Added WrappedIMAP4_SSL class to help fix up performance of SSL Standard imaplib.py is really bad with this, since it reads one character at a time. Reported by Aaron Kaplan at http://lists.complete.org/offlineimap@complete.org/2008/01/msg00012.html.gz He wrote: I just noticed that the version of offlineimap I've been using (3.99.17) is well over four years old. How time flies. I haven't had any problems with it, but out of curiosity I decided to pull in 5.99.2 from the fedora repository. It turns out to take consistently over twice as long as the old version to sync the same account. Is this expected? He tracked it down at http://lists.complete.org/offlineimap@complete.org/2008/02/msg00012.html.gz The following changeset is the one responsible for the difference in speed I was noticing between the imaplib.py that was packaged with older versions of offlineimap and the one that comes with python: * /offlineimap/head: changeset 169 More optimizations -- this time fix readline() to not work character-by-character!