
373 lines
16 KiB

# This file is part of Radicale Server - Calendar Server
# Copyright © 2008 Nicolas Kandel
# Copyright © 2008 Pascal Halter
# Copyright © 2008-2017 Guillaume Ayoub
# Copyright © 2017-2019 Unrud <unrud@outlook.com>
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Radicale. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Radicale WSGI application.
Can be used with an external WSGI server (see ``radicale.application()``) or
the built-in server (see ``radicale.server`` module).
import base64
import datetime
import io
import logging
import posixpath
import pprint
import random
import sys
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import zlib
from http import client
import pkg_resources
from radicale import (auth, httputils, log, pathutils, rights, storage, web,
from radicale.app.delete import ApplicationDeleteMixin
from radicale.app.get import ApplicationGetMixin
from radicale.app.head import ApplicationHeadMixin
from radicale.app.mkcalendar import ApplicationMkcalendarMixin
from radicale.app.mkcol import ApplicationMkcolMixin
from radicale.app.move import ApplicationMoveMixin
from radicale.app.options import ApplicationOptionsMixin
from radicale.app.post import ApplicationPostMixin
from radicale.app.propfind import ApplicationPropfindMixin
from radicale.app.proppatch import ApplicationProppatchMixin
from radicale.app.put import ApplicationPutMixin
from radicale.app.report import ApplicationReportMixin
from radicale.log import logger
# WORKAROUND: https://github.com/tiran/defusedxml/issues/54
import defusedxml.ElementTree as DefusedET # isort: skip
sys.modules["xml.etree"].ElementTree = ET # type: ignore[attr-defined]
VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution("radicale").version
class Application(
ApplicationDeleteMixin, ApplicationGetMixin, ApplicationHeadMixin,
ApplicationMkcalendarMixin, ApplicationMkcolMixin,
ApplicationMoveMixin, ApplicationOptionsMixin,
ApplicationPropfindMixin, ApplicationProppatchMixin,
ApplicationPostMixin, ApplicationPutMixin,
"""WSGI application."""
def __init__(self, configuration):
"""Initialize Application.
``configuration`` see ``radicale.config`` module.
The ``configuration`` must not change during the lifetime of
this object, it is kept as an internal reference.
self.configuration = configuration
self._auth = auth.load(configuration)
self._storage = storage.load(configuration)
self._rights = rights.load(configuration)
self._web = web.load(configuration)
self._encoding = configuration.get("encoding", "request")
def _headers_log(self, environ):
"""Sanitize headers for logging."""
request_environ = dict(environ)
# Mask passwords
mask_passwords = self.configuration.get("logging", "mask_passwords")
authorization = request_environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "")
if mask_passwords and authorization.startswith("Basic"):
request_environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic **masked**"
if request_environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE"):
request_environ["HTTP_COOKIE"] = "**masked**"
return request_environ
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
with log.register_stream(environ["wsgi.errors"]):
status, headers, answers = self._handle_request(environ)
except Exception as e:
method = str(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"])
except Exception:
method = "unknown"
path = str(environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""))
except Exception:
path = ""
logger.error("An exception occurred during %s request on %r: "
"%s", method, path, e, exc_info=True)
status, headers, answer = httputils.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
answer = answer.encode("ascii")
status = "%d %s" % (
status.value, client.responses.get(status, "Unknown"))
headers = [
("Content-Length", str(len(answer)))] + list(headers)
answers = [answer]
start_response(status, headers)
return answers
def _handle_request(self, environ):
"""Manage a request."""
def response(status, headers=(), answer=None):
headers = dict(headers)
# Set content length
if answer:
if hasattr(answer, "encode"):
logger.debug("Response content:\n%s", answer)
headers["Content-Type"] += "; charset=%s" % self._encoding
answer = answer.encode(self._encoding)
accept_encoding = [
encoding.strip() for encoding in
environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", "").split(",")
if encoding.strip()]
if "gzip" in accept_encoding:
zcomp = zlib.compressobj(wbits=16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
answer = zcomp.compress(answer) + zcomp.flush()
headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip"
headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(answer))
# Add extra headers set in configuration
for key in self.configuration.options("headers"):
headers[key] = self.configuration.get("headers", key)
# Start response
time_end = datetime.datetime.now()
status = "%d %s" % (
status, client.responses.get(status, "Unknown"))
"%s response status for %r%s in %.3f seconds: %s",
environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""),
depthinfo, (time_end - time_begin).total_seconds(), status)
# Return response content
return status, list(headers.items()), [answer] if answer else []
remote_host = "unknown"
if environ.get("REMOTE_HOST"):
remote_host = repr(environ["REMOTE_HOST"])
elif environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR"):
remote_host = environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]
if environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"):
remote_host = "%s (forwarded for %r)" % (
remote_host, environ["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])
remote_useragent = ""
if environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"):
remote_useragent = " using %r" % environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]
depthinfo = ""
if environ.get("HTTP_DEPTH"):
depthinfo = " with depth %r" % environ["HTTP_DEPTH"]
time_begin = datetime.datetime.now()
"%s request for %r%s received from %s%s",
environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""), depthinfo,
remote_host, remote_useragent)
headers = pprint.pformat(self._headers_log(environ))
logger.debug("Request headers:\n%s", headers)
# Let reverse proxies overwrite SCRIPT_NAME
if "HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME" in environ:
# script_name must be removed from PATH_INFO by the client.
unsafe_base_prefix = environ["HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME"]
logger.debug("Script name overwritten by client: %r",
# SCRIPT_NAME is already removed from PATH_INFO, according to the
# WSGI specification.
unsafe_base_prefix = environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "")
# Sanitize base prefix
base_prefix = pathutils.sanitize_path(unsafe_base_prefix).rstrip("/")
logger.debug("Sanitized script name: %r", base_prefix)
# Sanitize request URI (a WSGI server indicates with an empty path,
# that the URL targets the application root without a trailing slash)
path = pathutils.sanitize_path(environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""))
logger.debug("Sanitized path: %r", path)
# Get function corresponding to method
function = getattr(
self, "do_%s" % environ["REQUEST_METHOD"].upper(), None)
if not function:
return response(*httputils.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
# If "/.well-known" is not available, clients query "/"
if path == "/.well-known" or path.startswith("/.well-known/"):
return response(*httputils.NOT_FOUND)
# Ask authentication backend to check rights
login = password = ""
external_login = self._auth.get_external_login(environ)
authorization = environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "")
if external_login:
login, password = external_login
login, password = login or "", password or ""
elif authorization.startswith("Basic"):
authorization = authorization[len("Basic"):].strip()
login, password = httputils.decode_request(
self.configuration, environ, base64.b64decode(
authorization.encode("ascii"))).split(":", 1)
user = self._auth.login(login, password) or "" if login else ""
if user and login == user:
logger.info("Successful login: %r", user)
elif user:
logger.info("Successful login: %r -> %r", login, user)
elif login:
logger.warning("Failed login attempt from %s: %r",
remote_host, login)
# Random delay to avoid timing oracles and bruteforce attacks
delay = self.configuration.get("auth", "delay")
if delay > 0:
random_delay = delay * (0.5 + random.random())
logger.debug("Sleeping %.3f seconds", random_delay)
if user and not pathutils.is_safe_path_component(user):
# Prevent usernames like "user/calendar.ics"
logger.info("Refused unsafe username: %r", user)
user = ""
# Create principal collection
if user:
principal_path = "/%s/" % user
with self._storage.acquire_lock("r", user):
principal = next(self._storage.discover(
principal_path, depth="1"), None)
if not principal:
if "W" in self._rights.authorization(user, principal_path):
with self._storage.acquire_lock("w", user):
except ValueError as e:
logger.warning("Failed to create principal "
"collection %r: %s", user, e)
user = ""
logger.warning("Access to principal path %r denied by "
"rights backend", principal_path)
if self.configuration.get("server", "_internal_server"):
# Verify content length
content_length = int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH") or 0)
if content_length:
max_content_length = self.configuration.get(
"server", "max_content_length")
if max_content_length and content_length > max_content_length:
logger.info("Request body too large: %d", content_length)
return response(*httputils.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE)
if not login or user:
status, headers, answer = function(
environ, base_prefix, path, user)
if (status, headers, answer) == httputils.NOT_ALLOWED:
logger.info("Access to %r denied for %s", path,
repr(user) if user else "anonymous user")
status, headers, answer = httputils.NOT_ALLOWED
if ((status, headers, answer) == httputils.NOT_ALLOWED and not user and
not external_login):
# Unknown or unauthorized user
logger.debug("Asking client for authentication")
status = client.UNAUTHORIZED
realm = self.configuration.get("auth", "realm")
headers = dict(headers)
"Basic realm=\"%s\"" % realm})
return response(status, headers, answer)
def _read_xml_request_body(self, environ):
content = httputils.decode_request(
self.configuration, environ,
httputils.read_raw_request_body(self.configuration, environ))
if not content:
return None
xml_content = DefusedET.fromstring(content)
except ET.ParseError as e:
logger.debug("Request content (Invalid XML):\n%s", content)
raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse XML: %s" % e) from e
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("Request content:\n%s",
return xml_content
def _xml_response(self, xml_content):
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("Response content:\n%s",
f = io.BytesIO()
ET.ElementTree(xml_content).write(f, encoding=self._encoding,
return f.getvalue()
def _webdav_error_response(self, status, human_tag):
"""Generate XML error response."""
headers = {"Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=%s" % self._encoding}
content = self._xml_response(xmlutils.webdav_error(human_tag))
return status, headers, content
class Access:
"""Helper class to check access rights of an item"""
def __init__(self, rights, user, path):
self._rights = rights
self.user = user
self.path = path
self.parent_path = pathutils.unstrip_path(
posixpath.dirname(pathutils.strip_path(path)), True)
self.permissions = self._rights.authorization(self.user, self.path)
self._parent_permissions = None
def parent_permissions(self):
if self.path == self.parent_path:
return self.permissions
if self._parent_permissions is None:
self._parent_permissions = self._rights.authorization(
self.user, self.parent_path)
return self._parent_permissions
def check(self, permission, item=None):
if permission not in "rw":
raise ValueError("Invalid permission argument: %r" % permission)
if not item:
permissions = permission + permission.upper()
parent_permissions = permission
elif isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection):
if item.get_meta("tag"):
permissions = permission
permissions = permission.upper()
parent_permissions = ""
permissions = ""
parent_permissions = permission
return bool(rights.intersect(self.permissions, permissions) or (
self.path != self.parent_path and
rights.intersect(self.parent_permissions, parent_permissions)))