This patch solves a problem about the comparison of mails used in
When foldersort is used, for example with:
lambda x,y: -cmp(x,y)
The user gets an error:
ERROR: While attempting to sync account 'accountname'
'<' not supported between instances of 'K' and 'K'
File "offlineimap3/offlineimap/", line 298, in syncrunner
File "offlineimap3/offlineimap/", line 374, in __sync
File "offlineimap3/offlineimap/repository/", line 725, in getfolders
The problem is because in Python 3, we must specify all parameters for
total_ordering (see in
the functools.total_ordering block):
Given a class defining one or more rich comparison ordering methods,
this class decorator supplies the rest. This simplifies the effort
involved in specifying all of the possible rich comparison operations:
The class must define one of __lt__(), __le__(), __gt__(), or __ge__().
In addition, the class should supply an __eq__() method.
Also, see:
Instances of a class cannot be ordered with respect to other instances
of the same class, or other types of object, unless the class defines
enough of the methods __lt__(), __le__(), __gt__(), and __ge__()
(in general, __lt__() and __eq__() are sufficient, if you want the
conventional meanings of the comparison operators).
This patch implements all methods.