diff --git a/.github/workflows/generate-documentation.yml b/.github/workflows/generate-documentation.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..330d939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/generate-documentation.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+name: Generate documentation
+ push:
+ paths:
+ generate:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ ref: gh-pages
+ - name: Run generator
+ run: documentation-tools/generate.py
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index 7a1b471..09d6da5 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v1
- python-version: 3.8
+ python-version: 3.x
- name: Install Coveralls
run: python -m pip install coveralls
- name: Call Coveralls parallel builds webhook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f9e66d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2823 @@
+# Getting started
+### About Radicale
+Radicale is a small but powerful CalDAV (calendars, todo-lists) and CardDAV
+(contacts) server, that:
+ * Shares calendars through CalDAV, WebDAV and HTTP.
+ * Shares contacts through CardDAV, WebDAV and HTTP.
+ * Supports events, todos, journal entries and business cards.
+ * Works out-of-the-box, no installation nor configuration required.
+ * Can warn users on concurrent editing.
+ * Can limit access by authentication.
+ * Can secure connections.
+ * Works with many CalDAV and CardDAV clients.
+ * Is GPLv3-licensed free software.
+### Installation
+Radicale is really easy to install and works out-of-the-box.
+$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale
+$ python3 -m radicale --config "" --storage-filesystem-folder=~/.var/lib/radicale/collections
+When your server is launched, you can check that everything's OK by going
+to http://localhost:5232/ with your browser!
+You can login with any username and password.
+Want more? Why don't you check our wonderful
+### What's New?
+Latest version of Radicale is 2.1.11,
+released on November 5, 2018
+[Read latest news…](#news)
+# Documentation
+This documentation page is written for version 2.x.x. If you want to update
+Radicale from 1.x.x to 2.x.x, please follow
+our [migration guide](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx). You can find on GitHub the
+[documentation page for the 1.1.x versions](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/blob/website/pages/user_documentation.rst).
+### Install and Set Up
+You're new to Radicale and you want to know how to use it? Welcome aboard!
+- [What is Radicale?](#about)
+- [A really simple 5-minute tutorial.](#documentation/tutorial)
+- [A simple but solid setup.](#documentation/basic-setup)
+- [Run behind a reverse proxy.](#documentation/reverse-proxy)
+- [Run with a WSGI server.](#documentation/wsgi)
+- [Track all changes to calendars and address books with Git.](#documentation/versioning)
+### Use
+- [Which clients are supported?](#documentation/clients)
+### Configure
+Now that you have Radicale running, let's see what we can configure to make it
+fit your needs.
+- [What can I configure?](#documentation/configuration)
+- [Authentication & Rights.](#documentation/authentication-and-rights)
+- [Storage.](#documentation/storage)
+- [Logging.](#documentation/logging)
+### Hack
+Using is fun, but hacking is soooooooo coooooool. Radicale is a really small
+and simple piece of code, it may be the perfect project to start hacking!
+- [How does Radicale work?](#documentation/architecture)
+- [Plugins.](#documentation/plugins)
+- [Adding or fixing documentation.](#contribute)
+## Tutorial
+You want to try Radicale but only have 5 minutes free in your calendar? Let's
+go right now! You won't have the best installation ever, but it will be enough
+to play a little bit with Radicale.
+When everything works, you can get a [client](#documentation/clients) and
+start creating calendars and address books. The server **only** binds to
+localhost (is **not** reachable over the network) and you can log in with any
+user name and password. If Radicale fits your needs, it may be time for
+[some basic configuration](#documentation/basic-setup).
+Follow one of the chapters below depending on your operating system.
+### Linux / \*BSD
+First of all, make sure that **python** 3.3 or later (**python** ≥ 3.6 is
+recommended) and **pip** are installed. On most distributions it should be
+enough to install the package ``python3-pip``.
+Then open a console and type:
+# Run the following command as root or
+# add the --user argument to only install for the current user
+$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale
+$ python3 -m radicale --config "" --storage-filesystem-folder=~/.var/lib/radicale/collections
+Victory! Open [http://localhost:5232/](http://localhost:5232/) in your browser!
+You can login with any username and password.
+### Windows
+The first step is to install Python. Go to
+[python.org](https://python.org) and download the latest version of Python 3.
+Then run the installer.
+On the first window of the installer, check the "Add Python to PATH" box and
+click on "Install now". Wait a couple of minutes, it's done!
+Launch a command prompt and type:
+C:\Users\User> python -m pip install --upgrade radicale
+C:\Users\User> python -m radicale --config "" --storage-filesystem-folder=~/radicale/collections
+If you are using PowerShell replace ``--config ""`` with ``--config '""'``.
+Victory! Open [http://localhost:5232/](http://localhost:5232/) in your browser!
+You can login with any username and password.
+### MacOS
+*To be written.*
+## Basic Setup
+Installation instructions can be found on the
+[Tutorial](#documentation/tutorial) page.
+### Configuration
+Radicale tries to load configuration files from `/etc/radicale/config`,
+`~/.config/radicale/config` and the `RADICALE_CONFIG` environment variable.
+A custom path can be specified with the `--config /path/to/config` command
+line argument.
+You should create a new configuration file at the desired location.
+(If the use of a configuration file is inconvenient, all options can be
+passed via command line arguments.)
+All configuration options are described in detail on the
+[Configuration](#documentation/configuration) page.
+### Authentication
+In its default configuration Radicale doesn't check user names or passwords.
+If the server is reachable over a network, you should change this.
+First a `users` file with all user names and passwords must be created.
+It can be stored in the same directory as the configuration file.
+#### The secure way
+The `users` file can be created and managed with
+# Create a new htpasswd file with the user "user1"
+$ htpasswd -B -c /path/to/users user1
+New password:
+Re-type new password:
+# Add another user
+$ htpasswd -B /path/to/users user2
+New password:
+Re-type new password:
+**bcrypt** is used to secure the passwords. Radicale requires additional
+dependencies for this encryption method:
+$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale[bcrypt]
+Authentication can be enabled with the following configuration:
+type = htpasswd
+htpasswd_filename = /path/to/users
+# encryption method used in the htpasswd file
+htpasswd_encryption = bcrypt
+#### The simple but insecure way
+Create the `users` file by hand with lines containing the user name and
+password separated by `:`. Example:
+Authentication can be enabled with the following configuration:
+type = htpasswd
+htpasswd_filename = /path/to/users
+# encryption method used in the htpasswd file
+htpasswd_encryption = plain
+### Addresses
+The default configuration binds the server to localhost. It can't be reached
+from other computers. This can be changed with the following configuration
+hosts =
+More addresses can be added (separated by commas).
+### Storage
+Data is stored in the folder `/var/lib/radicale/collections`. The path can
+be changed with the following configuration:
+filesystem_folder = /path/to/storage
+**Security:** The storage folder should not be readable by unauthorized users.
+Otherwise, they can read the calendar data and lock the storage.
+You can find OS dependent instructions in the **Running as a service** section.
+### Limits
+Radicale enforces limits on the maximum number of parallel connections,
+the maximum file size (important for contacts with big photos) and the rate of
+incorrect authentication attempts. Connections are terminated after a timeout.
+The default values should be fine for most scenarios.
+max_connections = 20
+# 100 Megabyte
+max_content_length = 100000000
+# 30 seconds
+timeout = 30
+# Average delay after failed login attempts in seconds
+delay = 1
+### Running as a service
+The method to run Radicale as a service depends on your host operating system.
+Follow one of the chapters below depending on your operating system and
+#### Linux with systemd as a user
+Create the file `~/.config/systemd/user/radicale.service`:
+Description=A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 -m radicale
+Radicale will load the configuration file from `~/.config/radicale/config`.
+You should set the configuration option `filesystem_folder` in the `storage`
+section to something like `~/.var/lib/radicale/collections`.
+To enable and manage the service run:
+# Enable the service
+$ systemctl --user enable radicale
+# Start the service
+$ systemctl --user start radicale
+# Check the status of the service
+$ systemctl --user status radicale
+# View all log messages
+$ journalctl --user --unit radicale.service
+#### Linux with systemd system-wide
+Create the **radicale** user and group for the Radicale service.
+(Run `useradd --system --home-dir / --shell /sbin/nologin radicale` as root.)
+The storage folder must be writable by **radicale**. (Run
+`mkdir -p /var/lib/radicale/collections && chown -R radicale:radicale /var/lib/radicale/collections`
+as root.)
+**Security:** The storage should not be readable by others.
+(Run `chmod -R o= /var/lib/radicale/collections` as root.)
+Create the file `/etc/systemd/system/radicale.service`:
+Description=A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 -m radicale
+# Deny other users access to the calendar data
+# Optional security settings
+Radicale will load the configuration file from `/etc/radicale/config`.
+To enable and manage the service run:
+# Enable the service
+$ systemctl enable radicale
+# Start the service
+$ systemctl start radicale
+# Check the status of the service
+$ systemctl status radicale
+# View all log messages
+$ journalctl --unit radicale.service
+### MacOS with launchd
+*To be written.*
+### Classic daemonization
+Set the configuration option `daemon` in the section `server` to `True`.
+You may want to set the option `pid` to the path of a PID file.
+After daemonization the server will not log anything. You have to configure
+If you start Radicale now, it will initialize and fork into the background.
+The main process exits, after the PID file is written.
+**Security:** You can set the **umask** with `umask 0027` before you start the
+daemon, to protect your calendar data and log files from other users.
+Don't forget to set permissions of files that are already created!
+### Windows with "NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager"
+First install [NSSM](https://nssm.cc/) and start `nssm install` in a command
+prompt. Apply the following configuration:
+* Service name: `Radicale`
+* Application
+ * Path: `C:\Path\To\Python\python.exe`
+ * Arguments: `-m radicale --config C:\Path\To\Config`
+* I/O redirection
+ * Error: `C:\Path\To\Radicale.log`
+**Security:** Be aware that the service runs in the local system account,
+you might want to change this. Managing user accounts is beyond the scope of
+this manual. Also make sure that the storage folder and log file is not readable
+by unauthorized users.
+The log file might grow very big over time, you can configure file rotation
+in **NSSM** to prevent this.
+The service is configured to start automatically when the computer starts.
+To start the service manually open **Services** in **Computer Management** and
+start the **Radicale** service.
+## Reverse Proxy
+When a reverse proxy is used, the path at which Radicale is available must
+be provided via the `X-Script-Name` header. The proxy must remove the location
+from the URL path that is forwarded to Radicale.
+Example **nginx** configuration:
+location /radicale/ { # The trailing / is important!
+ proxy_pass http://localhost:5232/; # The / is important!
+ proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /radicale;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+ proxy_pass_header Authorization;
+Example **Apache** configuration:
+RewriteEngine On
+RewriteRule ^/radicale$ /radicale/ [R,L]
+ ProxyPass http://localhost:5232/ retry=0
+ ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5232/
+ RequestHeader set X-Script-Name /radicale/
+Be reminded that Radicale's default configuration enforces limits on the
+maximum number of parallel connections, the maximum file size and the rate of
+incorrect authentication attempts. Connections are terminated after a timeout.
+### Manage user accounts with the reverse proxy
+Set the configuration option `type` in the `auth` section to
+Radicale uses the user name provided in the `X-Remote-User` HTTP header and
+disables HTTP authentication.
+Example **nginx** configuration:
+location /radicale/ {
+ proxy_pass http://localhost:5232/;
+ proxy_set_header X-Script-Name /radicale;
+ proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
+ proxy_set_header X-Remote-User $remote_user;
+ auth_basic "Radicale - Password Required";
+ auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/htpasswd;
+Example **Apache** configuration:
+RewriteEngine On
+RewriteRule ^/radicale$ /radicale/ [R,L]
+ AuthType Basic
+ AuthName "Radicale - Password Required"
+ AuthUserFile "/etc/radicale/htpasswd"
+ Require valid-user
+ ProxyPass http://localhost:5232/ retry=0
+ ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:5232/
+ RequestHeader set X-Script-Name /radicale/
+ RequestHeader set X-Remote-User expr=%{REMOTE_USER}
+**Security:** Untrusted clients should not be able to access the Radicale
+server directly. Otherwise, they can authenticate as any user.
+### Secure connection between Radicale and the reverse proxy
+SSL certificates can be used to encrypt and authenticate the connection between
+Radicale and the reverse proxy. First you have to generate a certificate for
+Radicale and a certificate for the reverse proxy. The following commands
+generate self-signed certificates. You will be asked to enter additional
+information about the certificate, the values don't matter and you can keep the
+$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server_key.pem -out server_cert.pem -nodes -days 9999
+$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client_key.pem -out client_cert.pem -nodes -days 9999
+Use the following configuration for Radicale:
+ssl = True
+certificate = /path/to/server_cert.pem
+key = /path/to/server_key.pem
+certificate_authority = /path/to/client_cert.pem
+Example **nginx** configuration:
+location /radicale/ {
+ proxy_pass https://localhost:5232/;
+ ...
+ # Place the files somewhere nginx is allowed to access (e.g. /etc/nginx/...).
+ proxy_ssl_certificate /path/to/client_cert.pem;
+ proxy_ssl_certificate_key /path/to/client_key.pem;
+ proxy_ssl_trusted_certificate /path/to/server_cert.pem;
+## WSGI
+Radicale is compatible with the WSGI specification.
+A configuration file can be set with the `RADICALE_CONFIG` environment variable,
+otherwise no configuration file is loaded and the default configuration is used.
+Be reminded that Radicale's default configuration enforces limits on the
+maximum upload file size.
+**Security:** The `None` authentication type disables all rights checking.
+Don't use it with `REMOTE_USER`. Use `remote_user` instead.
+Example **uWSGI** configuration:
+http-socket =
+processes = 8
+plugin = python3
+module = radicale
+env = RADICALE_CONFIG=/etc/radicale/config
+Example **Gunicorn** configuration:
+gunicorn --bind '' --workers 8 --env 'RADICALE_CONFIG=/etc/radicale/config' radicale
+### Manage user accounts with the WSGI server
+Set the configuration option `type` in the `auth` section to `remote_user`.
+Radicale uses the user name provided by the WSGI server and disables
+authentication over HTTP.
+## Versioning
+This page describes how to keep track of all changes to calendars and
+address books with **git** (or any other version control system).
+The repository must be initialized by running `git init` in the file
+system folder. Internal files of Radicale can be excluded by creating the
+file `.gitignore` with the following content:
+The configuration option `hook` in the `storage` section must be set to
+the following command:
+git add -A && (git diff --cached --quiet || git commit -m "Changes by "%(user)s)
+The command gets executed after every change to the storage and commits
+the changes into the **git** repository.
+## Clients
+Radicale has been tested with:
+ * [Android](https://android.com/) with
+ [DAVx⁵](https://www.davx5.com/) (formerly DAVdroid)
+ * [GNOME Calendar](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Calendar),
+ [Contacts](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Contacts) and
+ [Evolution](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Evolution)
+ * [Mozilla Thunderbird](https://www.mozilla.org/thunderbird/) with
+ [CardBook](https://addons.mozilla.org/thunderbird/addon/cardbook/) and
+ [Lightning](https://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/)
+ * [InfCloud](https://www.inf-it.com/open-source/clients/infcloud/),
+ [CalDavZAP](https://www.inf-it.com/open-source/clients/caldavzap/) and
+ [CardDavMATE](https://www.inf-it.com/open-source/clients/carddavmate/)
+Many clients do not support the creation of new calendars and address books.
+You can use Radicale's web interface
+(e.g. [http://localhost:5232](http://localhost:5232)) to create and manage
+In some clients you can just enter the URL of the Radicale server
+(e.g. `http://localhost:5232`) and your user name. In others, you have to
+enter the URL of the collection directly
+(e.g. `http://localhost:5232/user/calendar`).
+### DAVx⁵
+Enter the URL of the Radicale server (e.g. `http://localhost:5232`) and your
+user name. DAVx⁵ will show all existing calendars and address books and you
+can create new.
+### GNOME Calendar, Contacts and Evolution
+**GNOME Calendar** and **Contacts** do not support adding WebDAV calendars
+and address books directly, but you can add them in **Evolution**.
+In **Evolution** add a new calendar and address book respectively with WebDAV.
+Enter the URL of the Radicale server (e.g. `http://localhost:5232`) and your
+user name. Clicking on the search button will list the existing calendars and
+address books.
+### Thunderbird
+#### CardBook
+Add a new address book on the network with CardDAV. You have to enter the full
+URL of the collection (e.g. `http://localhost:5232/user/addressbook`) and
+your user name.
+#### Lightning
+Add a new calendar on the network with `CalDAV`. (Don't use `iCalendar (ICS)`!)
+You have to enter the full URL of the collection (e.g.
+`http://localhost:5232/user/calendar`). If you want to add calendars from
+different users on the same server, you can specify the user name in the URL
+(e.g. `http://user@localhost...`)
+### InfCloud, CalDavZAP and CardDavMATE
+You can integrate InfCloud into Radicale's web interface with
+[RadicaleInfCloud](https://github.com/Unrud/RadicaleInfCloud). No additional
+configuration is required.
+Set the URL of the Radicale server in ``config.js``. If **InfCloud** is not
+hosted on the same server and port as Radicale, the browser will deny access to
+the Radicale server, because of the
+[same-origin policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-origin_policy).
+You have to add additional HTTP header in the `headers` section of Radicale's
+configuration. The documentation of **InfCloud** has more details on this.
+### Manual creation of calendars and address books
+This is not the recommended way of creating and managing your calendars and
+address books. Use Radicale's web interface or a client with support for it
+(e.g. **DAVx⁵**).
+#### Direct editing of the storage
+To create a new collection, you have to create the corresponding folder in the
+file system storage (e.g. `collection-root/user/calendar`).
+To tell Radicale and clients that the collection is a calendar, you have to
+create the file ``.Radicale.props`` with the following content in the folder:
+{"tag": "VCALENDAR"}
+The calendar is now available at the URL path ``/user/calendar``.
+For address books the file must contain:
+{"tag": "VADDRESSBOOK"}
+Calendar and address book collections must not have any child collections.
+Clients with automatic discovery of collections will only show calendars and
+addressbooks that are direct children of the path `/USERNAME/`.
+Delete collections by deleting the corresponding folders.
+#### HTTP requests with curl
+To create a new calendar run something like:
+$ curl -u user -X MKCOL 'http://localhost:5232/user/calendar' --data \
+ Calendar
+ Example calendar
+ #ff0000ff
+To create a new address book run something like:
+$ curl -u user -X MKCOL 'http://localhost:5232/user/addressbook' --data \
+ Address book
+ Example address book
+The collection `/USERNAME` will be created automatically, when the user
+authenticates to Radicale for the first time. Clients with automatic discovery
+of collections will only show calendars and address books that are direct
+children of the path `/USERNAME/`.
+Delete the collections by running something like:
+$ curl -u user -X DELETE 'http://localhost:5232/user/calendar'
+## Configuration
+Radicale can be configured with a configuration file or with
+command line arguments.
+An example configuration file looks like:
+# Bind all addresses
+hosts =
+type = htpasswd
+htpasswd_filename = /path/to/users
+htpasswd_encryption = bcrypt
+filesystem_folder = ~/.var/lib/radicale/collections
+Radicale tries to load configuration files from `/etc/radicale/config`,
+`~/.config/radicale/config` and the `RADICALE_CONFIG` environment variable.
+This behaviour can be overwritten by specifying a path with the
+`--config /path/to/config` command line argument.
+The same example configuration via command line arguments looks like:
+python3 -m radicale --config "" --server-hosts --auth-type htpasswd --htpasswd-filename /path/to/htpasswd --htpasswd-encryption bcrypt
+The `--config ""` argument is required to stop Radicale from trying
+to load configuration files. Run `python3 -m radicale --help` for more information.
+In the following, all configuration categories and options are described.
+### server
+Most configuration options in this category are only relevant in standalone
+mode. All options beside `max_content_length` and `realm` are ignored,
+when Radicale runs via WSGI.
+#### hosts
+A comma separated list of addresses that the server will bind to.
+Default: ``
+#### daemon
+Daemonize the Radicale process. It does not reset the umask.
+Default: `False`
+#### pid
+If daemon mode is enabled, Radicale will write its PID to this file.
+#### max_connections
+The maximum number of parallel connections. Set to `0` to disable the limit.
+Default: `20`
+#### max_content_length
+The maximum size of the request body. (bytes)
+Default: `100000000`
+#### timeout
+Socket timeout. (seconds)
+Default: `30`
+#### ssl
+Enable transport layer encryption.
+Default: `False`
+#### certificate
+Path of the SSL certifcate.
+Default: `/etc/ssl/radicale.cert.pem`
+#### key
+Path to the private key for SSL. Only effective if `ssl` is enabled.
+Default: `/etc/ssl/radicale.key.pem`
+#### certificate_authority
+Path to the CA certificate for validating client certificates. This can be used
+to secure TCP traffic between Radicale and a reverse proxy. If you want to
+authenticate users with client-side certificates, you also have to write an
+authentication plugin that extracts the user name from the certifcate.
+#### protocol
+SSL protocol used. See python's ssl module for available values.
+Default: `PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2`
+#### ciphers
+Available ciphers for SSL. See python's ssl module for available ciphers.
+#### dns_lookup
+Reverse DNS to resolve client address in logs.
+Default: `True`
+#### realm
+Message displayed in the client when a password is needed.
+Default: `Radicale - Password Required`
+### encoding
+#### request
+Encoding for responding requests.
+Default: `utf-8`
+#### stock
+Encoding for storing local collections
+Default: `utf-8`
+### auth
+#### type
+The method to verify usernames and passwords.
+Available backends:
+: Just allows all usernames and passwords. It also disables rights checking.
+: Use an [Apache htpasswd file](https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/programs/htpasswd.html) to store
+ usernames and passwords.
+: Takes the user name from the `REMOTE_USER` environment variable and disables
+ HTTP authentication. This can be used to provide the user name from a WSGI
+ server.
+: Takes the user name from the `X-Remote-User` HTTP header and disables HTTP
+ authentication. This can be used to provide the user name from a reverse
+ proxy.
+Default: `None`
+#### htpasswd_filename
+Path to the htpasswd file.
+#### htpasswd_encryption
+The encryption method that is used in the htpasswd file. Use the
+or similar to generate this files.
+Available methods:
+: Passwords are stored in plaintext. This is obviously not secure!
+ The htpasswd file for this can be created by hand and looks like:
+ ```htpasswd
+ user1:password1
+ user2:password2
+ ```
+: This uses a modified version of the Blowfish stream cipher. It's very secure.
+ The **passlib** python module is required for this. Additionally you may need
+ one of the following python modules: **bcrypt**, **py-bcrypt** or **bcryptor**.
+: This uses an iterated md5 digest of the password with a salt.
+ The **passlib** python module is required for this.
+: Passwords are stored as SHA1 hashes. It's insecure!
+: Passwords are stored as salted SHA1 hashes. It's insecure!
+: This uses UNIX
+ [crypt(3)](https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/manpages-dev/crypt.3.en.html).
+ It's insecure!
+Default: `bcrypt`
+#### delay
+Average delay after failed login attempts in seconds.
+Default: `1`
+### rights
+#### type
+The backend that is used to check the access rights of collections.
+The recommended backend is `owner_only`. If access to calendars
+and address books outside of the home directory of users (that's `/USERNAME/`)
+is granted, clients won't detect these collections and will not show them to
+the user. Choosing any other method is only useful if you access calendars and
+address books directly via URL.
+Available backends:
+: Everyone can read and write everything.
+: Authenticated users can read and write everything.
+: Authenticated users can read and write their own collections under the path
+: Authenticated users can read everything and write their own collections under
+ the path */USERNAME/*.
+: Load the rules from a file.
+Default: `owner_only`
+#### file
+File for the rights backend `from_file`. See the
+[Rights](#documentation/authentication-and-rights) page.
+### storage
+#### type
+The backend that is used to store data.
+Available backends:
+: Stores the data in the filesystem.
+Default: `multifilesystem`
+#### filesystem_folder
+Folder for storing local collections, created if not present.
+Default: `/var/lib/radicale/collections`
+#### filesystem_locking
+Lock the storage. This must be disabled if locking is not supported by the
+underlying file system. Never start multiple instances of Radicale or edit the
+storage externally while Radicale is running if disabled.
+Default: `True`
+#### max_sync_token_age
+Delete sync-token that are older than the specified time. (seconds)
+Default: `2592000`
+#### filesystem_fsync
+Sync all changes to disk during requests. (This can impair performance.)
+Disabling it increases the risk of data loss, when the system crashes or
+power fails!
+Default: `True`
+#### hook
+Command that is run after changes to storage. Take a look at the
+[Versioning](#documentation/versioning) page for an example.
+### web
+#### type
+The backend that provides the web interface of Radicale.
+Available backends:
+: Just shows the message "Radicale works!".
+: Allows creation and management of address books and calendars.
+Default: `internal`
+### logging
+#### debug
+Set the default logging level to debug.
+Default: `False`
+#### full_environment
+Log all environment variables (including those set in the shell).
+Default: `False`
+#### mask_passwords
+Don't include passwords in logs.
+Default: `True`
+#### config
+Logging configuration file. See the [Logging](#documentation/logging) page.
+### headers
+In this section additional HTTP headers that are sent to clients can be
+An example to relax the same-origin policy:
+Access-Control-Allow-Origin = *
+## Authentication and Rights
+This page describes the format of the rights file for the `from_file`
+authentication backend. The configuration option `file` in the `rights`
+section must point to the rights file.
+The recommended rights method is `owner_only`. If access to calendars
+and address books outside of the home directory of users (that's `/USERNAME/`)
+is granted, clients won't detect these collections and will not show them to
+the user.
+This is only useful if you access calendars and address books directly via URL.
+An example rights file:
+# The user "admin" can read and write any collection.
+user = admin
+collection = .*
+permission = rw
+# Block access for the user "user" to everything.
+user = user
+collection = .*
+permission =
+# Authenticated users can read and write their own collections.
+user = .+
+collection = %(login)s(/.*)?
+permission = rw
+# Everyone can read the root collection
+user = .*
+collection =
+permission = r
+The titles of the sections are ignored (but must be unique). The keys `user`
+and `collection` contain regular expressions, that are matched against the
+user name and the path of the collection. Permissions from the first
+matching section are used. If no section matches, access gets denied.
+The user name is empty for anonymous users. Therefore, the regex `.+` only
+matches authenticated users and `.*` matches everyone (including anonymous
+The path of the collection is separated by `/` and has no leading or trailing
+`/`. Therefore, the path of the root collection is empty.
+`%(login)s` gets replaced by the user name and `%(path)s` by the path of
+the collection. You can also get groups from the `user` regex in the
+`collection` regex with `{0}`, `{1}`, etc.
+## Storage
+This document describes the layout and format of the file system storage
+(`multifilesystem` backend).
+It's safe to access and manipulate the data by hand or with scripts.
+Scripts can be invoked manually, periodically (e.g. with
+[cron](https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/cron/cron.8.en.html)) or after each
+change to the storage with the configuration option `hook` in the `storage`
+section (e.g. [Git Versioning](#documentation/versioning)).
+### Layout
+The file system contains the following files and folders:
+ * `.Radicale.lock`: The lock file for locking the storage.
+ * `collection-root`: This folder contains all collections and items.
+A collection is represented by a folder. This folder may contain the file
+`.Radicale.props` with all WebDAV properties of the collection encoded
+as [JSON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON).
+An item is represented by a file containing the iCalendar data.
+All files and folders, whose names start with a dot but not `.Radicale.`
+(internal files) are ignored.
+If you introduce syntax errors in any of the files, all requests that access
+the faulty data will fail. The logging output should contain the names of the
+Future releases of Radicale 2.x.x will store caches and sync-tokens in the
+`.Radicale.cache` folder inside of collections.
+This folder may be created or modified, while the storage is locked for shared
+In theory, it should be safe to delete the folder. Caches will be recreated
+automatically and clients will be told that their sync-token isn't valid
+You may encounter files or folders that start with `.Radicale.tmp-`.
+Radicale uses them for atomic creation and deletion of files and folders.
+They should be deleted after requests are finished but it's possible that
+they are left behind when Radicale or the computer crashes.
+It's safe to delete them.
+### Locking
+When the data is accessed by hand or by an externally invoked script,
+the storage must be locked. The storage can be locked for exclusive or
+shared access. It prevents Radicale from reading or writing the file system.
+The storage is locked with exclusive access while the `hook` runs.
+#### Linux shell scripts
+Use the
+# Exclusive
+$ flock --exclusive /path/to/storage/.Radicale.lock COMMAND
+# Shared
+$ flock --shared /path/to/storage/.Radicale.lock COMMAND
+#### Linux and MacOS
+Use the
+syscall. Python provides it in the
+[fcntl](https://docs.python.org/3/library/fcntl.html#fcntl.flock) module.
+#### Windows
+for exclusive access or
+which also supports shared access. Setting `nNumberOfBytesToLockLow` to `1`
+and `nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh` to `0` works.
+## Logging
+Radicale logs to `stderr`. The verbosity of the log output can be controlled
+with `--debug` command line argument or the `debug` configuration option in
+the `logging` section.
+This is the recommended configuration for use with modern init systems
+(like **systemd**) or if you just test Radicale in a terminal.
+You can configure Radicale to write its logging output to files (and even
+rotate them).
+This is useful if the process daemonizes or if your chosen method of running
+Radicale doesn't handle logging output.
+A logging configuration file can be specified in the `config` configuration
+option in the `logging` section. The file format is explained in the
+[Python Logging Module](https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.config.html#configuration-file-format).
+### Logging to a file
+An example configuration to write the log output to the file `/var/log/radicale/log`:
+keys = root
+keys = file
+keys = full
+# Change this to DEBUG or INFO for higher verbosity.
+level = WARNING
+handlers = file
+class = FileHandler
+# Specify the output file here.
+args = ('/var/log/radicale/log',)
+formatter = full
+format = %(asctime)s - [%(thread)x] %(levelname)s: %(message)s
+You can specify multiple **logger**, **handler** and **formatter** if you want
+to have multiple simultaneous log outputs.
+The parent folder of the log files must exist and must be writable by Radicale.
+**Security:** The log files should not be readable by unauthorized users. Set
+permissions accordingly.
+#### Timed rotation of disk log files
+An example **handler** configuration to write the log output to the file `/var/log/radicale/log` and rotate it.
+Replace the section `handler_file` from the file logging example:
+class = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
+# Specify the output file and parameter for rotation here.
+# See https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.handlers.html#logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
+# Example: rollover at midnight and keep 7 files (means one week)
+args = ('/var/log/radicale/log', 'midnight', 1, 7)
+formatter = full
+#### Rotation of disk log files based on size
+An example **handler** configuration to write the log output to the file `/var/log/radicale/log` and rotate it .
+Replace the section `handle_file` from the file logging example:
+class = handlers.RotatingFileHandler
+# Specify the output file and parameter for rotation here.
+# See https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.handlers.html#logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler
+# Example: rollover at 100000 kB and keep 10 files (means 1 MB)
+args = ('/var/log/radicale/log', 'a', 100000, 10)
+formatter = full
+## Architecture
+Radicale is a really small piece of software, but understanding it is not as
+easy as it seems. But don't worry, reading this short page is enough to
+understand what a CalDAV/CardDAV server is, and how Radicale's code is
+### General Architecture
+Here is a simple overview of the global architecture for reaching a calendar or
+an address book through network:
+ Part |
+ Layer |
+ Protocol or Format |
+ Server |
+ Calendar/Contact Storage |
+ iCal/vCard |
+ Calendar/Contact Server |
+ CalDAV/CardDAV Server |
+ Transfer |
+ Network |
+ CalDAV/CardDAV (HTTP + TLS) |
+ Client |
+ Calendar/Contact Client |
+ CalDAV/CardDAV Client |
+ GUI |
+ Terminal, GTK, Web interface, etc. |
+Radicale is **only the server part** of this architecture.
+Please note that:
+- CalDAV and CardDAV are superset protocols of WebDAV,
+- WebDAV is a superset protocol of HTTP.
+Radicale being a CalDAV/CardDAV server, it also can be seen as a special WebDAV
+and HTTP server.
+Radicale is **not the client part** of this architecture. It means that
+Radicale never draws calendars, address books, events and contacts on the
+screen. It only stores them and give the possibility to share them online with
+other people.
+If you want to see or edit your events and your contacts, you have to use
+another software called a client, that can be a "normal" applications with
+icons and buttons, a terminal or another web application.
+### Code Architecture
+The ``radicale`` package offers 9 modules.
+: The main module provides a simple function called run. Its main work is to
+ read the configuration from the configuration file and from the options given
+ in the command line; then it creates a server, according to the configuration.
+: This is the core part of the module, with the code for the CalDAV/CardDAV
+ server. The server inherits from a WSGIServer server class, which relies on
+ the default HTTP server class given by Python. The code managing the
+ different HTTP requests according to the CalDAV/CardDAV normalization is
+ written here.
+: This part gives a dict-like access to the server configuration, read from the
+ configuration file. The configuration can be altered when launching the
+ executable with some command line options.
+: The functions defined in this module are mainly called by the CalDAV/CardDAV
+ server class to read the XML part of the request, read or alter the
+ calendars, and create the XML part of the response. The main part of this
+ code relies on ElementTree.
+: The start function provided by this module starts a logging mechanism based
+ on the default Python logging module. Logging options can be stored in a
+ logging configuration file.
+: This module provides a default authentication manager equivalent to Apache's
+ htpasswd. Login + password couples are stored in a file and used to
+ authenticate users. Passwords can be encrypted using various methods. Other
+ authentication methods can inherit from the base class in this file and be
+ provided as plugins.
+: This module is a set of Access Control Lists, a set of methods used by
+ Radicale to manage rights to access the calendars. When the CalDAV/CardDAV
+ server is launched, an Access Control List is chosen in the set, according to
+ the configuration. The HTTP requests are then filtered to restrict the access
+ depending on who is authenticated. Other configurations can be written using
+ regex-based rules. Other rights managers can also inherit from the base class
+ in this file and be provided as plugins.
+: In this module are written the classes representing collections and items in
+ Radicale, and the class storing these collections and items in your
+ filesystem. Other storage classes can inherit from the base class in this
+ file and be provided as plugins.
+: This module contains the web interface.
+## Plugins
+Radicale can be extended by plugins for authentication, rights management and
+storage. Plugins are **python** modules.
+### Getting started
+To get started we walk through the creation of a simple authentication
+plugin, that accepts login attempts if the username and password are equal.
+The easiest way to develop and install **python** modules is
+For a minimal setup create the file `setup.py` with the following content
+in an empty folder:
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from distutils.core import setup
+setup(name="radicale_silly_auth", packages=["radicale_silly_auth"])
+In the same folder create the sub-folder `radicale_silly_auth`. The folder
+must have the same name as specified in `packages` above.
+Create the file `__init__.py` in the `radicale_silly_auth` folder with the
+following content:
+from radicale.auth import BaseAuth
+class Auth(BaseAuth):
+ def is_authenticated(self, user, password):
+ # Example custom configuration option
+ foo = ""
+ if self.configuration.has_option("auth", "foo"):
+ foo = self.configuration.get("auth", "foo")
+ self.logger.info("Configuration option %r is %r", "foo", foo)
+ # Check authentication
+ self.logger.info("Login attempt by %r with password %r",
+ user, password)
+ return user == password
+Install the python module by running the following command in the same folder
+as `setup.py`:
+python3 -m pip install --upgrade .
+To make use this great creation in Radicale, set the configuration option
+`type` in the `auth` section to `radicale_silly_auth`:
+type = radicale_silly_auth
+foo = bar
+You can uninstall the module with:
+python3 -m pip uninstall radicale_silly_auth
+### Authentication plugins
+This plugin type is used to check login credentials.
+The module must contain a class `Auth` that extends
+`radicale.auth.BaseAuth`. Take a look at the file `radicale/auth.py` in
+Radicale's source code for more information.
+### Rights management plugins
+This plugin type is used to check if a user has access to a path.
+The module must contain a class `Rights` that extends
+`radicale.rights.BaseRights`. Take a look at the file `radicale/rights.py` in
+Radicale's source code for more information.
+### Web plugins
+This plugin type is used to provide the web interface for Radicale.
+The module must contain a class `Web` that extends
+`radicale.web.BaseWeb`. Take a look at the file `radicale/web.py` in
+Radicale's source code for more information.
+### Storage plugins
+This plugin is used to store collections and items.
+The module must contain a class `Collection` that extends
+`radicale.storage.BaseCollection`. Take a look at the file `radicale/storage.py`
+in Radicale's source code for more information.
+## Migration from 1.x.x to 2.x.x
+### Why a Migration?
+Radicale 2.x.x is different from 1.x.x, here's everything you need to know about
+this! **Please read this page carefully if you want to update Radicale.**
+You'll also find extra information
+in [issue #372](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/issues/372).
+#### Python 3 Only
+Radicale 2.x.x works with Python >= 3.3, and **doesn't work anymore with
+Python 2**.
+(No, Python 3.3 is not new, it's been released more than 4 years ago.
+Debian stable provides Python 3.4.)
+#### Dependencies
+Radicale now depends on [VObject](https://eventable.github.io/vobject/), a
+"full-featured Python package for parsing and creating iCalendar and vCard
+files". That's the price to pay to correctly read crazy iCalendar files and
+**support date-based filters, even on recurring events**.
+#### Storage
+Calendars and address books are stored in a different way between 1.x.x and 2.x.x
+versions. **Launching 2.x.x without migrating your collections first will not
+work, Radicale won't be able to read your previous data.**
+There's now only one way to store data in Radicale: collections are stored as
+folders and events / contacts are stored in files. This new storage is close to
+the `multifilesystem`, but **it's now thread-safe, with atomic writes and file
+locks**. Other storage types can be used by creating
+To migrate data to Radicale 2.x.x the command line argument
+``--export-storage`` was added to Radicale 1.1.x.
+Start Radicale 1.x.x as you would normally do, but add the argument
+``--export-storage path/to/empty/folder``. Radicale will export the storage
+into the specified folder. This folder can be directly used with the
+default storage backend of Radicale 2.x.x.
+If you import big calendars or address books into Radicale 2.x.x the first
+request might take a long time, because it has to initialize its internal
+caches. Clients can time out, subsequent requests will be much faster.
+You can check the imported storage for errors by starting Radicale >= 2.1.5
+with the ``--verify-storage`` argument.
+You can install version 1.1.6 with:
+$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale==1.1.6
+#### Authentication
+**Radicale 2.x.x only provides htpasswd authentication out-of-the-box.** Other
+authentication methods can be added by creating or using
+#### Rights
+In Radicale 2.x.x, rights are managed using regex-based rules based on the
+login of the authenticated user and the URL of the resource. Default
+configurations are built in for common cases, you'll find more about this on
+the [Authentication & Rights](#documentation/authentication-and-rights) page.
+Other rights managers can be added by creating
+#### Versioning
+Support for versioning with **git** was removed from Radicale 2.x.x.
+Instead, the configuration option ``hook`` in the ``storage`` section was added,
+the [Collection Versioning](#documentation/versioning) page explains its
+usage for version control.
+# Contribute
+### Chat with Us on IRC
+Want to say something? Join our IRC room: `##kozea` on Freenode.
+### Report Bugs
+Found a bug? Want a new feature? Report a new issue on the
+[Radicale bug-tracker](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/issues).
+### Hack
+Interested in hacking? Feel free to clone the
+[git repository on Github](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale) if you want to
+add new features, fix bugs or update the documentation.
+### Documentation
+To change or complement the documentation create a pull request to
+# Download
+### PyPI
+Radicale is [available on PyPI](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Radicale/). To
+install, just type as superuser:
+ $ python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale
+### Git Repository
+If you want the development version of Radicale, take a look at the
+[git repository on GitHub](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/), or install it
+directly with:
+ $ python3 -m pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale
+You can also download the content of the repository as an
+### Source Packages
+You can download the Radicale package for each release:
+- [**2.1.11 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.11)
+- [**2.1.10 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.10)
+- [**2.1.9 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.9)
+- [**2.1.8 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.8)
+- [**2.1.7 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.7)
+- [**2.1.6 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.6)
+- [**2.1.5 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.5)
+- [**2.1.4 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.4)
+- [**2.1.3 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.3)
+- [**2.1.2 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.2)
+- [**1.1.6 - Sixth Law of Nature**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.1.6)
+- [**2.1.1 - Wild Radish Again**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.1)
+- [**2.1.0 - Wild Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.0)
+- [**1.1.4 - Fifth Law of Nature**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.1.4)
+- [2.1.0rc3](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.0rc3)
+- [2.1.0rc2](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.0rc2)
+- [2.1.0rc1](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.1.0rc1)
+- [**2.0.0 - Little Big Radish**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.0.0)
+- [**1.1.3 - Fourth Law of Nature**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.1.3)
+- [2.0.0rc2](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.0.0rc2)
+- [**1.1.2 - Third Law of Nature**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.1.2)
+- [2.0.0rc1](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/2.0.0rc1)
+- [**1.1.1 - Second Law of Nature**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.1.1)
+- [**1.1 - Law of Nature**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.1)
+- [**1.0.1 - Sunflower Again**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.0.1)
+- [**1.0 - Sunflower**](https://api.github.com/repos/Kozea/Radicale/tarball/1.0)
+### Linux Distribution Packages
+Radicale has been packaged for:
+- [ArchLinux (AUR)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/radicale/) by
+ Guillaume Bouchard
+- [Debian](http://packages.debian.org/radicale) by Jonas Smedegaard
+- [Gentoo](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/www-apps/radicale)
+ by René Neumann, Maxim Koltsov and Manuel Rüger
+- [Fedora](https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/radicale/) by Jorti
+- [Mageia](http://madb.mageia.org/package/show/application/0/name/radicale) by
+ Jani Välimaa
+- [OpenBSD](http://openports.se/productivity/radicale) by Sergey Bronnikov,
+ Stuart Henderson and Ian Darwin
+- [openSUSE](http://software.opensuse.org/package/Radicale?search_term=radicale)
+ by Ákos Szőts and Rueckert
+- [PyPM](http://code.activestate.com/pypm/radicale/)
+- [Slackware](http://schoepfer.info/slackware.xhtml#packages-network) by
+ Johannes Schöpfer
+- [Trisquel](http://packages.trisquel.info/search?searchon=names&keywords=radicale)
+- [Ubuntu](http://packages.ubuntu.com/radicale) by the MOTU and Jonas
+ Smedegaard
+Radicale is also
+[available on Cloudron](https://cloudron.io/button.html?app=org.radicale.cloudronapp)
+and has a Dockerfile.
+If you are interested in creating packages for other Linux distributions, read
+the ["Contribute" page](#contribute).
+# About
+### Main Goals
+Radicale is a complete calendar and contact storing and manipulating
+solution. It can store multiple calendars and multiple address books.
+Calendar and contact manipulation is available from both local and distant
+accesses, possibly limited through authentication policies.
+It aims to be a lightweight solution, easy to use, easy to install, easy to
+configure. As a consequence, it requires few software dependencies and is
+pre-configured to work out-of-the-box.
+Radicale is written in Python. It runs on most of the UNIX-like platforms
+(Linux, \*BSD, macOS) and Windows. It is free and open-source software.
+### What Radicale Will Never Be
+Radicale is a server, not a client. No interfaces will be created to work with
+the server, as it is a really (really really) much more difficult task.
+CalDAV and CardDAV are not perfect protocols. We think that their main problem
+is their complexity, that is why we decided not to implement the whole standard
+but just enough to understand some of its client-side implementations.
+CalDAV and CardDAV are the best open standards available and they are quite
+widely used by both clients and servers. We decided to use it, and we will not
+use another one.
+### Technical Choices
+Important global development choices have been decided before writing
+code. They are very useful to understand why the Radicale Project is different
+from other CalDAV and CardDAV servers, and why features are included or not in
+the code.
+#### Oriented to Calendar and Contact User Agents
+Calendar and contact servers work with calendar and contact clients, using a
+defined protocol. CalDAV and CardDAV are good protocols, covering lots of
+features and use cases, but it is quite hard to implement fully.
+Some calendar servers have been created to follow the CalDAV and CardDAV RFCs
+as much as possible: [Davical](http://www.davical.org/),
+[Baïkal](http://sabre.io/baikal/) and
+[Darwin Calendar Server](http://trac.calendarserver.org/), for example, are
+much more respectful of CalDAV and CardDAV and can be used with a large number
+of clients. They are very good choices if you want to develop and test new
+CalDAV clients, or if you have a possibly heterogeneous list of user agents.
+Even if it tries it best to follow the RFCs, Radicale does not and **will not**
+blindly implements the CalDAV and CardDAV standards. It is mainly designed to
+support the CalDAV and CardDAV implementations of different clients.
+#### Simple
+Radicale is designed to be simple to install, simple to configure, simple to
+The installation is very easy, particularly with Linux: one dependency, no
+superuser rights needed, no configuration required, no database. Installing and
+launching the main script out-of-the-box, as a normal user, are often the only
+steps to have a simple remote calendar and contact access.
+Contrary to other servers that are often complicated, require high privileges
+or need a strong configuration, the Radicale Server can (sometimes, if not
+often) be launched in a couple of minutes, if you follow the
+#### Lazy
+The CalDAV RFC defines what must be done, what can be done and what cannot be
+done. Many violations of the protocol are totally defined and behaviours are
+given in such cases.
+Radicale often assumes that the clients are perfect and that protocol
+violations do not exist. That is why most of the errors in client requests have
+undetermined consequences for the lazy server that can reply good answers, bad
+answers, or even no answer.
+### History
+Radicale has been started as a (free topic) stupid school project replacing
+another (assigned topic) even more stupid school project.
+At the beginning, it was just a proof-of-concept. The main goal was to write a
+small, dirty and simple CalDAV server working with Lightning, using no external
+libraries. That's how we created a piece of code that's (quite) easy to
+understand, to use and to hack.
+The [first lines](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/commit/b1591aea) have been
+added to the SVN (!) repository as I was drinking (many) beers at the very end
+of 2008 (Python 2.6 and 3.0 were just released). It's now packaged for a
+growing number of Linux distributions.
+And that was fun going from here to there thanks to you!
+# News
+Latest version of Radicale is 2.1.11,
+released on November 5, 2018
+## August 16, 2018 - Radicale 2.1.10
+Radicale 2.1.10 is out!
+### 2.1.10 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Update required versions for dependencies
+* Get ``RADICALE_CONFIG`` from WSGI environ
+* Improve HTTP status codes
+* Fix race condition in storage lock creation
+* Raise default limits for content length and timeout
+* Log output from hook
+## April 21, 2018 - Radicale 2.1.9
+Radicale 2.1.9 is out!
+### 2.1.9 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Specify versions for dependencies
+* Move WSGI initialization into module
+* Check if ``REPORT`` method is actually supported
+* Include ``rights`` file in source distribution
+* Specify ``md5`` and ``bcrypt`` as extras
+* Improve logging messages
+* Windows: Fix crash when item path is a directory
+## September 24, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.8
+Radicale 2.1.8 is out!
+### 2.1.8 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Flush files before fsync'ing
+## September 17, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.7
+Radicale 2.1.7 is out!
+### 2.1.7 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Don't print warning when cache format changes
+* Add documentation for ``BaseAuth``
+* Add ``is_authenticated2(login, user, password)`` to ``BaseAuth``
+* Fix names of custom properties in PROPFIND requests with
+ ``D:propname`` or ``D:allprop``
+* Return all properties in PROPFIND requests with ``D:propname`` or
+ ``D:allprop``
+* Allow ``D:displayname`` property on all collections
+* Answer with ``D:unauthenticated`` for ``D:current-user-principal`` property
+ when not logged in
+* Remove non-existing ``ICAL:calendar-color`` and ``C:calendar-timezone``
+ properties from PROPFIND requests with ``D:propname`` or ``D:allprop``
+* Add ``D:owner`` property to calendar and address book objects
+* Remove ``D:getetag`` and ``D:getlastmodified`` properties from regular
+ collections
+## September 11, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.6
+Radicale 2.1.6 is out!
+### 2.1.6 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Fix content-type of VLIST
+* Specify correct COMPONENT in content-type of VCALENDAR
+* Cache COMPONENT of calendar objects (improves speed with some clients)
+* Stricter parsing of filters
+* Improve support for CardDAV filter
+* Fix some smaller bugs in CalDAV filter
+* Add X-WR-CALNAME and X-WR-CALDESC to calendars downloaded via HTTP/WebDAV
+* Use X-WR-CALNAME and X-WR-CALDESC from calendars published via WebDAV
+## August 25, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.5
+Radicale 2.1.5 is out!
+### 2.1.5 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Add ``--verify-storage`` command-line argument
+* Allow comments in the htpasswd file
+* Don't strip whitespaces from user names and passwords in the htpasswd file
+* Remove cookies from logging output
+* Allow uploads of whole collections with many components
+* Show warning message if server.timeout is used with Python < 3.5.2
+## August 4, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.4
+Radicale 2.1.4 is out!
+### 2.1.4 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Fix incorrect time range matching and calculation for some edge-cases with
+ rescheduled recurrences
+* Fix owner property
+## August 2, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.3
+Radicale 2.1.3 is out!
+### 2.1.3 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Enable timeout for SSL handshakes and move them out of the main thread
+* Create cache entries during upload of items
+* Stop built-in server on Windows when Ctrl+C is pressed
+* Prevent slow down when multiple requests hit a collection during cache warm-up
+## July 24, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.2
+Radicale 2.1.2 is out!
+### 2.1.2 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Remove workarounds for bugs in VObject < 0.9.5
+* Error checking of collection tags and associated components
+* Improve error checking of uploaded collections and components
+* Don't delete empty collection properties implicitly
+* Improve logging of VObject serialization
+## July 1, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.1
+Radicale 2.1.1 is out!
+### 2.1.1 - Wild Radish Again
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.
+* Add missing UIDs instead of failing
+* Improve error checking of calendar and address book objects
+* Fix upload of whole address books
+## June 25, 2017 - Radicale 2.1.0
+Radicale 2.1.0 is out!
+### 2.1.0 - Wild Radish
+This release is compatible with version 2.0.0. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.1.0.
+* Built-in web interface for creating and managing address books and calendars
+ * can be extended with web plugins
+* Much faster storage backend
+* Significant reduction in memory usage
+* Improved logging
+ * Include paths (of invalid items / requests) in log messages
+ * Include configuration values causing problems in log messages
+ * Log warning message for invalid requests by clients
+ * Log error message for invalid files in the storage backend
+ * No stack traces unless debugging is enabled
+* Time range filter also regards overwritten recurrences
+* Items that couldn't be filtered because of bugs in VObject are always
+ returned (and a warning message is logged)
+* Basic error checking of configuration files
+* File system locking isn't disabled implicitly anymore, instead a new
+ configuration option gets introduced
+* The permissions of the lock file are not changed anymore
+* Support for sync-token
+* Support for client-side SSL certificates
+* Rights plugins can decide if access to an item is granted explicitly
+ * Respond with 403 instead of 404 for principal collections of non-existing
+ users when ``owner_only`` plugin is used (information leakage)
+* Authentication plugins can provide the login and password from the
+ environment
+ * new ``remote_user`` plugin, that gets the login from the ``REMOTE_USER``
+ environment variable (for WSGI server)
+ * new ``http_x_remote_user`` plugin, that gets the login from the
+ ``X-Remote-User`` HTTP header (for reverse proxies)
+## May 27, 2017 - Radicale 2.0.0
+Radicale 2.0.0 is out!
+### 2.0.0 - Little Big Radish
+This feature is not compatible with the 1.x.x versions. See
+[http://radicale.org/1to2/](#documentation/migration-from-1xx-to-2xx) if you want to switch
+from 1.x.x to 2.0.0.
+- Support Python 3.3+ only, Python 2 is not supported anymore
+- Keep only one simple filesystem-based storage system
+- Remove built-in Git support
+- Remove built-in authentication modules
+- Keep the WSGI interface, use Python HTTP server by default
+- Use a real iCal parser, rely on the "vobject" external module
+- Add a solid calendar discovery
+- Respect the difference between "files" and "folders", don't rely on slashes
+- Remove the calendar creation with GET requests
+- Be stateless
+- Use a file locker
+- Add threading
+- Get atomic writes
+- Support new filters
+- Support read-only permissions
+- Allow External plugins for authentication, rights management, storage and version control
+This release concludes endless months of hard work from the community. You, all
+users and contributors, deserve a big **thank you**.
+This project has been an increadible experience for me, your dear Guillaume,
+creator and maintainer of Radicale. After more than 8 years of fun, I think
+that it's time to open this software to its contributors. Radicale can grow and
+become more than the toy it used to be. I've always seen Radicale as a small
+and simple piece of code, and I don't want to prevent people from adding
+features just because I can't or don't want to maintain them. The community is
+now large enough to handle this.
+If you're interested in Radicale, you can
+read [#372](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/issues/372) and build its
+## May 3, 2017 - Radicale 1.1.2
+Radicale 1.1.2 is out!
+### 1.1.2 - Third Law of Nature
+* **Security fix**: Add a random timer to avoid timing oracles and simple
+ bruteforce attacks when using the htpasswd authentication method.
+* Various minor fixes.
+## December 31, 2015 - Radicale 1.1
+Radicale 1.1 is out!
+### 1.1 - Law of Nature
+One feature in this release is **not backward compatible**:
+* Use the first matching section for rights (inspired from daald)
+Now, the first section matching the path and current user in your custom rights
+file is used. In the previous versions, the most permissive rights of all the
+matching sections were applied. This new behaviour gives a simple way to make
+specific rules at the top of the file independant from the generic ones.
+Many **improvements in this release are related to security**, you should
+upgrade Radicale as soon as possible:
+* Improve the regex used for well-known URIs (by Unrud)
+* Prevent regex injection in rights management (by Unrud)
+* Prevent crafted HTTP request from calling arbitrary functions (by Unrud)
+* Improve URI sanitation and conversion to filesystem path (by Unrud)
+* Decouple the daemon from its parent environment (by Unrud)
+Some bugs have been fixed and little enhancements have been added:
+* Assign new items to corret key (by Unrud)
+* Avoid race condition in PID file creation (by Unrud)
+* Improve the docker version (by cdpb)
+* Encode message and commiter for git commits
+* Test with Python 3.5
+## September 14, 2015 - Radicale 1.0, what's next?
+Radicale 1.0 is out!
+### 1.0 - Sunflower
+* Enhanced performances (by Mathieu Dupuy)
+* Add MD5-APR1 and BCRYPT for htpasswd-based authentication (by Jan-Philip Gehrcke)
+* Use PAM service (by Stephen Paul Weber)
+* Don't discard PROPPATCH on empty collections (Markus Unterwaditzer)
+* Write the path of the collection in the git message (Matthew Monaco)
+* Tests launched on Travis
+As explained in a previous [mail](http://librelist.com/browser//radicale/2015/8/21/radicale-1-0-is-coming-what-s-next/),
+this version is called 1.0 because:
+- there are no big changes since 0.10 but some small changes are really useful,
+- simple tests are now automatically launched on Travis, and more can be added
+ in the future (https://travis-ci.org/Kozea/Radicale).
+This version will be maintained with only simple bug fixes on a separate git
+branch called ``1.0.x``.
+Now that this milestone is reached, it's time to think about the future. When
+Radicale has been created, it was just a proof-of-concept. The main goal was to
+write a small, stupid and simple CalDAV server working with Lightning, using no
+external libraries. That's how we created a piece of code that's (quite) easy
+to understand, to use and to hack.
+The first lines have been added to the SVN (!) repository as I was drinking
+beers at the very end of 2008. It's now packaged for a growing number of Linux
+And that was fun going from here to there thanks to you. So… **Thank you,
+you're amazing**. I'm so glad I've spent endless hours fixing stupid bugs,
+arguing about databases and meeting invitations, reading incredibly interesting
+RFCs and debugging with the fabulous clients from Apple. I mean: that really,
+really was really, really cool :).
+During these years, a lot of things have changed and many users now rely on
+Radicale in production. For example, I use it to manage medical calendars, with
+thousands requests per day. Many people are happy to install Radicale on their
+small home servers, but are also frustrated by performance and unsupported
+specifications when they're trying to use it seriously.
+So, now is THE FUTURE! I think that Radicale 2.0 should:
+- rely on a few external libraries for simple critical points (dealing with
+ HTTP and iCal for example),
+- be thread-safe,
+- be small,
+- be documented in a different way (for example by splitting the client part
+ from the server part, and by adding use cases),
+- let most of the "auth" modules outside in external modules,
+- have more and more tests,
+- have reliable and faster filesystem and database storage mechanisms,
+- get a new design :).
+I'd also secretly love to drop the Python 2.x support.
+These ideas are not all mine (except from the really, really, really important
+"design" point :p), they have been proposed by many developers and users. I've
+just tried to gather them and keep points that seem important to me.
+Other points have been discussed with many users and contibutors, including:
+- support of other clients, including Windows and BlackBerry phones,
+- server-side meeting invitations,
+- different storage system as default (or even unique?).
+I'm not a huge fan of these features, either because I can't do anything about
+them, or because I think that they're Really Bad Ideas®™. But I'm ready to talk
+about them, because, well, I may not be always right!
+Need to talk about this? You know how to [contact us](#contribute)!
+## January 12, 2015 - Radicale 0.10
+Radicale 0.10 is out!
+### 0.10 - Lovely Endless Grass
+* Support well-known URLs (by Mathieu Dupuy)
+* Fix collection discovery (by Markus Unterwaditzer)
+* Reload logger config on SIGHUP (by Élie Bouttier)
+* Remove props files when deleting a collection (by Vincent Untz)
+* Support salted SHA1 passwords (by Marc Kleine-Budde)
+* Don't spam the logs about non-SSL IMAP connections to localhost (by Giel van Schijndel)
+This version should bring some interesting discovery and auto-configuration
+features, mostly with Apple clients.
+Lots of love and kudos for the people who have spent hours to test features and
+report issues, that was long but really useful (and some of you have been
+really patient :p).
+Issues are welcome, I'm sure that you'll find horrible, terrible, crazy bugs
+faster than me. I'll release a version 0.10.1 if needed.
+What's next? It's time to fix and improve the storage methods. A real API for
+the storage modules is a good beginning, many pull requests are already ready
+to be discussed and merged, and we will probably get some good news about
+performance this time. Who said "databases, please"?
+## July 12, 2013 - Radicale 0.8
+Radicale 0.8 is out!
+### 0.8 - Rainbow
+* New authentication and rights management modules (by Matthias Jordan)
+* Experimental database storage
+* Command-line option for custom configuration file (by Mark Adams)
+* Root URL not at the root of a domain (by Clint Adams, Fabrice Bellet, Vincent Untz)
+* Improved support for iCal, CalDAVSync, CardDAVSync, CalDavZAP and CardDavMATE
+* Empty PROPFIND requests handled (by Christoph Polcin)
+* Colon allowed in passwords
+* Configurable realm message
+This version brings some of the biggest changes since Radicale's creation,
+including an experimental support of database storage, clean authentication
+modules, and rights management finally designed for real users.
+So, dear user, be careful: **this version changes important things in the
+configuration file, so check twice that everything is OK when you update to
+0.8, or you can have big problems**.
+More and more clients are supported, as a lot of bug fixes and features have
+been added for this purpose. And before you ask: yes, 2 web-based clients,
+[CalDavZAP and CardDavMATE](http://www.inf-it.com/open-source/clients/), are
+now supported!
+Even if there has been a lot of time to test these new features, I am pretty
+sure that some really annoying bugs have been left in this version. We will
+probably release minor versions with bugfixes during the next weeks, and it
+will not take one more year to reach 0.8.1.
+The documentation has been updated, but some parts are missing and some may be
+out of date. You can [report bugs](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/issues)
+or even [write documentation directly on GitHub](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/blob/website/pages/user_documentation.rst)
+if you find something strange (and you probably will).
+If anything is not clear, or if the way rights work is a bit complicated to
+understand, or if you are so happy because everything works so well, you can
+[share your thoughts](#contribute)!
+It has been a real pleasure to work on this version, with brilliant ideas and
+interesting bug reports from the community. I'd really like to thank all the
+people reporting bugs, chatting on IRC, sending mails and proposing pull
+requests: you are awesome.
+## August 3, 2012 - Radicale 0.7.1
+Radicale 0.7.1 is out!
+### 0.7.1 - Waterfalls
+* Many address books fixes
+* New IMAP ACL (by Daniel Aleksandersen)
+* PAM ACL fixed (by Daniel Aleksandersen)
+* Courier ACL fixed (by Benjamin Frank)
+* Always set display name to collections (by Oskari Timperi)
+* Various DELETE responses fixed
+It's been a long time since the last version… As usual, many people have
+contributed to this new version, that's a pleasure to get these pull requests.
+Most of the commits are bugfixes, especially about ACL backends and address
+books. Many clients (including aCal and SyncEvolution) will be much happier
+with this new version than with the previous one.
+By the way, one main new feature has been added: a new IMAP ACL backend, by
+Daniel. And about authentication, exciting features are coming soon, stay
+Next time, as many mails have come from angry and desperate coders, tests will
+be *finally* added to help them to add features and fix bugs. And after that,
+who knows, it may be time to release Radicale 1.0…
+## March 22, 2012 - Radicale 0.7
+Radicale 0.7 is out, at least!
+### 0.7 - Eternal Sunshine
+* Repeating events
+* Collection deletion
+* Courier and PAM authentication methods
+* CardDAV support
+* Custom LDAP filters supported
+**A lot** of people have reported bugs, proposed new features, added useful
+code and tested many clients. Thank you Lynn, Ron, Bill, Patrick, Hidde,
+Gerhard, Martin, Brendan, Vladimir, and everybody I've forgotten.
+## January 5, 2012 - Radicale 0.6.4, News from Calypso
+New year, new release. Radicale 0.6.4 has a really short changelog:
+### 0.6.4 - Tulips
+* Fix the installation with Python 3.1
+The bug was in fact caused by a
+[bug in Python 3.1](http://bugs.python.org/issue9561), everything should be OK
+### Calypso
+After a lot of changes in Radicale, Keith Packard has decided to launch a fork
+called [Calypso](http://keithp.com/blogs/calypso/), with nice features such
+as a Git storage mechanism and a CardDAV support.
+There are lots of differences between the two projects, but the final goal for
+Radicale is to provide these new features as soon as possible. Thanks to the
+work of Keith and other people on GitHub, a basic CardDAV support has been
+added in the [carddav branch](https://github.com/Kozea/Radicale/tree/carddav)
+and already works with Evolution. Korganizer also works with existing address
+books, and CardDAV-Sync will be tested soon. If you want to test other clients,
+please let us know!
+## November 3, 2011 - Radicale 0.6.3
+Radicale version 0.6.3 has been released, with bugfixes that could be
+interesting for you!
+### 0.6.3 - Red Roses
+* MOVE requests fixed
+* Faster REPORT answers
+* Executable script moved into the package
+### What's New Since 0.6.2?
+The MOVE requests were suffering a little bug that is fixed now. These requests
+are only sent by Apple clients, Mac users will be happy.
+The REPORT request were really, really slow (several minutes for large
+calendars). This was caused by an awful algorithm parsing the entire calendar
+for each event in the calendar. The calendar is now only parsed three times,
+and the events are found in a Python list, turning minutes into seconds! Much
+better, but far from perfection…
+Finally, the executable script parsing the command line options and starting
+the HTTP servers has been moved from the ``radicale.py`` file into the
+``radicale`` package. Two executable are now present in the archive: the good
+old ``radicale.py``, and ``bin/radicale``. The second one is only used by
+``setup.py``, where the hack used to rename ``radicale.py`` into ``radicale``
+has therefore been removed. As a consequence, you can now launch Radicale with
+the simple ``python -m radicale`` command, without relying on an executable.
+### Time for a Stable Release!
+The next release may be a stable release, symbolically called 1.0. Guess what's
+missing? Tests, of course!
+A non-regression testing suite, based on the clients' requests, will soon be
+added to Radicale. We're now thinking about a smart solution to store the
+tests, to represent the expected answers and to launch the requests. We've got
+crazy ideas, so be prepared: you'll definitely *want* to write tests during the
+next weeks!
+Repeating events, PAM and Courier authentication methods have already been
+added in master. You'll find them in the 1.0 release!
+### What's Next?
+Being stable is one thing, being cool is another one. If you want some cool new
+features, you may be interested in:
+- WebDAV and CardDAV support
+- Filters and rights management
+- Multiple storage backends, such as databases and git
+- Freebusy periods
+- Email alarms
+Issues have been reported in the bug tracker, you can follow there the latest
+news about these features. Your beloved text editor is waiting for you!
+## September 27, 2011 - Radicale 0.6.2
+0.6.2 is out with minor bugfixes.
+### 0.6.2 - Seeds
+* iPhone and iPad support fixed
+* Backslashes replaced by slashes in PROPFIND answers on Windows
+* PyPI archive set as default download URL
+## August 28, 2011 - Radicale 0.6.1, Changes, Future
+As previously imagined, a new 0.6.1 version has been released, mainly fixing
+obvious bugs.
+### 0.6.1 - Growing Up
+* Example files included in the tarball
+* htpasswd support fixed
+* Redirection loop bug fixed
+* Testing message on GET requests
+The changelog is really small, so there should be no real new problems since
+0.6. The example files for logging, FastCGI and WSGI are now included in the
+tarball, for the pleasure of our dear packagers!
+A new branch has been created for various future bug fixes. You can expect to
+get more 0.6.x versions, making this branch a kind of "stable" branch with no
+big changes.
+### GitHub, Mailing List, New Website
+A lot of small changes occurred during the last weeks.
+If you're interested in code and new features, please note that we moved the
+project from Gitorious to GitHub. Being hosted by Gitorious was a
+nice experience, but the service was not that good and we were missing some
+useful features such as git hooks. Moreover, GitHub is really popular, we're
+sure that we'll meet a lot of kind users and coders there.
+We've also created a mailing-list on Librelist to keep a public
+trace of the mails we're receiving. It a bit empty now, but we're sure that
+you'll soon write us some kind words. For example, you can tell us what you
+think of our new website!
+### Future Features
+In the next weeks, new exciting features are coming in the master branch! Some
+of them are almost ready:
+- Henry-Nicolas has added the support for the PAM and Courier-Authdaemon
+ authentication mechanisms.
+- An anonymous called Keith Packard has prepared some small changes, such as
+ one file per event, cache and git versioning. Yes. Really.
+As you can find in the [Radicale Roadmap](http://redmine.kozea.fr/versions/),
+tests, rights and filters are expected for 0.7.
+## August 1, 2011 - Radicale 0.6 Released
+Time for a new release with **a lot** of new exciting features!
+### 0.6 - Sapling
+* WSGI support
+* IPv6 support
+* Smart, verbose and configurable logs
+* Apple iCal 4 and iPhone support (by Łukasz Langa)
+* CalDAV-Sync support (by Marten Gajda)
+* aCal support
+* KDE KOrganizer support
+* LDAP auth backend (by Corentin Le Bail)
+* Public and private calendars (by René Neumann)
+* PID file
+* MOVE requests management
+* Journal entries support
+* Drop Python 2.5 support
+Well, it's been a little longer than expected, but for good reasons: a lot of
+features have been added, and a lot of clients are known to work with Radicale,
+thanks to kind contributors. That's definitely good news! But…
+Testing all the clients is really painful, moreover for the ones from Apple (I
+have no Mac nor iPhone of my own). We should seriously think of automated
+tests, even if it's really hard to maintain, and maybe not that useful. If
+you're interested in tests, you can look at
+[the wonderful regression suite of DAViCal](http://repo.or.cz/w/davical.git/tree/HEAD:/testing/tests/regression-suite).
+The new features, for example the WSGI support, are also poorly documented. If
+you have some Apache or lighttpd configuration working with Radicale, you can
+make the world a little bit better by writing a paragraph or two in the
+[Radicale documentation](https://gitorious.org/radicale/website). It's simple
+plain text, don't be afraid!
+Because of all these changes, Radicale 0.6 may be a little bit buggy; a 0.6.1
+will probably be released soon, fixing small problems with clients and
+features. Get ready to report bugs, I'm sure that you can find one (and fix
+## July 2, 2011 - Feature Freeze for 0.6
+According to the [roadmap](http://redmine.kozea.fr/projects/radicale/roadmap),
+a lot of features have been added since Radicale 0.5, much more than
+expected. It's now time to test Radicale with your favourite client and to
+report bugs before we release the next stable version!
+Last week, the iCal and iPhone support written by Łukasz has been fixed in
+order to restore the broken Lightning support. After two afternoons of tests
+with Rémi, we managed to access the same calendar with Lightning, iCal, iPhone
+and Evolution, and finally discovered that CalDAV could also be a perfect
+instant messaging protocol between a Mac, a PC and a phone.
+After that, we've had the nice surprise to see events displayed without a
+problem (but after some strange steps of configuration) by aCal on Salem's
+Android phone.
+It was Friday, fun fun fun fun.
+So, that's it: Radicale supports Lightning, Evolution, Kontact, aCal for
+Android, iPhone and iCal. Of course, before releasing a new tarball:
+- [documentation](1.1.html#documentation/user-documentation/simple-usage/starting-the-client) is needed for the
+ new clients that are not documented yet (Kontact, aCal and iPhone);
+- tests are welcome, particularly for the Apple clients that I can't test
+ anymore;
+- no more features will be added, they'll wait in separate branches for the 0.7
+ development.
+Please [report bugs](http://redmine.kozea.fr/projects/radicale/issues) if
+anything goes wrong during your tests, or just let us know
+[by Jabber or by mail](#contribute) if everything is OK.
+## May 1, 2011 - Ready for WSGI
+Here it is! Radicale is now ready to be launched behind your favourite HTTP
+server (Apache, Lighttpd, Nginx or Tomcat for example). That's really good
+news, because:
+- Real HTTP servers are much more efficient and reliable than the default
+ Python server used in Radicale;
+- All the authentication backends available for your server will be available
+ for Radicale;
+- Thanks to [flup](http://trac.saddi.com/flup), Radicale can be interfaced
+ with all the servers supporting CGI, AJP, FastCGI or SCGI;
+- Radicale works very well without any additional server, without any
+ dependencies, without configuration, just as it was working before;
+- This one more feature removes useless code, less is definitely more.
+The WSGI support has only be tested as a stand-alone executable and behind
+Lighttpd, you should definitely try if it works with you favourite server too!
+No more features will be added before (quite) a long time, because a lot of
+documentation and test is waiting for us. If you want to write tutorials for
+some CalDAV clients support (iCal, Android, iPhone), HTTP servers support or
+logging management, feel free to fork the documentation git repository and ask
+for a merge. It's plain text, I'm sure you can do it!
+## April 30, 2011 - Apple iCal Support
+After a long, long work, the iCal support has finally been added to Radicale!
+Well, this support is only for iCal 4 and is highly experimental, but you can
+test it right now with the git master branch. Bug reports are welcome!
+Dear MacOS users, you can thank all the gentlemen who sended a lot of debugging
+iformation. Special thanks to Andrew from DAViCal, who helped us a lot with his
+tips and his tests, and Rémi Hainaud who lent his laptop for the final tests.
+The default server address is ``localhost:5232/user/``, where calendars can be
+added. Multiple calendars and owner-less calendars are not tested yet, but they
+should work quite well. More documentation will be added during the next
+days. It will then be time to release the Radicale 0.6 version, and work on the
+WSGI support.
+## April 25, 2011 - Two Features and One New Roadmap
+Two features have just reached the master branch, and the roadmap has been
+### LDAP Authentication
+Thanks to Corentin, the LDAP authentication is now included in Radicale. The
+support is experimental and may suffer unstable connexions and security
+problems. If you are interested in this feature (a lot of people seem to be),
+you can try it and give some feedback.
+No SSL support is included yet, but this may be quite easy to add. By the way,
+serious authentication methods will rely on a "real" HTTP server, as soon as
+Radicale supports WSGI.
+### Journal Entries
+Mehmet asked for the journal entries (aka. notes or memos) support, that's
+done! This also was an occasion to clean some code in the iCal parser, and to
+add a much better management of multi-lines entries. People experiencing crazy
+`X-RADICALE-NAME` entries can now clean their files, Radicale won't pollute
+them again.
+### New Roadmap
+Except from htpasswd and LDAP, most of the authentication backends (database,
+SASL, PAM, user groups) are not really easy to include in Radicale. The easiest
+solution to solve this problem is to give Radicale a CGI support, to put it
+behind a solid server such as Apache. Of course, CGI is not enough: a WSGI
+support is quite better, with the FastCGI, AJP and SCGI backends offered by
+[flup](http://trac.saddi.com/flup/). Quite exciting, isn't it?
+That's why it was important to add new versions on the roadmap. The 0.6 version
+is now waiting for the Apple iCal support, and of course for some tests to kill
+the last remaining bugs. The only 0.7 feature will be WSGI, allowing many new
+authentication methods and a real multithread support.
+After that, 0.8 may add CalDAV rights and filters, while 1.0 will draw
+thousands of rainbows and pink unicorns (WebDAV sync, CardDAV, Freebusy). A lot
+of funky work is waiting for you, hackers!
+### Bugs
+Many bugs have also been fixed, most of them due to the owner-less calendars
+support. Radicale 0.6 may be out in a few weeks, you should spend some time
+testing the master branch and filling the bug tracker.
+## April 10, 2011 - New Features
+Radicale 0.5 was released only 8 days ago, but 3 new features have already been
+added to the master branch:
+- IPv6 support, with multiple addresses/ports support
+- Logs and debug mode
+- Owner-less calendars
+Most of the code has been written by Necoro and Corentin, and that was not easy
+at all: Radicale is now multithreaded! For sure, you can find many bugs and
+report them on the
+[bug tracker](http://redmine.kozea.fr/projects/radicale/issues). And if you're
+fond of logging, you can even add a default configuration file and more debug
+messages in the source.
+## April 2, 2011 - Radicale 0.5 Released
+Radicale 0.5 is out! Here is what's new:
+### 0.5 - Historical Artifacts
+* Calendar depth
+* iPhone support
+* MacOS and Windows support
+* HEAD requests management
+* htpasswd user from calendar path
+iPhone support, but no iCal support for 0.5, despite our hard work, sorry!
+After 1 month with no more activity on the dedicated bug, it was time to forget
+it and hack on new awesome features. Thanks for your help, dear Apple users, I
+keep the hope that one day, Radicale will work with you!
+So, what's next? As promised, some cool git branches will soon be merged, with
+LDAP support, logging, IPv6 and anonymous calendars. Sounds pretty cool, heh?
+Talking about new features, more and more people are asking for a CardDAV
+support in Radicale. A git branch and a feature request are open, feel free to
+hack and discuss.
+## February 3, 2011 - Jabber Room and iPhone Support
+After a lot of help and testing work from Andrew, Björn, Anders, Dorian and
+Pete (and other ones we could have forgotten), a simple iPhone support has been
+added in the git repository. If you are interested, you can test this feature
+*right now* by
+[downloading the latest git version](#download//git-repository)
+(a tarball is even available too if you don't want or know how to use git).
+No documentation has been written yet, but using the right URL in the
+configuration should be enough to synchronize your calendars. If you have any
+problems, you can ask by joining our new Jabber room:
+Radicale 0.5 will be released as soon as the iCal support is ready. If you have
+an Apple computer, Python skills and some time to spend, we'd be glad to help
+you debugging Radicale.
+## October 21, 2010 - News from Radicale
+During the last weeks, Radicale has not been idle, even if no news have been
+posted since August. Thanks to Pete, Pierre-Philipp and Andrew, we're trying to
+add a better support on MacOS, Windows and mobile devices like iPhone and
+Android-based phones.
+All the tests on Windows have been successful: launching Radicale and using
+Lightning as client works without any problems. On Android too, some testers
+have reported clients working with Radicale. These were the good news.
+The bad news come from Apple: both iPhone and MacOS default clients are not
+working yet, despite the latest enhancements given to the PROPFIND
+requests. The problems are quite hard to debug due to our lack of Apple
+hardware, but Pete is helping us in this difficult quest! Radicale 0.5 will be
+out as soon as these two clients are working.
+Some cool stuff is coming next, with calendar collections and groups, and a
+simple web-based CalDAV client in early development. Stay tuned!
+## August 8, 2010 - Radicale 0.4 Released
+Radicale 0.4 is out! Here is what's new:
+### 0.4 - Hot Days Back
+* Personal calendars
+* HEAD requests
+* Last-Modified HTTP header
+* ``no-ssl`` and ``foreground`` options
+* Default configuration file
+This release has mainly been released to help our dear packagers to include a default configuration file and to write init scripts. Big thanks to Necoro for his work on the new Gentoo ebuild!
+## July 4, 2010 - Three Features Added Last Week
+Some features have been added in the git repository during the last weeks,
+thanks to Jerome and Mariusz!
+Personal Calendars
+ Calendars accessed through the htpasswd ACL module can now be
+ personal. Thanks to the ``personal`` option, a user called ``bob`` can access
+ calendars at ``/bob/*`` but not to the ``/alice/*`` ones.
+HEAD Requests
+ Radicale can now answer HEAD requests. HTTP headers can be retrieved thanks
+ to this request, without getting contents given by the GET requests.
+Last-Modified HTTP header
+ The Last-Modified header gives the last time when the calendar has been
+ modified. This is used by some clients to cache the calendars and not
+ retrieving them if they have not been modified.
+## June 14, 2010 - Radicale 0.3 Released
+Radicale 0.3 is out! Here is what’s new:
+### 0.3 - Dancing Flowers
+* Evolution support
+* Version management
+The website changed a little bit too, with some small HTML5 and CSS3 features
+such as articles, sections, transitions, opacity, box shadows and rounded
+corners. If you’re reading this website with Internet Explorer, you should
+consider using a standard-compliant browser!
+Radicale is now included in Squeeze, the testing branch of Debian. A
+[Radicale ebuild for Gentoo](http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322811) has
+been proposed too. If you want to package Radicale for another distribution,
+you’re welcome!
+Next step is 0.5, with calendar collections, and Windows and MacOS support.
+## May 31, 2010 - May News
+### News from contributors
+Jonas Smedegaard packaged Radicale for Debian last week. Two packages, called
+``radicale`` for the daemon and ``python-radicale`` for the module, have been
+added to Sid, the unstable branch of Debian. Thank you, Jonas!
+Sven Guckes corrected some of the strange-English-sentences present on this
+website. Thank you, Sven!
+### News from software
+A simple ``VERSION`` has been added in the library: you can now play with
+``radicale.VERSION`` and ``$radicale --version``.
+After playing with the version (should not be too long), you may notice that
+the next version is called 0.3, and not 0.5 as previously decided. The 0.3 main
+goal is to offer the support for Evolution as soon as possible, without waiting
+for the 0.5. After more than a month of test, we corrected all the bugs we
+found and everything seems to be fine; we can imagine that a brand new tarball
+will be released during the first days of June.
+## April 19, 2010 - Evolution Supported
+Radicale now supports another CalDAV client:
+[Evolution, the default mail, addressbook and calendaring client for Gnome](http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/).
+This feature was quite easy to add, as it required less than 20 new lines of
+code in the requests handler.
+If you are interested, just clone the
+[git repository](http://www.gitorious.org/radicale/radicale).
+## April 13, 2010 - Radicale 0.2 Released
+Radicale 0.2 is out! Here is what’s new:
+### 0.2 - Snowflakes
+* Sunbird pre-1.0 support
+* SSL connection
+* Htpasswd authentication
+* Daemon mode
+* User configuration
+* Twisted dependency removed
+* Python 3 support
+* Real URLs for PUT and DELETE
+* Concurrent modification reported to users
+* Many bugs fixed by Roger Wenham
+First of all, we would like to thank Roger Wenham for his bugfixes and his
+supercool words.
+You may have noticed that Sunbird 1.0 has not been released, but according to
+the Mozilla developers, 1.0pre is something like a final version.
+You may have noticed too that Radicale can be
+[downloaded from PyPI](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Radicale/0.2). Of course, it
+is also available on the [download page](#download).
+## January 21, 2010 - HTTPS and Authentication
+HTTPS connections and authentication have been added to Radicale this
+week. Command-line options and personal configuration files are also ready for
+test. According to the TODO file included in the package, the next version will
+finally be 0.2, when sunbird 1.0 is out. Go, Mozilla hackers, go!
+HTTPS connection
+ HTTPS connections are now available using the standard TLS mechanisms. Give
+ Radicale a private key and a certificate, and your data are now safe.
+ A simple authentication architecture is now available, allowing different
+ methods thanks to different modules. The first two modules are ``fake`` (no
+ authentication) and ``htpasswd`` (authentication with an ``htpasswd`` file
+ created by the Apache tool). More methods such as LDAP are coming soon!
+## January 15, 2010 - Ready for Python 3
+Dropping Twisted dependency was the first step leading to another big feature:
+Radicale now works with Python 3! The code was given a small cleanup, with some
+simplifications mainly about encoding. Before the 0.1.1 release, feel free to
+test the git repository, all Python versions from 2.5 should be OK.
+## January 11, 2010 - Twisted no Longer Required
+Good news! Radicale 0.1.1 will support Sunbird 1.0, but it has another great
+feature: it has no external dependency! Twisted is no longer required for the
+git version, removing about 50 lines of code.
+## December 31, 2009 - Lightning and Sunbird 1.0b2pre Support
+Lightning/Sunbird 1.0b2pre is out, adding minor changes in CalDAV support. A
+[new commit](http://www.gitorious.org/radicale/radicale/commit/330283e) makes
+Radicale work with versions 0.9, 1.0b1 et 1.0b2. Moreover, etags are now quoted
+according to the RFC 2616.
+## December 9, 2009 - Thunderbird 3 released
+[Thunderbird 3 is out](http://www.mozillamessaging.com/thunderbird/3.0/releasenotes/),
+and Lightning/Sunbird 1.0 should be released in a few days. The
+[last commit in git](http://gitorious.org/radicale/radicale/commit/6545bc8)
+should make Radicale work with versions 0.9 and 1.0b1pre. Radicale 0.1.1 will
+soon be released adding support for version 1.0.
+## September 1, 2009 - Radicale 0.1 Released
+First Radicale release! Here is the changelog:
+### 0.1 - Crazy Vegetables
+* First release
+* Lightning/Sunbird 0.9 compatibility
+* Easy installer
+You can download this version on the [download page](#download).
+## July 28, 2009 - Radicale on Gitorious
+Radicale code has been released on Gitorious! Take a look at the
+[Radicale main page on Gitorious](http://www.gitorious.org/radicale) to view
+and download source code.
+## July 27, 2009 - Radicale Ready to Launch
+The Radicale Project is launched. The code has been cleaned up and will be
+available soon…