"============================================================================== " region utils "============================================================================== " deleteContent : delete content in region " if region make from between '<foo>' and '</foo>' " -------------------- " begin:<foo> " </foo>:end " -------------------- " this function make the content as following " -------------------- " begin::end " -------------------- function! emmet#util#deleteContent(region) abort let lines = getline(a:region[0][0], a:region[1][0]) call setpos('.', [0, a:region[0][0], a:region[0][1], 0]) silent! exe 'delete '.(a:region[1][0] - a:region[0][0]) call setline(line('.'), lines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2] . lines[-1][a:region[1][1]]) endfunction " change_content : change content in region " if region make from between '<foo>' and '</foo>' " -------------------- " begin:<foo> " </foo>:end " -------------------- " and content is " -------------------- " foo " bar " baz " -------------------- " this function make the content as following " -------------------- " begin:foo " bar " baz:end " -------------------- function! emmet#util#setContent(region, content) abort let newlines = split(a:content, '\n', 1) let oldlines = getline(a:region[0][0], a:region[1][0]) call setpos('.', [0, a:region[0][0], a:region[0][1], 0]) silent! exe 'delete '.(a:region[1][0] - a:region[0][0]) if len(newlines) == 0 let tmp = '' if a:region[0][1] > 1 let tmp = oldlines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2] endif if a:region[1][1] >= 1 let tmp .= oldlines[-1][a:region[1][1]:] endif call setline(line('.'), tmp) elseif len(newlines) == 1 if a:region[0][1] > 1 let newlines[0] = oldlines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2] . newlines[0] endif if a:region[1][1] >= 1 let newlines[0] .= oldlines[-1][a:region[1][1]:] endif call setline(line('.'), newlines[0]) else if a:region[0][1] > 1 let newlines[0] = oldlines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2] . newlines[0] endif if a:region[1][1] >= 1 let newlines[-1] .= oldlines[-1][a:region[1][1]:] endif call setline(line('.'), newlines[0]) call append(line('.'), newlines[1:]) endif endfunction " select_region : select region " this function make a selection of region function! emmet#util#selectRegion(region) abort call setpos('.', [0, a:region[1][0], a:region[1][1], 0]) normal! v call setpos('.', [0, a:region[0][0], a:region[0][1], 0]) endfunction " point_in_region : check point is in the region " this function return 0 or 1 function! emmet#util#pointInRegion(point, region) abort if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:region) | return 0 | endif if a:region[0][0] > a:point[0] | return 0 | endif if a:region[1][0] < a:point[0] | return 0 | endif if a:region[0][0] == a:point[0] && a:region[0][1] > a:point[1] | return 0 | endif if a:region[1][0] == a:point[0] && a:region[1][1] < a:point[1] | return 0 | endif return 1 endfunction " cursor_in_region : check cursor is in the region " this function return 0 or 1 function! emmet#util#cursorInRegion(region) abort if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:region) | return 0 | endif let cur = emmet#util#getcurpos()[1:2] return emmet#util#pointInRegion(cur, a:region) endfunction " region_is_valid : check region is valid " this function return 0 or 1 function! emmet#util#regionIsValid(region) abort if a:region[0][0] == 0 || a:region[1][0] == 0 | return 0 | endif return 1 endfunction " search_region : make region from pattern which is composing start/end " this function return array of position function! emmet#util#searchRegion(start, end) abort let b = searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end, 'bcnW') if b == [0, 0] return [searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end, 'bnW'), searchpairpos(a:start, '\%#', a:end, 'nW')] else return [b, searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end. '', 'nW')] endif endfunction " get_content : get content in region " this function return string in region function! emmet#util#getContent(region) abort if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:region) return '' endif let lines = getline(a:region[0][0], a:region[1][0]) if a:region[0][0] == a:region[1][0] let lines[0] = lines[0][a:region[0][1]-1:a:region[1][1]-1] else let lines[0] = lines[0][a:region[0][1]-1:] let lines[-1] = lines[-1][:a:region[1][1]-1] endif return join(lines, "\n") endfunction " region_in_region : check region is in the region " this function return 0 or 1 function! emmet#util#regionInRegion(outer, inner) abort if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:inner) || !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:outer) return 0 endif return emmet#util#pointInRegion(a:inner[0], a:outer) && emmet#util#pointInRegion(a:inner[1], a:outer) endfunction " get_visualblock : get region of visual block " this function return region of visual block function! emmet#util#getVisualBlock() abort return [[line("'<"), col("'<")], [line("'>"), col("'>")]] endfunction "============================================================================== " html utils "============================================================================== function! emmet#util#getContentFromURL(url) abort let res = system(printf('%s -i %s', g:emmet_curl_command, shellescape(substitute(a:url, '#.*', '', '')))) while res =~# '^HTTP/1.\d 3' || res =~# '^HTTP/1\.\d 200 Connection established' || res =~# '^HTTP/1\.\d 100 Continue' let pos = stridx(res, "\r\n\r\n") if pos != -1 let res = strpart(res, pos+4) else let pos = stridx(res, "\n\n") let res = strpart(res, pos+2) endif endwhile let pos = stridx(res, "\r\n\r\n") if pos != -1 let content = strpart(res, pos+4) else let pos = stridx(res, "\n\n") let content = strpart(res, pos+2) endif let header = res[:pos-1] let charset = matchstr(content, '<meta[^>]\+content=["''][^;"'']\+;\s*charset=\zs[^;"'']\+\ze["''][^>]*>') if len(charset) == 0 let charset = matchstr(content, '<meta\s\+charset=["'']\?\zs[^"'']\+\ze["'']\?[^>]*>') endif if len(charset) == 0 let charset = matchstr(header, '\nContent-Type:.* charset=[''"]\?\zs[^''";\n]\+\ze') endif if len(charset) == 0 let s1 = len(split(content, '?')) let utf8 = iconv(content, 'utf-8', &encoding) let s2 = len(split(utf8, '?')) return (s2 == s1 || s2 >= s1 * 2) ? utf8 : content endif return iconv(content, charset, &encoding) endfunction function! emmet#util#getTextFromHTML(buf) abort let threshold_len = 100 let threshold_per = 0.1 let buf = a:buf let buf = strpart(buf, stridx(buf, '</head>')) let buf = substitute(buf, '<style[^>]*>.\{-}</style>', '', 'g') let buf = substitute(buf, '<script[^>]*>.\{-}</script>', '', 'g') let res = '' let max = 0 let mx = '\(<td[^>]\{-}>\)\|\(<\/td>\)\|\(<div[^>]\{-}>\)\|\(<\/div>\)' let m = split(buf, mx) for str in m let c = split(str, '<[^>]*?>') let str = substitute(str, '<[^>]\{-}>', ' ', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '>', '>', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '<', '<', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '"', '"', 'g') let str = substitute(str, ''', '''', 'g') let str = substitute(str, ' ', ' ', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '¥', '\¥', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '&', '\&', 'g') let str = substitute(str, '^\s*\(.*\)\s*$', '\1', '') let str = substitute(str, '\s\+', ' ', 'g') let l = len(str) if l > threshold_len let per = (l+0.0) / len(c) if max < l && per > threshold_per let max = l let res = str endif endif endfor let res = substitute(res, '^\s*\(.*\)\s*$', '\1', 'g') return res endfunction function! emmet#util#getImageSize(fn) abort let fn = a:fn if emmet#util#isImageMagickInstalled() return emmet#util#imageSizeWithImageMagick(fn) endif if filereadable(fn) let hex = substitute(system('xxd -p "'.fn.'"'), '\n', '', 'g') else if fn !~# '^\w\+://' let path = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:gs?\\?/?') if has('win32') || has('win64') | let path = tolower(path) endif for k in keys(g:emmet_docroot) let root = fnamemodify(k, ':p:gs?\\?/?') if has('win32') || has('win64') | let root = tolower(root) endif if stridx(path, root) == 0 let v = g:emmet_docroot[k] let fn = (len(v) == 0 ? k : v) . fn break endif endfor endif let hex = substitute(system(g:emmet_curl_command.' "'.fn.'" | xxd -p'), '\n', '', 'g') endif let [width, height] = [-1, -1] if hex =~# '^89504e470d0a1a0a' let width = eval('0x'.hex[32:39]) let height = eval('0x'.hex[40:47]) endif if hex =~# '^ffd8' let pos = 4 while pos < len(hex) let bs = hex[pos+0:pos+3] let pos += 4 if bs ==# 'ffc0' || bs ==# 'ffc2' let pos += 6 let height = eval('0x'.hex[pos+0:pos+1])*256 + eval('0x'.hex[pos+2:pos+3]) let pos += 4 let width = eval('0x'.hex[pos+0:pos+1])*256 + eval('0x'.hex[pos+2:pos+3]) break elseif bs =~# 'ffd[9a]' break elseif bs =~# 'ff\(e[0-9a-e]\|fe\|db\|dd\|c4\)' let pos += (eval('0x'.hex[pos+0:pos+1])*256 + eval('0x'.hex[pos+2:pos+3])) * 2 endif endwhile endif if hex =~# '^47494638' let width = eval('0x'.hex[14:15].hex[12:13]) let height = eval('0x'.hex[18:19].hex[16:17]) endif return [width, height] endfunction function! emmet#util#imageSizeWithImageMagick(fn) abort let img_info = system('identify -format "%wx%h" "'.a:fn.'"') let img_size = split(substitute(img_info, '\n', '', ''), 'x') if len(img_size) != 2 return [-1, -1] endif return img_size endfunction function! emmet#util#isImageMagickInstalled() abort if !get(g:, 'emmet_use_identify', 1) return 0 endif return executable('identify') endfunction function! emmet#util#unique(arr) abort let m = {} let r = [] for i in a:arr if !has_key(m, i) let m[i] = 1 call add(r, i) endif endfor return r endfunction let s:seed = localtime() function! emmet#util#srand(seed) abort let s:seed = a:seed endfunction function! emmet#util#rand() abort let s:seed = s:seed * 214013 + 2531011 return (s:seed < 0 ? s:seed - 0x80000000 : s:seed) / 0x10000 % 0x8000 endfunction function! emmet#util#cache(name, ...) abort let content = get(a:000, 0, '') let dir = expand('~/.emmet/cache') if !isdirectory(dir) call mkdir(dir, 'p', 0700) endif let file = dir . '/' . substitute(a:name, '\W', '_', 'g') if len(content) == 0 if !filereadable(file) return '' endif return join(readfile(file), "\n") endif call writefile(split(content, "\n"), file) endfunction function! emmet#util#getcurpos() abort let pos = getpos('.') if mode(0) ==# 'i' && pos[2] > 0 let pos[2] -=1 endif return pos endfunction function! emmet#util#closePopup() abort return pumvisible() ? "\<c-e>" : '' endfunction