import os import praw import requests from redvid import Downloader import yt_dlp import re from datetime import datetime try: from logindata import REDDIT_USERNAME, REDDIT_PASSWORD from logindata import REDDIT_CLIENT_ID, REDDIT_SECRET except ImportError: REDDIT_USERNAME = os.getenv("REDDIT_USERNAME") REDDIT_PASSWORD = os.getenv("REDDIT_PASSWORD") REDDIT_CLIENT_ID = os.getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_ID") REDDIT_SECRET = os.getenv("REDDIT_SECRET") IMAGE_EXTENSIONS = ["gif", "gifv", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"] VIDEO_EXTENSIONS = ["mp4"] PLATFORMS = ["", "", "", ""] def make_client(): """Creates a PRAW client with the details in the file.""" print(REDDIT_USERNAME) return praw.Reddit( username=REDDIT_USERNAME, password=REDDIT_PASSWORD, client_id=REDDIT_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=REDDIT_SECRET, user_agent="reddit-save", ) def get_previous(location, html_file): html_files = [f for f in os.listdir(location) if f.endswith(".html")] pattern = html_file.replace(".html", r"\.(\d+)?\.html") matches = [re.match(pattern, f) for f in html_files] matches = [m[0] for m in matches if m] matches.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split(".")[1])) existing_ids = [] existing_posts_html = [] existing_comments_html = [] if html_file in html_files: matches.append(html_file) for match in matches: with open(os.path.join(location, match), encoding="utf-8") as f: current_html = for id in re.findall(r'id="(.+?)"', current_html): if id not in existing_ids: existing_ids.append(id) posts = re.findall( r'(
<\/div>)', current_html ) comments = re.findall( r'(
<\/div>)', current_html ) for post in posts: if post not in existing_posts_html: existing_posts_html.append(post) for comment in comments: if comment not in existing_comments_html: existing_comments_html.append(comment) return existing_ids, existing_posts_html, existing_comments_html def get_saved_posts(client): """Gets a list of posts that the user has saved.""" return [ saved for saved in if saved.__class__.__name__ == "Submission" ] def get_upvoted_posts(client): """Gets a list of posts that the user has upvoted.""" return [ upvoted for upvoted in if upvoted.__class__.__name__ == "Submission" ] def get_saved_comments(client): """Gets a list of comments that the user has saved.""" return [ saved for saved in if saved.__class__.__name__ != "Submission" ] def get_user_posts(client, username): """Gets a list of posts that the user has made.""" return [ post for post in client.redditor(username) ] def get_user_comments(client, username): """Gets a list of comments that the user has made.""" return [ comment for comment in client.redditor(username) ] def get_post_html(post): """Takes a post object and creates a HTML for it - but not including the preview HTML.""" with open(os.path.join("html", "post-div.html"), encoding="utf-8") as f: html = dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(post.created_utc) html = html.replace("", post.title) html = html.replace("", f"/r/{str(post.subreddit)}") html = html.replace("", f"/u/{}" if else "[deleted]") html = html.replace("", f"posts/{}.html") html = html.replace("", f"{post.permalink}") html = html.replace("", post.url) html = html.replace("", html = html.replace("", (post.selftext_html or "").replace( '", str(dt)) html = html.replace("", dt.strftime("%d %B, %Y")) return html def save_media(post, location): """Takes a post object and tries to download any image/video it might be associated with. If it can, it will return the filename.""" url = post.url stripped_url = url.split("?")[0] if url.endswith(post.permalink): return None # What is the key information? extension = stripped_url.split(".")[-1].lower() domain = ".".join(post.url.split("/")[2].split(".")[-2:]) readable_name = list(filter(bool, post.permalink.split("/")))[-1] # Handle galleries # When we saved a cross_post, we don't know if it is a gallery. if hasattr(post, "gallery_data") or ("gallery" in url and hasattr(post, "crosspost_parent_list")): if not hasattr(post, "gallery_data") and hasattr(post, "crosspost_parent_list"): for crosspost in post.crosspost_parent_list: if crosspost["gallery_data"] is not None: # hard hack post.gallery_data = crosspost["gallery_data"] post.media_metadata = crosspost["media_metadata"] break if not hasattr(post, "gallery_data"): return None images = [ ] for item in sorted(post.gallery_data['items'], key=lambda x: x['id']): media_id = item['media_id'] meta = post.media_metadata[media_id] source = meta['s'] if meta['e'] == 'Image': url = source['u'] elif meta['e'] == 'AnimatedImage': url = source['gif'] else: return None stripped_url = url.split("?")[0] extension = stripped_url.split(".")[-1].lower() filename = f"{readable_name}_{}_{media_id}.{extension}" try: response = requests.get(url) with open(os.path.join(location, "media", filename), "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) images.append(filename) except: print(f"Failed to download {url}") return images if len(images) > 0 else None # If it's an imgur gallery, forget it if domain == "" and "gallery" in url: return None # Can the media be obtained directly? if extension in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS + VIDEO_EXTENSIONS: filename = f"{readable_name}_{}.{extension}" try: response = requests.get(post.url) except: return media_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", "") if media_type.startswith("image") or media_type.startswith("video"): with open(os.path.join(location, "media", filename), "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) return [ filename ] # Is this a link? if domain == "": downloader = Downloader(max_q=True, log=False) downloader.url = url current = os.getcwd() try: name = extension = name.split(".")[-1] filename = f"{readable_name}_{}.{extension}" os.rename(name, os.path.join(location, "media", filename)) return [ filename ] except: os.chdir(current) return None # Is it a gfycat link that redirects? Update the URL if possible if domain == "": html = requests.get(post.url).content if len(html) < 50000: match ="http([\dA-Za-z\+\:\/\.]+)\.mp4", html.decode()) if match: url = else: return None # Is this an imgur image? if domain == "" and extension != "gifv": for extension in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: direct_url = f'https://i.{url[url.find("//") + 2:]}.{extension}' direct_url = direct_url.replace("", "") direct_url = direct_url.replace("", "") try: response = requests.get(direct_url) except: continue if response.status_code == 200: filename = f"{readable_name}_{}.{extension}" with open(os.path.join(location, "media", filename), "wb") as f: f.write(response.content) return [ filename ] # Try to use youtube_dl if it's one of the possible domains if domain in PLATFORMS: options = { "nocheckcertificate": True, "quiet": True, "no_warnings": True, "ignoreerrors": True, "no-progress": True, "outtmpl": os.path.join( location, "media", f"{readable_name}_{}" + ".%(ext)s" ) } with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(options) as ydl: try:[url]) except: os.chdir(current) return for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(location, "media")): if f.startswith(f"{readable_name}_{}"): return [ f ] def add_media_preview_to_html(post_html, media): """Takes post HTML and returns a modified version with the preview inserted.""" media_html_list = [] for m in media: extension = m.split(".")[-1] location = "/".join(["media", m]) if extension in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: media_html_list.append(f'') if extension in VIDEO_EXTENSIONS: media_html_list.append(f'') return post_html.replace('', ''.join([ f"
" for item in media_html_list])) def create_post_page_html(post, post_html): """Creates the HTML for a post's own page.""" with open(os.path.join("html", "post.html"), encoding="utf-8") as f: html = html = html.replace("", post.title) html = html.replace("", post_html.replace("h2>", "h1>").replace( '", f"") with open(os.path.join("html", "main.js"), encoding="utf-8") as f: html = html.replace("", f"") comments_html = [] post.comments.replace_more(limit=0) for comment in post.comments: comments_html.append(get_comment_html( comment, if else None )) html = html.replace("", "\n".join(comments_html)) return html def get_comment_html(comment, children=True, op=None): """Takes a post object and creates a HTML for it - it will get its children too unless you specify otherwise.""" with open(os.path.join("html", "comment-div.html"), encoding="utf-8") as f: html = dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(comment.created_utc) author = "[deleted]" if if == op: author = f'/u/{}' else: author = f"/u/{}" html = html.replace("", author) html = html.replace("", (comment.body_html or "").replace( '
", str(comment.score)) html = html.replace("", f"{comment.permalink}") html = html.replace("", str(dt)) html = html.replace("", html = html.replace("", dt.strftime("%H:%M - %d %B, %Y")) if children: children_html = [] for child in comment.replies: children_html.append(get_comment_html(child, children=False, op=op)) html = html.replace("", "\n".join(children_html)) return html def save_html(posts, comments, location, html_file, page, has_next, username=None): if username: with open(os.path.join("html", "username.html"), encoding="utf-8") as f: html ="[username]", username) else: with open(os.path.join("html", html_file), encoding="utf-8") as f: html = with open(os.path.join("html", "style.css"), encoding="utf-8") as f: html = html.replace("", f"") with open(os.path.join("html", "main.js"), encoding="utf-8") as f: html = html.replace("", f"") if page == 0 or page is None: html = html.replace("Previous", "") else: html = html.replace(".p.html", f".{page-1}.html") if not has_next or page is None: html = html.replace("Next", "") else: html = html.replace(".n.html", f".{page+1}.html") html = html.replace("", "\n".join(posts)) html = html.replace("", "\n".join(comments)) file_name = html_file if page is None else html_file.replace(".html", f".{page}.html") with open(os.path.join(location, file_name), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(html)