Sebastian Spaeth 5cacda68ac Add the OpenSSL exception
The GNU GPL and the OpenSSL license are incompatible. Some distributions
take a hardline stance and do not consider OpenSSL to be a systems library
(which would permit the usage/distribution of OpenSSL) when distributing
apps such as OfflineImap from the same repository. In order to solve these
distributions dilemma, we add the OpenSSL exception to our GNU GPL v2+ license.
This allows for unambiguous use/distribution of our GNU GPL'ed application
with a python linking to openssl.

Consent of all contributors has been requested via email by With very few exceptions of minor contributions (which
might or might not by copyright-worthy) all past contributors have consented
to adding the OpenSSL exception. None of the replying authors has disagreed
with adding the exception.

The corresponding issues at question:
 Debian bug #747033

We are still missing consent from:
1	Asheesh Laroia
2	Bart Kerkvliet
4	Daniel Burrows
5	David Favro
1	David Logie
1	Eric Dorland
1	Ethan Schoonover
49	Eygene Ryabinkin
1	Loui Chang
1	Luca Capello
1	Michael Witten
2	Mike Dawson
1	Peter Colberg
1	Scott Henson
1	Tom Lawton
1	W. Trevor King
2	X-Ryl669
1	buergi
2	dtk
5	mj

Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <>
2014-10-02 11:34:44 +02:00
2014-10-02 11:34:44 +02:00
2013-09-19 17:19:37 +04:00
2014-05-23 10:24:55 +04:00
2006-08-12 05:15:55 +01:00