1. Calendar. Weeks. Fix right paddings when first days of the week is
2. Fix small perfomrance penalty(avoid of defining parameter in the
month loop)
3. Small name convention for format string variables
1. Let's do code simplier
2. Week format using regexp. Needs when user provide additional
characters in format string and need to align week days according
3. Week format has got default formats: ":%U",":%V"
4. Week number is based on the first day of the week now. The output is
the same as of date library now.
5. Avoiding of unnecessary operations
The first crash occurs when trying to parse the
ID of a workspace as an uint, since named
workspaces has negative IDs. This is fixed by
using ints for workspace IDs instead of uints.
The second crash occurs when converting a
workspace name that isn't a number to an integer.
This is fixed by wrapping std::stoi in a try
block and only sorting by number, when both names
can successfully be converted to integers.
Adds basic support for showing volume via wireplumber. Allows specifying
the node-id or falling back to the default Audio/Sink node id if node-id
is not set. If tooltip on hover is enabled, will show `{node_name}` by
default otherwise `tooltip-format`.
Format replacements:
`{volume}` - Volume in percentage
`{node_name}` - The node's nickname (`node.nick` property)
Buttons come with an intrinsic min-width but lack a method to alter this
property. Setting the requested size to zero has also no effect on it.
The only way found to work is to hard code the CSS into the button.
gtk requires some chars (<>&"') to be encoded for them to render
properly. `sanitize_str` sanitizes raw strings that have such chars and
returns a properly encoded string
The AButton class is designed as full a substitute to ALabel. The
GtkButton attribute 'button_' is initialized with a label. This
label can the be referenced by the subsequent inheritors of AButton
instead of the GtkLabel attribute 'label_' of ALabel.
For convenience a GtkLabel* 'label_' attribute is added to AButton.
If the button cannot be clicked it is disabled, effectively acting
like its label predecessor.
GtkButton seems to catch one-click mouse events regardless of the
flags set on it. Therefore, 'signal_pressed' is connected to a
function creating a fake GdkEventButton* and calling 'handleToggle'
(for details on this possible bug in GTK see:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45334911 )
In accordance with other GtkButtons (i.e. the sway/workspace ones)
set_relief(Gtk::RELIEF_NONE) is called on the 'button_' instance.
This commit adds support to reading the config base path from the
environment variable `WAYBAR_CONFIG_DIR`. If it is set, but no
configuration is found there, it falls back to the previous mechanism
of using the default paths, without erroring.
currently, the orientation of group modules is always the opposite of
the bar. Change it so that:
* the default orientation of the group module is always the opposite of
its parent, even for nested groups
* the orientation can be overridden in the config
* css ID and class are set for the group element