2022-01-15 23:44:00 +01:00

480 lines
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# This file is part of Radicale - CalDAV and CardDAV server
# Copyright © 2008 Nicolas Kandel
# Copyright © 2008 Pascal Halter
# Copyright © 2014 Jean-Marc Martins
# Copyright © 2008-2017 Guillaume Ayoub
# Copyright © 2017-2018 Unrud <unrud@outlook.com>
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Radicale. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Module for address books and calendar entries (see ``Item``).
import binascii
import contextlib
import math
import os
import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from hashlib import sha256
from itertools import chain
from typing import (Any, Callable, List, MutableMapping, Optional, Sequence,
import vobject
from radicale import storage # noqa:F401
from radicale import pathutils
from radicale.item import filter as radicale_filter
from radicale.log import logger
def read_components(s: str) -> List[vobject.base.Component]:
"""Wrapper for vobject.readComponents"""
# Workaround for bug in InfCloud
# PHOTO is a data URI
s = re.sub(r"^(PHOTO(?:;[^:\r\n]*)?;ENCODING=b(?:;[^:\r\n]*)?:)"
r"data:[^;,\r\n]*;base64,", r"\1", s,
return list(vobject.readComponents(s))
def predict_tag_of_parent_collection(
vobject_items: Sequence[vobject.base.Component]) -> Optional[str]:
"""Returns the predicted tag or `None`"""
if len(vobject_items) != 1:
return None
if vobject_items[0].name == "VCALENDAR":
return "VCALENDAR"
if vobject_items[0].name in ("VCARD", "VLIST"):
return None
def predict_tag_of_whole_collection(
vobject_items: Sequence[vobject.base.Component],
fallback_tag: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
"""Returns the predicted tag or `fallback_tag`"""
if vobject_items and vobject_items[0].name == "VCALENDAR":
return "VCALENDAR"
if vobject_items and vobject_items[0].name in ("VCARD", "VLIST"):
if not fallback_tag and not vobject_items:
# Maybe an empty address book
return fallback_tag
def check_and_sanitize_items(
vobject_items: List[vobject.base.Component],
is_collection: bool = False, tag: str = "") -> None:
"""Check vobject items for common errors and add missing UIDs.
Modifies the list `vobject_items`.
``is_collection`` indicates that vobject_item contains unrelated
The ``tag`` of the collection.
if tag and tag not in ("VCALENDAR", "VADDRESSBOOK"):
raise ValueError("Unsupported collection tag: %r" % tag)
if not is_collection and len(vobject_items) != 1:
raise ValueError("Item contains %d components" % len(vobject_items))
if tag == "VCALENDAR":
if len(vobject_items) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("VCALENDAR collection contains %d "
"components" % len(vobject_items))
vobject_item = vobject_items[0]
if vobject_item.name != "VCALENDAR":
raise ValueError("Item type %r not supported in %r "
"collection" % (vobject_item.name, tag))
component_uids = set()
for component in vobject_item.components():
if component.name in ("VTODO", "VEVENT", "VJOURNAL"):
component_uid = get_uid(component)
if component_uid:
component_name = None
object_uid = None
object_uid_set = False
for component in vobject_item.components():
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4791#section-4.1
if component.name == "VTIMEZONE":
if component_name is None or is_collection:
component_name = component.name
elif component_name != component.name:
raise ValueError("Multiple component types in object: %r, %r" %
(component_name, component.name))
if component_name not in ("VTODO", "VEVENT", "VJOURNAL"):
component_uid = get_uid(component)
if not object_uid_set or is_collection:
object_uid_set = True
object_uid = component_uid
if not component_uid:
if not is_collection:
raise ValueError("%s component without UID in object" %
component_uid = find_available_uid(
if hasattr(component, "uid"):
component.uid.value = component_uid
component.add("UID").value = component_uid
elif not object_uid or not component_uid:
raise ValueError("Multiple %s components without UID in "
"object" % component_name)
elif object_uid != component_uid:
raise ValueError(
"Multiple %s components with different UIDs in object: "
"%r, %r" % (component_name, object_uid, component_uid))
# Workaround for bug in Lightning (Thunderbird)
# Rescheduling a single occurrence from a repeating event creates
# an event with DTEND and DURATION:PT0S
if (hasattr(component, "dtend") and
hasattr(component, "duration") and
component.duration.value == timedelta(0)):
logger.debug("Quirks: Removing zero duration from %s in "
"object %r", component_name, component_uid)
del component.duration
# Workaround for Evolution
# The RFC is vaguely formulated on the issue.
# To resolve the issue convert EXDATE and RDATE to
# the same type as DTDSTART
if hasattr(component, "dtstart"):
ref_date = component.dtstart.value
ref_value_param = component.dtstart.params.get("VALUE")
for dates in chain(component.contents.get("exdate", []),
component.contents.get("rdate", [])):
if all(type(d) == type(ref_date) for d in dates.value):
for i, date in enumerate(dates.value):
dates.value[i] = ref_date.replace(
date.year, date.month, date.day)
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
del dates.params["VALUE"]
if ref_value_param is not None:
dates.params["VALUE"] = ref_value_param
# vobject interprets recurrence rules on demand
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError("Invalid recurrence rules in %s in object %r"
% (component.name, component_uid)) from e
elif tag == "VADDRESSBOOK":
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6352#section-5.1
object_uids = set()
for vobject_item in vobject_items:
if vobject_item.name == "VCARD":
object_uid = get_uid(vobject_item)
if object_uid:
for vobject_item in vobject_items:
if vobject_item.name == "VLIST":
# Custom format used by SOGo Connector to store lists of
# contacts
if vobject_item.name != "VCARD":
raise ValueError("Item type %r not supported in %r "
"collection" % (vobject_item.name, tag))
object_uid = get_uid(vobject_item)
if not object_uid:
if not is_collection:
raise ValueError("%s object without UID" %
object_uid = find_available_uid(object_uids.__contains__)
if hasattr(vobject_item, "uid"):
vobject_item.uid.value = object_uid
vobject_item.add("UID").value = object_uid
for item in vobject_items:
raise ValueError("Item type %r not supported in %s collection" %
(item.name, repr(tag) if tag else "generic"))
def check_and_sanitize_props(props: MutableMapping[Any, Any]
) -> MutableMapping[str, str]:
"""Check collection properties for common errors.
Modifies the dict `props`.
for k, v in list(props.items()): # Make copy to be able to delete items
if not isinstance(k, str):
raise ValueError("Key must be %r not %r: %r" % (
str.__name__, type(k).__name__, k))
if not isinstance(v, str):
if v is None:
del props[k]
raise ValueError("Value of %r must be %r not %r: %r" % (
k, str.__name__, type(v).__name__, v))
if k == "tag":
if v not in ("", "VCALENDAR", "VADDRESSBOOK"):
raise ValueError("Unsupported collection tag: %r" % v)
return props
def find_available_uid(exists_fn: Callable[[str], bool], suffix: str = ""
) -> str:
"""Generate a pseudo-random UID"""
# Prevent infinite loop
for _ in range(1000):
r = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(16)).decode("ascii")
name = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s" % (
r[:8], r[8:12], r[12:16], r[16:20], r[20:], suffix)
if not exists_fn(name):
return name
# something is wrong with the PRNG
raise RuntimeError("No unique random sequence found")
def get_etag(text: str) -> str:
"""Etag from collection or item.
Encoded as quoted-string (see RFC 2616).
etag = sha256()
return '"%s"' % etag.hexdigest()
def get_uid(vobject_component: vobject.base.Component) -> str:
"""UID value of an item if defined."""
return (vobject_component.uid.value or ""
if hasattr(vobject_component, "uid") else "")
def get_uid_from_object(vobject_item: vobject.base.Component) -> str:
"""UID value of an calendar/addressbook object."""
if vobject_item.name == "VCALENDAR":
if hasattr(vobject_item, "vevent"):
return get_uid(vobject_item.vevent)
if hasattr(vobject_item, "vjournal"):
return get_uid(vobject_item.vjournal)
if hasattr(vobject_item, "vtodo"):
return get_uid(vobject_item.vtodo)
elif vobject_item.name == "VCARD":
return get_uid(vobject_item)
return ""
def find_tag(vobject_item: vobject.base.Component) -> str:
"""Find component name from ``vobject_item``."""
if vobject_item.name == "VCALENDAR":
for component in vobject_item.components():
if component.name != "VTIMEZONE":
return component.name or ""
return ""
def find_time_range(vobject_item: vobject.base.Component, tag: str
) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Find enclosing time range from ``vobject item``.
``tag`` must be set to the return value of ``find_tag``.
Returns a tuple (``start``, ``end``) where ``start`` and ``end`` are
POSIX timestamps.
This is intened to be used for matching against simplified prefilters.
if not tag:
return radicale_filter.TIMESTAMP_MIN, radicale_filter.TIMESTAMP_MAX
start = end = None
def range_fn(range_start: datetime, range_end: datetime,
is_recurrence: bool) -> bool:
nonlocal start, end
if start is None or range_start < start:
start = range_start
if end is None or end < range_end:
end = range_end
return False
def infinity_fn(range_start: datetime) -> bool:
nonlocal start, end
if start is None or range_start < start:
start = range_start
end = radicale_filter.DATETIME_MAX
return True
radicale_filter.visit_time_ranges(vobject_item, tag, range_fn, infinity_fn)
if start is None:
start = radicale_filter.DATETIME_MIN
if end is None:
end = radicale_filter.DATETIME_MAX
return math.floor(start.timestamp()), math.ceil(end.timestamp())
except ValueError as e:
if str(e) == ("offset must be a timedelta representing a whole "
"number of minutes") and sys.version_info < (3, 6):
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported in Python < 3.6: %s" % e) from e
class Item:
"""Class for address book and calendar entries."""
collection: Optional["storage.BaseCollection"]
href: Optional[str]
last_modified: Optional[str]
_collection_path: str
_text: Optional[str]
_vobject_item: Optional[vobject.base.Component]
_etag: Optional[str]
_uid: Optional[str]
_name: Optional[str]
_component_name: Optional[str]
_time_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]
def __init__(self,
collection_path: Optional[str] = None,
collection: Optional["storage.BaseCollection"] = None,
vobject_item: Optional[vobject.base.Component] = None,
href: Optional[str] = None,
last_modified: Optional[str] = None,
text: Optional[str] = None,
etag: Optional[str] = None,
uid: Optional[str] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
component_name: Optional[str] = None,
time_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None):
"""Initialize an item.
``collection_path`` the path of the parent collection (optional if
``collection`` is set).
``collection`` the parent collection (optional).
``href`` the href of the item.
``last_modified`` the HTTP-datetime of when the item was modified.
``text`` the text representation of the item (optional if
``vobject_item`` is set).
``vobject_item`` the vobject item (optional if ``text`` is set).
``etag`` the etag of the item (optional). See ``get_etag``.
``uid`` the UID of the object (optional). See ``get_uid_from_object``.
``name`` the name of the item (optional). See ``vobject_item.name``.
``component_name`` the name of the primary component (optional).
See ``find_tag``.
``time_range`` the enclosing time range. See ``find_time_range``.
if text is None and vobject_item is None:
raise ValueError(
"At least one of 'text' or 'vobject_item' must be set")
if collection_path is None:
if collection is None:
raise ValueError("At least one of 'collection_path' or "
"'collection' must be set")
collection_path = collection.path
assert collection_path == pathutils.strip_path(
self._collection_path = collection_path
self.collection = collection
self.href = href
self.last_modified = last_modified
self._text = text
self._vobject_item = vobject_item
self._etag = etag
self._uid = uid
self._name = name
self._component_name = component_name
self._time_range = time_range
def serialize(self) -> str:
if self._text is None:
self._text = self.vobject_item.serialize()
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to serialize item %r from %r: %s" %
(self.href, self._collection_path,
e)) from e
return self._text
def vobject_item(self):
if self._vobject_item is None:
self._vobject_item = vobject.readOne(self._text)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse item %r from %r: %s" %
(self.href, self._collection_path,
e)) from e
return self._vobject_item
def etag(self) -> str:
"""Encoded as quoted-string (see RFC 2616)."""
if self._etag is None:
self._etag = get_etag(self.serialize())
return self._etag
def uid(self) -> str:
if self._uid is None:
self._uid = get_uid_from_object(self.vobject_item)
return self._uid
def name(self) -> str:
if self._name is None:
self._name = self.vobject_item.name or ""
return self._name
def component_name(self) -> str:
if self._component_name is None:
self._component_name = find_tag(self.vobject_item)
return self._component_name
def time_range(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
if self._time_range is None:
self._time_range = find_time_range(
self.vobject_item, self.component_name)
return self._time_range
def prepare(self) -> None:
"""Fill cache with values."""
orig_vobject_item = self._vobject_item
self._vobject_item = orig_vobject_item