Add unicode support to htpasswd

This commit is contained in:
Unrud 2020-01-19 18:29:29 +01:00
parent 6108d8d759
commit 562d3aacec
2 changed files with 47 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class Auth(auth.BaseAuth):
def __init__(self, configuration):
self._filename = configuration.get("auth", "htpasswd_filename")
self._encoding = self.configuration.get("encoding", "stock")
encryption = configuration.get("auth", "htpasswd_encryption")
if encryption == "plain":
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ class Auth(auth.BaseAuth):
def _plain(self, hash_value, password):
"""Check if ``hash_value`` and ``password`` match, plain method."""
return hmac.compare_digest(hash_value, password)
return hmac.compare_digest(hash_value.encode(), password.encode())
def _bcrypt(self, bcrypt, hash_value, password):
return bcrypt.verify(password, hash_value.strip())
@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ class Auth(auth.BaseAuth):
with open(self._filename) as f:
with open(self._filename, encoding=self._encoding) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip("\n")
if line.lstrip() and not line.lstrip().startswith("#"):
@ -113,7 +114,8 @@ class Auth(auth.BaseAuth):
":", maxsplit=1)
# Always compare both login and password to avoid
# timing attacks, see #591.
login_ok = hmac.compare_digest(hash_login, login)
login_ok = hmac.compare_digest(
hash_login.encode(), login.encode())
password_ok = self._verify(hash_value, password)
if login_ok and password_ok:
return login

View File

@ -52,50 +52,68 @@ class TestBaseAuthRequests(BaseTest):
def _test_htpasswd(self, htpasswd_encryption, htpasswd_content,
"""Test htpasswd authentication with user "tmp" and password "bepo"."""
"""Test htpasswd authentication with user "tmp" and password "bepo" for
``test_matrix`` "ascii" or user "😀" and password "🔑" for
``test_matrix`` "unicode"."""
if htpasswd_encryption == "bcrypt":
from passlib.hash import bcrypt
from passlib.exc import MissingBackendError
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("passlib[bcrypt] is not installed")
except MissingBackendError:
pytest.skip("bcrypt backend for passlib is not installed")
htpasswd_file_path = os.path.join(self.colpath, ".htpasswd")
with open(htpasswd_file_path, "w") as f:
encoding = self.configuration.get("encoding", "stock")
with open(htpasswd_file_path, "w", encoding=encoding) as f:
"auth": {"type": "htpasswd",
"htpasswd_filename": htpasswd_file_path,
"htpasswd_encryption": htpasswd_encryption}}, "test")
self.application = Application(self.configuration)
if test_matrix is None:
test_matrix = (
("tmp", "bepo", 207), ("tmp", "tmp", 401), ("tmp", "", 401),
("unk", "unk", 401), ("unk", "", 401), ("", "", 401))
for user, password, expected_status in test_matrix:
if test_matrix == "ascii":
test_matrix = (("tmp", "bepo", True), ("tmp", "tmp", False),
("tmp", "", False), ("unk", "unk", False),
("unk", "", False), ("", "", False))
elif test_matrix == "unicode":
test_matrix = (("😀", "🔑", True), ("😀", "🌹", False),
("😁", "🔑", False), ("😀", "", False),
("", "🔑", False), ("", "", False))
for user, password, valid in test_matrix:
status, _, _ = self.request(
"PROPFIND", "/",
HTTP_AUTHORIZATION="Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(
("%s:%s" % (user, password)).encode()).decode())
assert status == expected_status
assert status == (207 if valid else 401)
def test_htpasswd_plain(self):
self._test_htpasswd("plain", "tmp:bepo")
def test_htpasswd_plain_password_split(self):
self._test_htpasswd("plain", "tmp:be:po", (
("tmp", "be:po", 207), ("tmp", "bepo", 401)))
("tmp", "be:po", True), ("tmp", "bepo", False)))
def test_htpasswd_plain_unicode(self):
self._test_htpasswd("plain", "😀:🔑", "unicode")
def test_htpasswd_md5(self):
self._test_htpasswd("md5", "tmp:$apr1$BI7VKCZh$GKW4vq2hqDINMr8uv7lDY/")
def test_htpasswd_bcrypt(self):
from passlib.hash import bcrypt
from passlib.exc import MissingBackendError
except ImportError:
pytest.skip("passlib[bcrypt] is not installed")
except MissingBackendError:
pytest.skip("bcrypt backend for passlib is not installed")
def test_htpasswd_md5_unicode(self):
"md5", "😀:$apr1$w4ev89r1$29xO8EvJmS2HEAadQ5qy11", "unicode")
def test_htpasswd_bcrypt(self):
self._test_htpasswd("bcrypt", "tmp:$2y$05$oD7hbiQFQlvCM7zoalo/T.MssV3V"
def test_htpasswd_bcrypt_unicode(self):
self._test_htpasswd("bcrypt", "😀:$2y$10$Oyz5aHV4MD9eQJbk6GPemOs4T6edK"
"6U9Sqlzr.W1mMVCS8wJUftnW", "unicode")
def test_htpasswd_multi(self):
self._test_htpasswd("plain", "ign:ign\ntmp:bepo")
@ -105,12 +123,12 @@ class TestBaseAuthRequests(BaseTest):
def test_htpasswd_whitespace_user(self):
for user in (" tmp", "tmp ", " tmp "):
self._test_htpasswd("plain", "%s:bepo" % user, (
(user, "bepo", 207), ("tmp", "bepo", 401)))
(user, "bepo", True), ("tmp", "bepo", False)))
def test_htpasswd_whitespace_password(self):
for password in (" bepo", "bepo ", " bepo "):
self._test_htpasswd("plain", "tmp:%s" % password, (
("tmp", password, 207), ("tmp", "bepo", 401)))
("tmp", password, True), ("tmp", "bepo", False)))
def test_htpasswd_comment(self):
self._test_htpasswd("plain", "#comment\n #comment\n \ntmp:bepo\n\n")