#include "modules/upower.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "gtkmm/enums.h" #include "gtkmm/icontheme.h" namespace waybar::modules { UPower::UPower(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config) : AModule(config, "tray", id), box_(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0), icon_(), label_(), devices() { box_.pack_start(icon_); box_.pack_start(label_); event_box_.add(box_); // Icon Size if (config_["icon-size"].isUInt()) { iconSize = config_["icon-size"].asUInt(); } icon_.set_pixel_size(iconSize); // Hide If Empty if (config_["hide-if-empty"].isBool()) { hideIfEmpty = config_["hide-if-empty"].asBool(); } GError* error = NULL; client = up_client_new_full(NULL, &error); if (client == NULL) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create UPower client!"); } // Connect to Login1 PrepareForSleep signal login1_connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, &error); if (!login1_connection) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to connect to the SYSTEM Bus!..."); } else { login1_id = g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(login1_connection, "org.freedesktop.login1", "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager", "PrepareForSleep", "/org/freedesktop/login1", NULL, G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE, prepareForSleep_cb, this, NULL); } g_signal_connect(client, "device-added", G_CALLBACK(deviceAdded_cb), this); g_signal_connect(client, "device-removed", G_CALLBACK(deviceRemoved_cb), this); g_signal_connect(client, "notify", G_CALLBACK(deviceNotify_cb), this); resetDevices(); dp.emit(); } UPower::~UPower() { if (client != NULL) g_object_unref(client); if (login1_id > 0) { g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(login1_connection, login1_id); login1_id = 0; } } void UPower::deviceAdded_cb(UpClient* client, UpDevice* device, gpointer data) { UPower* up = static_cast(data); up->addDevice(device); up->setDisplayDevice(); // Update the widget up->dp.emit(); } void UPower::deviceRemoved_cb(UpClient* client, const gchar* object_path, gpointer data) { UPower* up = static_cast(data); up->removeDevice(object_path); up->setDisplayDevice(); // Update the widget up->dp.emit(); } void UPower::deviceNotify_cb(gpointer data) { UPower* up = static_cast(data); // Update the widget up->dp.emit(); } void UPower::prepareForSleep_cb(GDBusConnection* system_bus, const gchar* sender_name, const gchar* object_path, const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* signal_name, GVariant* parameters, gpointer data) { if (g_variant_is_of_type(parameters, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(b)"))) { gboolean sleeping; g_variant_get(parameters, "(b)", &sleeping); if (!sleeping) { UPower* up = static_cast(data); up->resetDevices(); } } } void UPower::removeDevice(const std::string devicePath) { devices.erase(devicePath); } void UPower::addDevice(UpDevice* device) { if (device) { const gchar* objectPath = up_device_get_object_path(device); devices[objectPath] = device; g_signal_connect(device, "notify", G_CALLBACK(deviceNotify_cb), this); } } void UPower::setDisplayDevice() { displayDevice = up_client_get_display_device(client); g_signal_connect(displayDevice, "notify", G_CALLBACK(deviceNotify_cb), this); } /** Removes all devices and adds the current devices */ void UPower::resetDevices() { // Removes all devices if (devices.size() > 0) { auto it = devices.cbegin(); while (it != devices.cend()) { devices.erase(it++); } } // Adds all devices GPtrArray* newDevices = up_client_get_devices2(client); for (guint i = 0; i < newDevices->len; i++) { UpDevice* device = (UpDevice*)g_ptr_array_index(newDevices, i); if (device) addDevice(device); } setDisplayDevice(); // Update the widget dp.emit(); } auto UPower::update() -> void { if (devices.size() == 0 && hideIfEmpty) { box_.set_visible(false); } else { box_.set_visible(true); UpDeviceKind kind; UpDeviceState state; double percentage; gboolean is_power_supply; gboolean is_present; gchar* icon_name; g_object_get(displayDevice, "kind", &kind, "state", &state, "is-present", &is_present, "power-supply", &is_power_supply, "percentage", &percentage, "icon-name", &icon_name, NULL); bool displayDeviceValid = kind == UpDeviceKind::UP_DEVICE_KIND_BATTERY || kind == UpDeviceKind::UP_DEVICE_KIND_UPS; // TODO: Tooltip // Set percentage std::string percent_string = displayDeviceValid ? std::to_string(int(percentage) + 0.5) + "%" : ""; label_.set_text(percent_string); // Set icon if (!Gtk::IconTheme::get_default()->has_icon(icon_name)) { icon_name = (char*)"battery-missing-symbolic"; } icon_.set_from_icon_name(icon_name, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_INVALID); } // Call parent update AModule::update(); } } // namespace waybar::modules