#include "modules/sni/item.hpp" #include #include using namespace Glib; static const ustring SNI_INTERFACE_NAME = sn_item_interface_info()->name; static const unsigned UPDATE_DEBOUNCE_TIME = 10; waybar::modules::SNI::Item::Item(std::string bn, std::string op, const Json::Value& config) : bus_name(bn), object_path(op), icon_size(16), effective_icon_size(0), icon_theme(Gtk::IconTheme::create()), update_pending_(false) { if (config["icon-size"].isUInt()) { icon_size = config["icon-size"].asUInt(); } event_box.add(image); event_box.add_events(Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); event_box.signal_button_press_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Item::handleClick)); cancellable_ = Gio::Cancellable::create(); auto interface = Glib::wrap(sn_item_interface_info(), true); Gio::DBus::Proxy::create_for_bus(Gio::DBus::BusType::BUS_TYPE_SESSION, bus_name, object_path, SNI_INTERFACE_NAME, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Item::proxyReady), cancellable_, interface); } void waybar::modules::SNI::Item::proxyReady(Glib::RefPtr& result) { try { this->proxy_ = Gio::DBus::Proxy::create_for_bus_finish(result); /* Properties are already cached during object creation */ auto cached_properties = this->proxy_->get_cached_property_names(); for (const auto& name: cached_properties) { Glib::VariantBase value; this->proxy_->get_cached_property(value, name); setProperty(name, value); } this->proxy_->signal_signal().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Item::onSignal)); if (this->id.empty() || this->category.empty() || this->status.empty()) { std::cerr << "Invalid Status Notifier Item: " + this->bus_name + "," + this->object_path << std::endl; return; } this->updateImage(); // this->event_box.set_tooltip_text(this->title); } catch (const Glib::Error& err) { g_error("Failed to create DBus Proxy for %s %s: %s", bus_name.c_str(), object_path.c_str(), err.what().c_str()); } catch (const std::exception& err) { g_error("Failed to create DBus Proxy for %s %s: %s", bus_name.c_str(), object_path.c_str(), err.what()); } } template T get_variant(VariantBase& value) { return VariantBase::cast_dynamic>(value).get(); } void waybar::modules::SNI::Item::setProperty(const ustring& name, VariantBase& value) { if (name == "Category") { category = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "Id") { id = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "Title") { title = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "Status") { status = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "WindowId") { window_id = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "IconName") { icon_name = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "IconPixmap") { icon_pixmap = this->extractPixBuf(value.gobj()); } else if (name == "OverlayIconName") { overlay_icon_name = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "OverlayIconPixmap") { // TODO: overlay_icon_pixmap } else if (name == "AttentionIconName") { attention_icon_name = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "AttentionIconPixmap") { // TODO: attention_icon_pixmap } else if (name == "AttentionMovieName") { attention_movie_name = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "ToolTip") { // TODO: tooltip } else if (name == "IconThemePath") { icon_theme_path = get_variant(value); if (!icon_theme_path.empty()) { icon_theme->set_search_path({icon_theme_path}); } } else if (name == "Menu") { menu = get_variant(value); } else if (name == "ItemIsMenu") { item_is_menu = get_variant(value); } } void waybar::modules::SNI::Item::getUpdatedProperties() { update_pending_ = false; auto params = VariantContainerBase::create_tuple({ Variant::create(SNI_INTERFACE_NAME) }); proxy_->call("org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll", sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Item::processUpdatedProperties), params); }; void waybar::modules::SNI::Item::processUpdatedProperties( Glib::RefPtr& _result) { try { auto result = proxy_->call_finish(_result); // extract "a{sv}" from VariantContainerBase Variant> properties_variant; result.get_child(properties_variant); auto properties = properties_variant.get(); for (const auto& [name, value]: properties) { VariantBase old_value; proxy_->get_cached_property(old_value, name); if (!value.equal(old_value)) { proxy_->set_cached_property(name, value); setProperty(name, const_cast(value)); } } this->updateImage(); // this->event_box.set_tooltip_text(this->title); } catch (const Glib::Error& err) { g_warning("Failed to update properties: %s", err.what().c_str()); } catch (const std::exception& err) { g_warning("Failed to update properties: %s", err.what()); } } void waybar::modules::SNI::Item::onSignal(const ustring& sender_name, const ustring& signal_name, const VariantContainerBase& arguments) { if (!update_pending_ && signal_name.compare(0, 3, "New") == 0) { /* Debounce signals and schedule update of all properties. * Based on behavior of Plasma dataengine for StatusNotifierItem. */ update_pending_ = true; Glib::signal_timeout().connect_once( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Item::getUpdatedProperties), UPDATE_DEBOUNCE_TIME); } } static void pixbuf_data_deleter(const guint8* data) { g_free((void*) data); } Glib::RefPtr waybar::modules::SNI::Item::extractPixBuf(GVariant *variant) { GVariantIter *it; g_variant_get(variant, "a(iiay)", &it); if (it == nullptr) { return Glib::RefPtr{}; } GVariant *val; gint lwidth = 0; gint lheight = 0; gint width; gint height; guchar *array = nullptr; while (g_variant_iter_loop(it, "(ii@ay)", &width, &height, &val)) { if (width > 0 && height > 0 && val != nullptr && width * height > lwidth * lheight) { auto size = g_variant_get_size(val); /* Sanity check */ if (size == 4U * width * height) { /* Find the largest image */ gconstpointer data = g_variant_get_data(val); if (data != nullptr) { if (array != nullptr) { g_free(array); } array = static_cast(g_memdup(data, size)); lwidth = width; lheight = height; } } } } g_variant_iter_free(it); if (array != nullptr) { /* argb to rgba */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4U * lwidth * lheight; i += 4) { guchar alpha = array[i]; array[i] = array[i + 1]; array[i + 1] = array[i + 2]; array[i + 2] = array[i + 3]; array[i + 3] = alpha; } return Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_data(array, Gdk::Colorspace::COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, lwidth, lheight, 4 * lwidth, &pixbuf_data_deleter); } return Glib::RefPtr{}; } void waybar::modules::SNI::Item::updateImage() { image.set_from_icon_name("image-missing", Gtk::ICON_SIZE_MENU); image.set_pixel_size(icon_size); if (!icon_name.empty()) { try { // Try to find icons specified by path and filename #ifdef FILESYSTEM_EXPERIMENTAL if (std::experimental::filesystem::exists(icon_name)) { #else if (std::filesystem::exists(icon_name)) { #endif auto pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file(icon_name); if (pixbuf->gobj() != nullptr) { // An icon specified by path and filename may be the wrong size for // the tray pixbuf = pixbuf->scale_simple(icon_size, icon_size, Gdk::InterpType::INTERP_BILINEAR); image.set(pixbuf); } } else { image.set(getIconByName(icon_name, icon_size)); } } catch (Glib::Error &e) { std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } else if (icon_pixmap) { // An icon extracted may be the wrong size for the tray icon_pixmap = icon_pixmap->scale_simple(icon_size, icon_size, Gdk::InterpType::INTERP_BILINEAR); image.set(icon_pixmap); } } Glib::RefPtr waybar::modules::SNI::Item::getIconByName(std::string name, int request_size) { int tmp_size = 0; icon_theme->rescan_if_needed(); auto sizes = icon_theme->get_icon_sizes(name.c_str()); for (auto const &size : sizes) { // -1 == scalable if (size == request_size || size == -1) { tmp_size = request_size; break; } else if (size < request_size || (size > tmp_size && tmp_size > 0)) { tmp_size = size; } } if (tmp_size == 0) { tmp_size = request_size; } return icon_theme->load_icon(name.c_str(), tmp_size, Gtk::IconLookupFlags::ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE); } void waybar::modules::SNI::Item::onMenuDestroyed(Item *self) { self->gtk_menu = nullptr; self->dbus_menu = nullptr; } bool waybar::modules::SNI::Item::makeMenu(GdkEventButton *const &ev) { if (gtk_menu == nullptr) { if (!menu.empty()) { dbus_menu = dbusmenu_gtkmenu_new(bus_name.data(), menu.data()); if (dbus_menu != nullptr) { g_object_ref_sink(G_OBJECT(dbus_menu)); g_object_weak_ref(G_OBJECT(dbus_menu), (GWeakNotify)onMenuDestroyed, this); gtk_menu = Glib::wrap(GTK_MENU(dbus_menu)); gtk_menu->attach_to_widget(event_box); } } } if (gtk_menu != nullptr) { #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 22, 0) gtk_menu->popup_at_pointer(reinterpret_cast(ev)); #else gtk_menu->popup(ev->button, ev->time); #endif return true; } return false; } bool waybar::modules::SNI::Item::handleClick(GdkEventButton *const &ev) { auto parameters = VariantContainerBase::create_tuple({ Variant::create(ev->x), Variant::create(ev->y) }); if ((ev->button == 1 && item_is_menu) || ev->button == 3) { if (!makeMenu(ev)) { proxy_->call("ContextMenu", parameters); return true; } } else if (ev->button == 1) { proxy_->call("Activate", parameters); return true; } else if (ev->button == 2) { proxy_->call("SecondaryActivate", parameters); return true; } return false; }