This patch removes these lintian warnings: Warning R0205: Class 'X' inherits from object, can be safely removed from bases in python3 (useless-object-inheritance)
329 lines
8.5 KiB
329 lines
8.5 KiB
Put into Public Domain, by Nicolas Sebrecht.
Helpers for maintenance scripts.
from os import chdir, makedirs, system, getcwd
from os.path import expanduser
import shlex
from subprocess import check_output, check_call, CalledProcessError
import yaml
MAILING_LIST = 'offlineimap-project@lists.alioth.debian.org'
CACHEDIR = '.git/offlineimap-release'
EDITOR = 'vim'
MAILALIASES_FILE = expanduser('~/.mutt/mail_aliases')
TESTERS_FILE = "{}/testers.yml".format(CACHEDIR)
ME = "Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev@laposte.net>"
def run(cmd):
return check_output(cmd, timeout=5).rstrip()
def goTo(path):
return True
except FileNotFoundError:
print(("Could not find the '{}' directory in '{}'...".format(
path, getcwd())
return False
class Author():
def __init__(self, name, count, email):
self.name = name
self.count = count
self.email = email
def getName(self):
return self.name
def getCount(self):
return self.count
def getEmail(self):
return self.email
class Git():
def getShortlog(ref):
shortlog = ""
cmd = shlex.split("git shortlog --no-merges -n v{}..".format(ref))
output = run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
for line in output.split("\n"):
if len(line) > 0:
if line[0] != " ":
line = " {}\n".format(line)
line = " {}\n".format(line.lstrip())
line = "\n"
shortlog += line
return shortlog
def add(files):
cmd = shlex.split("git add -- {}".format(files))
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def commit(msg):
cmd = shlex.split("git commit -s -m '{}'".format(msg))
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def tag(version):
cmd = shlex.split("git tag -a 'v{}' -m 'v{}'".format(version, version))
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def stash(msg):
cmd = shlex.split("git stash create '{}'".format(msg))
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def mergeFF(ref):
cmd = shlex.split("git merge --ff '{}'".format(ref))
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def getDiffstat(ref):
cmd = shlex.split("git diff --stat v{}..".format(ref))
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def isClean():
check_call(shlex.split("git diff --quiet"))
check_call(shlex.split("git diff --cached --quiet"))
except CalledProcessError:
return False
return True
def buildMessageId():
cmd = shlex.split(
"git log HEAD~1.. --oneline --pretty='%H.%t.upcoming.%ce'")
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def resetKeep(ref):
return run(shlex.split("git reset --keep {}".format(ref)))
def getRef(ref):
return run(shlex.split("git rev-parse {}".format(ref))).rstrip()
def rmTag(tag):
return run(shlex.split("git tag -d {}".format(tag)))
def checkout(ref, create=False):
if create:
create = "-b"
create = ""
cmd = shlex.split("git checkout {} {}".format(create, ref))
head = shlex.split("git rev-parse HEAD")
revparseRef = shlex.split("git rev-parse {}".format(ref))
if run(head) != run(revparseRef):
raise Exception("checkout to '{}' did not work".format(ref))
def makeCacheDir():
except FileExistsError:
def getLocalUser():
cmd = shlex.split("git config --get user.name")
name = run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
cmd = shlex.split("git config --get user.email")
email = run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
return name, email
def buildDate():
cmd = shlex.split("git log HEAD~1.. --oneline --pretty='%cD'")
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def getAuthorsList(sinceRef):
authors = []
cmd = shlex.split("git shortlog --no-merges -sne v{}..".format(sinceRef))
output = run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
for line in output.split("\n"):
count, full = line.strip().split("\t")
full = full.split(' ')
name = ' '.join(full[:-1])
email = full[-1]
authors.append(Author(name, count, email))
return authors
def getCommitsList(sinceRef):
cmd = shlex.split(
"git log --no-merges --format='- %h %s. [%aN]' v{}..".format(sinceRef)
return run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
def chdirToRepositoryTopLevel():
cmd = shlex.split("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
topLevel = run(cmd)
class OfflineimapInfo():
def getVersion(self):
cmd = shlex.split("./offlineimap.py --version")
return run(cmd).rstrip().decode(FS_ENCODING)
def editInit(self):
return system("{} ./offlineimap/__init__.py".format(EDITOR))
class User():
"""Interact with the user."""
def request(msg, prompt='--> '):
return eval(input(prompt))
def pause(msg=False):
return User.request(msg, prompt="Press Enter to continue..")
def yesNo(msg, defaultToYes=False, prompt='--> '):
endMsg = " [y/N]: No"
if defaultToYes:
endMsg = " [Y/n]: Yes"
msg += endMsg
answer = User.request(msg, prompt).lower()
if answer in ['y', 'yes']:
return True
if defaultToYes is not False and answer not in ['n', 'no']:
return True
return False
class Tester():
def __init__(self, name, email, feedback):
self.name = name
self.email = email
self.feedback = feedback
def __str__(self):
return "{} {}".format(self.name, self.email)
def getName(self):
return self.name
def getEmail(self):
return self.email
def getFeedback(self):
return self.feedback
def positiveFeedback(self):
return self.feedback is True
def setFeedback(self, feedback):
assert feedback in [True, False, None]
self.feedback = feedback
def switchFeedback(self):
self.feedback = not self.feedback
class Testers():
def __init__(self):
self.testers = None
def _read(self):
self.testers = []
with open(TESTERS_FILE, 'r') as fd:
testers = yaml.load(fd)
for tester in testers:
name = tester['name']
email = tester['email']
feedback = tester['feedback']
self.testers.append(Tester(name, email, feedback))
self.testers.sort(key=lambda x: x.getName().lower())
def listTestersInTeam():
"""Returns a list of emails extracted from my mailaliases file."""
cmd = shlex.split("grep offlineimap-testers {}".format(MAILALIASES_FILE))
output = run(cmd).decode(ENCODING)
emails = output.lstrip("alias offlineimap-testers ").split(', ')
return emails
def add(self, name, email, feedback=None):
self.testers.append(Tester(name, email, feedback))
def remove(self, tester):
def get(self):
return self.testers
def getList(self):
testersList = ""
for tester in self.testers:
testersList += "- {}\n".format(tester.getName())
return testersList
def getListOk(self):
testersOk = []
for tester in self.testers:
if tester.positiveFeedback():
return testersOk
def reset(self):
for tester in self.testers:
def write(self):
testers = []
for tester in self.testers:
'name': tester.getName(),
'email': tester.getEmail(),
'feedback': tester.getFeedback(),
with open(TESTERS_FILE, 'w') as fd: