from aqt.qt import * import json from anki import hooks from aqt import editor from aqt.webview import AnkiWebView from aqt.theme import theme_manager from aqt import gui_hooks from aqt import mw class EditorPreview(object): def __init__(self): gui_hooks.editor_did_init.append(self.editor_init_hook) def editor_init_hook(self, ed: editor.Editor): ed.webview = AnkiWebView(title="editor_preview") # This is taken out of ed.webview.stdHtml(, css=["css/reviewer.css"], js=[ "js/mathjax.js", "js/vendor/mathjax/tex-chtml.js", "js/reviewer.js", ], context=ed, ) layout = ed.outerLayout # very arbitrary max size # otherwise the browse window is not usable ed.webview.setMaximumHeight = 400 layout.addWidget(ed.webview, 1) gui_hooks.editor_did_fire_typing_timer.append(lambda o: self.onedit_hook(ed, o)) gui_hooks.editor_did_load_note.append(lambda o: None if o != ed else self.editor_note_hook(o)) def editor_note_hook(self, editor): self.onedit_hook(editor, editor.note) def _obtainCardText(self, note): c = note.ephemeral_card() a = mw.prepare_card_text_for_display(c.answer()) a = gui_hooks.card_will_show(a, c, "clayoutAnswer") bodyclass = theme_manager.body_classes_for_card_ord(c.ord, return f"_showAnswer({json.dumps(a)},'{bodyclass}');" def onedit_hook(self, editor, origin): if editor.note == origin: editor.webview.eval(self._obtainCardText(editor.note)) eprev = EditorPreview()