# This file is part of Radicale Server - Calendar Server # Copyright © 2008 Nicolas Kandel # Copyright © 2008 Pascal Halter # Copyright © 2008-2017 Guillaume Ayoub # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Radicale. If not, see . """ Radicale Server module. This module offers a WSGI application class. To use this module, you should take a look at the file ``radicale.py`` that should have been included in this package. """ import base64 import contextlib import datetime import io import itertools import logging import os import posixpath import pprint import random import socket import socketserver import ssl import sys import threading import time import wsgiref.simple_server import zlib from http import client from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import vobject from . import auth, rights, storage, web, xmlutils VERSION = "2.1.2" NOT_ALLOWED = ( client.FORBIDDEN, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "Access to the requested resource forbidden.") BAD_REQUEST = ( client.BAD_REQUEST, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "Bad Request") NOT_FOUND = ( client.NOT_FOUND, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "The requested resource could not be found.") WEBDAV_PRECONDITION_FAILED = ( client.CONFLICT, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "WebDAV precondition failed.") PRECONDITION_FAILED = ( client.PRECONDITION_FAILED, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "Precondition failed.") REQUEST_TIMEOUT = ( client.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "Connection timed out.") REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = ( client.REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "Request body too large.") REMOTE_DESTINATION = ( client.BAD_GATEWAY, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "Remote destination not supported.") DIRECTORY_LISTING = ( client.FORBIDDEN, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "Directory listings are not supported.") INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = ( client.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, (("Content-Type", "text/plain"),), "A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator.") DAV_HEADERS = "1, 2, 3, calendar-access, addressbook, extended-mkcol" class HTTPServer(wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIServer): """HTTP server.""" # These class attributes must be set before creating instance client_timeout = None max_connections = None logger = None def __init__(self, address, handler, bind_and_activate=True): """Create server.""" ipv6 = ":" in address[0] if ipv6: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6 # Do not bind and activate, as we might change socket options super().__init__(address, handler, False) if ipv6: # Only allow IPv6 connections to the IPv6 socket self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 1) if bind_and_activate: self.server_bind() self.server_activate() if self.max_connections: self.connections_guard = threading.BoundedSemaphore( self.max_connections) else: # use dummy context manager self.connections_guard = contextlib.suppress() def get_request(self): # Set timeout for client _socket, address = super().get_request() if self.client_timeout: _socket.settimeout(self.client_timeout) return _socket, address def handle_error(self, request, client_address): if issubclass(sys.exc_info()[0], socket.timeout): self.logger.info("client timed out", exc_info=True) else: self.logger.error("An exception occurred during request: %s", sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=True) class HTTPSServer(HTTPServer): """HTTPS server.""" # These class attributes must be set before creating instance certificate = None key = None protocol = None ciphers = None certificate_authority = None def __init__(self, address, handler): """Create server by wrapping HTTP socket in an SSL socket.""" super().__init__(address, handler, bind_and_activate=False) self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket( self.socket, self.key, self.certificate, server_side=True, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self.certificate_authority else ssl.CERT_NONE, ca_certs=self.certificate_authority or None, ssl_version=self.protocol, ciphers=self.ciphers) self.server_bind() self.server_activate() class ThreadedHTTPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): def process_request_thread(self, request, client_address): with self.connections_guard: return super().process_request_thread(request, client_address) class ThreadedHTTPSServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, HTTPSServer): def process_request_thread(self, request, client_address): with self.connections_guard: return super().process_request_thread(request, client_address) class RequestHandler(wsgiref.simple_server.WSGIRequestHandler): """HTTP requests handler.""" # These class attributes must be set before creating instance logger = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Store exception for logging self.error_stream = io.StringIO() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_stderr(self): return self.error_stream def log_message(self, *args, **kwargs): """Disable inner logging management.""" def get_environ(self): env = super().get_environ() if hasattr(self.connection, "getpeercert"): # The certificate can be evaluated by the auth module env["REMOTE_CERTIFICATE"] = self.connection.getpeercert() # Parent class only tries latin1 encoding env["PATH_INFO"] = unquote(self.path.split("?", 1)[0]) return env def handle(self): super().handle() # Log exception error = self.error_stream.getvalue().strip("\n") if error: self.logger.error( "An unhandled exception occurred during request:\n%s" % error) class Application: """WSGI application managing collections.""" def __init__(self, configuration, logger): """Initialize application.""" super().__init__() self.configuration = configuration self.logger = logger self.Auth = auth.load(configuration, logger) self.Collection = storage.load(configuration, logger) self.Rights = rights.load(configuration, logger) self.Web = web.load(configuration, logger) self.encoding = configuration.get("encoding", "request") def headers_log(self, environ): """Sanitize headers for logging.""" request_environ = dict(environ) # Remove environment variables if not self.configuration.getboolean("logging", "full_environment"): for shell_variable in os.environ: request_environ.pop(shell_variable, None) # Mask passwords mask_passwords = self.configuration.getboolean( "logging", "mask_passwords") authorization = request_environ.get( "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "").startswith("Basic") if mask_passwords and authorization: request_environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic **masked**" return request_environ def decode(self, text, environ): """Try to magically decode ``text`` according to given ``environ``.""" # List of charsets to try charsets = [] # First append content charset given in the request content_type = environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE") if content_type and "charset=" in content_type: charsets.append( content_type.split("charset=")[1].split(";")[0].strip()) # Then append default Radicale charset charsets.append(self.encoding) # Then append various fallbacks charsets.append("utf-8") charsets.append("iso8859-1") # Try to decode for charset in charsets: try: return text.decode(charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass raise UnicodeDecodeError def collect_allowed_items(self, items, user): """Get items from request that user is allowed to access.""" read_allowed_items = [] write_allowed_items = [] for item in items: if isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): path = storage.sanitize_path("/%s/" % item.path) can_read = self.Rights.authorized(user, path, "r") can_write = self.Rights.authorized(user, path, "w") target = "collection %r" % item.path else: path = storage.sanitize_path("/%s/%s" % (item.collection.path, item.href)) can_read = self.Rights.authorized_item(user, path, "r") can_write = self.Rights.authorized_item(user, path, "w") target = "item %r from %r" % (item.href, item.collection.path) text_status = [] if can_read: text_status.append("read") read_allowed_items.append(item) if can_write: text_status.append("write") write_allowed_items.append(item) self.logger.debug( "%s has %s access to %s", repr(user) if user else "anonymous user", " and ".join(text_status) if text_status else "NO", target) return read_allowed_items, write_allowed_items def __call__(self, environ, start_response): try: status, headers, answers = self._handle_request(environ) except Exception as e: try: method = str(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]) except Exception: method = "unknown" try: path = str(environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")) except Exception: path = "" self.logger.error("An exception occurred during %s request on %r: " "%s", method, path, e, exc_info=True) status, headers, answer = INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR status = "%d %s" % ( status, client.responses.get(status, "Unknown")) headers = [("Content-Length", str(len(answer)))] + list(headers) answers = [answer.encode("ascii")] start_response(status, headers) return answers def _handle_request(self, environ): """Manage a request.""" def response(status, headers=(), answer=None): headers = dict(headers) # Set content length if answer: if hasattr(answer, "encode"): self.logger.debug("Response content:\n%s", answer) headers["Content-Type"] += "; charset=%s" % self.encoding answer = answer.encode(self.encoding) accept_encoding = [ encoding.strip() for encoding in environ.get("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", "").split(",") if encoding.strip()] if "gzip" in accept_encoding: zcomp = zlib.compressobj(wbits=16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) answer = zcomp.compress(answer) + zcomp.flush() headers["Content-Encoding"] = "gzip" headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(answer)) # Add extra headers set in configuration if self.configuration.has_section("headers"): for key in self.configuration.options("headers"): headers[key] = self.configuration.get("headers", key) # Start response time_end = datetime.datetime.now() status = "%d %s" % ( status, client.responses.get(status, "Unknown")) self.logger.info( "%s response status for %r%s in %.3f seconds: %s", environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""), depthinfo, (time_end - time_begin).total_seconds(), status) # Return response content return status, list(headers.items()), [answer] if answer else [] remote_host = "unknown" if environ.get("REMOTE_HOST"): remote_host = repr(environ["REMOTE_HOST"]) elif environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR"): remote_host = environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] if environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"): remote_host = "%r (forwarded by %s)" % ( environ["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"], remote_host) remote_useragent = "" if environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"): remote_useragent = " using %r" % environ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] depthinfo = "" if environ.get("HTTP_DEPTH"): depthinfo = " with depth %r" % environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] time_begin = datetime.datetime.now() self.logger.info( "%s request for %r%s received from %s%s", environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""), depthinfo, remote_host, remote_useragent) headers = pprint.pformat(self.headers_log(environ)) self.logger.debug("Request headers:\n%s", headers) # Let reverse proxies overwrite SCRIPT_NAME if "HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME" in environ: # script_name must be removed from PATH_INFO by the client. unsafe_base_prefix = environ["HTTP_X_SCRIPT_NAME"] self.logger.debug("Script name overwritten by client: %r", unsafe_base_prefix) else: # SCRIPT_NAME is already removed from PATH_INFO, according to the # WSGI specification. unsafe_base_prefix = environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "") # Sanitize base prefix base_prefix = storage.sanitize_path(unsafe_base_prefix).rstrip("/") self.logger.debug("Sanitized script name: %r", base_prefix) # Sanitize request URI (a WSGI server indicates with an empty path, # that the URL targets the application root without a trailing slash) path = storage.sanitize_path(environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")) self.logger.debug("Sanitized path: %r", path) # Get function corresponding to method function = getattr(self, "do_%s" % environ["REQUEST_METHOD"].upper()) # Ask authentication backend to check rights external_login = self.Auth.get_external_login(environ) authorization = environ.get("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION", "") if external_login: login, password = external_login elif authorization.startswith("Basic"): authorization = authorization[len("Basic"):].strip() login, password = self.decode(base64.b64decode( authorization.encode("ascii")), environ).split(":", 1) else: # DEPRECATED: use remote_user backend instead login = environ.get("REMOTE_USER", "") password = "" user = self.Auth.map_login_to_user(login) # If "/.well-known" is not available, clients query "/" if path == "/.well-known" or path.startswith("/.well-known/"): return response(*NOT_FOUND) if not user: is_authenticated = True elif not storage.is_safe_path_component(user): # Prevent usernames like "user/calendar.ics" self.logger.info("Refused unsafe username: %r", user) is_authenticated = False else: is_authenticated = self.Auth.is_authenticated(user, password) if not is_authenticated: self.logger.info("Failed login attempt: %r", user) # Random delay to avoid timing oracles and bruteforce attacks delay = self.configuration.getfloat("auth", "delay") if delay > 0: random_delay = delay * (0.5 + random.random()) self.logger.debug("Sleeping %.3f seconds", random_delay) time.sleep(random_delay) else: self.logger.info("Successful login: %r", user) # Create principal collection if user and is_authenticated: principal_path = "/%s/" % user if self.Rights.authorized(user, principal_path, "w"): with self.Collection.acquire_lock("r", user): principal = next( self.Collection.discover(principal_path, depth="1"), None) if not principal: with self.Collection.acquire_lock("w", user): self.Collection.create_collection(principal_path) else: self.logger.warning("Access to principal path %r denied by " "rights backend", principal_path) # Verify content length content_length = int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH") or 0) if content_length: max_content_length = self.configuration.getint( "server", "max_content_length") if max_content_length and content_length > max_content_length: self.logger.info( "Request body too large: %d", content_length) return response(*REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) if is_authenticated: status, headers, answer = function( environ, base_prefix, path, user) if (status, headers, answer) == NOT_ALLOWED: self.logger.info("Access to %r denied for %s", path, repr(user) if user else "anonymous user") else: status, headers, answer = NOT_ALLOWED if (status, headers, answer) == NOT_ALLOWED and not ( user and is_authenticated) and not external_login: # Unknown or unauthorized user self.logger.debug("Asking client for authentication") status = client.UNAUTHORIZED realm = self.configuration.get("server", "realm") headers = dict(headers) headers.update({ "WWW-Authenticate": "Basic realm=\"%s\"" % realm}) return response(status, headers, answer) def _access(self, user, path, permission, item=None): """Check if ``user`` can access ``path`` or the parent collection. ``permission`` must either be "r" or "w". If ``item`` is given, only access to that class of item is checked. """ allowed = False if not item or isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): allowed |= self.Rights.authorized(user, path, permission) if not item or not isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): allowed |= self.Rights.authorized_item(user, path, permission) return allowed def _read_raw_content(self, environ): content_length = int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH") or 0) if not content_length: return b"" content = environ["wsgi.input"].read(content_length) if len(content) < content_length: raise RuntimeError("Request body too short: %d" % len(content)) return content def _read_content(self, environ): content = self.decode(self._read_raw_content(environ), environ) self.logger.debug("Request content:\n%s", content) return content def _read_xml_content(self, environ): content = self.decode(self._read_raw_content(environ), environ) if not content: return None try: xml_content = ET.fromstring(content) except ET.ParseError as e: self.logger.debug("Request content (Invalid XML):\n%s", content) raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse XML: %s" % e) from e if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug("Request content:\n%s", xmlutils.pretty_xml(xml_content)) return xml_content def _write_xml_content(self, xml_content): if self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self.logger.debug("Response content:\n%s", xmlutils.pretty_xml(xml_content)) f = io.BytesIO() ET.ElementTree(xml_content).write(f, encoding=self.encoding, xml_declaration=True) return f.getvalue() def do_DELETE(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage DELETE request.""" if not self._access(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED with self.Collection.acquire_lock("w", user): item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) if not self._access(user, path, "w", item): return NOT_ALLOWED if not item: return NOT_FOUND if_match = environ.get("HTTP_IF_MATCH", "*") if if_match not in ("*", item.etag): # ETag precondition not verified, do not delete item return PRECONDITION_FAILED if isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): xml_answer = xmlutils.delete(base_prefix, path, item) else: xml_answer = xmlutils.delete( base_prefix, path, item.collection, item.href) headers = {"Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=%s" % self.encoding} return client.OK, headers, self._write_xml_content(xml_answer) def do_GET(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage GET request.""" # Redirect to .web if the root URL is requested if not path.strip("/"): web_path = ".web" if not environ.get("PATH_INFO"): web_path = posixpath.join(posixpath.basename(base_prefix), web_path) return (client.FOUND, {"Location": web_path, "Content-Type": "text/plain"}, "Redirected to %s" % web_path) # Dispatch .web URL to web module if path == "/.web" or path.startswith("/.web/"): return self.Web.get(environ, base_prefix, path, user) if not self._access(user, path, "r"): return NOT_ALLOWED with self.Collection.acquire_lock("r", user): item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) if not self._access(user, path, "r", item): return NOT_ALLOWED if not item: return NOT_FOUND if isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): collection = item if collection.get_meta("tag") not in ( "VADDRESSBOOK", "VCALENDAR"): return DIRECTORY_LISTING else: collection = item.collection content_type = xmlutils.MIMETYPES.get( collection.get_meta("tag"), "text/plain") headers = { "Content-Type": content_type, "Last-Modified": item.last_modified, "ETag": item.etag} answer = item.serialize() return client.OK, headers, answer def do_HEAD(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage HEAD request.""" status, headers, answer = self.do_GET( environ, base_prefix, path, user) return status, headers, None def do_MKCALENDAR(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage MKCALENDAR request.""" if not self.Rights.authorized(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED try: xml_content = self._read_xml_content(environ) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad MKCALENDAR request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST except socket.timeout as e: self.logger.debug("client timed out", exc_info=True) return REQUEST_TIMEOUT with self.Collection.acquire_lock("w", user): item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) if item: return WEBDAV_PRECONDITION_FAILED props = xmlutils.props_from_request(xml_content) props["tag"] = "VCALENDAR" # TODO: use this? # timezone = props.get("C:calendar-timezone") try: storage.check_and_sanitize_props(props) self.Collection.create_collection(path, props=props) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad MKCALENDAR request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST return client.CREATED, {}, None def do_MKCOL(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage MKCOL request.""" if not self.Rights.authorized(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED try: xml_content = self._read_xml_content(environ) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad MKCOL request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST except socket.timeout as e: self.logger.debug("client timed out", exc_info=True) return REQUEST_TIMEOUT with self.Collection.acquire_lock("w", user): item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) if item: return WEBDAV_PRECONDITION_FAILED props = xmlutils.props_from_request(xml_content) try: storage.check_and_sanitize_props(props) self.Collection.create_collection(path, props=props) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad MKCOL request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST return client.CREATED, {}, None def do_MOVE(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage MOVE request.""" raw_dest = environ.get("HTTP_DESTINATION", "") to_url = urlparse(raw_dest) if to_url.netloc != environ["HTTP_HOST"]: self.logger.info("Unsupported destination address: %r", raw_dest) # Remote destination server, not supported return REMOTE_DESTINATION if not self._access(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED to_path = storage.sanitize_path(to_url.path) if not (to_path + "/").startswith(base_prefix + "/"): self.logger.warning("Destination %r from MOVE request on %r does" "n't start with base prefix", to_path, path) return NOT_ALLOWED to_path = to_path[len(base_prefix):] if not self._access(user, to_path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED with self.Collection.acquire_lock("w", user): item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) if not self._access(user, path, "w", item): return NOT_ALLOWED if not self._access(user, to_path, "w", item): return NOT_ALLOWED if not item: return NOT_FOUND if isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): return WEBDAV_PRECONDITION_FAILED to_item = next(self.Collection.discover(to_path), None) if (isinstance(to_item, storage.BaseCollection) or to_item and environ.get("HTTP_OVERWRITE", "F") != "T"): return WEBDAV_PRECONDITION_FAILED to_parent_path = storage.sanitize_path( "/%s/" % posixpath.dirname(to_path.strip("/"))) to_collection = next( self.Collection.discover(to_parent_path), None) if not to_collection: return WEBDAV_PRECONDITION_FAILED to_href = posixpath.basename(to_path.strip("/")) try: self.Collection.move(item, to_collection, to_href) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad MOVE request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST return client.CREATED, {}, None def do_OPTIONS(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage OPTIONS request.""" headers = { "Allow": ", ".join( name[3:] for name in dir(self) if name.startswith("do_")), "DAV": DAV_HEADERS} return client.OK, headers, None def do_PROPFIND(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage PROPFIND request.""" if not self._access(user, path, "r"): return NOT_ALLOWED try: xml_content = self._read_xml_content(environ) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad PROPFIND request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST except socket.timeout as e: self.logger.debug("client timed out", exc_info=True) return REQUEST_TIMEOUT with self.Collection.acquire_lock("r", user): items = self.Collection.discover( path, environ.get("HTTP_DEPTH", "0")) # take root item for rights checking item = next(items, None) if not self._access(user, path, "r", item): return NOT_ALLOWED if not item: return NOT_FOUND # put item back items = itertools.chain([item], items) read_items, write_items = self.collect_allowed_items(items, user) headers = {"DAV": DAV_HEADERS, "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=%s" % self.encoding} status, xml_answer = xmlutils.propfind( base_prefix, path, xml_content, read_items, write_items, user) if status == client.FORBIDDEN: return NOT_ALLOWED else: return status, headers, self._write_xml_content(xml_answer) def do_PROPPATCH(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage PROPPATCH request.""" if not self.Rights.authorized(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED try: xml_content = self._read_xml_content(environ) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad PROPPATCH request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST except socket.timeout as e: self.logger.debug("client timed out", exc_info=True) return REQUEST_TIMEOUT with self.Collection.acquire_lock("w", user): item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) if not isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): return WEBDAV_PRECONDITION_FAILED headers = {"DAV": DAV_HEADERS, "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=%s" % self.encoding} try: xml_answer = xmlutils.proppatch(base_prefix, path, xml_content, item) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad PROPPATCH request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST return (client.MULTI_STATUS, headers, self._write_xml_content(xml_answer)) def do_PUT(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage PUT request.""" if not self._access(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED try: content = self._read_content(environ) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad PUT request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST except socket.timeout as e: self.logger.debug("client timed out", exc_info=True) return REQUEST_TIMEOUT with self.Collection.acquire_lock("w", user): parent_path = storage.sanitize_path( "/%s/" % posixpath.dirname(path.strip("/"))) item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) parent_item = next(self.Collection.discover(parent_path), None) write_whole_collection = ( isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection) or not parent_item or ( not next(parent_item.list(), None) and parent_item.get_meta("tag") not in ( "VADDRESSBOOK", "VCALENDAR"))) if write_whole_collection: if not self.Rights.authorized(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED elif not self.Rights.authorized_item(user, path, "w"): return NOT_ALLOWED etag = environ.get("HTTP_IF_MATCH", "") if not item and etag: # Etag asked but no item found: item has been removed return PRECONDITION_FAILED if item and etag and item.etag != etag: # Etag asked but item not matching: item has changed return PRECONDITION_FAILED match = environ.get("HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH", "") == "*" if item and match: # Creation asked but item found: item can't be replaced return PRECONDITION_FAILED try: items = tuple(vobject.readComponents(content or "")) if not write_whole_collection and len(items) != 1: raise RuntimeError( "Item contains %d components" % len(items)) if write_whole_collection or not parent_item.get_meta("tag"): content_type = environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE", "").split(";")[0] tags = {value: key for key, value in xmlutils.MIMETYPES.items()} tag = tags.get(content_type) if items and items[0].name == "VCALENDAR": tag = "VCALENDAR" elif items and items[0].name in ("VCARD", "VLIST"): tag = "VADDRESSBOOK" else: tag = parent_item.get_meta("tag") if tag == "VCALENDAR" and len(items) > 1: raise RuntimeError("VCALENDAR collection contains %d " "components" % len(items)) for i in items: storage.check_and_sanitize_item( i, is_collection=write_whole_collection, uid=item.uid if not write_whole_collection and item else None, tag=tag) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad PUT request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST if write_whole_collection: props = {"tag": tag} if tag else {} try: storage.check_and_sanitize_props(props) new_item = self.Collection.create_collection( path, items, props) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad PUT request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST else: href = posixpath.basename(path.strip("/")) try: if tag and not parent_item.get_meta("tag"): new_props = parent_item.get_meta() new_props["tag"] = tag storage.check_and_sanitize_props(new_props) parent_item.set_meta_all(new_props) new_item = parent_item.upload(href, items[0]) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad PUT request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST headers = {"ETag": new_item.etag} return client.CREATED, headers, None def do_REPORT(self, environ, base_prefix, path, user): """Manage REPORT request.""" if not self._access(user, path, "r"): return NOT_ALLOWED try: xml_content = self._read_xml_content(environ) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning( "Bad REPORT request on %r: %s", path, e, exc_info=True) return BAD_REQUEST except socket.timeout as e: self.logger.debug("client timed out", exc_info=True) return REQUEST_TIMEOUT with self.Collection.acquire_lock("r", user): item = next(self.Collection.discover(path), None) if not self._access(user, path, "r", item): return NOT_ALLOWED if not item: return NOT_FOUND if isinstance(item, storage.BaseCollection): collection = item else: collection = item.collection headers = {"Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=%s" % self.encoding} status, xml_answer = xmlutils.report( base_prefix, path, xml_content, collection) return (status, headers, self._write_xml_content(xml_answer))