No need to overcomplicate things; systemd grabs all stdout output and logs that. Signed-off-by: Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <hugo@barrera.io> Signed-off-by: Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev@laposte.net>
layout | title | author | date | contributors | updated |
page | Integrating OfflineIMAP into systemd | Ben Boeckel | 2015-03-22 | Abdo Roig-Maranges, benutzer193 | 2017-06-01 |
Systemd units
These unit files are meant to be used in the user session. You may drop them
into /etc/systemd/user
or ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/systemd/user
followed by
systemctl --user daemon-reload
to have systemd aware of the unit files.
These files are meant to be triggered either manually using systemctl --user start offlineimap.service
or by enabling the timer unit using systemctl --user enable offlineimap.timer
. Additionally, specific accounts may be triggered by
using offlineimap@myaccount.timer
or offlineimap@myaccount.service
These unit files are installed as being enabled via a mail.target
unit which
is intended to be a catch-all for mail-related unit files. A simple
file is also provided.
If the defaults provided by these units doesn't suit your setup, any of the
values may be overridden by using systemctl --user edit offlineimap.service
This'll prevent having to copy-and-edit the original file.