Add tests for conflicting UIDs and overwriting of items

This commit is contained in:
Unrud 2020-05-24 13:19:29 +02:00
parent b9bb017edf
commit d3b90506f5
2 changed files with 90 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class BaseTest:
def put(self, path, data, check=True, **args):
status, _, answer = self.request("PUT", path, data, **args)
self._check_status(status, 201, check)
return status
return status, answer
def propfind(self, path, data=None, check=True, **args):
status, _, answer = self.request("PROPFIND", path, data, **args)
@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ class BaseTest:
return status, responses
def mkcalendar(self, path, data=None, check=True, **args):
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", path, data, **args)
status, _, answer = self.request("MKCALENDAR", path, data, **args)
self._check_status(status, 201, check)
return status
return status, answer
def mkcol(self, path, data=None, check=True, **args):
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCOL", path, data, **args)

View File

@ -75,6 +75,18 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
path = "/calendar.ics/event.ics"
self.put(path, event, check=400)
def test_add_event_duplicate_uid(self):
"""Add an event with an existing UID."""
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
self.put("/calendar.ics/event1.ics", event)
status, answer = self.put(
"/calendar.ics/event1-duplicate.ics", event, check=False)
assert status in (403, 409)
xml = DefusedET.fromstring(answer)
assert xml.tag == xmlutils.make_clark("D:error")
assert xml.find(xmlutils.make_clark("C:no-uid-conflict")) is not None
def test_add_todo(self):
"""Add a todo."""
@ -113,38 +125,33 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
path = "/contacts.vcf/contact.vcf"
self.put(path, contact, check=400)
def test_update(self):
def test_update_event(self):
"""Update an event."""
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path = "/calendar.ics/event1.ics"
self.put(path, event)
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert "ETag" in headers
assert status == 200
assert "VEVENT" in answer
assert "Event" in answer
assert "UID:event" in answer
assert "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Paris:20130901T180000" in answer
assert "DTEND;TZID=Europe/Paris:20130901T190000" in answer
# Then we send another PUT request
event = get_file_content("event1-prime.ics")
self.put(path, event)
_, answer = self.get("/calendar.ics/")
assert answer.count("BEGIN:VEVENT") == 1
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert status == 200
assert "ETag" in headers
assert "VEVENT" in answer
assert "Event" in answer
assert "UID:event" in answer
assert "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Paris:20130901T180000" not in answer
assert "DTEND;TZID=Europe/Paris:20130901T190000" not in answer
_, answer = self.get(path)
assert "DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Paris:20140901T180000" in answer
assert "DTEND;TZID=Europe/Paris:20140901T210000" in answer
def test_update_event_uid_event(self):
"""Update an event with a different UID."""
event1 = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event2 = get_file_content("event2.ics")
path = "/calendar.ics/event1.ics"
self.put(path, event1)
status, answer = self.put(path, event2, check=False)
assert status in (403, 409)
xml = DefusedET.fromstring(answer)
assert xml.tag == xmlutils.make_clark("D:error")
assert xml.find(xmlutils.make_clark("C:no-uid-conflict")) is not None
def test_put_whole_calendar(self):
"""Create and overwrite a whole calendar."""
self.put("/calendar.ics/", "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nEND:VCALENDAR")
@ -216,7 +223,6 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path = "/calendar.ics/event1.ics"
self.put(path, event)
# Then we send a DELETE request
_, responses = self.delete(path)
assert responses[path] == 200
_, answer = self.get("/calendar.ics/")
@ -229,6 +235,16 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
assert "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" in answer
assert "END:VCALENDAR" in answer
def test_mkcalendar_overwrite(self):
"""Make a calendar."""
status, answer = self.mkcalendar("/calendar.ics/", check=False)
assert status in (403, 409)
xml = DefusedET.fromstring(answer)
assert xml.tag == xmlutils.make_clark("D:error")
assert xml.find(xmlutils.make_clark(
"D:resource-must-be-null")) is not None
def test_move(self):
"""Move a item."""
@ -256,6 +272,56 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
self.get(path1, check=404)
def test_move_between_colections_duplicate_uid(self):
"""Move a item to a collection which already contains the UID."""
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path1 = "/calendar1.ics/event1.ics"
path2 = "/calendar2.ics/event2.ics"
self.put(path1, event)
self.put("/calendar2.ics/event1.ics", event)
status, _, answer = self.request(
assert status in (403, 409)
xml = DefusedET.fromstring(answer)
assert xml.tag == xmlutils.make_clark("D:error")
assert xml.find(xmlutils.make_clark("C:no-uid-conflict")) is not None
def test_move_between_colections_overwrite(self):
"""Move a item to a collection which already contains the item."""
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path1 = "/calendar1.ics/event1.ics"
path2 = "/calendar2.ics/event1.ics"
self.put(path1, event)
self.put(path2, event)
status, _, _ = self.request(
assert status == 412
status, _, _ = self.request("MOVE", path1, HTTP_DESTINATION=path2,
assert status == 204
def test_move_between_colections_overwrite_uid_conflict(self):
"""Move a item to a collection which already contains the item with
a different UID."""
event1 = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event2 = get_file_content("event2.ics")
path1 = "/calendar1.ics/event1.ics"
path2 = "/calendar2.ics/event2.ics"
self.put(path1, event1)
self.put(path2, event2)
status, _, answer = self.request("MOVE", path1, HTTP_DESTINATION=path2,
assert status in (403, 409)
xml = DefusedET.fromstring(answer)
assert xml.tag == xmlutils.make_clark("D:error")
assert xml.find(xmlutils.make_clark("C:no-uid-conflict")) is not None
def test_head(self):
status, _, _ = self.request("HEAD", "/")
assert status == 302