
202 lines
5.2 KiB

# Start configuration added by Zim install {{{
# User configuration sourced by interactive shells
# -----------------
# Zsh configuration
# -----------------
# History
# Remove older command from the history if a duplicate is to be added.
# Input/output
# Set editor default keymap to emacs (`-e`) or vi (`-v`)
bindkey -e
# Prompt for spelling correction of commands.
#setopt CORRECT
# Customize spelling correction prompt.
#SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{red}%R%f to %F{green}%r%f [nyae]? '
# Remove path separator from WORDCHARS.
export ZIM_HOME=$HOME/.zim
# --------------------
# Module configuration
# --------------------
# completion
# Set a custom path for the completion dump file.
# If none is provided, the default ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zcompdump is used.
#zstyle ':zim:completion' dumpfile "${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zcompdump-${ZSH_VERSION}"
# git
# Set a custom prefix for the generated aliases. The default prefix is 'G'.
#zstyle ':zim:git' aliases-prefix 'g'
# input
# Append `../` to your input for each `.` you type after an initial `..`
#zstyle ':zim:input' double-dot-expand yes
# termtitle
# Set a custom terminal title format using prompt expansion escape sequences.
# See
# If none is provided, the default '%n@%m: %~' is used.
#zstyle ':zim:termtitle' format '%1~'
# zsh-autosuggestions
# Customize the style that the suggestions are shown with.
# See
# zsh-syntax-highlighting
# Set what highlighters will be used.
# See
# Customize the main highlighter styles.
# See
# ------------------
# Initialize modules
# ------------------
if [[ ! ${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh -nt ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc ]]; then
# Update static initialization script if it does not exist or it's outdated, before sourcing it
source ${ZIM_HOME}/zimfw.zsh init -q
source ${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh
# ------------------------------
# Post-init module configuration
# ------------------------------
# zsh-history-substring-search
# Bind ^[[A/^[[B manually so up/down works both before and after zle-line-init
bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up
bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down
# Bind up and down keys
zmodload -F zsh/terminfo +p:terminfo
if [[ -n ${terminfo[kcuu1]} && -n ${terminfo[kcud1]} ]]; then
bindkey ${terminfo[kcuu1]} history-substring-search-up
bindkey ${terminfo[kcud1]} history-substring-search-down
bindkey '^P' history-substring-search-up
bindkey '^N' history-substring-search-down
bindkey -M vicmd 'k' history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M vicmd 'j' history-substring-search-down
# }}} End configuration added by Zim install
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fd --type f'
source /usr/share/fzf/completion.zsh
source /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh
alias pdfdiff="diffpdf"
alias cb="xclip -sel clipboard"
alias vi="nvim"
alias vim="nvim"
alias ls="exa"
# GPG for SSH
export GPG_TTY="$(tty)"
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)
gpgconf --launch gpg-agent
# Editor
export EDITOR=vim
export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(jenv init -)"
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
export PATH="$HOME/.bin:$PATH"
export TERM=xterm-256color
alias light="mqtt pub -t cmnd/Workbench/POWER -m "
alias ac="mqtt pub -t tele/Comfee/cmnd/POWER -m "
# autoload -Uz compinit; compinit
source /usr/share/fzf-tab-completion/zsh/
bindkey '^I' fzf_completion
source =(thefuck -a)
source =(hcloud completion zsh)
source =(kubectl completion zsh)
source =(kubectl completion zsh | sed 's/kubectl/k/g')
alias k="kubectl"
source =(helm completion zsh)
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config"
alias gl="git lg"
alias gs="git status"
alias gd="git diff"
alias gds="git diff --staged"
alias gc="git commit"
alias gcf="git commit --fixup=@"
alias ga="git add"
alias gp="git push"
alias e="$EDITOR"
alias o='handlr open'
alias vs="nvim -S Session.vim"
# Yes I know this is a bad idea
# also I don't care.
alias hugo='docker run -v "$PWD:/src" -w "/src" -u $UID:$GID -p 1313:1313 --rm klakegg/hugo:alpine'
# Simple calculator
function calc() {
local result=""
result="$(printf "scale=10;$*\n" | bc --mathlib | tr -d '\\\n')"
# └─ default (when `--mathlib` is used) is 20
if [[ "$result" == *.* ]]; then
# improve the output for decimal numbers
printf "$result" |
sed -e 's/^\./0./' `# add "0" for cases like ".5"` \
-e 's/^-\./-0./' `# add "0" for cases like "-.5"`\
-e 's/0*$//;s/\.$//' # remove trailing zeros
printf "$result"
printf "\n"