" Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Hong Xu " This file is part of SingleCompile. " SingleCompile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or " (at your option) any later version. " SingleCompile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " GNU General Public License for more details. " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " along with SingleCompile. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. " File: autoload/SingleCompileAsync.vim " Version: 2.12.0 " check doc/SingleCompile.txt for more information let s:saved_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:cur_mode = '' let s:mode_dict = {} " python mode functions {{{1 function! s:InitializePython() " {{{2 " the Initialize function of python if !has('python') return 'Python interface is not available in this Vim.' endif let l:ret = '' python << EEOOFF try: import vim import shlex import subprocess import sys except: vim.command("let l:ret = 'Library import error.'") EEOOFF if !empty(l:ret) return l:ret endif python << EEOOFF if sys.version_info[0] < 2 or sys.version_info[1] < 6: vim.command("let l:ret = 'At least python 2.6 is required.'") EEOOFF if !empty(l:ret) return l:ret endif python << EEOOFF class SingleCompileAsync: sub_proc = None output = None # This value will be set below if we are on win32. For other systems, # leave this as None startupinfo = None # if we are on win32, we need to set STARTUPINFO before calling # subprocess.Popen() to make the console of the subprocess show minimized and # not actived. if sys.platform == 'win32': # set subprocess constants subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW = 1 subprocess.SW_HIDE = 0 SingleCompileAsync.startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() SingleCompileAsync.startupinfo.dwFlags = subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW SingleCompileAsync.startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE EEOOFF endfunction function! s:IsRunningPython() " {{{2 " The IsRunning function of python python << EEOOFF if SingleCompileAsync.sub_proc != None and \ SingleCompileAsync.sub_proc.poll() == None: vim.command('let l:ret_val = 1') else: vim.command('let l:ret_val = 0') EEOOFF return l:ret_val endfunction function! s:RunPython(run_command) " {{{2 " The Run function of python let l:ret_val = 0 python << EEOOFF try: SingleCompileAsync.sub_proc = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(vim.eval('a:run_command')), shell = False, universal_newlines = True, startupinfo = SingleCompileAsync.startupinfo, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) except: vim.command('let l:ret_val = 2') EEOOFF return l:ret_val endfunction function! s:TerminatePython() " {{{2 " The Terminate function of python let l:ret_val = 0 python << EEOOFF try: SingleCompileAsync.sub_proc.kill() except: vim.command('let l:ret_val = 2') EEOOFF return l:ret_val endfunction function! s:GetOutputPython() " {{{2 " The GetOutput function of python python << EEOOFF try: SingleCompileAsync.tmpout = SingleCompileAsync.sub_proc.communicate()[0] except: pass else: SingleCompileAsync.output = SingleCompileAsync.tmpout del SingleCompileAsync.tmpout try: vim.command("let l:ret_val = '" + SingleCompileAsync.output.replace("'", "''") + "'") except: vim.command('let l:ret_val = 2') EEOOFF if type(l:ret_val) == type('') let l:ret_list = split(l:ret_val, "\n") unlet! l:ret_val let l:ret_val = l:ret_list endif return l:ret_val endfunction function! SingleCompileAsync#GetMode() " {{{1 return s:cur_mode endfunction function! SingleCompileAsync#Initialize(mode) " {{{1 " return 1 if failed to initialize the mode; " return 2 if mode has been set; " return 3 if the specific mode doesn't exist; " return 0 if succeed. " only set to the new mode if no mode is set before. if !empty(s:cur_mode) return 2 endif " set function refs to dict if a:mode ==? 'auto' " autodetect for an appropriate mode for l:one_mode in ['python'] let l:init_result = SingleCompileAsync#Initialize(l:one_mode) if type(l:init_result) == type(0) && l:init_result == 0 return 0 endif endfor return 0 elseif a:mode ==? 'python' let s:mode_dict['Initialize'] = function('s:InitializePython') let s:mode_dict['IsRunning'] = function('s:IsRunningPython') let s:mode_dict['Run'] = function('s:RunPython') let s:mode_dict['Terminate'] = function('s:TerminatePython') let s:mode_dict['GetOutput'] = function('s:GetOutputPython') else return 3 endif " call the initialization function let l:init_result = s:mode_dict['Initialize']() if type(l:init_result) == type('') || \ (type(l:init_result) == type(0) && l:init_result != 0) return l:init_result endif let s:cur_mode = a:mode return 0 endfunction function! SingleCompileAsync#IsRunning() " {{{1 " check is there a process running in background. " Return 1 means there is a process running in background, " return 0 means there is no process running in background, " return -1 if mode hasn't been set, " return other values if failed to check whether the process is running. if empty(s:cur_mode) return 0 endif return s:mode_dict['IsRunning']() endfunction function! SingleCompileAsync#Run(run_command) " {{{1 " run a new command. " Return -1 if mode hasn't been set; " return 1 if a process is running in background; " return 0 means the command is run successfully; " return other values means the command is not run successfully. if empty(s:cur_mode) return -1 endif if SingleCompileAsync#IsRunning() == 1 return 1 endif return s:mode_dict['Run'](a:run_command) endfunction function! SingleCompileAsync#Terminate() " {{{1 " terminate current background process " Return -1 if mode hasn't been set; " return 1 if no process is running in background; " return 0 means terminating the process successfully; " return other values means failed to terminate. if empty(s:cur_mode) return -1 endif if SingleCompileAsync#IsRunning() == 0 return 1 endif return s:mode_dict['Terminate']() endfunction function! SingleCompileAsync#GetOutput() " {{{1 " get the output of the process. " Return -1 if mode hasn't been set; " return 1 if a process is running in background; " return other integer values if failed to get the output; " return a list if the output is successfully gained. if empty(s:cur_mode) return -1 endif if SingleCompileAsync#IsRunning() == 1 return 1 endif return s:mode_dict['GetOutput']() endfunction " }}} let &cpo = s:saved_cpo unlet! s:saved_cpo " vim703: cc=78 " vim: fdm=marker et ts=4 tw=78 sw=4 fdc=3