This is the first test that actually creates a (local) email and syncs. We check the result of the sync operation, to see if the server has actually been assigning a proper UID to the email and bail out if not. This test therefore excercises our ability to properly detect the new UID of an APPENDED email. Obviously we still need some IMAP<->IMAP tests too, but since this is the same codepath being used for APPENDs in that case, it could also help to detect instabilities there. In order to get this test in, the OLITestLib got a few new helper functions: - delete_maildir - create_mail - get_maildir_uids The test passes here. I invoke it via: python -m unittest test.tests.test_01_basic.TestBasicFunctions.test_04_createmail or run python setup.py test, to run the whole suite. Signed-off-by: Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian@SSpaeth.de>
Documentation for the OfflineImap Test suite. How to run the tests ==================== - Copy the credentials.conf.sample to credentials.conf and insert credentials for an IMAP account and a Gmail account. Delete the Gmail section if you don't have a Gmail account. Do note, that the tests will change the account and upload/delete/modify it's contents and folder structure. So don't use a real used account here... - go to the top level dir (one above this one) and execute: 'python setup.py test' System requirements =================== This test suite depend on python>=2.7 to run out of the box. If you want to run this with python 2.6 you will need to install the backport from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2 instead.