2018-04-05 13:06:54 +02:00

367 lines
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*GoldenView.txt* Always have a nice view for vim split windows
CONTENTS *goldenview-contents*
1. Introduction |goldenview-introduction|
2. Features |goldenview-features|
1. 1. AutoResizing |goldenview-1.-autoresizing|
2. 2. Tiled Windows Management |goldenview-2.-tiled-windows-management|
3. Installation |goldenview-installation|
1. Option A - With Plugin Manager [4] ( recommanded )
2. Option B - Without Plugin Manager [4]
4. Quick Start |goldenview-quick-start|
1. |g:goldenview__enable_default_mapping|
2. |g:goldenview__enable_at_startup|
5. More Commands and Mappings |goldenview-more-commands-and-mappings|
1. |:ToggleGoldenViewAutoResize|
2. |:DisableGoldenViewAutoResize|
3. |:EnableGoldenViewAutoResize|
4. |:GoldenViewResize|
5. |:SwitchGoldenViewLargest|
6. |:SwitchGoldenViewSmallest|
6. Rules |goldenview-rules|
1. |g:goldenview__ignore_urule|
2. |g:goldenview__restore_urule|
7. Profiles |goldenview-profiles|
1. |g:goldenview__active_profile|
2. |g:goldenview__reset_profile|
8. Troubleshooting: |goldenview-troubleshooting:|
1. Please do not resize me! |goldenview-please-do-not-resize-me|
2. minibufexpl.vim [6] takes 5+ lines |goldenview-minibufexpl.vim-6-takes-5-lines|
3. I still have Issues: |goldenview-i-still-have-issues:|
9. Contributors |goldenview-contributors|
10. RELEASE HISTORY |goldenview-release-history|
11. LICENSE: |goldenview-license:|
INTRODUCTION *goldenview-introduction*
------------- - -----------------------------------------------
Plugin : GoldenView.vim
Author : Zhao Cai
EMail :
Version : 1.2.2
Date Created : Tue 18 Sep 2012 05:23:13 PM EDT
Last Modified : Wed 17 Apr 2013 09:52:45 PM EDT
------------- - -----------------------------------------------
The initial motive for GoldenView [1] comes from the frustration of using
other vim plugins to auto-resize split windows. The idea is deadly simple and
very useful: resize the focused window to a proper size. However, in practice,
many hiccups makes auto-resizing not a smooth experience. Below are a list of
issues GoldenView [1] attempts to solve:
First and the most important one, auto-resizing should play nicely with
existing plugins like 'tagbar', 'vimfiler', 'unite', 'VOoM', 'quickfix',
'undotree', 'gundo', etc. These windows should manage there own window size.
Second, auto-resizing should take care of the other windows too. Resizing the
focused window may cause the other windows become too small. When you have 4+
split windows, auto-resizing may just make a mess out of it.
GoldView Screencast, see reference [2]
GoldView Screencast
FEATURES *goldenview-features*
GoldenView [1] has preliminarily solved the issues described above. It also
provides other features. Bascally, it does two things:
1. AUTORESIZING *goldenview-1.-autoresizing*
First of all, it automatically resize the focused split window to a "golden"
view based on golden ratio [3] and 'textwidth'.
2. TILED WINDOWS MANAGEMENT *goldenview-2.-tiled-windows-management*
Second, it maps a single key ('<C-L>' by default) to nicely split windows to
tiled windows.
| | | | |
| F | | S1 | T |
| I | +------------| A |
| L | | S2 | G |
| E | MAIN PANE +------------+ B |
| R | | S3 | A |
| | | | R |
| | | | |
To get this view, just hit '<C-L>' 4 times. or, if you have a large monitor,
you may get tiled windows below.
| | | | | |
| F | | | S1 | T |
| I | | +------------| A |
| L | | M2 | S2 | G |
| E | MAIN PANE | +------------+ B |
| R | | | S3 | A |
| | | | | B |
| | | | | |
To quickly switch between those windows, a few keys are mapped to
- Focus to the main window
- Switch with the 'MAIN PANE', the largest, smallest, etc.
- Jump to the next and previous window
INSTALLATION *goldenview-installation*
Install GoldenView [1] is the same as installing other vim plugins. If
experienced with vim, you can skim the example below and move to next section.
If you use plugin managers like Pathogen, vundle, neobundle,
vim-addon-manager, etc., just unarchive the zip file or clone the GoldenView
[1] repo from 'git://' into your local plugin
installation directory (most likely '~/.vim/bundle/'). Then add corresponding
scripts in .vimrc for the bundle manager you are using.
- neobundle:
NeoBundle 'zhaocai/GoldenView.Vim' "Always have a nice view for vim split windows
- vundle:
Bundle 'zhaocai/GoldenView.Vim'
- vim-addon-manager:
call vam#ActivateAddons(['GoldenView.Vim'], {'auto_install' : 1})
Unarchive the zip file into a directory that is under 'runtimepath' of your
vim, '~/.vim' for example.
QUICK START *goldenview-quick-start*
GoldenView [1] should work out of the box without configuration. It should
automatically start to resize focused window to golden ratio [3] based on
'textwidth' and vim available size. You may start to play with it now.
To get you started, a few default keys are mapped as below:
" 1. split to tiled windows
nmap <silent> <C-L> <Plug>GoldenViewSplit
" 2. quickly switch current window with the main pane
" and toggle back
nmap <silent> <F8> <Plug>GoldenViewSwitchMain
nmap <silent> <S-F8> <Plug>GoldenViewSwitchToggle
" 3. jump to next and previous window
nmap <silent> <C-N> <Plug>GoldenViewNext
nmap <silent> <C-P> <Plug>GoldenViewPrevious
The meaning of those keys are self-explaining. A general workflow would be
'<Plug>GoldenViewSplit' key to quickly and nicely split windows to the layout
as below. Then you may open your files.
| | | | |
| F | | S1 | T |
| I | +------------| A |
| L | | S2 | G |
| E | MAIN PANE +------------+ B |
| R | | S3 | A |
| | | | R |
| | | | |
To switch 'S1' with 'MAIN PANE', in 'S1' and hit '<Plug>GoldenViewSwitchMain'.
To switch back, hit '<Plug>GoldenViewSwitchToggle' in either 'MAIN PAIN' or
Every experienced vim user has a different set of key mappings. If you you are
(most likely) unhappy about some of the mappings, map you own keys as below:
let g:goldenview__enable_default_mapping = 0
nmap <silent> <MY_KEY> <Plug>GoldenViewSplit
" ... and so on
if you do not want to start auto-resizing automatically, you can put 'let
g:goldenview__enable_at_startup = 0' in your vimrc.
MORE COMMANDS AND MAPPINGS *goldenview-more-commands-and-mappings*
These commands toggle, enable, and disable GoldenView auto-resizing.
this command do manual resizing of focused window.
You can also map a key for this as below:
nmap <silent> <YOUR_KEY> <Plug>GoldenViewResize
these commands do as it named.
You can also add mappings as below. ( no default keys for these mappings)
```vim nmap GoldenViewSwitchWithLargest nmap GoldenViewSwitchWithSmallest
Other switch rules can be easily defined. If you have some ideas, please post
to github issue [5] for discussion.
RULES *goldenview-rules*
GoldenView [1] defines two rules:
is to "ignore" - allow those special buffers to manage their own window size.
is to "restore" - restore window size of some of special buffers.
The 'urule' (user rules) are like this, which will be normalize at runtime for
faster processing.
\ 'filetype' : [
\ '' ,
\ 'qf' , 'vimpager', 'undotree', 'tagbar',
\ 'nerdtree', 'vimshell', 'vimfiler', 'voom' ,
\ 'tabman' , 'unite' , 'quickrun', 'Decho' ,
\ ],
\ 'buftype' : [
\ 'nofile' ,
\ ],
\ 'bufname' : [
\ 'GoToFile' , 'diffpanel_\d\+' ,
\ '__Gundo_Preview__' , '__Gundo__' ,
\ '\[LustyExplorer-Buffers\]' , '\-MiniBufExplorer\-' ,
\ '_VOOM\d\+$' , '__Urannotate_\d\+__' ,
\ '__MRU_Files__' ,
\ ],
PROFILES *goldenview-profiles*
GoldenView [1] defines two profile:
defines the functions and preferences to auto resize windows.
defines reset preferences to restore everything to default.
'function GoldenView#ExtendProfile()' is provided to customize preferences.
For more details, please read the source code! :)
TROUBLESHOOTING: *goldenview-troubleshooting:*
PLEASE DO NOT RESIZE ME! *goldenview-please-do-not-resize-me*
GoldenView [1] maintains rules for "common" cases. But vim offers a great
variety of plugins which defines buffers for special purposes. If you find
some special buffers which is supposed to not be auto-resized. Please check
|g:goldenview__ignore_urule|. You may extend the |g:goldenview__active_profile|
or post the issue to github issue [5] for adding it to builtin support.
MINIBUFEXPL.VIM [6] TAKES 5+ LINES *goldenview-minibufexpl.vim-6-takes-5-lines*
Check my fork minibufexpl.vim [6] to see if it is working for you. I have send
pull request to the origin repo.
I STILL HAVE ISSUES: *goldenview-i-still-have-issues:*
If you have any issues, please post it to github issue [5] for discussion.
CONTRIBUTORS *goldenview-contributors*
RELEASE HISTORY *goldenview-release-history*
Refer to [7]
LICENSE: *goldenview-license:*
Copyright (c) 2013 Zhao Cai <>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see '' [8].
REFERENCES *goldenview-references*
vim: ft=help