Overlooked a variable renaming when merging in a branch. Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian@SSpaeth.de>
365 lines
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365 lines
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# Maildir folder support
# Copyright (C) 2002 - 2011 John Goerzen & contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import socket
import time
import re
import os
from Base import BaseFolder
from threading import Lock
from hashlib import md5
except ImportError:
from md5 import md5
try: # python 2.6 has set() built in
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
from offlineimap import OfflineImapError
# Find the UID in a message filename
re_uidmatch = re.compile(',U=(\d+)')
# Find a numeric timestamp in a string (filename prefix)
re_timestampmatch = re.compile('(\d+)');
timeseq = 0
lasttime = long(0)
timelock = Lock()
def gettimeseq():
global lasttime, timeseq, timelock
thistime = long(time.time())
if thistime == lasttime:
timeseq += 1
return (thistime, timeseq)
lasttime = thistime
timeseq = 0
return (thistime, timeseq)
class MaildirFolder(BaseFolder):
def __init__(self, root, name, sep, repository):
self.sep = sep # needs to be set before super().__init__
super(MaildirFolder, self).__init__(name, repository)
self.dofsync = self.config.getdefaultboolean("general", "fsync", True)
self.root = root
self.messagelist = None
# check if we should use a different infosep to support Win file systems
self.wincompatible = self.config.getdefaultboolean(
"Account "+self.accountname, "maildir-windows-compatible", False)
self.infosep = '!' if self.wincompatible else ':'
"""infosep is the separator between maildir name and flag appendix"""
self.re_flagmatch = re.compile('%s2,(\w*)' % self.infosep)
#self.ui is set in BaseFolder.init()
# Everything up to the first comma or colon (or ! if Windows):
self.re_prefixmatch = re.compile('([^'+ self.infosep + ',]*)')
#folder's md, so we can match with recorded file md5 for validity
self._foldermd5 = md5(self.getvisiblename()).hexdigest()
# Cache the full folder path, as we use getfullname() very often
self._fullname = os.path.join(self.getroot(), self.getname())
def getfullname(self):
"""Return the absolute file path to the Maildir folder (sans cur|new)"""
return self._fullname
def getuidvalidity(self):
"""Maildirs have no notion of uidvalidity, so we just return a magic
return 42
#Checks to see if the given message is within the maximum age according
#to the maildir name which should begin with a timestamp
def _iswithinmaxage(self, messagename, maxage):
#In order to have the same behaviour as SINCE in an IMAP search
#we must convert this to the oldest time and then strip off hrs/mins
#from that day
oldest_time_utc = time.time() - (60*60*24*maxage)
oldest_time_struct = time.gmtime(oldest_time_utc)
oldest_time_today_seconds = ((oldest_time_struct[3] * 3600) \
+ (oldest_time_struct[4] * 60) \
+ oldest_time_struct[5])
oldest_time_utc -= oldest_time_today_seconds
timestampmatch = re_timestampmatch.search(messagename)
timestampstr = timestampmatch.group()
timestamplong = long(timestampstr)
if(timestamplong < oldest_time_utc):
return False
return True
def _parse_filename(self, filename):
"""Returns a messages file name components
Receives the file name (without path) of a msg. Usual format is
'<%d_%d.%d.%s>,U=<%d>,FMD5=<%s>:2,<FLAGS>' (pointy brackets
denoting the various components).
If FMD5 does not correspond with the current folder MD5, we will
return None for the UID & FMD5 (as it is not valid in this
folder). If UID or FMD5 can not be detected, we return `None`
for the respective element. If flags are empty or cannot be
detected, we return an empty flags list.
:returns: (prefix, UID, FMD5, flags). UID is a numeric "long"
type. flags is a set() of Maildir flags"""
prefix, uid, fmd5, flags = None, None, None, set()
prefixmatch = self.re_prefixmatch.match(filename)
if prefixmatch:
prefix = prefixmatch.group(1)
folderstr = ',FMD5=%s' % self._foldermd5
foldermatch = folderstr in filename
# If there was no folder MD5 specified, or if it mismatches,
# assume it is a foreign (new) message and ret: uid, fmd5 = None, None
if foldermatch:
uidmatch = re_uidmatch.search(filename)
if uidmatch:
uid = long(uidmatch.group(1))
flagmatch = self.re_flagmatch.search(filename)
if flagmatch:
flags = set(flagmatch.group(1))
return prefix, uid, fmd5, flags
def _scanfolder(self):
"""Cache the message list from a Maildir.
Maildir flags are: R (replied) S (seen) T (trashed) D (draft) F
:returns: dict that can be used as self.messagelist"""
maxage = self.config.getdefaultint("Account " + self.accountname,
"maxage", None)
maxsize = self.config.getdefaultint("Account " + self.accountname,
"maxsize", None)
retval = {}
files = []
nouidcounter = -1 # Messages without UIDs get negative UIDs.
for dirannex in ['new', 'cur']:
fulldirname = os.path.join(self.getfullname(), dirannex)
files.extend((dirannex, filename) for
filename in os.listdir(fulldirname))
for dirannex, filename in files:
# We store just dirannex and filename, ie 'cur/123...'
filepath = os.path.join(dirannex, filename)
# check maxage/maxsize if this message should be considered
if maxage and not self._iswithinmaxage(filename, maxage):
if maxsize and (os.path.getsize(os.path.join(
self.getfullname(), filepath)) > maxsize):
(prefix, uid, fmd5, flags) = self._parse_filename(filename)
if uid is None: # assign negative uid to upload it.
uid = nouidcounter
nouidcounter -= 1
else: # It comes from our folder.
uidmatch = re_uidmatch.search(filename)
uid = None
if not uidmatch:
uid = nouidcounter
nouidcounter -= 1
uid = long(uidmatch.group(1))
# 'filename' is 'dirannex/filename', e.g. cur/123,U=1,FMD5=1:2,S
retval[uid] = {'flags': flags, 'filename': filepath}
return retval
def quickchanged(self, statusfolder):
"""Returns True if the Maildir has changed"""
# Folder has different uids than statusfolder => TRUE
if sorted(self.getmessageuidlist()) != \
return True
# Also check for flag changes, it's quick on a Maildir
for (uid, message) in self.getmessagelist().iteritems():
if message['flags'] != statusfolder.getmessageflags(uid):
return True
return False #Nope, nothing changed
def cachemessagelist(self):
if self.messagelist is None:
self.messagelist = self._scanfolder()
def getmessagelist(self):
return self.messagelist
def getmessage(self, uid):
"""Return the content of the message"""
filename = self.messagelist[uid]['filename']
filepath = os.path.join(self.getfullname(), filename)
file = open(filepath, 'rt')
retval = file.read()
#TODO: WHY are we replacing \r\n with \n here? And why do we
# read it as text?
return retval.replace("\r\n", "\n")
def getmessagetime(self, uid):
filename = self.messagelist[uid]['filename']
filepath = os.path.join(self.getfullname(), filename)
return os.path.getmtime(filepath)
def new_message_filename(self, uid, flags=set()):
"""Creates a new unique Maildir filename
:param uid: The UID`None`, or a set of maildir flags
:param flags: A set of maildir flags
:returns: String containing unique message filename"""
timeval, timeseq = gettimeseq()
return '%d_%d.%d.%s,U=%d,FMD5=%s%s2,%s' % \
(timeval, timeseq, os.getpid(), socket.gethostname(),
uid, self._foldermd5, self.infosep, ''.join(sorted(flags)))
def savemessage(self, uid, content, flags, rtime):
# This function only ever saves to tmp/,
# but it calls savemessageflags() to actually save to cur/ or new/.
self.ui.debug('maildir', 'savemessage: called to write with flags %s '
'and content %s' % (repr(flags), repr(content)))
if uid < 0:
# We cannot assign a new uid.
return uid
if uid in self.messagelist:
# We already have it, just update flags.
self.savemessageflags(uid, flags)
return uid
# Otherwise, save the message in tmp/ and then call savemessageflags()
# to give it a permanent home.
tmpdir = os.path.join(self.getfullname(), 'tmp')
messagename = self.new_message_filename(uid, flags)
# open file and write it out
fd = os.open(os.path.join(tmpdir, messagename),
os.O_EXCL|os.O_CREAT|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == 17:
severity = OfflineImapError.ERROR.MESSAGE
raise OfflineImapError("Unique filename %s already existing." %\
messagename, severity)
file = os.fdopen(fd, 'wt')
# Make sure the data hits the disk
if self.dofsync:
if rtime != None:
os.utime(os.path.join(tmpdir, messagename), (rtime, rtime))
self.messagelist[uid] = {'flags': flags,
'filename': os.path.join('tmp', messagename)}
# savemessageflags moves msg to 'cur' or 'new' as appropriate
self.savemessageflags(uid, flags)
self.ui.debug('maildir', 'savemessage: returning uid %d' % uid)
return uid
def getmessageflags(self, uid):
return self.messagelist[uid]['flags']
def savemessageflags(self, uid, flags):
"""Sets the specified message's flags to the given set.
This function moves the message to the cur or new subdir,
depending on the 'S'een flag."""
oldfilename = self.messagelist[uid]['filename']
dir_prefix, filename = os.path.split(oldfilename)
# If a message has been seen, it goes into 'cur'
dir_prefix = 'cur' if 'S' in flags else 'new'
if flags != self.messagelist[uid]['flags']:
# Flags have actually changed, construct new filename
# Strip off existing infostring (preserving small letter flags that
# dovecot uses)
infomatch = self.re_flagmatch.search(filename)
if infomatch:
filename = filename[:-len(infomatch.group())] #strip off
infostr = '%s2,%s' % (self.infosep, ''.join(sorted(flags)))
filename += infostr
newfilename = os.path.join(dir_prefix, filename)
if (newfilename != oldfilename):
os.rename(os.path.join(self.getfullname(), oldfilename),
os.path.join(self.getfullname(), newfilename))
except OSError, e:
raise OfflineImapError("Can't rename file '%s' to '%s': %s" % (
oldfilename, newfilename, e[1]),
self.messagelist[uid]['flags'] = flags
self.messagelist[uid]['filename'] = newfilename
def change_message_uid(self, uid, new_uid):
"""Change the message from existing uid to new_uid
This will not update the statusfolder UID, you need to do that yourself.
:param new_uid: (optional) If given, the old UID will be changed
to a new UID. The Maildir backend can implement this as an efficient
if not uid in self.messagelist:
raise OfflineImapError("Cannot change unknown Maildir UID %s" % uid)
if uid == new_uid: return
oldfilename = self.messagelist[uid]['filename']
dir_prefix, filename = os.path.split(oldfilename)
flags = self.getmessageflags(uid)
filename = self.new_message_filename(new_uid, flags)
os.rename(os.path.join(self.getfullname(), oldfilename),
os.path.join(self.getfullname(), dir_prefix, filename))
self.messagelist[new_uid] = self.messagelist[uid]
del self.messagelist[uid]
def deletemessage(self, uid):
"""Unlinks a message file from the Maildir.
:param uid: UID of a mail message
:type uid: String
:return: Nothing, or an Exception if UID but no corresponding file
if not self.uidexists(uid):
filename = self.messagelist[uid]['filename']
filepath = os.path.join(self.getfullname(), filename)
except OSError:
# Can't find the file -- maybe already deleted?
newmsglist = self._scanfolder()
if uid in newmsglist: # Nope, try new filename.
filename = newmsglist[uid]['filename']
filepath = os.path.join(self.getfullname(), filename)
# Yep -- return.