from test.vim_test_case import VimTestCase as _VimTest from test.constant import * class TabStopSimpleReplace_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo ${0:End} ${1:Beginning}') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'na' + JF + 'Du Nase' wanted = 'hallo Du Nase na' class TabStopSimpleReplaceZeroLengthTabstops_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r":latex:\`$1\`$0") keys = 'test' + EX + 'Hello' + JF + 'World' wanted = ':latex:`Hello`World' class TabStopSimpleReplaceReversed_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo ${1:End} ${0:Beginning}') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'na' + JF + 'Du Nase' wanted = 'hallo na Du Nase' class TabStopSimpleReplaceSurrounded_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo ${0:End} a small feed') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'Nase' wanted = 'hallo Nase a small feed' class TabStopSimpleReplaceSurrounded1_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo $0 a small feed') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'Nase' wanted = 'hallo Nase a small feed' class TabStop_Exit_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('echo', '$0 run') keys = 'echo' + EX + 'test' wanted = 'test run' class TabStopNoReplace_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('echo', 'echo ${1:Hallo}') keys = 'echo' + EX wanted = 'echo Hallo' class TabStop_EscapingCharsBackticks(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r"snip \` literal") keys = 'test' + EX wanted = 'snip ` literal' class TabStop_EscapingCharsDollars(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r"snip \$0 $$0 end") keys = 'test' + EX + 'hi' wanted = 'snip $0 $hi end' class TabStop_EscapingCharsDollars1(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r"a\${1:literal}") keys = 'test' + EX wanted = 'a${1:literal}' class TabStop_EscapingCharsDollars_BeginningOfLine(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', '\n\\${1:literal}') keys = 'test' + EX wanted = '\n${1:literal}' class TabStop_EscapingCharsDollars_BeginningOfDefinitionText(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', '\\${1:literal}') keys = 'test' + EX wanted = '${1:literal}' class TabStop_EscapingChars_Backslash(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r"This \ is a backslash!") keys = 'test' + EX wanted = 'This \\ is a backslash!' class TabStop_EscapingChars_Backslash2(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r"This is a backslash \\ done") keys = 'test' + EX wanted = r"This is a backslash \ done" class TabStop_EscapingChars_Backslash3(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r"These are two backslashes \\\\ done") keys = 'test' + EX wanted = r"These are two backslashes \\ done" class TabStop_EscapingChars_Backslash4(_VimTest): # Test for bug 746446 snippets = ('test', r"\\$1{$2}") keys = 'test' + EX + 'hello' + JF + 'world' wanted = r"\hello{world}" class TabStop_EscapingChars_RealLife(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', r"usage: \`basename \$0\` ${1:args}") keys = 'test' + EX + '[ -u -v -d ]' wanted = 'usage: `basename $0` [ -u -v -d ]' class TabStopEscapingWhenSelected_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'snip ${1:default}') keys = 'test' + EX + ESC + '0ihi' wanted = 'hisnip default' class TabStopEscapingWhenSelectedSingleCharTS_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'snip ${1:i}') keys = 'test' + EX + ESC + '0ihi' wanted = 'hisnip i' class TabStopEscapingWhenSelectedNoCharTS_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'snip $1') keys = 'test' + EX + ESC + '0ihi' wanted = 'hisnip ' class TabStopWithOneChar_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'nothing ${1:i} hups') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'ship' wanted = 'nothing ship hups' class TabStopTestJumping_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo ${2:End} mitte ${1:Beginning}') keys = 'hallo' + EX + JF + 'Test' + JF + 'Hi' wanted = 'hallo Test mitte BeginningHi' class TabStopTestJumping2_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo $2 $1') keys = 'hallo' + EX + JF + 'Test' + JF + 'Hi' wanted = 'hallo Test Hi' class TabStopTestJumpingRLExampleWithZeroTab_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'each_byte { |${1:byte}| $0 }') keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'Blah' wanted = 'each_byte { |byte| Blah }' class TabStopTestJumpingDontJumpToEndIfThereIsTabZero_ExpectCorrectResult( _VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo $0 $1') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'Test' + JF + 'Hi' + JF + JF + 'du' wanted = 'hallo Hi' + 2 * JF + 'du Test' class TabStopTestBackwardJumping_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo ${2:End} mitte${1:Beginning}') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'Somelengthy Text' + JF + 'Hi' + JB + \ 'Lets replace it again' + JF + 'Blah' + JF + JB * 2 + JF wanted = 'hallo Blah mitteLets replace it again' + JB * 2 + JF class TabStopTestBackwardJumping2_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo $2 $1') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'Somelengthy Text' + JF + 'Hi' + JB + \ 'Lets replace it again' + JF + 'Blah' + JF + JB * 2 + JF wanted = 'hallo Blah Lets replace it again' + JB * 2 + JF class TabStopTestMultilineExpand_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'hallo $0\nnice $1 work\n$3 $2\nSeem to work') keys = 'test hallo World' + ESC + '02f i' + EX + 'world' + JF + 'try' + \ JF + 'test' + JF + 'one more' + JF wanted = 'test hallo one more' + JF + '\nnice world work\n' \ 'test try\nSeem to work World' class TabStop_TSInDefaultTextRLExample_OverwriteNone_ECR(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """<div${1: id="${2:some_id}"}>\n $0\n</div>""") keys = 'test' + EX wanted = """<div id="some_id">\n \n</div>""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultTextRLExample_OverwriteFirst_NoJumpBack(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """<div${1: id="${2:some_id}"}>\n $0\n</div>""") keys = 'test' + EX + ' blah' + JF + 'Hallo' wanted = """<div blah>\n Hallo\n</div>""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultTextRLExample_DeleteFirst(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """<div${1: id="${2:some_id}"}>\n $0\n</div>""") keys = 'test' + EX + BS + JF + 'Hallo' wanted = """<div>\n Hallo\n</div>""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultTextRLExample_OverwriteFirstJumpBack(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """<div${1: id="${2:some_id}"}>\n $3 $0\n</div>""") keys = 'test' + EX + 'Hi' + JF + 'Hallo' + JB + 'SomethingElse' + JF + \ 'Nupl' + JF + 'Nox' wanted = """<divSomethingElse>\n Nupl Nox\n</div>""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultTextRLExample_OverwriteSecond(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """<div${1: id="${2:some_id}"}>\n $0\n</div>""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'no' + JF + 'End' wanted = """<div id="no">\n End\n</div>""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultTextRLExample_OverwriteSecondTabBack(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """<div${1: id="${2:some_id}"}>\n $3 $0\n</div>""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'no' + JF + 'End' + JB + 'yes' + JF + 'Begin' \ + JF + 'Hi' wanted = """<div id="yes">\n Begin Hi\n</div>""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultTextRLExample_OverwriteSecondTabBackTwice(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """<div${1: id="${2:some_id}"}>\n $3 $0\n</div>""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'no' + JF + 'End' + JB + 'yes' + JB + \ ' allaway' + JF + 'Third' + JF + 'Last' wanted = """<div allaway>\n Third Last\n</div>""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultText_ZeroLengthNested_OverwriteSecond(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """h${1:a$2b}l""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'ups' + JF + 'End' wanted = """haupsblEnd""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultText_ZeroLengthZerothTabstop(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """Test: ${1:snippet start\nNested tabstop: $0\nsnippet end}\nTrailing text""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'hello' wanted = "Test: snippet start\nNested tabstop: hello\nsnippet end\nTrailing text" class TabStop_TSInDefaultText_ZeroLengthZerothTabstop_Override(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """Test: ${1:snippet start\nNested tabstop: $0\nsnippet end}\nTrailing text""") keys = 'test' + EX + 'blub' + JF + 'hello' wanted = "Test: blub\nTrailing texthello" class TabStop_TSInDefaultText_ZeroLengthNested_OverwriteFirst(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', """h${1:a$2b}l""") keys = 'test' + EX + 'ups' + JF + 'End' wanted = """hupslEnd""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultText_ZeroLengthNested_OverwriteSecondJumpBackOverwrite( _VimTest): snippets = ('test', """h${1:a$2b}l""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'longertext' + JB + 'overwrite' + JF + 'End' wanted = """hoverwritelEnd""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultText_ZeroLengthNested_OverwriteSecondJumpBackAndForward0( _VimTest): snippets = ('test', """h${1:a$2b}l""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'longertext' + JB + JF + 'overwrite' + JF + 'End' wanted = """haoverwriteblEnd""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultText_ZeroLengthNested_OverwriteSecondJumpBackAndForward1( _VimTest): snippets = ('test', """h${1:a$2b}l""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'longertext' + JB + JF + JF + 'End' wanted = """halongertextblEnd""" class TabStop_TSInDefaultNested_OverwriteOneJumpBackToOther(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:this ${2:second ${3:third}}} $4') keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'Hallo' + JF + 'Ende' wanted = 'hi this Hallo Ende' class TabStop_TSInDefaultNested_OverwriteOneJumpToThird(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:this ${2:second ${3:third}}} $4') keys = 'test' + EX + JF + JF + 'Hallo' + JF + 'Ende' wanted = 'hi this second Hallo Ende' class TabStop_TSInDefaultNested_OverwriteOneJumpAround(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:this ${2:second ${3:third}}} $4') keys = 'test' + EX + JF + JF + 'Hallo' + JB + JB + 'Blah' + JF + 'Ende' wanted = 'hi Blah Ende' class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_DoNothing(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:this ${2:second}} $2') keys = 'test' + EX wanted = 'hi this second second' class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_OverwriteSecond(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:this ${2:second}} $2') keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'Hallo' wanted = 'hi this Hallo Hallo' class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_Overwrite0(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:this ${2:second}} $2') keys = 'test' + EX + 'Hallo' wanted = 'hi Hallo ' class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_Overwrite1(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', "$1: ${1:'${2:second}'} $2") keys = 'test' + EX + 'Hallo' wanted = 'Hallo: Hallo ' class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_OverwriteSecond1(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', "$1: ${1:'${2:second}'} $2") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'Hallo' wanted = "'Hallo': 'Hallo' Hallo" class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_OverwriteFirstSwitchNumbers(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', "$2: ${2:'${1:second}'} $1") keys = 'test' + EX + 'Hallo' wanted = "'Hallo': 'Hallo' Hallo" class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_OverwriteFirst_RLExample(_VimTest): snippets = ( 'test', """`!p snip.rv = t[1].split('/')[-1].lower().strip("'")` = require(${1:'${2:sys}'})""") keys = 'test' + EX + 'WORLD' + JF + 'End' wanted = 'world = require(WORLD)End' class TabStop_TSInDefault_MirrorsOutside_OverwriteSecond_RLExample(_VimTest): snippets = ( 'test', """`!p snip.rv = t[1].split('/')[-1].lower().strip("'")` = require(${1:'${2:sys}'})""") keys = 'test' + EX + JF + 'WORLD' + JF + 'End' wanted = "world = require('WORLD')End" class TabStop_Multiline_Leave(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:first line\nsecond line} world') keys = 'test' + EX wanted = 'hi first line\nsecond line world' class TabStop_Multiline_Overwrite(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi ${1:first line\nsecond line} world') keys = 'test' + EX + 'Nothing' wanted = 'hi Nothing world' class TabStop_Multiline_MirrorInFront_Leave(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi $1 ${1:first line\nsecond line} world') keys = 'test' + EX wanted = 'hi first line\nsecond line first line\nsecond line world' class TabStop_Multiline_MirrorInFront_Overwrite(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi $1 ${1:first line\nsecond line} world') keys = 'test' + EX + 'Nothing' wanted = 'hi Nothing Nothing world' class TabStop_Multiline_DelFirstOverwriteSecond_Overwrite(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 'hi $1 $2 ${1:first line\nsecond line} ${2:Hi} world') keys = 'test' + EX + BS + JF + 'Nothing' wanted = 'hi Nothing Nothing world' class TabStopNavigatingInInsertModeSimple_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('hallo', 'Hallo ${1:WELT} ups') keys = 'hallo' + EX + 'haselnut' + 2 * ARR_L + 'hips' + JF + 'end' wanted = 'Hallo haselnhipsut upsend' class TabStop_CROnlyOnSelectedNear(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', 't$1t${2: }t{\n\t$0\n}') keys = 'test' + EX + JF + '\n' + JF + 't' wanted = 'tt\nt{\n\tt\n}' class TabStop_AdjacentTabStopAddText_ExpectCorrectResult(_VimTest): snippets = ('test', '[ $1$2 ] $1') keys = 'test' + EX + 'Hello' + JF + 'World' + JF wanted = '[ HelloWorld ] Hello' class TabStop_KeepCorrectJumpListOnOverwriteOfPartOfSnippet(_VimTest): files = { 'us/all.snippets': r""" snippet i ia$1: $2 endsnippet snippet ia ia($1, $2) endsnippet"""} keys = 'i' + EX + EX + '1' + JF + '2' + JF + ' after' + JF + '3' wanted = 'ia(1, 2) after: 3' class TabStop_KeepCorrectJumpListOnOverwriteOfPartOfSnippetRE(_VimTest): files = { 'us/all.snippets': r""" snippet i ia$1: $2 endsnippet snippet "^ia" "regexp" r ia($1, $2) endsnippet"""} keys = 'i' + EX + EX + '1' + JF + '2' + JF + ' after' + JF + '3' wanted = 'ia(1, 2) after: 3'