Providing mail.target is really confusing and poor UX: * When a user enables a unit, it's not truly enabled until they ALSO enable mail.target. This is very counter-intuitive. * `mail.target` provides no extra value in itself, nor is it anything "standard". * Any user wanting this specific target can still continue using it just dropping in a `mail.target` file. Signed-off-by: Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <hugo@barrera.io> Signed-off-by: Nicolas Sebrecht <nicolas.s-dev@laposte.net>
13 lines
302 B
Desktop File
13 lines
302 B
Desktop File
Description=Offlineimap Service for account %i (oneshot)
ExecStart=/usr/bin/offlineimap -o -a %i -u basic
# Give 120 seconds for offlineimap to gracefully stop before hard killing it.