Small improvements for tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class TestBaseAuthRequests(BaseTest):
for user, password, expected_status in (
("tmp", "bepo", 207), ("tmp", "tmp", 401), ("tmp", "", 401),
("unk", "unk", 401), ("unk", "", 401), ("", "", 401)):
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, answer = self.request(
"PROPFIND", "/",
HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(
("%s:%s" % (user, password)).encode()).decode())
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class TestBaseAuthRequests(BaseTest):
"""Custom authentication."""
self.configuration["auth"]["type"] = "tests.custom.auth"
self.application = Application(self.configuration, self.logger)
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, answer = self.request(
assert status == 207
@ -39,24 +39,16 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_root(self):
"""GET request at "/"."""
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/")
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", "/")
assert status == 303
assert answer == "Redirected to .web"
# Test the creation of the collection
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
assert "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" in answer
assert "END:VCALENDAR" in answer
def test_script_name(self):
"""GET request at "/" with SCRIPT_NAME."""
status, headers, answer = self.request(
"GET", "/", SCRIPT_NAME="/radicale")
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", "/", SCRIPT_NAME="/radicale")
assert status == 303
assert answer == "Redirected to .web"
status, headers, answer = self.request(
"GET", "", SCRIPT_NAME="/radicale")
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", "", SCRIPT_NAME="/radicale")
assert status == 303
assert answer == "Redirected to radicale/.web"
@ -66,11 +58,11 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path = "/calendar.ics/event1.ics"
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path, event)
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert "ETag" in headers.keys()
assert status == 200
assert "ETag" in headers
assert "VEVENT" in answer
assert "Event" in answer
assert "UID:event" in answer
@ -82,9 +74,9 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
event = get_file_content("event1.ics").replace("UID:event1\n", "")
assert "\nUID:" not in event
path = "/calendar.ics/event.ics"
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path, event)
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert status == 200
uids = []
for line in answer.split("\r\n"):
@ -105,10 +97,11 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
assert status == 201
todo = get_file_content("todo1.ics")
path = "/calendar.ics/todo1.ics"
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path, todo)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path, todo)
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert "ETag" in headers.keys()
assert status == 200
assert "ETag" in headers
assert "VTODO" in answer
assert "Todo" in answer
assert "UID:todo" in answer
@ -138,7 +131,7 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert status == 200
assert "ETag" in headers.keys()
assert "ETag" in headers
assert "VCARD" in answer
assert "UID:contact1" in answer
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", path)
@ -164,9 +157,9 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
assert len(uids) == 1 and uids[0]
# Overwrite the contact with an contact without UID and check that the
# UID is still the same
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path, contact)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path, contact)
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert status == 200
assert "\r\nUID:%s\r\n" % uids[0] in answer
@ -176,10 +169,10 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path = "/calendar.ics/event1.ics"
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path, event)
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert "ETag" in headers.keys()
assert "ETag" in headers
assert status == 200
assert "VEVENT" in answer
assert "Event" in answer
@ -189,14 +182,15 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
# Then we send another PUT request
event = get_file_content("event1-prime.ics")
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path, event)
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 200
assert answer.count("BEGIN:VEVENT") == 1
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path)
assert "ETag" in headers.keys()
assert status == 200
assert "ETag" in headers
assert "VEVENT" in answer
assert "Event" in answer
assert "UID:event" in answer
@ -209,8 +203,8 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
"""Create and overwrite a whole calendar."""
status, _, _ = self.request(
"PUT", "/calendar.ics/", "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nEND:VCALENDAR")
event1 = get_file_content("event1.ics")
assert status == 201
event1 = get_file_content("event1.ics")
status, _, _ = self.request(
"PUT", "/calendar.ics/test_event.ics", event1)
assert status == 201
@ -280,20 +274,24 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path = "/calendar.ics/event1.ics"
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path, event)
assert status == 201
# Then we send a DELETE request
status, headers, answer = self.request("DELETE", path)
status, _, answer = self.request("DELETE", path)
assert status == 200
assert "href>%s</" % path in answer
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 200
assert "VEVENT" not in answer
def test_mkcalendar(self):
"""Make a calendar."""
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 200
assert "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" in answer
assert "END:VCALENDAR" in answer
def test_move(self):
"""Move a item."""
@ -302,60 +300,67 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
path1 = "/calendar.ics/event1.ics"
path2 = "/calendar.ics/event2.ics"
status, headers, answer = self.request("PUT", path1, event)
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", path1, event)
assert status == 201
status, _, _ = self.request(
assert status == 201
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path1)
status, _, _ = self.request("GET", path1)
assert status == 404
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", path2)
status, _, _ = self.request("GET", path2)
assert status == 200
def test_head(self):
status, headers, answer = self.request("HEAD", "/")
status, _, _ = self.request("HEAD", "/")
assert status == 303
def test_options(self):
status, headers, answer = self.request("OPTIONS", "/")
status, headers, _ = self.request("OPTIONS", "/")
assert status == 200
assert "DAV" in headers
def test_delete_collection(self):
"""Delete a collection."""
self.request("MKCALENDAR", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
self.request("PUT", "/calendar.ics/event1.ics", event)
status, headers, answer = self.request("DELETE", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, answer = self.request("DELETE", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 200
assert "href>/calendar.ics/</" in answer
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, _ = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 404
def test_delete_root_collection(self):
"""Delete the root collection."""
self.request("MKCALENDAR", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
self.request("PUT", "/event1.ics", event)
self.request("PUT", "/calendar.ics/event1.ics", event)
status, headers, answer = self.request("DELETE", "/")
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", "/event1.ics", event)
assert status == 201
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", "/calendar.ics/event1.ics", event)
assert status == 201
status, _, answer = self.request("DELETE", "/")
assert status == 200
assert "href>/</" in answer
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, _ = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 404
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/event1.ics")
status, _, _ = self.request("GET", "/event1.ics")
assert status == 404
def test_propfind(self):
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
status, headers, answer = self.request("PROPFIND", "/", HTTP_DEPTH="1")
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
assert status == 201
status, _, answer = self.request("PROPFIND", "/", HTTP_DEPTH="1")
assert status == 207
assert "href>/</" in answer
assert "href>%s</" % calendar_path in answer
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, answer = self.request(
"PROPFIND", calendar_path, HTTP_DEPTH="1")
assert status == 207
assert "href>%s</" % calendar_path in answer
@ -366,14 +371,14 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 201
proppatch = get_file_content("proppatch1.xml")
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, answer = self.request(
"PROPPATCH", "/calendar.ics/", proppatch)
assert status == 207
assert "calendar-color" in answer
assert "200 OK</status" in answer
# Read property back
propfind = get_file_content("propfind1.xml")
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, answer = self.request(
"PROPFIND", "/calendar.ics/", propfind)
assert status == 207
assert ":calendar-color>#BADA55</" in answer
@ -381,15 +386,19 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_put_whole_calendar_multiple_events_with_same_uid(self):
"""Add two events with the same UID."""
self.request("PUT", "/calendar.ics/", get_file_content("event2.ics"))
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, _ = self.request(
"PUT", "/calendar.ics/", get_file_content("event2.ics"))
assert status == 201
status, _, answer = self.request(
"REPORT", "/calendar.ics/",
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<C:calendar-query xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
<D:prop xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:getetag/></D:prop>
assert status == 207
assert answer.count("<getetag>") == 1
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
status, _, answer = self.request("GET", "/calendar.ics/")
assert status == 200
assert answer.count("BEGIN:VEVENT") == 2
def _test_filter(self, filters, kind="event", items=1):
@ -402,8 +411,10 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
for i in range(items):
filename = "{}{}.ics".format(kind, i + 1)
event = get_file_content(filename)
self.request("PUT", "/calendar.ics/{}".format(filename), event)
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, _ = self.request(
"PUT", "/calendar.ics/%s" % filename, event)
assert status == 201
status, _, answer = self.request(
"REPORT", "/calendar.ics",
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<C:calendar-query xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
@ -412,6 +423,7 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
</C:calendar-query>""" % filters_text)
assert status == 207
return answer
def test_calendar_empty_filter(self):
@ -901,11 +913,13 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_item(self):
"""Test report request on an item"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
assert status == 201
status, _, answer = self.request(
"REPORT", event_path,
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<C:calendar-query xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
@ -920,7 +934,7 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
sync_token_xml = (
"<sync-token><![CDATA[%s]]></sync-token>" % sync_token
if sync_token else "<sync-token />")
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, answer = self.request(
"REPORT", calendar_path,
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<sync-collection xmlns="DAV:">
@ -940,10 +954,12 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_no_change(self):
"""Test sync-collection report without modifying the collection"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
assert xml.find("{DAV:}response") is not None
new_sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path,
@ -954,11 +970,13 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_add(self):
"""Test sync-collection report with an added item"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path, sync_token)
if not sync_token:
pytest.skip("storage backend does not support sync-token")
@ -968,12 +986,15 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_delete(self):
"""Test sync-collection report with a deleted item"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
self.request("DELETE", event_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("DELETE", event_path)
assert status == 200
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path, sync_token)
if not sync_token:
pytest.skip("storage backend does not support sync-token")
@ -982,12 +1003,15 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_create_delete(self):
"""Test sync-collection report with a created and deleted item"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
self.request("DELETE", event_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
assert status == 201
status, _, _ = self.request("DELETE", event_path)
assert status == 200
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path, sync_token)
if not sync_token:
pytest.skip("storage backend does not support sync-token")
@ -996,14 +1020,18 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_modify_undo(self):
"""Test sync-collection report with a modified and changed back item"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
event1 = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event2 = get_file_content("event2.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event1.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event1)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event1)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
self.request("PUT", event_path, event2)
self.request("PUT", event_path, event1)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event2)
assert status == 201
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event1)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path, sync_token)
if not sync_token:
pytest.skip("storage backend does not support sync-token")
@ -1013,14 +1041,17 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_move(self):
"""Test sync-collection report a moved item"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event1_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event1.ics")
event2_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event2.ics")
self.request("PUT", event1_path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event1_path, event)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, _ = self.request(
"MOVE", event1_path, HTTP_DESTINATION=event2_path, HTTP_HOST="")
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path, sync_token)
if not sync_token:
pytest.skip("storage backend does not support sync-token")
@ -1034,16 +1065,20 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_move_undo(self):
"""Test sync-collection report with a moved and moved back item"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event1_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event1.ics")
event2_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event2.ics")
self.request("PUT", event1_path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event1_path, event)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, _ = self.request(
"MOVE", event1_path, HTTP_DESTINATION=event2_path, HTTP_HOST="")
status, headers, answer = self.request(
assert status == 201
status, _, _ = self.request(
"MOVE", event2_path, HTTP_DESTINATION=event1_path, HTTP_HOST="")
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path, sync_token)
if not sync_token:
pytest.skip("storage backend does not support sync-token")
@ -1061,7 +1096,8 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_report_sync_collection_invalid_sync_token(self):
"""Test sync-collection report with an invalid sync token"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(
calendar_path, "")
assert not sync_token
@ -1069,11 +1105,13 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_propfind_sync_token(self):
"""Retrieve the sync-token with a propfind request"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
event = get_file_content("event1.ics")
event_path = posixpath.join(calendar_path, "event.ics")
self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
status, _, _ = self.request("PUT", event_path, event)
assert status == 201
new_sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path,
assert sync_token != new_sync_token
@ -1081,7 +1119,8 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_propfind_same_as_sync_collection_sync_token(self):
"""Compare sync-token property with sync-collection sync-token"""
calendar_path = "/calendar.ics/"
self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
status, _, _ = self.request("MKCALENDAR", calendar_path)
assert status == 201
sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path)
new_sync_token, xml = self._report_sync_token(calendar_path,
@ -1089,7 +1128,7 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
def test_authorization(self):
authorization = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(b"user:").decode()
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, _, answer = self.request(
"PROPFIND", "/",
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<propfind xmlns="DAV:">
@ -1108,25 +1147,25 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
self.configuration["auth"]["htpasswd_encryption"] = "plain"
self.configuration["rights"]["type"] = "owner_only"
self.application = Application(self.configuration, self.logger)
status, headers, answer = self.request("MKCOL", "/user/")
status, headers, _ = self.request("MKCOL", "/user/")
assert status in (401, 403)
assert headers.get("WWW-Authenticate")
def test_principal_collection_creation(self):
"""Verify existence of the principal collection."""
status, headers, answer = self.request(
"Basic " + base64.b64encode(b"user:").decode()))
status, _, _ = self.request("PROPFIND", "/user/", HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=(
"Basic " + base64.b64encode(b"user:").decode()))
assert status == 207
def test_existence_of_root_collections(self):
"""Verify that the root collection always exists."""
# Use PROPFIND because GET returns message
status, headers, answer = self.request("PROPFIND", "/")
status, _, _ = self.request("PROPFIND", "/")
assert status == 207
# it should still exist after deletion
self.request("DELETE", "/")
status, headers, answer = self.request("PROPFIND", "/")
status, _, _ = self.request("DELETE", "/")
assert status == 200
status, _, _ = self.request("PROPFIND", "/")
assert status == 207
def test_fsync(self):
@ -1148,9 +1187,9 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
"""Verify that hook is not run for read accesses."""
self.configuration["storage"]["hook"] = (
"mkdir %s" % os.path.join("collection-root", "created_by_hook"))
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/")
assert status == 303
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/created_by_hook/")
status, _, _ = self.request("PROPFIND", "/")
assert status == 207
status, _, _ = self.request("PROPFIND", "/created_by_hook/")
assert status == 404
@pytest.mark.skipif(os.system("type flock") != 0,
@ -1166,11 +1205,10 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
"""Verify that the hooks runs when a new user is created."""
self.configuration["storage"]["hook"] = (
"mkdir %s" % os.path.join("collection-root", "created_by_hook"))
status, headers, answer = self.request(
"Basic " + base64.b64encode(b"user:").decode()))
assert status == 303
status, headers, answer = self.request("PROPFIND", "/created_by_hook/")
status, _, _ = self.request("PROPFIND", "/", HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=(
"Basic " + base64.b64encode(b"user:").decode()))
assert status == 207
status, _, _ = self.request("PROPFIND", "/created_by_hook/")
assert status == 207
def test_hook_fail(self):
@ -1184,11 +1222,13 @@ class BaseRequestsMixIn:
self.configuration.set("headers", "test", "123")
# Test if header is set on success
status, headers, answer = self.request("GET", "/")
status, headers, _ = self.request("OPTIONS", "/")
assert status == 200
assert headers.get("test") == "123"
# Test if header is set on failure
status, headers, answer = self.request(
status, headers, _ = self.request(
"GET", "/.well-known/does not exist")
assert status == 404
assert headers.get("test") == "123"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user