Redirect …/.well-known/{caldav,carddav} to /

Closes #1200
This commit is contained in:
Unrud 2022-01-22 18:19:41 +01:00
parent 10d2571d89
commit e4cc73098a
2 changed files with 28 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -209,8 +209,15 @@ class Application(ApplicationPartDelete, ApplicationPartHead,
if not function:
return response(*httputils.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
# If "/.well-known" is not available, clients query "/"
if path == "/.well-known" or path.startswith("/.well-known/"):
# Redirect all "…/.well-known/{caldav,carddav}" paths to "/".
# This shouldn't be necessary but some clients like TbSync require it.
# Status must be MOVED PERMANENTLY using FOUND causes problems
if (path.rstrip("/").endswith("/.well-known/caldav") or
return response(*httputils.redirect(
base_prefix + "/", client.MOVED_PERMANENTLY))
# Return NOT FOUND for all other paths containing ".well-knwon"
if path.endswith("/.well-known") or "/.well-known/" in path:
return response(*httputils.NOT_FOUND)
# Ask authentication backend to check rights

View File

@ -1615,14 +1615,31 @@ permissions: RrWw""")
def test_well_known(self) -> None:
for path in ["/.well-known/caldav", "/.well-known/carddav"]:
for path in [path, "/foo" + path]:
_, headers, _ = self.request("GET", path, check=301)
assert headers.get("Location") == "/"
def test_well_known_script_name(self) -> None:
for path in ["/.well-known/caldav", "/.well-known/carddav"]:
for path in [path, "/foo" + path]:
_, headers, _ = self.request(
"GET", path, check=301, SCRIPT_NAME="/radicale")
assert headers.get("Location") == "/radicale/"
def test_well_known_not_found(self) -> None:
for path in ["/.well-known", "/.well-known/", "/.well-known/foo"]:
for path in [path, "/foo" + path]:
self.get(path, check=404)
def test_custom_headers(self) -> None:
self.configure({"headers": {"test": "123"}})
# Test if header is set on success
_, headers, _ = self.request("OPTIONS", "/", check=200)
assert headers.get("test") == "123"
# Test if header is set on failure
_, headers, _ = self.request("GET", "/.well-known/does not exist",
_, headers, _ = self.request("GET", "/.well-known/foo", check=404)
assert headers.get("test") == "123"
@pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3, 6),