat"].asString()) || !bat_defined) && fs::exists(node.path() / "capacity") && fs::exists(node.path() / "uevent") && fs::exists(node.path() / "status") && fs::exists(node.path() / "type")) { std::string type; std::ifstream(node.path() / "type") >> type; if (!type.compare("Battery")){ check_map[node.path()] = true; auto search = batteries_.find(node.path()); if (search == batteries_.end()) { // We've found a new battery save it and start listening for events auto event_path = (node.path() / "uevent"); auto wd = inotify_add_watch(battery_watch_fd_, event_path.c_str(), IN_ACCESS); if (wd < 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Could not watch events for " + node.path().string()); } batteries_[node.path()] = wd; } } } auto adap_defined = config_["adapter"].isString(); if (((adap_defined && dir_name == config_["adapter"].asString()) || !adap_defined) && fs::exists(node.path() / "online")) { adapter_ = node.path(); } } } catch (fs::filesystem_error& e) { throw std::runtime_error(e.what()); } if (batteries_.empty()) { if (config_["bat"].isString()) { throw std::runtime_error("No battery named " + config_["bat"].asString()); } throw std::runtime_error("No batteries."); } // Remove any batteries that are no longer present and unwatch them for (auto const& check : check_map) { if (!check.second) { auto watch_id = batteries_[check.first]; if (watch_id >= 0) { inotify_rm_watch(battery_watch_fd_, watch_id); } batteries_.erase(check.first); } } } const std::tuple waybar::modules::Battery::getInfos() { std::lock_guard guard(battery_list_mutex_); try { uint32_t total_power = 0; // μW uint32_t total_energy = 0; // μWh uint32_t total_energy_full = 0; std::string status = "Unknown"; for (auto const& item : batteries_) { auto bat = item.first; uint32_t power_now; uint32_t energy_full; uint32_t energy_now; std::string _status; std::ifstream(bat / "status") >> _status; auto rate_path = fs::exists(bat / "current_now") ? "current_now" : "power_now"; std::ifstream(bat / rate_path) >> power_now; auto now_path = fs::exists(bat / "charge_now") ? "charge_now" : "energy_now"; std::ifstream(bat / now_path) >> energy_now; auto full_path = fs::exists(bat / "charge_full") ? "charge_full" : "energy_full"; std::ifstream(bat / full_path) >> energy_full; if (_status != "Unknown") { status = _status; } total_power += power_now; total_energy += energy_now; total_energy_full += energy_full; } if (!adapter_.empty() && status == "Discharging") { bool online; std::ifstream(adapter_ / "online") >> online; if (online) { status = "Plugged"; } } float time_remaining = 0; if (status == "Discharging" && total_power != 0) { time_remaining = (float)total_energy / total_power; } else if (status == "Charging" && total_power != 0) { time_remaining = -(float)(total_energy_full - total_energy) / total_power; if (time_remaining > 0.0f) { // If we've turned positive it means the battery is past 100% and so // just report that as no time remaining time_remaining = 0.0f; } } float capacity = ((float)total_energy * 100.0f / (float) total_energy_full); // Handle full-at if (config_["full-at"].isUInt()) { auto full_at = config_["full-at"].asUInt(); if (full_at < 100) { capacity = 100.f * capacity / full_at; } } if (capacity > 100.f) { // This can happen when the battery is calibrating and goes above 100% // Handle it gracefully by clamping at 100% capacity = 100.f; } uint8_t cap = round(capacity); if (cap == 100) { // If we've reached 100% just mark as full as some batteries can stay // stuck reporting they're still charging but not yet done status = "Full"; } return {cap, time_remaining, status}; } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::error("Battery: {}", e.what()); return {0, 0, "Unknown"}; } } const std::string waybar::modules::Battery::getAdapterStatus(uint8_t capacity) const { if (!adapter_.empty()) { bool online; std::ifstream(adapter_ / "online") >> online; if (capacity == 100) { return "Full"; } if (online) { return "Plugged"; } return "Discharging"; } return "Unknown"; } const std::string waybar::modules::Battery::formatTimeRemaining(float hoursRemaining) { hoursRemaining = std::fabs(hoursRemaining); uint16_t full_hours = static_cast(hoursRemaining); uint16_t minutes = static_cast(60 * (hoursRemaining - full_hours)); auto format = std::string("{H} h {M} min"); if (full_hours == 0 && minutes == 0) { // Migh as well not show "0h 0min" return ""; } if (config_["format-time"].isString()) { format = config_["format-time"].asString(); } return fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("H", full_hours), fmt::arg("M", minutes)); } auto waybar::modules::Battery::update() -> void { auto [capacity, time_remaining, status] = getInfos(); if (status == "Unknown") { status = getAdapterStatus(capacity); } if (tooltipEnabled()) { std::string tooltip_text; if (time_remaining != 0) { std::string time_to = std::string("Time to ") + ((time_remaining > 0) ? "empty" : "full"); tooltip_text = time_to + ": " + formatTimeRemaining(time_remaining); } else { tooltip_text = status; } label_.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text); } // Transform to lowercase and replace space with dash std::transform(status.begin(), status.end(), status.begin(), [](char ch) { return ch == ' ' ? '-' : std::tolower(ch); }); auto format = format_; auto state = getState(capacity, true); if (!old_status_.empty()) { label_.get_style_context()->remove_class(old_status_); } label_.get_style_context()->add_class(status); old_status_ = status; if (!state.empty() && config_["format-" + status + "-" + state].isString()) { format = config_["format-" + status + "-" + state].asString(); } else if (config_["format-" + status].isString()) { format = config_["format-" + status].asString(); } else if (!state.empty() && config_["format-" + state].isString()) { format = config_["format-" + state].asString(); } if (format.empty()) { event_box_.hide(); } else { event_box_.show(); auto icons = std::vector{status + "-" + state, status, state}; label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("capacity", capacity), fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(capacity, icons)), fmt::arg("time", formatTimeRemaining(time_remaining)))); } // Call parent update ALabel::update(); }