FROM alpine:latest # Version of Radicale (e.g. 2.0.0) ARG VERSION=master # Install dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache \ python3 \ python3-dev \ build-base \ libffi-dev \ ca-certificates \ openssl && \ python3 -m pip install passlib bcrypt && \ apk del \ python3-dev \ build-base \ libffi-dev # Install Radicale RUN wget --quiet${VERSION}.tar.gz --output-document=radicale.tar.gz && \ tar xzf radicale.tar.gz && \ python3 -m pip install ./Radicale-${VERSION} && \ rm -r radicale.tar.gz Radicale-${VERSION} # Persistent storage for data (Mount it somewhere on the host!) VOLUME /var/lib/radicale # Configuration data (Put the "config" file here!) VOLUME /etc/radicale # TCP port of Radicale (Publish it on a host interface!) EXPOSE 5232 # Run Radicale (Configure it here or provide a "config" file!) CMD ["radicale", "--hosts", ""]