Changed the colour of the active line indicator from yellow to red. It's better visible during edits than yellow. Signed-off-by: Tobias Manske <>
362 lines
10 KiB
362 lines
10 KiB
" # Happy Hacking
" Happy Hacking is a color scheme heavily inspired by Autumn
" ( The main differences between
" the two themes are various small tweaks to the colors, an easier to maintain
" codebase and a much wider range of supported languages. On top of that
" various inconsistencies that were present in Autumn have been resolved.
" As with any Vim color scheme the overall look and feel heavily depends on how
" accurate a syntax highlighter for a language is. For example, the Ruby syntax
" highlighter is fairly accurate and allows you to customize a lot whereas for
" example C has a more generic highlighting setup. At worst this will result in
" a bit more heavy use of red as it's one of the base colors of this theme.
" Author: Yorick Peterse
" License: MIT
" Website:
set background=dark
set t_Co=256
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "happy_hacking"
" ============================================================================
" GUI Colors
" This section defines all the colors to use when running Vim as a GUI (Gvim,
" Macvim, etc). These colors are *not* used when Vim is run in a terminal.
let s:white = "#F3F2CC"
let s:black1 = "#000000"
let s:black2 = "#202020"
let s:yellow = "#FAD566"
let s:blue = "#81A2C7"
let s:green = "#8daf67"
let s:turqoise = "#B3EBBF"
let s:orange = "#FAA166"
let s:pink = "#F77EBD"
let s:red = "#F05E48"
let s:gray1 = "#292929"
let s:gray2 = "#525252"
let s:gray3 = "#6c6c6c"
let s:gray4 = "#7c7c7c"
let s:gray5 = "#aaaaaa"
let s:gray6 = "#393939"
" ============================================================================
" Terminal Colors
" This section defines all the colors that are used when Vim is run inside a
" terminal instead of a GUI.
let s:t_white = "230"
let s:t_black1 = "16"
let s:t_black2 = "16"
let s:t_yellow = "221"
let s:t_blue = "103"
let s:t_green = "107"
let s:t_turqoise = "157"
let s:t_orange = "179"
let s:t_pink = "211"
let s:t_gold = "186"
let s:t_red = "203"
let s:t_gray1 = "235"
let s:t_gray2 = "59"
let s:t_gray3 = "59"
let s:t_gray4 = "102"
let s:t_gray5 = "145"
let s:t_gray6 = "237"
" ============================================================================
" Color Functions
" Function for creating a highlight group with a GUI/Terminal foreground and
" background. No font styling is applied.
function! s:Color(group, fg, bg, t_fg, t_bg, ...)
if empty(a:0)
let style = "NONE"
let style = a:1
exe "hi " . a:group . " guifg=" . a:fg . " guibg=" . a:bg
\ . " ctermfg=" . a:t_fg
\ . " ctermbg=" . a:t_bg
\ . " gui=" . style
\ . " cterm=" . style
" ============================================================================
" General Syntax Elements
" Definitions for generic syntax elements such as strings and numbers.
call s:Color("Pmenu", s:white, s:black2, s:t_white, s:t_gray6)
" Modified Pmenu! original white black2 t_white t_black
" ~rad4day
call s:Color("PmenuSel", s:white, s:gray2, s:t_white, s:t_gray2)
call s:Color("Cursor", "NONE", s:gray2, "NONE", s:t_gray2)
call s:Color("Normal", s:white, s:gray1, s:t_white, s:t_gray1)
call s:Color("Search", s:yellow, "NONE", s:t_yellow, "NONE", "bold")
call s:Color("Title", s:white, "NONE", s:t_white, "NONE", "bold")
call s:Color("LineNr", s:gray3, "NONE", s:t_gray3, "NONE")
call s:Color("StatusLine", s:white, s:gray6, s:t_white, s:t_gray6)
call s:Color("StatusLineNC", s:gray4, s:gray6, s:t_gray4, s:t_gray6)
call s:Color("VertSplit", s:gray3, "NONE", s:t_gray3, "NONE")
call s:Color("ColorColumn", "NONE", s:gray6, "NONE", s:t_gray6)
call s:Color("Folded", s:gray4, "NONE", s:t_gray4, "NONE")
call s:Color("FoldColumn", s:gray3, s:gray1, s:t_gray3, s:t_gray1)
call s:Color("ErrorMsg", s:red, "NONE", s:t_red, "NONE", "bold")
call s:Color("WarningMsg", s:yellow, "NONE", s:t_yellow, "NONE", "bold")
call s:Color("Question", s:white, "NONE", s:t_white, "NONE")
call s:Color("SpecialKey", s:white, s:gray2, s:t_white, s:t_gray2)
call s:Color("Directory", s:blue, "NONE", s:t_blue, "NONE")
call s:Color("Comment", s:gray4, "NONE", s:t_gray4, "NONE")
call s:Color("Todo", s:gray5, "NONE", s:t_gray5, "NONE")
call s:Color("String", s:green, "NONE", s:t_green, "NONE")
call s:Color("Keyword", s:red, "NONE", s:t_red, "NONE")
call s:Color("Number", s:turqoise, "NONE", s:t_turqoise, "NONE")
call s:Color("Regexp", s:orange, "NONE", s:t_orange, "NONE")
call s:Color("Macro", s:orange, "NONE", s:t_orange, "NONE")
call s:Color("Function", s:yellow, "NONE", s:t_yellow, "NONE")
call s:Color("Notice", s:yellow, "NONE", s:t_yellow, "NONE")
call s:Color("MatchParen", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE", "NONE", "bold")
hi! link CursorLine Cursor
hi! link Identifier Normal
hi! link Constant Normal
hi! link Operator Normal
hi! link Type Keyword
hi! link Statement Keyword
hi! link PmenuThumb PmenuSel
hi! link Visual Cursor
hi! link SignColumn FoldColumn
hi! link Error ErrorMsg
hi! link NonText LineNr
hi! link PreProc Normal
hi! link Special Normal
hi! link Boolean Keyword
hi! link StorageClass Keyword
hi! link MoreMsg Normal
hi! link Character String
hi! link Label Special
hi! link PreCondit Macro
" ============================================================================
" Specific Languages
" Language specific settings that would otherwise be too generic. These
" definitions are sorted in alphabetical order.
" Coffeescript
hi! link coffeeRegex Regexp
hi! link coffeeSpecialIdent Directory
hi! link cssIdentifier Title
hi! link cssClassName Directory
hi! link cssMedia Notice
hi! link cssColor Number
hi! link cssTagName Normal
hi! link cssImportant Notice
" CtrlP
hi! link CtrlPBufferHid Todo
hi! link CtrlPBufferPath Todo
call s:Color("CtrlPMode1", s:white, s:gray1, s:t_white, s:t_gray1, "bold")
" D
hi! link dDebug Notice
hi! link dOperator Operator
hi! link dStorageClass Keyword
hi! link dAnnotation Directory
hi! link dAttribute dAnnotation
" Diffs
hi! link diffFile WarningMsg
hi! link diffLine Number
hi! link diffAdded String
hi! link diffRemoved Keyword
hi! link DiffChange Notice
hi! link DiffAdd diffAdded
hi! link DiffDelete diffRemoved
hi! link DiffText diffLine
" Dot (GraphViz)
hi! link dotKeyChar Normal
" Git commits
hi! link gitCommitSummary String
hi! link gitCommitOverflow ErrorMsg
hi! link hamlId Title
hi! link hamlClass Directory
hi! link htmlArg Normal
hi! link hamlDocType Comment
hi! link htmlLink Directory
hi! link htmlSpecialTagName htmlTag
hi! link htmlTagName htmlTag
hi! link htmlScriptTag htmlTag
" Javascript
hi! link javaScriptBraces Normal
hi! link javaScriptMember Normal
hi! link javaScriptIdentifier Keyword
hi! link javaScriptFunction Keyword
hi! link JavaScriptNumber Number
" Java
hi! link javaCommentTitle javaComment
hi! link javaDocTags Todo
hi! link javaDocParam Todo
hi! link javaStorageClass Keyword
hi! link javaAnnotation Directory
hi! link javaExternal Keyword
hi! link jsonKeyword String
" Less
hi! link lessClass cssClassName
" Make
hi! link makeTarget Function
" Markdown
hi! link markdownCodeBlock Todo
hi! link markdownCode markdownCodeBlock
hi! link markdownListMarker Keyword
hi! link markdownOrderedListMarker Keyword
" NERDTree
hi! link NERDTreeRO Notice
hi! link NERDTreeCWD Title
hi! link NERDTreeLink Number
hi! link NERDTreeDir Directory
hi! link NERDTreeOpenable NERDTreeDir
hi! link NERDTreeClosable NERDTreeDir
" Perl
hi! link podCommand Comment
hi! link podCmdText Todo
hi! link podVerbatimLine Todo
hi! link perlStatementInclude Statement
hi! link perlStatementPackage Statement
hi! link perlPackageDecl Normal
" Ragel
hi! link rlAugmentOps Operator
" Ruby
hi! link rubySymbol Regexp
hi! link rubyConstant Constant
hi! link rubyInstanceVariable Directory
hi! link rubyClassVariable rubyInstancevariable
hi! link rubyClass Keyword
hi! link rubyModule rubyClass
hi! link rubyFunction Function
hi! link rubyDefine Keyword
hi! link rubyRegexp Regexp
hi! link rubyRegexpSpecial Regexp
hi! link rubyRegexpCharClass Normal
hi! link rubyRegexpQuantifier Normal
" Rust
hi! link rustFuncCall Identifier
hi! link rustCommentBlockDoc Comment
hi! link rustCommentLineDoc Comment
hi! link sassClass cssClassName
hi! link sassId cssIdentifier
hi! link sassInclude cssMedia
" Shell
hi! link shFunctionKey Keyword
hi! link shTestOpr Operator
hi! link bashStatement Normal
hi! link sqlKeyword Keyword
" TypeScript
hi! link typescriptBraces Normal
hi! link typescriptEndColons Normal
hi! link typescriptFunction Function
hi! link typescriptFuncKeyword Keyword
hi! link typescriptLogicSymbols Operator
hi! link typescriptIdentifier Keyword
hi! link typescriptExceptions Keyword
" Vimscript
hi! link vimGroup Constant
hi! link vimHiGroup Constant
hi! link VimIsCommand Constant
hi! link VimCommentTitle Todo
hi! link yamlPlainScalar String
hi! link yardType Todo
hi! link yardTypeList Todo
hi! link yardComment Comment
hi! link xmlTagName Normal
hi! link xmlTag Normal
hi! link xmlAttrib Normal
" Neomake
hi! link NeomakeWarningSign WarningMsg
hi! link NeomakeErrorSign Error
hi! link NeomakeWarning WarningMsg
" Wild menu completion
hi! link WildMenu PmenuSel
" Vim tabline
hi! link TabLine StatusLine
hi! link TabLineFill StatusLine
call s:Color("TabLineSel", s:white, s:gray2, s:t_white, s:t_gray2, "bold")
" Line numbers
call s:Color("CursorLineNR", s:red, "NONE", s:t_red, "NONE", "bold")
" Neovim terminal colors
let g:terminal_color_0 = s:black1
let g:terminal_color_1 = s:red
let g:terminal_color_2 = s:green
let g:terminal_color_3 = s:yellow
let g:terminal_color_4 = s:blue
let g:terminal_color_5 = s:pink
let g:terminal_color_6 = s:turqoise
let g:terminal_color_7 = s:white
let g:terminal_color_8 = s:black1
let g:terminal_color_9 = s:red
let g:terminal_color_10 = s:green
let g:terminal_color_11 = s:yellow
let g:terminal_color_12 = s:blue
let g:terminal_color_13 = s:pink
let g:terminal_color_14 = s:turqoise
let g:terminal_color_15 = s:white