2018-04-27 18:37:22 +02:00

378 lines
11 KiB

"""Definitions and behavior for vCard 3.0"""
import codecs
from . import behavior
from .base import ContentLine, registerBehavior, backslashEscape, str_
from .icalendar import stringToTextValues, DateOrDateTimeBehavior
# Python 3 no longer has a basestring type, so....
basestring = basestring
except NameError:
basestring = (str, bytes)
# ------------------------ vCard structs ---------------------------------------
class Name(object):
def __init__(self, family='', given='', additional='', prefix='',
Each name attribute can be a string or a list of strings.
self.family = family
self.given = given
self.additional = additional
self.prefix = prefix
self.suffix = suffix
def toString(val):
Turn a string or array value into a string.
if type(val) in (list, tuple):
return ' '.join(val)
return val
def __str__(self):
eng_order = ('prefix', 'given', 'additional', 'family', 'suffix')
out = ' '.join(self.toString(getattr(self, val)) for val in eng_order)
return str_(out)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Name: {0!s}>".format(self.__str__())
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.family == other.family and
self.given == other.given and
self.additional == other.additional and
self.prefix == other.prefix and
self.suffix == other.suffix)
return False
class Address(object):
def __init__(self, street='', city='', region='', code='',
country='', box='', extended=''):
Each name attribute can be a string or a list of strings.
self.box = box
self.extended = extended
self.street = street
self.city = city
self.region = region
self.code = code
self.country = country
def toString(val, join_char='\n'):
Turn a string or array value into a string.
if type(val) in (list, tuple):
return join_char.join(val)
return val
lines = ('box', 'extended', 'street')
one_line = ('city', 'region', 'code')
def __str__(self):
lines = '\n'.join(self.toString(getattr(self, val))
for val in self.lines if getattr(self, val))
one_line = tuple(self.toString(getattr(self, val), ' ')
for val in self.one_line)
lines += "\n{0!s}, {1!s} {2!s}".format(*one_line)
if self.country:
lines += '\n' + self.toString(self.country)
return lines
def __repr__(self):
return "<Address: {0!s}>".format(self)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.box == other.box and
self.extended == other.extended and
self.street == other.street and
self.city == other.city and
self.region == other.region and
self.code == other.code and
self.country == other.country)
return False
# ------------------------ Registered Behavior subclasses ----------------------
class VCardTextBehavior(behavior.Behavior):
Provide backslash escape encoding/decoding for single valued properties.
TextBehavior also deals with base64 encoding if the ENCODING parameter is
explicitly set to BASE64.
allowGroup = True
base64string = 'B'
def decode(cls, line):
Remove backslash escaping from line.valueDecode line, either to remove
backslash espacing, or to decode base64 encoding. The content line should
contain a ENCODING=b for base64 encoding, but Apple Addressbook seems to
export a singleton parameter of 'BASE64', which does not match the 3.0
vCard spec. If we encouter that, then we transform the parameter to
if line.encoded:
if 'BASE64' in line.singletonparams:
line.encoding_param = cls.base64string
encoding = getattr(line, 'encoding_param', None)
if encoding:
if isinstance(line.value, bytes):
line.value = codecs.decode(line.value, "base64")
line.value = codecs.decode(line.value.encode("utf-8"), "base64")
line.value = stringToTextValues(line.value)[0]
line.encoded = False
def encode(cls, line):
Backslash escape line.value.
if not line.encoded:
encoding = getattr(line, 'encoding_param', None)
if encoding and encoding.upper() == cls.base64string:
if isinstance(line.value, bytes):
line.value = codecs.encode(line.value, "base64").decode("utf-8").replace('\n', '')
line.value = codecs.encode(line.value.encode(encoding), "base64").decode("utf-8")
line.value = backslashEscape(line.value)
line.encoded = True
class VCardBehavior(behavior.Behavior):
allowGroup = True
defaultBehavior = VCardTextBehavior
class VCard3_0(VCardBehavior):
vCard 3.0 behavior.
name = 'VCARD'
description = 'vCard 3.0, defined in rfc2426'
versionString = '3.0'
isComponent = True
sortFirst = ('version', 'prodid', 'uid')
knownChildren = {
'N': (0, 1, None), # min, max, behaviorRegistry id
'FN': (1, None, None),
'VERSION': (1, 1, None), # required, auto-generated
'PRODID': (0, 1, None),
'LABEL': (0, None, None),
'UID': (0, None, None),
'ADR': (0, None, None),
'ORG': (0, None, None),
'PHOTO': (0, None, None),
'CATEGORIES': (0, None, None),
'REV': (0, 1, None),
def generateImplicitParameters(cls, obj):
Create PRODID, VERSION, and VTIMEZONEs if needed.
VTIMEZONEs will need to exist whenever TZID parameters exist or when
datetimes with tzinfo exist.
if not hasattr(obj, 'version'):
obj.add(ContentLine('VERSION', [], cls.versionString))
registerBehavior(VCard3_0, default=True)
class FN(VCardTextBehavior):
name = "FN"
description = 'Formatted name'
class Label(VCardTextBehavior):
name = "Label"
description = 'Formatted address'
class REV(DateOrDateTimeBehavior):
name = "REV"
description = 'Current revision of this vCard'
wacky_apple_photo_serialize = True
class Photo(VCardTextBehavior):
name = "Photo"
description = 'Photograph'
def valueRepr(cls, line):
return " (BINARY PHOTO DATA at 0x{0!s}) ".format(id(line.value))
def serialize(cls, obj, buf, lineLength, validate):
Apple's Address Book is *really* weird with images, it expects
base64 data to have very specific whitespace. It seems Address Book
can handle PHOTO if it's not wrapped, so don't wrap it.
if wacky_apple_photo_serialize:
lineLength = REALLY_LARGE
VCardTextBehavior.serialize(obj, buf, lineLength, validate)
def toListOrString(string):
stringList = stringToTextValues(string)
if len(stringList) == 1:
return stringList[0]
return stringList
def splitFields(string):
Return a list of strings or lists from a Name or Address.
return [toListOrString(i) for i in
stringToTextValues(string, listSeparator=';', charList=';')]
def toList(stringOrList):
if isinstance(stringOrList, basestring):
return [stringOrList]
return stringOrList
def serializeFields(obj, order=None):
Turn an object's fields into a ';' and ',' seperated string.
If order is None, obj should be a list, backslash escape each field and
return a ';' separated string.
fields = []
if order is None:
fields = [backslashEscape(val) for val in obj]
for field in order:
escapedValueList = [backslashEscape(val) for val in
toList(getattr(obj, field))]
return ';'.join(fields)
NAME_ORDER = ('family', 'given', 'additional', 'prefix', 'suffix')
ADDRESS_ORDER = ('box', 'extended', 'street', 'city', 'region', 'code',
class NameBehavior(VCardBehavior):
A structured name.
hasNative = True
def transformToNative(obj):
Turn obj.value into a Name.
if obj.isNative:
return obj
obj.isNative = True
obj.value = Name(**dict(zip(NAME_ORDER, splitFields(obj.value))))
return obj
def transformFromNative(obj):
Replace the Name in obj.value with a string.
obj.isNative = False
obj.value = serializeFields(obj.value, NAME_ORDER)
return obj
registerBehavior(NameBehavior, 'N')
class AddressBehavior(VCardBehavior):
A structured address.
hasNative = True
def transformToNative(obj):
Turn obj.value into an Address.
if obj.isNative:
return obj
obj.isNative = True
obj.value = Address(**dict(zip(ADDRESS_ORDER, splitFields(obj.value))))
return obj
def transformFromNative(obj):
Replace the Address in obj.value with a string.
obj.isNative = False
obj.value = serializeFields(obj.value, ADDRESS_ORDER)
return obj
registerBehavior(AddressBehavior, 'ADR')
class OrgBehavior(VCardBehavior):
A list of organization values and sub-organization values.
hasNative = True
def transformToNative(obj):
Turn obj.value into a list.
if obj.isNative:
return obj
obj.isNative = True
obj.value = splitFields(obj.value)
return obj
def transformFromNative(obj):
Replace the list in obj.value with a string.
if not obj.isNative:
return obj
obj.isNative = False
obj.value = serializeFields(obj.value)
return obj
registerBehavior(OrgBehavior, 'ORG')