#include "modules/wlr/taskbar.hpp" #include "glibmm/refptr.h" #include "util/format.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <cstring> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <gdkmm/monitor.h> #include <gtkmm/icontheme.h> #include <giomm/desktopappinfo.h> #include <spdlog/spdlog.h> namespace waybar::modules::wlr { /* Icon loading functions */ /* Method 1 - get the correct icon name from the desktop file */ static std::string get_from_desktop_app_info(const std::string &app_id) { Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DesktopAppInfo> app_info; std::vector<std::string> prefixes = { "", "/usr/share/applications/", "/usr/share/applications/kde/", "/usr/share/applications/org.kde.", "/usr/local/share/applications/", "/usr/local/share/applications/org.kde.", }; std::string lower_app_id = app_id; std::transform(std::begin(lower_app_id), std::end(lower_app_id), std::begin(lower_app_id), [](unsigned char c) { return std::tolower(c); }); std::vector<std::string> app_id_variations = { app_id, lower_app_id }; std::vector<std::string> suffixes = { "", ".desktop" }; for (auto& prefix : prefixes) for (auto& id : app_id_variations) for (auto& suffix : suffixes) if (!app_info) app_info = Gio::DesktopAppInfo::create_from_filename(prefix + id + suffix); if (app_info) return app_info->get_icon()->to_string(); return ""; } /* Method 2 - use the app_id and check whether there is an icon with this name in the icon theme */ static std::string get_from_icon_theme(Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::IconTheme> icon_theme, const std::string &app_id) { if (icon_theme->lookup_icon(app_id, 24)) return app_id; return ""; } static bool image_load_icon(Gtk::Image& image, Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::IconTheme> icon_theme, const std::string &app_id_list, int size) { std::string app_id; std::istringstream stream(app_id_list); bool found = false; /* Wayfire sends a list of app-id's in space separated format, other compositors * send a single app-id, but in any case this works fine */ while (stream >> app_id) { std::string icon_name = get_from_desktop_app_info(app_id); if (icon_name.empty()) icon_name = get_from_icon_theme(icon_theme, app_id); if (icon_name.empty()) continue; auto pixbuf = icon_theme->load_icon(icon_name, size, Gtk::ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE); if (pixbuf) { image.set(pixbuf); found = true; break; } } return found; } /* Task class implementation */ uint32_t Task::global_id = 0; static void tl_handle_title(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *handle, const char *title) { return static_cast<Task*>(data)->handle_title(title); } static void tl_handle_app_id(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *handle, const char *app_id) { return static_cast<Task*>(data)->handle_app_id(app_id); } static void tl_handle_output_enter(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *handle, struct wl_output *output) { return static_cast<Task*>(data)->handle_output_enter(output); } static void tl_handle_output_leave(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *handle, struct wl_output *output) { return static_cast<Task*>(data)->handle_output_leave(output); } static void tl_handle_state(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *handle, struct wl_array *state) { return static_cast<Task*>(data)->handle_state(state); } static void tl_handle_done(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *handle) { return static_cast<Task*>(data)->handle_done(); } static void tl_handle_closed(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *handle) { return static_cast<Task*>(data)->handle_closed(); } static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_listener toplevel_handle_impl = { .title = tl_handle_title, .app_id = tl_handle_app_id, .output_enter = tl_handle_output_enter, .output_leave = tl_handle_output_leave, .state = tl_handle_state, .done = tl_handle_done, .closed = tl_handle_closed, }; Task::Task(const waybar::Bar &bar, const Json::Value &config, Taskbar *tbar, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *tl_handle, struct wl_seat *seat) : bar_{bar}, config_{config}, tbar_{tbar}, handle_{tl_handle}, seat_{seat}, id_{global_id++}, content_{bar.vertical ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0}, button_visible_{false} { zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_add_listener(handle_, &toplevel_handle_impl, this); button_.set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE); content_.add(text_before_); content_.add(icon_); content_.add(text_after_); content_.show(); button_.add(content_); with_icon_ = false; format_before_.clear(); format_after_.clear(); if (config_["format"].isString()) { /* The user defined a format string, use it */ auto format = config_["format"].asString(); auto icon_pos = format.find("{icon}"); if (icon_pos == 0) { with_icon_ = true; format_after_ = format.substr(6); } else if (icon_pos == std::string::npos) { format_after_ = format; } else { with_icon_ = true; format_before_ = format.substr(0, icon_pos); format_after_ = format.substr(icon_pos + 6); } } else { /* The default is to only show the icon */ with_icon_ = true; } /* Strip spaces at the beginning and end of the format strings */ if (!format_before_.empty() && format_before_.back() == ' ') format_before_.pop_back(); if (!format_after_.empty() && format_after_.front() == ' ') format_after_.erase(std::cbegin(format_after_)); format_tooltip_.clear(); if (!config_["tooltip"].isBool() || config_["tooltip"].asBool()) { if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) format_tooltip_ = config_["tooltip-format"].asString(); else format_tooltip_ = "{title}"; } /* Handle click events if configured */ if (config_["on-click"].isString() || config_["on-click-middle"].isString() || config_["on-click-left"].isString()) { button_.add_events(Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); button_.signal_button_press_event().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Task::handle_clicked), false); } } Task::~Task() { if (handle_) { zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_destroy(handle_); handle_ = nullptr; } if (button_visible_) { tbar_->remove_button(button_); button_visible_ = false; } } std::string Task::repr() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Task (" << id_ << ") " << title_ << " [" << app_id_ << "] <" << (active() ? "A" : "a") << (maximized() ? "M" : "m") << (minimized() ? "I" : "i") << (fullscreen() ? "F" : "f") << ">"; return ss.str(); } std::string Task::state_string(bool shortened) const { std::stringstream ss; if (shortened) ss << (minimized() ? "m" : "") << (maximized() ? "M" : "") << (active() ? "A" : "") << (fullscreen() ? "F" : ""); else ss << (minimized() ? "minimized " : "") << (maximized() ? "maximized " : "") << (active() ? "active " : "") << (fullscreen() ? "fullscreen " : ""); std::string res = ss.str(); if (shortened || res.empty()) return res; else return res.substr(0, res.size() - 1); } void Task::handle_title(const char *title) { title_ = title; } void Task::handle_app_id(const char *app_id) { app_id_ = app_id; if (!image_load_icon(icon_, tbar_->icon_theme(), app_id_, config_["icon-size"].isInt() ? config_["icon-size"].asInt() : 16)) spdlog::warn("Failed to load icon for {}", app_id); if (with_icon_) icon_.show(); } void Task::handle_output_enter(struct wl_output *output) { spdlog::debug("{} entered output {}", repr(), (void*)output); if (!button_visible_ && (tbar_->all_outputs() || tbar_->show_output(output))) { /* The task entered the output of the current bar make the button visible */ tbar_->add_button(button_); button_.show(); button_visible_ = true; spdlog::debug("{} now visible on {}", repr(), bar_.output->name); } } void Task::handle_output_leave(struct wl_output *output) { spdlog::debug("{} left output {}", repr(), (void*)output); if (button_visible_ && !tbar_->all_outputs() && tbar_->show_output(output)) { /* The task left the output of the current bar, make the button invisible */ tbar_->remove_button(button_); button_.hide(); button_visible_ = false; spdlog::debug("{} now invisible on {}", repr(), bar_.output->name); } } void Task::handle_state(struct wl_array *state) { state_ = 0; for (uint32_t* entry = static_cast<uint32_t*>(state->data); entry < static_cast<uint32_t*>(state->data) + state->size; entry++) { if (*entry == ZWLR_FOREIGN_TOPLEVEL_HANDLE_V1_STATE_MAXIMIZED) state_ |= MAXIMIZED; if (*entry == ZWLR_FOREIGN_TOPLEVEL_HANDLE_V1_STATE_MINIMIZED) state_ |= MINIMIZED; if (*entry == ZWLR_FOREIGN_TOPLEVEL_HANDLE_V1_STATE_ACTIVATED) state_ |= ACTIVE; if (*entry == ZWLR_FOREIGN_TOPLEVEL_HANDLE_V1_STATE_FULLSCREEN) state_ |= FULLSCREEN; } } void Task::handle_done() { spdlog::debug("{} changed", repr()); if (state_ & MAXIMIZED) { button_.get_style_context()->add_class("maximized"); } else if (!(state_ & MAXIMIZED)) { button_.get_style_context()->remove_class("maximized"); } if (state_ & MINIMIZED) { button_.get_style_context()->add_class("minimized"); } else if (!(state_ & MINIMIZED)) { button_.get_style_context()->remove_class("minimized"); } if (state_ & ACTIVE) { button_.get_style_context()->add_class("active"); } else if (!(state_ & ACTIVE)) { button_.get_style_context()->remove_class("active"); } if (state_ & FULLSCREEN) { button_.get_style_context()->add_class("fullscreen"); } else if (!(state_ & FULLSCREEN)) { button_.get_style_context()->remove_class("fullscreen"); } if (config_["active-first"].isBool() && config_["active-first"].asBool() && active()) tbar_->move_button(button_, 0); tbar_->dp.emit(); } void Task::handle_closed() { spdlog::debug("{} closed", repr()); zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_destroy(handle_); handle_ = nullptr; if (button_visible_) { tbar_->remove_button(button_); button_visible_ = false; } tbar_->remove_task(id_); } bool Task::handle_clicked(GdkEventButton *bt) { std::string action; if (config_["on-click"].isString() && bt->button == 1) action = config_["on-click"].asString(); else if (config_["on-click-middle"].isString() && bt->button == 2) action = config_["on-click-middle"].asString(); else if (config_["on-click-right"].isString() && bt->button == 3) action = config_["on-click-right"].asString(); if (action.empty()) return true; else if (action == "activate") activate(); else if (action == "minimize") minimize(!minimized()); else if (action == "maximize") maximize(!maximized()); else if (action == "fullscreen") fullscreen(!fullscreen()); else if (action == "close") close(); else spdlog::warn("Unknown action {}", action); return true; } bool Task::operator==(const Task &o) const { return o.id_ == id_; } bool Task::operator!=(const Task &o) const { return o.id_ != id_; } void Task::update() { if (!format_before_.empty()) { text_before_.set_label( fmt::format(format_before_, fmt::arg("title", title_), fmt::arg("app_id", app_id_), fmt::arg("state", state_string()), fmt::arg("short_state", state_string(true)) ) ); text_before_.show(); } if (!format_after_.empty()) { text_after_.set_label( fmt::format(format_before_, fmt::arg("title", title_), fmt::arg("app_id", app_id_), fmt::arg("state", state_string()), fmt::arg("short_state", state_string(true)) ) ); text_after_.show(); } if (!format_tooltip_.empty()) { button_.set_tooltip_markup( fmt::format(format_tooltip_, fmt::arg("title", title_), fmt::arg("app_id", app_id_), fmt::arg("state", state_string()), fmt::arg("short_state", state_string(true)) ) ); } } void Task::maximize(bool set) { if (set) zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_maximized(handle_); else zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_unset_maximized(handle_); } void Task::minimize(bool set) { if (set) zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_minimized(handle_); else zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_unset_minimized(handle_); } void Task::activate() { zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_activate(handle_, seat_); } void Task::fullscreen(bool set) { if (set) zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_fullscreen(handle_, nullptr); else zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_unset_fullscreen(handle_); } void Task::close() { zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_close(handle_); } /* Taskbar class implementation */ static void handle_global(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name, const char *interface, uint32_t version) { if (std::strcmp(interface, zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface.name) == 0) { static_cast<Taskbar*>(data)->register_manager(registry, name, version); } else if (std::strcmp(interface, wl_seat_interface.name) == 0) { static_cast<Taskbar*>(data)->register_seat(registry, name, version); } } static void handle_global_remove(void *data, struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name) { /* Nothing to do here */ } static const wl_registry_listener registry_listener_impl = { .global = handle_global, .global_remove = handle_global_remove }; Taskbar::Taskbar(const std::string &id, const waybar::Bar &bar, const Json::Value &config) : waybar::AModule(config, "taskbar", id, false, false), bar_(bar), box_{bar.vertical ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0}, manager_{nullptr}, seat_{nullptr} { box_.set_name("taskbar"); if (!id.empty()) { box_.get_style_context()->add_class(id); } event_box_.add(box_); struct wl_display *display = Client::inst()->wl_display; struct wl_registry *registry = wl_display_get_registry(display); wl_registry_add_listener(registry, ®istry_listener_impl, this); wl_display_roundtrip(display); if (!manager_) { spdlog::error("Failed to register as toplevel manager"); return; } if (!seat_) { spdlog::error("Failed to get wayland seat"); return; } /* Get the configured icon theme if specified */ if (config_["icon-theme"].isString()) { icon_theme_ = Gtk::IconTheme::create(); icon_theme_->set_custom_theme(config_["icon-theme"].asString()); spdlog::debug("Use custom icon theme: {}.", config_["icon-theme"].asString()); } else { spdlog::debug("Use system default icon theme"); icon_theme_ = Gtk::IconTheme::get_default(); } } Taskbar::~Taskbar() { if (manager_) { zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_destroy(manager_); manager_ = nullptr; } } void Taskbar::update() { for (auto& t : tasks_) { t->update(); } AModule::update(); } static void tm_handle_toplevel(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *tl_handle) { return static_cast<Taskbar*>(data)->handle_toplevel_create(tl_handle); } static void tm_handle_finished(void *data, struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *manager) { return static_cast<Taskbar*>(data)->handle_finished(); } static const struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_listener toplevel_manager_impl = { .toplevel = tm_handle_toplevel, .finished = tm_handle_finished, }; void Taskbar::register_manager(struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name, uint32_t version) { if (manager_) { spdlog::warn("Register foreign toplevel manager again although already existing!"); return; } if (version != 2) { spdlog::warn("Using different foreign toplevel manager protocol version: {}", version); } manager_ = static_cast<struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1 *>(wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_interface, version)); if (manager_) zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_add_listener(manager_, &toplevel_manager_impl, this); else spdlog::debug("Failed to register manager"); } void Taskbar::register_seat(struct wl_registry *registry, uint32_t name, uint32_t version) { if (seat_) { spdlog::warn("Register seat again although already existing!"); return; } seat_ = static_cast<wl_seat*>(wl_registry_bind(registry, name, &wl_seat_interface, version)); } void Taskbar::handle_toplevel_create(struct zwlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1 *tl_handle) { tasks_.push_back(std::make_unique<Task>(bar_, config_, this, tl_handle, seat_)); } void Taskbar::handle_finished() { zwlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_destroy(manager_); manager_ = nullptr; } void Taskbar::add_button(Gtk::Button &bt) { box_.pack_start(bt, false, false); } void Taskbar::move_button(Gtk::Button &bt, int pos) { box_.reorder_child(bt, pos); } void Taskbar::remove_button(Gtk::Button &bt) { box_.remove(bt); } void Taskbar::remove_task(uint32_t id) { auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(tasks_), std::end(tasks_), [id](const TaskPtr &p) { return p->id() == id; }); if (it == std::end(tasks_)) { spdlog::warn("Can't find task with id {}", id); return; } tasks_.erase(it); } bool Taskbar::show_output(struct wl_output *output) const { return output == gdk_wayland_monitor_get_wl_output(bar_.output->monitor->gobj()); } bool Taskbar::all_outputs() const { static bool result = config_["all_outputs"].isBool() ? config_["all_outputs"].asBool() : false; return result; } Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::IconTheme> Taskbar::icon_theme() const { return icon_theme_; } } /* namespace waybar::modules::wlr */