mpris: add unicode support; add position tag

This commit is contained in:
chayleaf 2023-02-17 03:41:38 +07:00
parent a53c97f7f6
commit 5383f7bd56
3 changed files with 176 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class Mpris : public AModule {
std::optional<std::string> album;
std::optional<std::string> title;
std::optional<std::string> length; // as HH:MM:SS
std::optional<std::string> position; // same format
auto getPlayerInfo() -> std::optional<PlayerInfo>;
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ class Mpris : public AModule {
auto getAlbumStr(const PlayerInfo&, bool) -> std::string;
auto getTitleStr(const PlayerInfo&, bool) -> std::string;
auto getLengthStr(const PlayerInfo&, bool) -> std::string;
auto getPositionStr(const PlayerInfo&, bool) -> std::string;
auto getDynamicStr(const PlayerInfo&, bool, bool) -> std::string;
Gtk::Box box_;
@ -69,7 +71,9 @@ class Mpris : public AModule {
int title_len_;
int dynamic_len_;
std::vector<std::string> dynamic_prio_;
bool truncate_hours_;
bool tooltip_len_limits_;
std::string ellipsis_;
std::chrono::seconds interval_;
std::string player_;

View File

@ -50,19 +50,23 @@ The *mpris* module displays currently playing media via libplayerctl.
*artist-len*: ++
typeof: integer ++
Maximum length of the Artist tag.
Maximum length of the Artist tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters
count as two).
*album-len*: ++
typeof: integer ++
Maximum length of the Album tag.
Maximum length of the Album tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters count
as two).
*title-len*: ++
typeof: integer ++
Maximum length of the Title tag.
Maximum length of the Title tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters count
as two).
*dynamic-len*: ++
typeof: integer ++
Maximum length of the Dynamic tag.
Maximum length of the Dynamic tag (Wide/Fullwidth Unicode characters
count as two).
*dynamic-priority* ++
typeof: []string ++
@ -70,10 +74,26 @@ The *mpris* module displays currently playing media via libplayerctl.
Priority of the tags when truncating the Dynamic tag (absence in this
list means force inclusion).
*truncate-hours*: ++
typeof: bool ++
default: true ++
Whether to truncate hours when media duration is less than an hour long
*enable-tooltip-len-limits*: ++
typeof: bool ++
default: false ++
Option to enable the limits for the tooltip as well
Option to enable the length limits for the tooltip as well
*ellipsis*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: "…" ++
Override the default ellipsis (set to empty string to simply truncate
the tags when needed instead).
*on-click*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: play-pause ++
Overwrite default action toggles.
*on-click*: ++
typeof: string ++

View File

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
#include "modules/mpris/mpris.hpp"
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "modules/mpris/mpris.hpp"
extern "C" {
#include <playerctl/playerctl.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
namespace waybar::modules::mpris {
@ -26,8 +27,11 @@ Mpris::Mpris(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
dynamic_prio_({"title", "length", "artist", "album"}),
dynamic_prio_({"title", "length", "position", "artist", "album"}),
// this character is used in Gnome so it's fine to use it here
@ -49,6 +53,9 @@ Mpris::Mpris(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
if (config_["format-stopped"].isString()) {
format_stopped_ = config_["format-stopped"].asString();
if (config_["ellipsis"].isString()) {
ellipsis_ = config_["ellipsis"].asString();
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) {
tooltip_ = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
@ -89,6 +96,9 @@ Mpris::Mpris(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
if (config_["truncate-hours"].isBool()) {
truncate_hours_ = config["truncate-hours"].asBool();
if (config_["interval"].isUInt()) {
interval_ = std::chrono::seconds(config_["interval"].asUInt());
@ -178,47 +188,116 @@ auto Mpris::getIcon(const Json::Value& icons, const std::string& key) -> std::st
return "";
auto Mpris::getArtistStr(const PlayerInfo &info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
// Wide characters count as two, zero-width characters count as zero
// Modifies str in-place (unless width = std::string::npos)
// Returns the total width of the string pre-truncating
size_t utf8_truncate(std::string& str, size_t width = std::string::npos) {
if (str.length() == 0) return 0;
const gchar* trunc_end = nullptr;
size_t total_width = 0;
for (gchar *data =, *end = data + str.size(); data;) {
gunichar c = g_utf8_get_char_validated(data, end - data);
if (c == -1 || c == -2) {
// invalid unicode, treat string as ascii
if (width != std::string::npos && str.length() > width) str.resize(width);
return str.length();
} else if (g_unichar_iswide(c)) {
total_width += 2;
} else if (!g_unichar_iszerowidth(c)) {
total_width += 1;
data = g_utf8_find_next_char(data, end);
if (width != std::string::npos && total_width <= width) trunc_end = data;
if (trunc_end) str.resize(trunc_end -;
return total_width;
size_t utf8_width(const std::string& str) { return utf8_truncate(const_cast<std::string&>(str)); }
void truncate(std::string& s, const std::string& ellipsis, size_t max_len) {
if (max_len == 0) {
size_t len = utf8_truncate(s, max_len);
if (len > max_len) {
size_t ellipsis_len = utf8_width(ellipsis);
if (max_len >= ellipsis_len) {
if (ellipsis_len) utf8_truncate(s, max_len - ellipsis_len);
s += ellipsis;
} else {
auto Mpris::getArtistStr(const PlayerInfo& info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
std::string artist = info.artist.value_or(std::string());
return (truncated && artist_len_ >= 0) ? artist.substr(0, artist_len_) : artist;
if (truncated && artist_len_ >= 0) truncate(artist, ellipsis_, artist_len_);
return artist;
auto Mpris::getAlbumStr(const PlayerInfo &info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
auto Mpris::getAlbumStr(const PlayerInfo& info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
std::string album = info.album.value_or(std::string());
return (truncated && album_len_ >= 0) ? album.substr(0, album_len_) : album;
if (truncated && album_len_ >= 0) truncate(album, ellipsis_, album_len_);
return album;
auto Mpris::getTitleStr(const PlayerInfo &info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
auto Mpris::getTitleStr(const PlayerInfo& info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
std::string title = info.title.value_or(std::string());
return (truncated && title_len_ >= 0) ? title.substr(0, title_len_) : title;
if (truncated && title_len_ >= 0) truncate(title, ellipsis_, title_len_);
return title;
auto Mpris::getLengthStr(const PlayerInfo &info, bool from_dynamic) -> std::string {
auto Mpris::getLengthStr(const PlayerInfo& info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
if (info.length.has_value()) {
return from_dynamic ? ("[" + info.length.value() + "]") : info.length.value();
std::string length = info.length.value();
return (truncated && length.substr(0, 3) == "00:") ? length.substr(3) : length;
return std::string();
auto Mpris::getDynamicStr(const PlayerInfo &info, bool truncated, bool html) -> std::string {
auto Mpris::getPositionStr(const PlayerInfo& info, bool truncated) -> std::string {
if (info.position.has_value()) {
std::string position = info.position.value();
return (truncated && position.substr(0, 3) == "00:") ? position.substr(3) : position;
return std::string();
auto Mpris::getDynamicStr(const PlayerInfo& info, bool truncated, bool html) -> std::string {
std::string artist = getArtistStr(info, truncated);
std::string album = getAlbumStr(info, truncated);
std::string title = getTitleStr(info, truncated);
std::string length = getLengthStr(info, true);
std::string length = getLengthStr(info, truncated && truncate_hours_);
// keep position format same as length format
std::string position = getPositionStr(info, truncated && truncate_hours_ && length.length() < 6);
std::stringstream dynamic;
bool showArtist, showAlbum, showTitle, showLength;
showArtist = artist.length() != 0;
showAlbum = album.length() != 0;
showTitle = title.length() != 0;
showLength = length.length() != 0;
size_t artistLen = utf8_width(artist);
size_t albumLen = utf8_width(album);
size_t titleLen = utf8_width(title);
size_t lengthLen = length.length();
size_t posLen = position.length();
bool showArtist = artistLen != 0;
bool showAlbum = albumLen != 0;
bool showTitle = titleLen != 0;
bool showLength = lengthLen != 0;
bool showPos = posLen != 0;
if (truncated && dynamic_len_ >= 0) {
size_t dynamicLen = dynamic_len_;
size_t artistLen = showArtist ? artist.length() + 3 : 0;
size_t albumLen = showAlbum ? album.length() + 3 : 0;
size_t titleLen = title.length();
size_t lengthLen = showLength ? length.length() + 1 : 0;
if (showArtist) artistLen += 3;
if (showAlbum) albumLen += 3;
if (showLength) lengthLen += 3;
if (showPos) posLen += 3;
size_t totalLen = 0;
@ -246,23 +325,34 @@ auto Mpris::getDynamicStr(const PlayerInfo &info, bool truncated, bool html) ->
showLength = false;
} else {
totalLen += lengthLen;
posLen = std::max((size_t)2, posLen) - 2;
} else if (*it == "position") {
if (totalLen + posLen > dynamicLen) {
showPos = false;
} else {
totalLen += posLen;
lengthLen = std::max((size_t)2, lengthLen) - 2;
std::stringstream dynamic;
if (showArtist) dynamic << artist << " - ";
if (showAlbum) dynamic << album << " - ";
if (showTitle) dynamic << title;
if (showLength) {
if (showLength || showPos) {
dynamic << " ";
if (html) {
dynamic << "<small>";
dynamic << length;
if (html) {
dynamic << "</small>";
if (html) dynamic << "<small>";
dynamic << '[';
if (showPos) {
dynamic << position;
if (showLength) dynamic << '/';
if (showLength) dynamic << length;
dynamic << ']';
if (html) dynamic << "</small>";
return dynamic.str();
@ -412,6 +502,22 @@ auto Mpris::getPlayerInfo() -> std::optional<PlayerInfo> {
if (error) goto errorexit;
auto position_ = playerctl_player_get_position(player, &error);
if (error) {
// it's fine to have an error here because not all players report a position
error = nullptr;
} else {
spdlog::debug("mpris[{}]: position = {}",, position_);
std::chrono::microseconds len = std::chrono::microseconds(position_);
auto len_h = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(len);
auto len_m = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::minutes>(len - len_h);
auto len_s = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(len - len_m);
info.position = fmt::format("{:02}:{:02}:{:02}", len_h.count(), len_m.count(), len_s.count());
return info;
@ -508,12 +614,20 @@ auto Mpris::update() -> void {
std::string length = getLengthStr(info, truncate_hours_);
std::string tooltipLength =
(tooltip_len_limits_ || length.length() > 5) ? length : getLengthStr(info, false);
// keep position format same as length format
std::string position = getPositionStr(info, truncate_hours_ && length.length() < 6);
std::string tooltipPosition =
(tooltip_len_limits_ || position.length() > 5) ? position : getPositionStr(info, false);
try {
auto label_format = fmt::format(
fmt::runtime(formatstr), fmt::arg("player",,
fmt::arg("status", info.status_string), fmt::arg("artist", getArtistStr(info, true)),
fmt::arg("title", getTitleStr(info, true)), fmt::arg("album", getAlbumStr(info, true)),
fmt::arg("length", getLengthStr(info, false)),
fmt::arg("length", length), fmt::arg("position", position),
fmt::arg("dynamic", getDynamicStr(info, true, true)),
fmt::arg("player_icon", getIcon(config_["player-icons"],,
fmt::arg("status_icon", getIcon(config_["status-icons"], info.status_string)));
@ -531,7 +645,7 @@ auto Mpris::update() -> void {
fmt::arg("artist", getArtistStr(info, tooltip_len_limits_)),
fmt::arg("title", getTitleStr(info, tooltip_len_limits_)),
fmt::arg("album", getAlbumStr(info, tooltip_len_limits_)),
fmt::arg("length", getLengthStr(info, false)),
fmt::arg("length", tooltipLength), fmt::arg("position", tooltipPosition),
fmt::arg("dynamic", getDynamicStr(info, tooltip_len_limits_, false)),
fmt::arg("player_icon", getIcon(config_["player-icons"],,
fmt::arg("status_icon", getIcon(config_["status-icons"], info.status_string)));