script_name: Emmet.vim script_id: '2981' script_type: utility script_package: script_version: '0.86' required_vim_version: '7.0' summary: vim plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding. detailed_description: | This is vim script support expanding abbreviation like emmet. ref: There is a movie using emmet.vim ref: Source Repository. ref: Type abbreviation +------------------------------------- | html:5_ +------------------------------------- "_" is a cursor position. and type "," (Ctrl + y and Comma) NOTE: Don't worry about key map. you can change it easily. +------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | _ | | +------------------------------------- Type following +------------------------------------- | div#foo$*2> +------------------------------------- And type "," +------------------------------------- |
| _ +------------------------------------- Tutorial: How work this: Tips: You can customize behavior of expanding with overriding config. This configuration will be merged at loading plugin. let g:user_emmet_settings = { \ 'indentation' : ' ', \ 'perl' : { \ 'aliases' : { \ 'req' : 'require ' \ }, \ 'snippets' : { \ 'use' : "use strict\nuse warnings\n\n", \ 'warn' : "warn \"|\";", \ } \ } \} let g:user_emmet_expandabbr_key = '' let g:use_emmet_complete_tag = 1 You can set language attribute in html using emmet_settings['lang']. install_details: | # cd ~/.vim # unzip or if you install pathogen.vim: # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory # unzip /path/to/ if you get sources from repository: # cd ~/.vim/bundle # or make directory # git clone versions: - '0.86': | This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes. - '0.85': | This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes. - '0.84': | This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes. fix bug that interpose insert completion plugins. - '0.83': | This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: lot of bug fixes. - '0.82': | This is an upgrade for Emmet.vim: many bug fixes. - '0.81': | Release of Emmet.vim: renamed from ZenCoding.vim. - '0.80': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: add emmet features. - '0.74': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: many bug fixes. - '0.73': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: many bug fixes. and support slim format (experimental). - '0.72': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fix finding tokens. - '0.71': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fix finding begin of tokens. - '0.70': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [mod] Changed behavior of expanding. "div div>a|" should keep first div element. [add] Supported slim formatter. - '0.60': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fixed expanding {{}}. - '0.59': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fixed toggleComment and mny bugs. - '0.58': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fixed 'foo+' style expandos. - '0.57': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fixed expandos that don't work 'choose' in xsl. - '0.56': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fixed contents parser. - '0.55': | uploaded again: sorry, files was old. - '0.54': | [add] support sass, xsd. [fix] expanding with html tag. uploaded again: sorry, fileformat was DOS. - '0.53': | [fix] gif width/height was swapped. - '0.52': | [fix] broken wrap expanding. - '0.51': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] wrap expanding with '&'. [fix] expand .content to class="content". [fix] haml expanding. [fix] bg+ snippet - '0.50': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] fixed parsing '#{{foo}}' and '.{{bar}}'. - '0.49': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [doc] add help manual. - '0.48': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [fix] install mappings to global. - '0.47': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [drastic changes] enable autoload. you should whole replace older files. package was empty. upload again. - '0.46': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: [drastic changes] enable autoload. you should whole replace older files. - '0.45': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed attribute parsing like: a[href="hello', world" rel]. - '0.44': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed checking whether have mapping using maparg() / hasmapto(). - '0.43': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed behavior for nested block. like "html:5>#page>(header#globalHeader>(hgroup>h1+h2)+(nav>ul>li*3>a)+(form>p.siteSearch>input+input[type=button]))+(#contents>(#main>(section>h2+p*5)+p.pagetop>a[href=#page])+(#sub>p+(nav>ul>li>a)))+(footer#globalFoooter>(ul>li>a)+(p.copyright>small))" - '0.42': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed select/option indent. - '0.41': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed default filter. when using 'e' filter, output become empty. - '0.40': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: add the pure vimscript code for 'get image size'. you can use it without perl interface just now. change key assign of ZenCodingExpandWord from ',' to ';'. it don't effect to most users. - '0.39': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem about 'selection'. see - '0.38': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: use v7h"_s instead of v7hs for backspace. - '0.37': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem that won't working with some 'backspace' options. - '0.36': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem that filter does not work. - '0.35': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: enable zencoding for other languages. (meaning php also) - '0.34': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: enable zencoding for xsl. (you should add ~/.vim/ftplugin/xslt/zencoding.vim) - '0.33': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem breaking multibyte when cursor is in a part of line. enabled zencoding for javascript in html. - '0.32': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed indentation. supported extends so that you can enable zencoding for php/xhtml/haml other's section 14 in - '0.31': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed indentation and $$$ problem. fixed about missing support multiple classes. - '0.30': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: Fixed key assign. - '0.29': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: Changed leading key to '' from ''. - '0.28': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: supported 'Balance Tag Inward/Outward', 'Go to Next/Previous Edit Point', 'Update Size', 'Remove Tag', 'Split/Join Tag', 'Toggle Comment' - '0.27': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem that can't work on the part of multibyte characters. fixed inline elements behavior. - '0.26': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: The count of '(((a#foo + a#bar)*2)*3)' should be 12. - '0.25': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: store undo before working. good luck about 'table>(tr>td*3)*4'. - '0.24': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed behavior of parsing area of visual selection. - '0.23': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: pre-expand '#header>li<#content' to 'div#header>lili'. fix undo ring. support visual selection. when type trigger key on visual select, it request you leader like 'ul>li'. if you give 'ul>li*' as leader, you'll get each separate 'ul>li' tags. and when you give 'blockquote' as leader, you'll get blocked text. - '0.21': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: treat xhtml as html. - '0.20': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: add option use_zen_complete_tag for complete abbr. - '0.19': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem that couldn't expand 'link:css' correctly. - '0.18': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: ignore duplicate key map. - '0.17': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed key map. - '0.16': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem 'endless loop'. - '0.15': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: set default filetype to 'html'. - '0.14': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed tag name like 'fs:n' in 'css'. - '0.14': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: indentation for each languages. - '0.13': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: user key map. - '0.12': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: few extensive notation. - '0.11': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed indent. - '0.10': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed behavior of '+' operator - '0.9': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed single line behavior - '0.8': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: support 'a[href=]{Google}' - '0.7': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed behavior in 'a+b'. - '0.6': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed strange behavior about 'b_'. - '0.5': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: recover rest part in line. - '0.4': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed cursor position. fixed ${lang} replacement. - '0.3': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed line expanding. - '0.2': | This is an upgrade for ZenCoding.vim: fixed problem that moving cursor with expanding. - '0.1': | Initial upload # __END__ # vim: filetype=yaml