# To configure Docker Registry to talk to this server, put the following in the registry config file:
#  auth:
#    token:
#      realm: ""
#      service: "Docker registry"
#      issuer: "Acme auth server"
#      autoredirect: false
#      rootcertbundle: "/path/to/server.pem"

server:  # Server settings.
  addr: ":5001"

token:  # Settings for the tokens.
  issuer: "docker-auth"  # Must match issuer in the Registry config.
  expiration: 900
  certificate: "/server.pem"
  key: "/server.key"

# {% for entry in registry.auth %}
  "{{ entry.user }}":
    password: "{{ entry.password }}"
# {% endfor %}
  "": {}

  - match: {account: "tobi"}
    actions: ["*"]
    comment: "Admin has full access to everything."
  - match: {account: "user"}
    actions: ["*"] # todo: Split off gitea
    comment: "User \"user\" can pull stuff."
  - match: {account: "", name: "public/*"}
    actions: ["pull"]
    comment: "Allow everyone to pull public/"
  - match: {account: "", name: "git"}
    actions: ["pull"]
    comment: "Allow everyone to pull the git image"