#include "modules/mpd.hpp" #include waybar::modules::MPD::MPD(const std::string& id, const Json::Value &config) : ALabel(config, "{album} - {artist} - {title}", 5), server_(nullptr), port_(config["port"].asUInt()), connection_(nullptr, &mpd_connection_free), status_(nullptr, &mpd_status_free), song_(nullptr, &mpd_song_free) { label_.set_name("mpd"); if (!id.empty()) { label_.get_style_context()->add_class(id); } if (!config["server"].isNull()) { server_ = config["server"].asCString(); } worker_ = worker(); } auto waybar::modules::MPD::update() -> void { tryConnect(); if (connection_ != nullptr) { try { fetchState(); } catch (std::exception e) { stopped_ = true; } } setLabel(); } std::thread waybar::modules::MPD::worker() { return std::thread([this] () { while (true) { if (connection_ == nullptr) { // Retry periodically if no connection update(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(interval_); } else { // Else, update on any event waitForEvent(); update(); } } }); } void waybar::modules::MPD::setLabel() { if (connection_ == nullptr) { label_.get_style_context()->add_class("disconnected"); // In the case connection closed while MPD is stopped label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("stopped"); auto format = config_["format-disconnected"].isString() ? config_["format-disconnected"].asString() : "disconnected"; label_.set_markup(format); if (tooltipEnabled()) { std::string tooltip_format; tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format-disconnected"].isString() ? config_["tooltip-format-disconnected"].asString() : "MPD (disconnected)"; // Nothing to format label_.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_format); } return; } else { label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("disconnected"); } auto format = format_; std::string artist, album_artist, album, title, date; std::string stateIcon = ""; if (stopped_) { format = config_["format-stopped"].isString() ? config_["format-stopped"].asString() : "stopped"; label_.get_style_context()->add_class("stopped"); } else { label_.get_style_context()->remove_class("stopped"); stateIcon = getStateIcon(); artist = mpd_song_get_tag(song_.get(), MPD_TAG_ARTIST, 0); album_artist = mpd_song_get_tag(song_.get(), MPD_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST, 0); album = mpd_song_get_tag(song_.get(), MPD_TAG_ALBUM, 0); title = mpd_song_get_tag(song_.get(), MPD_TAG_TITLE, 0); date = mpd_song_get_tag(song_.get(), MPD_TAG_DATE, 0); } bool consumeActivated = mpd_status_get_consume(status_.get()); std::string consumeIcon = getOptionIcon("consume", consumeActivated); bool randomActivated = mpd_status_get_random(status_.get()); std::string randomIcon = getOptionIcon("random", randomActivated); bool repeatActivated = mpd_status_get_repeat(status_.get()); std::string repeatIcon = getOptionIcon("repeat", repeatActivated); bool singleActivated = mpd_status_get_single(status_.get()); std::string singleIcon = getOptionIcon("single", singleActivated); // TODO: format can fail label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("artist", artist), fmt::arg("albumArtist", album_artist), fmt::arg("album", album), fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("date", date), fmt::arg("stateIcon", stateIcon), fmt::arg("consumeIcon", consumeIcon), fmt::arg("randomIcon", randomIcon), fmt::arg("repeatIcon", repeatIcon), fmt::arg("singleIcon", singleIcon))); if (tooltipEnabled()) { std::string tooltip_format; tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].isString() ? config_["tooltip-format"].asString() : "MPD (connected)"; auto tooltip_text = fmt::format(tooltip_format, fmt::arg("artist", artist), fmt::arg("albumArtist", album_artist), fmt::arg("album", album), fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("date", date), fmt::arg("stateIcon", stateIcon), fmt::arg("consumeIcon", consumeIcon), fmt::arg("randomIcon", randomIcon), fmt::arg("repeatIcon", repeatIcon), fmt::arg("singleIcon", singleIcon)); label_.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text); } } std::string waybar::modules::MPD::getStateIcon() { if (!config_["state-icons"].isObject()) { return ""; } if (connection_ == nullptr) { std::cerr << "MPD: Trying to fetch state icon while disconnected" << std::endl; return ""; } if (stopped_) { std::cerr << "MPD: Trying to fetch state icon while stopped" << std::endl; return ""; } if (state_ == MPD_STATE_PLAY) { return config_["state-icons"]["playing"].asString(); } else { // MPD_STATE_PAUSE return config_["state-icons"]["paused"].asString(); } } std::string waybar::modules::MPD::getOptionIcon(std::string optionName, bool activated) { if (!config_[optionName + "-icons"].isObject()) { return ""; } if (connection_ == nullptr) { std::cerr << "MPD: Trying to fetch option icon while disconnected" << std::endl; return ""; } if (activated) { return config_[optionName + "-icons"]["on"].asString(); } else { return config_[optionName + "-icons"]["off"].asString(); } } void waybar::modules::MPD::tryConnect() { if (connection_ != nullptr) { return; } connection_ = unique_connection( mpd_connection_new(server_, port_, 5'000), &mpd_connection_free); if (connection_ == nullptr) { std::cerr << "Failed to connect to MPD" << std::endl; return; } try { checkErrors(); } catch (std::runtime_error e) { std::cerr << "Failed to connect to MPD: " << e.what() << std::endl; connection_.reset(); } } void waybar::modules::MPD::checkErrors() { auto conn = connection_.get(); switch (mpd_connection_get_error(conn)) { case MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS: return; case MPD_ERROR_CLOSED: std::cerr << "Connection to MPD closed" << std::endl; mpd_connection_clear_error(conn); connection_.reset(); return; default: auto error_message = mpd_connection_get_error_message(conn); mpd_connection_clear_error(conn); throw std::runtime_error(std::string(error_message)); } } void waybar::modules::MPD::fetchState() { status_ = unique_status(mpd_run_status(connection_.get()), &mpd_status_free); checkErrors(); state_ = mpd_status_get_state(status_.get()); checkErrors(); stopped_ = state_ == MPD_STATE_UNKNOWN || state_ == MPD_STATE_STOP; song_ = unique_song(mpd_run_current_song(connection_.get()), &mpd_song_free); checkErrors(); } void waybar::modules::MPD::waitForEvent() { auto conn = connection_.get(); // Wait for a player (play/pause), option (random, shuffle, etc.), or playlist change mpd_run_idle_mask(conn, static_cast(MPD_IDLE_PLAYER | MPD_IDLE_OPTIONS | MPD_IDLE_PLAYLIST)); checkErrors(); }