import logging import os import re import sys import time from deoplete.util import getlines sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(__file__)) # noqa: E261 from deoplete_jedi import cache, profiler, utils, worker from .base import Base def sort_key(item): w = item.get('name') z = len(w) - len(w.lstrip('_')) return (('z' * z) + w.lower()[z:], len(w)) class Source(Base): def __init__(self, vim): Base.__init__(self, vim) = 'jedi' self.mark = '[jedi]' self.rank = 500 self.filetypes = ['python', 'cython', 'pyrex'] self.input_pattern = (r'[\w\)\]\}\'\"]+\.\w*$|' r'^\s*@\w*$|' r'^\s*from\s+[\w\.]*(?:\s+import\s+(?:\w*(?:,\s*)?)*)?|' r'^\s*import\s+(?:[\w\.]*(?:,\s*)?)*') self._async_keys = set() self.workers_started = False def on_init(self, context): vars = context['vars'] self.statement_length = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#statement_length', 0) self.server_timeout = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#server_timeout', 10) self.use_short_types = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#short_types', False) self.show_docstring = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#show_docstring', False) self.debug_server = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#debug_server', None) # Only one worker is really needed since deoplete-jedi has a pretty # aggressive cache. # Two workers may be needed if working with very large source files. self.worker_threads = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#worker_threads', 2) # Hard coded python interpreter location self.python_path = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#python_path', '') self.extra_path = vars.get( 'deoplete#sources#jedi#extra_path', []) self.boilerplate = [] # Completions that are included in all results log_file = '' root_log = logging.getLogger('deoplete') if self.debug_server: self.is_debug_enabled = True if isinstance(self.debug_server, str): log_file = self.debug_server else: for handler in root_log.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.FileHandler): log_file = handler.baseFilename break if not self.is_debug_enabled: child_log = root_log.getChild('jedi') child_log.propagate = False if not self.workers_started: if self.python_path and 'VIRTUAL_ENV' not in os.environ: cache.python_path = self.python_path worker.start(max(1, self.worker_threads), self.statement_length, self.server_timeout, self.use_short_types, self.show_docstring, (log_file, root_log.level), self.python_path) cache.start_background(worker.comp_queue) self.workers_started = True def get_complete_position(self, context): pattern = r'\w*$' if context['input'].lstrip().startswith(('from ', 'import ')): m ='[,\s]$', context['input']) if m: return m.end() m =, context['input']) return m.start() if m else -1 def mix_boilerplate(self, completions): seen = set() for item in self.boilerplate + completions: if item['name'] in seen: continue seen.add(item['name']) yield item def finalize(self, item): abbr = item['name'] if self.show_docstring: desc = item['doc'] else: desc = '' if item['params'] is not None: sig = '{}({})'.format(item['name'], ', '.join(item['params'])) sig_len = len(sig) desc = sig + '\n\n' + desc if self.statement_length > 0 and sig_len > self.statement_length: params = [] length = len(item['name']) + 2 for p in item['params']: p = p.split('=', 1)[0] length += len(p) params.append(p) length += 2 * (len(params) - 1) # +5 for the ellipsis and separator while length + 5 > self.statement_length and len(params): length -= len(params[-1]) + 2 params = params[:-1] if len(item['params']) > len(params): params.append('...') sig = '{}({})'.format(item['name'], ', '.join(params)) abbr = sig if self.use_short_types: kind = item['short_type'] or item['type'] else: kind = item['type'] return { 'word': item['name'], 'abbr': abbr, 'kind': kind, 'info': desc.strip(), 'menu': '[jedi] ', 'dup': 1, } def finalize_cached(self, cache_key, filters, cached): if cached: if cached.completions is None: out = self.mix_boilerplate([]) elif cache_key[-1] == 'vars': out = self.mix_boilerplate(cached.completions) else: out = cached.completions if filters: out = (x for x in out if x['type'] in filters) return [self.finalize(x) for x in sorted(out, key=sort_key)] return [] @profiler.profile def gather_candidates(self, context): refresh_boilerplate = False if not self.boilerplate: bp = cache.retrieve(('boilerplate~',)) if bp: self.boilerplate = bp.completions[:] refresh_boilerplate = True else: # This should be the first time any completion happened, so # `wait` will be True. worker.work_queue.put((('boilerplate~',), [], '', 1, 0, '', None)) line = context['position'][1] col = context['complete_position'] buf = self.vim.current.buffer src = getlines(self.vim) extra_modules = [] cache_key = None cached = None refresh = True wait = False # Inclusion filters for the results filters = [] if re.match('^\s*(from|import)\s+', context['input']) \ and not re.match('^\s*from\s+\S+\s+', context['input']): # If starting an import, only show module results filters.append('module') cache_key, extra_modules = cache.cache_context(, context, src, self.extra_path) cached = cache.retrieve(cache_key) if cached and not cached.refresh: modules = cached.modules if all([filename in modules for filename in extra_modules]) \ and all([utils.file_mtime(filename) == mtime for filename, mtime in modules.items()]): # The cache is still valid refresh = False if cache_key and (cache_key[-1] in ('dot', 'vars', 'import', 'import~') or (cached and cache_key[-1] == 'package' and not len(cached.modules))): # Always refresh scoped variables and module imports. Additionally # refresh cached items that did not have associated module files. refresh = True # Extra options to pass to the server. options = { 'cwd': context.get('cwd'), 'extra_path': self.extra_path, 'runtimepath': context.get('runtimepath'), } if (not cached or refresh) and cache_key and cache_key[-1] == 'package': # Create a synthetic completion for a module import as a fallback. synthetic_src = ['import {0}; {0}.'.format(cache_key[0])] options.update({ 'synthetic': { 'src': synthetic_src, 'line': 1, 'col': len(synthetic_src[0]), } }) if not cached: wait = True # Note: This waits a very short amount of time to give the server or # cache a chance to reply. If there's no reply during this period, # empty results are returned and we defer to deoplete's async refresh. # The current requests's async status is tracked in `_async_keys`. # If the async cache result is older than 5 seconds, the completion # request goes back to the default behavior of attempting to refresh as # needed by the `refresh` and `wait` variables above. self.debug('Key: %r, Refresh: %r, Wait: %r, Async: %r', cache_key, refresh, wait, cache_key in self._async_keys) context['is_async'] = cache_key in self._async_keys if context['is_async']: if not cached: self.debug('[async] waiting for completions: %r', cache_key) return [] else: self._async_keys.remove(cache_key) context['is_async'] = False if time.time() - cached.time < 5: self.debug('[async] finished: %r', cache_key) return self.finalize_cached(cache_key, filters, cached) else: self.debug('[async] outdated: %r', cache_key) if cache_key and (not cached or refresh): n = time.time() wait_complete = False worker.work_queue.put((cache_key, extra_modules, '\n'.join(src), line, col, str(, options)) while wait and time.time() - n < 0.25: cached = cache.retrieve(cache_key) if cached and cached.time >= n: self.debug('Got updated cache, stopped waiting.') wait_complete = True break time.sleep(0.01) if wait and not wait_complete: self._async_keys.add(cache_key) context['is_async'] = True self.debug('[async] deferred: %r', cache_key) return [] if refresh_boilerplate: # This should only occur the first time completions happen. # Refresh the boilerplate to ensure it's always up to date (just in # case). self.debug('Refreshing boilerplate') worker.work_queue.put((('boilerplate~',), [], '', 1, 0, '', None)) return self.finalize_cached(cache_key, filters, cached)