--- services: update: image: containrrr/watchtower:latest container_name: Watchtower privileged: true environment: DOCKER_CONFIG: /config WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE: 0 42 * * * * WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP: 1 WATCHTOWER_ROLLING_RESTART: 1 WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_URL: "matrix://{{ watchtower.matrix.user }}:{{ watchtower.matrix.password }}@pantalaimon:8008/?disableTLS=yes{% if watchtower.matrix.options is defined %}&{{ watchtower.matrix.options | join('&') }}{% endif%}" WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_REPORT: "true" WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE: | {% raw %} {{- if .Report -}} {{- with .Report -}} {{- if ( or .Updated .Failed .Skipped ) -}} {% endraw %} Updates on {{ inventory_hostname }}{% raw %} {{len .Scanned}} Scanned, {{len .Updated}} Updated, {{len .Failed}} Failed {{- range .Updated}} - {{.Name}} ({{.ImageName}}): {{.CurrentImageID.ShortID}} updated to {{.LatestImageID.ShortID}} {{- end -}} {{- range .Skipped}} - {{.Name}} ({{.ImageName}}): {{.State}}: {{.Error}} {{- end -}} {{- range .Failed}} - {{.Name}} ({{.ImageName}}): {{.State}}: {{.Error}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {% endraw %} Updates on {{ inventory_hostname }}{% raw %} {{range .Entries -}}{{.Message}}{{"\n"}}{{- end -}} {{- end -}}{% endraw %} volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - /home/core/.docker:/config restart: always networks: - default - pantalaimon networks: pantalaimon: external: true ...