waybar-mpris(5) # NAME waybar - MPRIS module # DESCRIPTION The *mpris* module displays currently playing media via libplayerctl. # CONFIGURATION *player*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: playerctld ++ Name of the MPRIS player to attach to. Using the default value always follows the currenly active player. *ignored-players*: ++ typeof: []string ++ Ignore updates of the listed players, when using playerctld. *interval*: ++ typeof: integer ++ Refresh MPRIS information on a timer. *format*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: {player} ({status}) {dynamic} ++ The text format. *format-[status]*: ++ typeof: string ++ The status-specific text format. *tooltip*: ++ typeof: bool ++ default: true ++ Option to disable tooltip on hover. *tooltip-format*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: {player} ({status}) {dynamic} ++ The tooltip text format. *tooltip-format-[status]*: ++ typeof: string ++ The status-specific tooltip format. *artist-len*: ++ typeof: integer ++ Maximum length of the Artist tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters count as two). *album-len*: ++ typeof: integer ++ Maximum length of the Album tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters count as two). *title-len*: ++ typeof: integer ++ Maximum length of the Title tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters count as two). *dynamic-len*: ++ typeof: integer ++ Maximum length of the Dynamic tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters count as two). The dynamic tag will not truncate any tags beyond their set length limits, instead, it will attempt to fit as much of the available tags as possible. It is recommended you set title-len to something less than or equal to this value, so the title will always be displayed. *dynamic-priority* ++ typeof: []string ++ default: ["title", "length", "position", "artist", "album"] Priority of the tags when truncating the Dynamic tag (absence in this list means force inclusion). *truncate-hours*: ++ typeof: bool ++ default: true ++ Whether to hide hours when media duration is less than an hour long. *enable-tooltip-len-limits*: ++ typeof: bool ++ default: false ++ Option to enable the length limits for the tooltip as well. By default the tooltip ignores all length limits. *ellipsis*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: "…" ++ This character will be used when any of the tags exceed their maximum length. If you don't want to use an ellipsis, set this to empty string. *on-click*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: play-pause ++ Overwrite default action toggles. *on-middle-click*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: previous track ++ Overwrite default action toggles. *on-right-click*: ++ typeof: string ++ default: next track ++ Overwrite default action toggles. *player-icons*: ++ typeof: map[string]string Allows setting _{player-icon}_ based on player-name property. *status-icons*: ++ typeof: map[string]string Allows setting _{status-icon}_ based on player status (playing, paused, stopped). # FORMAT REPLACEMENTS *{player}*: The name of the current media player *{status}*: The current status (playing, paused, stopped) *{artist}*: The artist of the current track *{album}*: The album title of the current track *{title}*: The title of the current track *{length}*: Length of the track, formatted as HH:MM:SS *{dynamic}*: Use _{artist}_, _{album}_, _{title}_ and _{length}_, automatically omit++ empty values *{player-icon}*: Chooses an icon from _player-icons_ based on _{player}_ *{status-icon}*: Chooses an icon from _status-icons_ based on _{status}_ # EXAMPLES ``` "mpris": { "format": "{player_icon} {dynamic}", "format-paused": "{status_icon} {dynamic}", "player-icons": { "default": "▶", "mpv": "🎵" }, "status-icons": { "paused": "⏸" }, // "ignored-players": ["firefox"] } ``` # STYLE - *#mpris* - *#mpris.${status}* - *#mpris.${player}*