# DO NOT PFUSCH IN THIS FILE! # ANSIBLE WILL NOT CARE AND RUIN YOUR DAY! # CONSIDER YOUSELF WARNED. [Interface] Address = {{ wg_addr | mandatory }}/32 MTU = 1280 SaveConfig = false ListenPort = 52000 PrivateKey = {{ wg_private_key | mandatory }} {% for node in nodes %} {% set hvar=hostvars[node] %} # node: {{ hvar.inventory_hostname }} [peer] PublicKey = {{ hvar.wg_public_key | mandatory }} AllowedIPs = {{ hvar.wg_addr | mandatory }}/32 {% if hvar.ansible_default_ipv6 is defined and ansible_default_ipv6 is defined and hvar.ansible_default_ipv6.scope == "global" and ansible_default_ipv6.scope == "global" %} Endpoint = [{{ hvar.ansible_default_ipv6.address | mandatory }}]:52000 {% else %} Endpoint = [{{ hvar.ansible_default_ipv4.address | mandatory }}]:52000 {% endif %} {% if hvar.wg_keepalive is defined %} PersistentKeepalive = {{ hvar.wg_keepalive }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}