variable "hcloud_token" { description = "Hetzner Cloud API Token" type = string } variable "ssh_key_name" { description = "Name of your public key to identify at Hetzner Cloud portal" type = string default = "restore_test_key" } variable "ssh_extra_key_names" { description = "Name of additional public keys installed on the system" type = list(any) default = [ "zahnrad" ] } variable "files_dir" { description = "Directory to store artifacts" type = string default = "artifacts/" } variable "hcloud_server_under_test_type" { description = "vServer type name, lookup via `hcloud server-type list`" type = string default = "cx31" } variable "hcloud_server_tester_type" { description = "vServer type name, lookup via `hcloud server-type list`" type = string default = "cx11" } variable "hcloud_server_under_test_name" { description = "Name of the server" type = string default = "www1" } variable "hcloud_server_datacenter" { description = "Desired datacenter location name, lookup via `hcloud datacenter list`" type = string default = "hel1-dc2" }