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2018-04-05 13:06:54 +02:00
script_name: GoldenView.Vim
script_id: '4529'
script_type: utility
script_package: '{script_name}-{version}.zip'
required_vim_version: '7.3'
summary: Always have a nice view for vim split windows
detailed_description: |
Please goto homepage for a better view of the introduction.
Homepage: http://zhaocai.github.io/GoldenView.Vim/
Screencast: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1897501/Screencasts/GoldenView.gif
If you like it, please star or fork in https://github.com/zhaocai/GoldenView.Vim so that more people may find it.
>>> Introduction:
The initial motive for GoldenView comes from the frustration of using other vim plugins to autoresize split windows. The idea is deadly simple and very useful: resize the focused window to a proper size. However, in practice, many hiccups makes autoresizing not a smooth experience. Below are a list of issues I am trying to solve:
First and the most important one, autoresizing should play nicely with existing plugins like tagbar, vimfiler, unite, VOoM, quickfix, undotree, gundo, etc. These windows should manage there own window size.
Second, autoresizing should take care of the other windows too. Resizing the focused window may cause the other windows become too small. When you have 4+ split windows, autoresizing may just make a mess out of it.
>>> Features:
GoldenView has preliminarily solved the issues described above. It also provides other features. Bascally, it does two things:
1. Autoresizing
First of all, it automatically resize the focused split window to a "golden" view based on golden ratio and textwidth.
2. Tiled Windows Management
Second, it maps a single key (<C-L> by default) to nicely split windows to tiled windows.
| | | | |
| F | | S1 | T |
| I | +------------| A |
| L | MAIN PANE | S2 | G |
| E | +------------+ B |
| R | | S3 | A |
| | | | |
To get this view, just hit <C-L> 4 times. or, if you have a large monitor, you may get tiled windows below.
| | | | | |
| F | | | S1 | T |
| I | | +------------| A |
| L | MAIN PANE | M2 | S2 | G |
| E | | +------------+ B |
| R | | | S3 | A |
| | | | | |
To quickly switch between those windows, a few keys are mapped to
- Focuse to the main window
- Switch with the largest, smallest, etc.
- Jump to next and previous window
- Vim 7.3 or later
install_details: |
- '1.3.6': |
- Maintenance update
- '1.3.5': |
- Fix for issue #5 (github).
- Fix for Dirdiff, FencView
- Improve tracing
- '1.3.0': |
- Diff mode auto-resizing
- refactor autocmd function: tweak restore behavior
- '1.2.2': |
Improve documents and small bug fixes,
Load guard for #4 (github)
- '1.2.0': |
add restore rule for some special buffers, which solves all the hiccups I could identify so far.
- '1.1.2': |
Improve documents, fix load sequence
- '1.1.1': |
Improve documents, fix zl library load
- '1.1.0': |
- 3 Major Enhancements
* add WinLeave event into account. This version works perfectly.
* fix various hiccups caused by winleave
* use ignore rules from zl.vim
- 4 Minor Enhancements
* add mapping to switch to main pane. [minor] speed up buffer switch with noautocmd
* include zl.vim into source code
* tune for autocmd sequence
* treat winfixwidth and winfixheight separately
- 2 Bug Fixes
* winleave cause ignored windows resized
* cannot let &winminwidth > &winwidth
- 2 Nominal Changes
* change profile variable scope to s\:
* tweak golden ratio for win size
# __END__
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