scriptencoding utf-8 " LICENCE PUBLIQUE RIEN À BRANLER " Version 1, Mars 2009 " " Copyright (C) 2009 Sam Hocevar " 14 rue de Plaisance, 75014 Paris, France " " La copie et la distribution de copies exactes de cette licence sont " autorisées, et toute modification est permise à condition de changer " le nom de la licence. " " CONDITIONS DE COPIE, DISTRIBUTON ET MODIFICATION " DE LA LICENCE PUBLIQUE RIEN À BRANLER " " 0. Faites ce que vous voulez, j’en ai RIEN À BRANLER. if exists('g:loaded_fastfold') || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_fastfold = 1 let s:keepcpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if !exists('g:fastfold_fdmhook') | let g:fastfold_fdmhook = 0 | endif if !exists('g:fastfold_savehook') | let g:fastfold_savehook = 1 | endif if !exists('g:fastfold_fold_command_suffixes') let g:fastfold_fold_command_suffixes = ['x','X','a','A','o','O','c','C'] endif if !exists('g:fastfold_fold_movement_commands') let g:fastfold_fold_movement_commands = [']z', '[z', 'zj', 'zk'] endif if !exists('g:fastfold_skip_filetypes') | let g:fastfold_skip_filetypes = [] | endif function! s:EnterWin() if exists('w:unchanged') unlet w:unchanged elseif s:Skip() if exists('w:lastfdm') unlet w:lastfdm endif else let w:lastfdm = &l:foldmethod setlocal foldmethod=manual endif endfunction function! s:LeaveWin() if exists('w:predifffdm') if empty(&l:foldmethod) || &l:foldmethod is# 'manual' let &l:foldmethod = w:predifffdm unlet w:predifffdm return elseif &l:foldmethod isnot# 'diff' unlet w:predifffdm endif endif if exists('w:lastfdm') && &l:foldmethod is# 'diff' let w:predifffdm = w:lastfdm endif if exists('w:lastfdm') && &l:foldmethod is# 'manual' if !exists('b:last_changedtick') || b:changedtick > b:last_changedtick let &l:foldmethod = w:lastfdm let b:last_changedtick = b:changedtick else let w:unchanged = 1 endif endif endfunction " Like windo but restore the current buffer. " See function! s:WinDo( command ) " avoid errors in CmdWin if exists('*getcmdwintype') && !empty(getcmdwintype()) return endif " Work around Vim bug. " See!topic/vim_dev/LLTw8JV6wKg let curaltwin = winnr('#') ? winnr('#') : 1 let currwin=winnr() if &scrollopt =~# '\' set scrollopt-=jump let l:restore = 'set scrollopt+=jump' endif silent! execute 'keepjumps noautocmd windo ' . a:command silent! execute 'noautocmd ' . curaltwin . 'wincmd w' silent! execute 'noautocmd ' . currwin . 'wincmd w' if exists('l:restore') exe l:restore endif endfunction " WinEnter then TabEnter then BufEnter then BufWinEnter function! s:UpdateWin(check) " skip if another session still loading if a:check && exists('g:SessionLoad') | return | endif let s:curwin = winnr() call s:WinDo('if winnr() is s:curwin | call s:LeaveWin() | endif') call s:WinDo('if winnr() is s:curwin | call s:EnterWin() | endif') endfunction function! s:UpdateBuf(feedback) let s:curbuf = bufnr('%') call s:WinDo("if bufnr('%') is s:curbuf | call s:LeaveWin() | endif") call s:WinDo("if bufnr('%') is s:curbuf | call s:EnterWin() | endif") if !a:feedback | return | endif if !exists('w:lastfdm') echomsg "'" . &l:foldmethod . "' folds already continuously updated" else echomsg "updated '" . w:lastfdm . "' folds" endif endfunction function! s:UpdateTab() " skip if another session still loading if exists('g:SessionLoad') | return | endif call s:WinDo('call s:LeaveWin()') call s:WinDo('call s:EnterWin()') endfunction function! s:Skip() if !s:isReasonable() | return 1 | endif if !&l:modifiable | return 1 | endif if s:inSkipList() | return 1 | endif return 0 endfunction function! s:isReasonable() if &l:foldmethod is# 'syntax' || &l:foldmethod is# 'expr' return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction function! s:inSkipList() for ifiles in g:fastfold_skip_filetypes if index(g:fastfold_skip_filetypes, &l:filetype) >= 0 return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction command! -bar -bang FastFoldUpdate call s:UpdateBuf(0) nnoremap (FastFoldUpdate) :FastFoldUpdate! if !hasmapto('(FastFoldUpdate)', 'n') && empty(mapcheck('zuz', 'n')) nmap zuz (FastFoldUpdate) endif for suffix in g:fastfold_fold_command_suffixes execute 'nnoremap z'.suffix.' :call UpdateWin(0)z'.suffix endfor for cmd in g:fastfold_fold_movement_commands exe "nnoremap " . cmd. " ':call UpdateWin(0)'.v:count." . "'".cmd."'" exe "xnoremap " . cmd. " ':call UpdateWin(0)gv'.v:count." . "'".cmd."'" exe "onoremap " . cmd. " ':call UpdateWin(0)' . '\"' . v:register . v:operator . v:count1 . " . "'".cmd."'" endfor augroup FastFold autocmd! autocmd VimEnter * call s:init() autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter * \ if !exists('b:last_changedtick') | let b:last_changedtick = b:changedtick | endif augroup end function! s:init() call s:UpdateTab() augroup FastFoldEnter autocmd! " Make &l:foldmethod local to Buffer and NOT Window. autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter * \ if exists('b:lastfdm') | let w:lastfdm = b:lastfdm | call s:LeaveWin() | call s:EnterWin() | endif autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave * \ call s:LeaveWin() | call s:EnterWin() | \ if exists('w:lastfdm') | let b:lastfdm = w:lastfdm | \ elseif exists('b:lastfdm') | unlet b:lastfdm | endif autocmd BufEnter,WinEnter * \ if &l:foldmethod isnot# 'diff' && exists('b:predifffdm') | call s:UpdateBuf(0) | endif autocmd BufLeave,WinLeave * \ if exists('w:predifffdm') | let b:predifffdm = w:predifffdm | \ elseif exists('b:predifffdm') | unlet b:predifffdm | endif " UpdateBuf/Win(1) = skip if another session is still loading. autocmd TabEnter * call s:UpdateTab() " BufWinEnter = to change &l:foldmethod by modelines. autocmd BufWinEnter,FileType * call s:UpdateWin(1) " So that FastFold functions correctly after :loadview. autocmd SessionLoadPost * call s:UpdateWin(0) " Update folds on reload. autocmd BufReadPost * \ if !exists('b:already_loaded') | let b:already_loaded = 1 | \ else | call s:UpdateBuf(0) | endif " Update folds on saving. if g:fastfold_savehook autocmd BufWritePost * call s:UpdateBuf(0) endif if g:fastfold_fdmhook if exists('##OptionSet') autocmd OptionSet foldmethod call s:UpdateBuf(0) endif endif augroup end endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ let &cpo= s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo